reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  418   size_t Printf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));


   79       s.Printf("header.magic              = 0x%8.8x\n", magic);
   80       s.Printf("header.version            = 0x%4.4x\n", version);
   81       s.Printf("header.hash_function      = 0x%4.4x\n", hash_function);
   82       s.Printf("header.bucket_count       = 0x%8.8x %u\n", bucket_count,
   84       s.Printf("header.hashes_count       = 0x%8.8x %u\n", hashes_count,
   86       s.Printf("header.header_data_len    = 0x%8.8x %u\n", header_data_len,
  209       strm.Printf("arch = ");
  223       strm.Printf("object_name = %s", m_object_name.GetCString());
  229       strm.Printf("object_offset = %" PRIu64, m_object_offset);
  235       strm.Printf("object size = %" PRIu64, m_object_size);
  409       strm.Printf("[%u] ", idx);
  181     strm.Printf("Block: {id: %" PRIu64 "} ", id);
  183       strm.Printf(" (inlined, '%s') ", GetInlinedName());
  248     strm.Printf("\nOutput Message:\n%s", GetOutput());
  251     strm.Printf("\nError Message:\n%s", GetError());
 1376     strm.Printf("Debugger (instance: \"%s\", id: %" PRIu64 ")", name, id);
  168     strm.Printf("%s:%u", file_path, GetLine());
  170       strm.Printf(":%u", GetColumn());
  115     strm.Printf("%d files: ", num_files);
  119         strm.Printf("\n    %s", path);
  181     strm.Printf("%s:%u", file_path, GetLine());
  183       strm.Printf(":%u", GetColumn());
  126   strm.Printf("[0x%16.16" PRIx64 "-0x%16.16" PRIx64 " ", load_addr,
  128   strm.Printf(m_opaque_up->GetReadable() ? "R" : "-");
  129   strm.Printf(m_opaque_up->GetWritable() ? "W" : "-");
  130   strm.Printf(m_opaque_up->GetExecutable() ? "X" : "-");
  131   strm.Printf("]");
  360     stream.Printf("Process %" PRIu64 " %s\n",
 1003     strm.Printf("SBProcess: pid = %" PRIu64 ", state = %s, threads = %d%s%s",
  282     strm.Printf("[0x%16.16" PRIx64 "-0x%16.16" PRIx64 ") ", file_addr,
  722       strm.Printf("+%u + %u bits: (", byte_offset, byte_bit_offset);
  724       strm.Printf("+%u: (", byte_offset);
  730     strm.Printf(") %s", name);
  733       strm.Printf(" : %u", bitfield_bit_size);
  192       strm.Printf(" %s", m_opaque_sp->GetName().GetCString());
  869       s->Printf("Kind: %s\n", GetBreakpointKind());
  879     s->Printf("%i: ", GetID());
  888       s->Printf(", locations = %" PRIu64, (uint64_t)num_locations);
  890         s->Printf(", resolved = %" PRIu64 ", hit count = %d",
  897         s->Printf(", locations = 0 (pending)");
  909         s->Printf("Names:");
  914           s->Printf("%s\n", name.c_str());
  924     s->Printf("Breakpoint %i: ", GetID());
  926       s->Printf("no locations (pending).");
  932       s->Printf("%" PRIu64 " locations.", static_cast<uint64_t>(num_locations));
   50     s->Printf("%p BreakpointID:", static_cast<void *>(this));
   55     s->Printf("%i", m_break_id);
   57     s->Printf("%i.%i", m_break_id, m_location_id);
   65     s->Printf("%i", bp_id);
   67     s->Printf("%i.%i", bp_id, loc_id);
  151   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
  153   s->Printf("BreakpointList with %u Breakpoints:\n",
  563     s->Printf(", ");
  564   s->Printf("address = ");
  586         s->Printf(", ");
  591       s->Printf("indirect target = %s",
  599     s->Printf("resolved = %s\n", IsResolved() ? "true" : "false");
  602     s->Printf("hit count = %-4u\n", GetHitCount());
  611     s->Printf(", %sresolved, hit count = %u ", (IsResolved() ? "" : "un"),
  625   s->Printf("BreakpointLocation %u: tid = %4.4" PRIx64
  124   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
  127   s->Printf("BreakpointLocationList with %" PRIu64 " BreakpointLocations:\n",
  197     s->Printf(" ");
   45       s->Printf("list: %s", GetAllowList() ? "allowed" : "disallowed");
   48       s->Printf("disable: %s", GetAllowDisable() ? "allowed" : "disallowed");
   51       s->Printf("delete: %s", GetAllowDelete() ? "allowed" : "disallowed");
   59     s->Printf("Help: %s\n", m_help.c_str());
  548       s->Printf("ignore: %d ", m_ignore_count);
  549     s->Printf("%sabled ", m_enabled ? "en" : "dis");
  552       s->Printf("one-shot ");
  555       s->Printf("auto-continue ");
  575       s->Printf("Condition: %s\n", m_condition_text.c_str());
  585     s->Printf(", commands = %s",
  593     s->Printf(" (%s):\n",
  242   s.Printf("for %s:%d ", m_file_spec.GetFilename().AsCString("<Unknown>"),
  256   s->Printf("file = '%s', line = %u, ", m_file_spec.GetPath().c_str(),
  259     s->Printf("column = %u, ", m_column);
  260   s->Printf("exact_match = %d", m_exact_match);
  157   s->Printf("source regex = \"%s\", exact_match = %d",
  407     s->Printf("regex = '%s'", m_regex.GetText().str().c_str());
  411       s->Printf("name = '%s'", m_lookups[0].GetName().GetCString());
  413       s->Printf("names = {");
  415         s->Printf("%s'%s'", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
  418       s->Printf("}");
  422     s->Printf(", language = %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(m_language));
  150     s->Printf("python class = %s", m_class_name.c_str());
   78   s->Printf("BreakpointSite %u: addr = 0x%8.8" PRIx64
   87     s->Printf("breakpoint site: %d at 0x%8.8" PRIx64, GetID(),
  152   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
  154   s->Printf("BreakpointSiteList with %u BreakpointSites:\n",
  157     s->Printf("\nWatchpoint %u hit:", GetID());
  164       s->Printf("\n%sold value: %s", prefix, old_value_cstr);
  168         s->Printf("\n%sold value: %s", prefix, old_summary_cstr);
  175       s->Printf("\n%snew value: %s", prefix, new_value_cstr);
  179         s->Printf("\n%snew value: %s", prefix, new_summary_cstr);
  192   s->Printf("Watchpoint %u: addr = 0x%8.8" PRIx64
  200       s->Printf("\n    declare @ '%s'", m_decl_str.c_str());
  202       s->Printf("\n    watchpoint spec = '%s'", m_watch_spec_str.c_str());
  208       s->Printf("\n    condition = '%s'", GetConditionText());
  213     s->Printf("\n    hw_index = %i  hit_count = %-4u  ignore_count = %-4u",
   42   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
   44   s->Printf("WatchpointList with %" PRIu64 " Watchpoints:\n",
  216     s->Printf(" ");
  163     s->Printf(", commands = %s",
  743         output_stream.Printf("Breakpoint set in dummy target, will get copied "
  750           output_stream.Printf("WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any "
 1347       output_stream.Printf("%d breakpoints cleared:\n", num_cleared);
  675               result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Breakpoint %s:\n",
  969               out_stream->Printf("error: %s\n", error.AsCString());
 1206       stream.Printf("For more information run 'help %s'", name.c_str());
 1279     stream.Printf("For more information run 'help %s'", name.c_str());
 1608             error_sp->Printf("error: unable to obtain a function name, didn't "
 1620               error_sp->Printf("error: unable to add selected command, didn't "
 1626           error_sp->Printf(
 1631         error_sp->Printf("error: empty function, didn't add python command.\n");
 1635       error_sp->Printf(
  430       error_stream->Printf("  Fix-it applied, fixed expression was: \n    %s\n",
  569                 result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: no variables matched "
  575                 result.GetErrorStream().Printf(
  578                 result.GetErrorStream().Printf(
  618                 result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: %s\n", error_cstr);
  620                 result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: unable to find any "
  712       result.GetOutputStream().Printf(m_interpreter.TruncationWarningText(),
  976           result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 1050     output_stream.Printf("frame %d ", frame_index);
   31   s->Printf("'%s' is not a known command.\n", command_str.c_str());
   32   s->Printf("Try '%shelp' to see a current list of commands.\n",
   35     s->Printf("Try '%sapropos %s' for a list of related commands.\n",
   39     s->Printf("Try '%stype lookup %s' for information on types, methods, "
  135           s.Printf("ambiguous command %s", cmd_string.c_str());
  138             s.Printf("\n\t%s", matches.GetStringAtIndex(match_idx));
  140           s.Printf("\n");
  156           result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
  170         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n'%s' is an abbreviation for %s\n",
  175       output_strm.Printf("Help requested with ambiguous command name, possible "
  179         output_strm.Printf("\t%s\n", matches.GetStringAtIndex(i));
  790             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
  825         name_strm.Printf("0x%" PRIx64, item_addr);
 1371             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 1377             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
  216     ostrm.Printf("Available platforms:\n");
  219     ostrm.Printf("%s: %s\n", host_platform_sp->GetPluginName().GetCString(),
  232       ostrm.Printf("%s: %s\n", plugin_name, plugin_desc);
  359               ostrm.Printf("Disconnected from \"%s\"\n",
  362               ostrm.Printf("Disconnected from \"%s\"\n", hostname.c_str());
  810       result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: required arguments missing; "
  875       result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: required argument missing; "
 1351                 ostrm.Printf("Process information for process %" PRIu64 ":\n",
 1355                 ostrm.Printf("error: no process information is available for "
 1613       result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", this->GetSyntax().str().c_str());
 1640             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 1644             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 1648           result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 1652       result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 1331     str.Printf("NAME         PASS   STOP   NOTIFY\n");
 1332     str.Printf("===========  =====  =====  ======\n");
 1341     str.Printf("%-11s  ", sig_name);
 1344       str.Printf("%s  %s  %s", (pass ? "true " : "false"),
 1347     str.Printf("\n");
   66     message.Printf("Quitting LLDB will %s one or more processes. Do you really "
   89       s.Printf("Couldn't parse '%s' as integer for exit code.",;
  125       strm.Printf("%s:\n", (reg_set->name ? reg_set->name : "unknown"));
  143         strm.Printf("%u registers were unavailable.\n", unavailable_count);
  216               strm.Printf("%-12s = error: unavailable\n", reg_info->name);
  155   result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: %s\n",
  339         error_strm.Printf("Source information for file address 0x%" PRIx64
  362             error_strm.Printf(
  371           error_strm.Printf("Address 0x%" PRIx64
  377         error_strm.Printf("Unable to resolve address 0x%" PRIx64 ".\n", addr);
   75   strm.Printf("%starget #%u: %s", prefix_cstr ? prefix_cstr : "", target_idx,
   80     strm.Printf("%sarch=", properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ");
   86     strm.Printf("%splatform=%s", properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ",
   98       strm.Printf("%spid=%" PRIu64, properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ", pid);
   99     strm.Printf("%sstate=%s", properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ", state_cstr);
  675     result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%u targets deleted.\n",
  819           s.Printf("Global variables for %s in %s:\n",
  823           s.Printf("Global variables for %s\n",
  827         s.Printf("Global variables for %s\n", sc.comp_unit->GetPath().c_str());
  863             result.GetErrorStream().Printf(
  880           result.GetErrorStream().Printf(
 1008       result.GetOutputStream().Printf(m_interpreter.TruncationWarningText(),
 1282       result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", transformed.GetCString());
 1284       result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", orig.GetCString());
 1304       strm.Printf("%-*s", width, arch_str.c_str());
 1353       strm.Printf("%-*s", width, fullpath.c_str());
 1362     strm.Printf("%-*s", width, "");
 1369       strm.Printf("%-*s", width, file_spec_ptr->GetDirectory().AsCString(""));
 1376     strm.Printf("%-*s", width, "");
 1383       strm.Printf("%-*s", width, file_spec_ptr->GetFilename().AsCString(""));
 1390     strm.Printf("%-*s", width, "");
 1398     strm.Printf("Dumping headers for %" PRIu64 " module(s).\n",
 1436       strm.Printf("Sections for '%s' (%s):\n",
 1555     strm.Printf("%u symbols match %s'%s' in ", num_matches,
 1613       strm.Printf("%" PRIu64 " match%s found in ", (uint64_t)num_matches,
 1644     strm.Printf("%" PRIu64 " match%s found in ", (uint64_t)num_matches,
 1660         strm.Printf("     typedef '%s': ",
 1704       strm.Printf("     typedef '%s': ",
 1727       strm.Printf("%u match%s found in ", num_matches,
 1731         strm.Printf(":%u", line);
 2011         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Dumping symbol table for %" PRIu64
 2103         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Dumping sections for %" PRIu64
 2189       result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Dumping clang ast for %" PRIu64
 2262         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Dumping debug symbols for %" PRIu64
 3060           const size_t indent = strm.Printf("[%3u] ", image_idx);
 3151                     strm.Printf(
 3156                     strm.Printf("0x%*.*" PRIx64, addr_nibble_width,
 3168           strm.Printf("%*s", addr_nibble_width + 2, "");
 3180           strm.Printf("{%*" PRIu64 "}", width, (uint64_t)ref_count);
 3182           strm.Printf("{%" PRIu64 "}", (uint64_t)ref_count);
 3197             strm.Printf("\n%*s", indent, "");
 3203         strm.Printf("%.*s", width, "<NONE>");
 3212         strm.Printf("%p", static_cast<void *>(module));
 3226         strm.Printf("(%s)", object_name);
 3406       result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 3414         result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 3421         result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 3428         result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 3433       result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3438         result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 3442         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3448         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("object file UnwindPlan:\n");
 3451         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3458         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("object file augmented UnwindPlan:\n");
 3461         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3467         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("eh_frame UnwindPlan:\n");
 3470         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3476         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan:\n");
 3479         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3484         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("debug_frame UnwindPlan:\n");
 3487         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3493         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("debug_frame augmented UnwindPlan:\n");
 3496         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3502         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("ARM.exidx unwind UnwindPlan:\n");
 3505         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3510         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Symbol file UnwindPlan:\n");
 3513         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3519         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Compact unwind UnwindPlan:\n");
 3522         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3526         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Fast UnwindPlan:\n");
 3529         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3536           result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Arch default UnwindPlan:\n");
 3539           result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3544           result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 3548           result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 3552       result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n");
 4589           error_sp->Printf("error: stop hook #%" PRIu64
 4601           output_sp->Printf("Stop hook #%" PRIu64 " added.\n",
  184                 error_sp->Printf("unable to obtain a valid function name from "
  206                     error_sp->Printf("error: %s", error.AsCString());
  222                       error_sp->Printf("error: %s", error.AsCString());
  226                     error_sp->Printf("error: %s", error.AsCString());
  231                     error_sp->Printf("error: %s", error.AsCString());
  237               error_sp->Printf("error: unable to generate a function.\n");
  241             error_sp->Printf("error: no script interpreter.\n");
  245           error_sp->Printf("error: internal synchronization information "
  250         error_sp->Printf("error: empty function, didn't add python command.\n");
  254       error_sp->Printf(
  415                 error_sp->Printf(
  444                       error_sp->Printf("error: %s\n", error.AsCString());
  449                     error_sp->Printf("error: invalid type name.\n");
  456               error_sp->Printf("error: unable to generate a class.\n");
  460             error_sp->Printf("error: no script interpreter.\n");
  464           error_sp->Printf("error: internal synchronization data missing.\n");
  468         error_sp->Printf("error: empty function, didn't add python command.\n");
  472       error_sp->Printf(
 1064       result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 1086           result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s: %s\n", name.AsCString(),
 1108           result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s: %s\n",
 1691       result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Named summaries:\n");
 1695             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 2133           result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 2714         stream.Printf("%s\n", help);
 2806         result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
 2836     name.Printf("type %s info", formatter_name);
 2839     help.Printf("This command evaluates the provided expression and shows "
 2844     syntax.Printf("type %s info <expr>", formatter_name);
  803       result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: required argument missing; "
  826       result.GetErrorStream().Printf(
  872         result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: %s\n", error_cstr);
  874         result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: unable to find any variable "
  896       output_stream.Printf("Watchpoint created: ");
  997       result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: required argument missing; "
 1027       result.GetErrorStream().Printf(
 1038       result.GetErrorStream().Printf(
 1063       output_stream.Printf("Watchpoint created: ");
  613               result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Watchpoint %u:\n", cur_wp_id);
  419       s->Printf(" + %" PRIu64, m_offset);
  426     s->Printf("(Section *)%p + ", static_cast<void *>(section_sp.get()));
  434         s->Printf("%s[", module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(
  437         s->Printf("%s[", "<Unknown>");
  507                     s->Printf(" + %" PRIu64, delta);
  720               s->Printf("   Variable: id = {0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}, name = \"%s\"",
  724                 s->Printf(", type = \"%s\"", type->GetName().GetCString());
  185         s->Printf("%s", module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(
  198   s->Printf("%p: AddressRange section = %p, offset = 0x%16.16" PRIx64
   82   s->Printf("File and line address - file: \"%s\" line: %u",
  195     s->Printf("'%s' (regular expression)", m_regex.GetText().str().c_str());
  197     s->Printf("'%s'", m_func_name.AsCString());
  302             s.Printf("%s\n", error.AsCString());
 1249         output_sp->Printf("%d location%s added to breakpoint %d\n",
 1349             error_stream_sp->Printf("Failed to print structured "
  786       out_stream->Printf(
  846       out_stream->Printf(
  881         out_stream->Printf("Instruction::ReadDictionary: Failure executing "
  944     out_stream->Printf("Instruction::TestEmulation:  Missing file_name.");
  949     out_stream->Printf(
  956     out_stream->Printf(
  963     out_stream->Printf("Instructin::TestEmulation: Test file does not contain "
  974     out_stream->Printf(
  990     out_stream->Printf("Instruction::TestEmulation:  Test file does not "
  999     out_stream->Printf(
 1015     out_stream->Printf("Emulation test succeeded.");
 1017     out_stream->Printf("Emulation test failed.");
 1208         error_strm_ptr->Printf("error: %s\n", error_cstr);
  184       s->Printf("invalid target");
  200           s->Printf("%*s",
  211         s->Printf("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": ",
  225         s->Printf("%s", DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size,
  230         s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64
  249           s->Printf("0b%s", binary_value.c_str() + 64 - item_bit_size);
  251           s->Printf("0b%s", binary_value.c_str() + 64 - item_byte_size * 8);
  262         s->Printf("%2.2x", DE.GetU8(&offset));
  276         s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64 ") for char format",
  288         s->Printf("%c", (char)ch);
  292           s->Printf("\\e");
  295           s->Printf("\\a");
  298           s->Printf("\\b");
  301           s->Printf("\\f");
  304           s->Printf("\\n");
  307           s->Printf("\\r");
  310           s->Printf("\\t");
  313           s->Printf("\\v");
  316           s->Printf("\\0");
  320             s->Printf("\\x%2.2x", (uint8_t)ch);
  322             s->Printf("%" PRIu64, ch);
  338         s->Printf("%" PRId64,
  350         s->Printf("%" PRIu64,
  362         s->Printf("0%" PRIo64,
  379           s->Printf("%c", ch);
  383             s->Printf("\\e");
  386             s->Printf("\\a");
  389             s->Printf("\\b");
  392             s->Printf("\\f");
  395             s->Printf("\\n");
  398             s->Printf("\\r");
  401             s->Printf("\\t");
  404             s->Printf("\\v");
  407             s->Printf("\\0");
  410             s->Printf("\\x%2.2x", ch);
  422         s->Printf("NULL");
  433               s->Printf("\\e");
  436               s->Printf("\\a");
  439               s->Printf("\\b");
  442               s->Printf("\\f");
  445               s->Printf("\\n");
  448               s->Printf("\\r");
  451               s->Printf("\\t");
  454               s->Printf("\\v");
  457               s->Printf("\\x%2.2x", c);
  479         s->Printf("%" PRIu64,
  481         s->Printf(" + %" PRIu64 "i",
  484         s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64
  496         s->Printf("%g + %gi", f32_1, f32_2);
  502         s->Printf("%lg + %lgi", d64_1, d64_2);
  507         s->Printf("%Lg + %Lgi", ld64_1, ld64_2);
  510         s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64
  527         s->Printf(wantsuppercase ? "0x%*.*" PRIX64 : "0x%*.*" PRIx64,
  541               s->Printf(wantsuppercase ? "%2.2X" : "%2.2x", bytes[idx]);
  544               s->Printf(wantsuppercase ? "%2.2X" : "%2.2x",
  584               s->Printf("%*.*s", (int)sv.size(), (int)sv.size(),;
  611           s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64
  617         s->Printf("%s", ss.str().c_str());
  622       s->Printf("U+%4.4x", DE.GetU16(&offset));
  626       s->Printf("U+0x%8.8x", DE.GetU32(&offset));
  632       s->Printf("0x%*.*" PRIx64, (int)(2 * item_byte_size),
  658         s->Printf("%s", float_cstr);
  665         s->Printf("%s", float_cstr);
  668         s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64
  791     s->Printf("%*s", static_cast<int>(
   33       format_string.Printf("%%%us", reg_name_right_align_at);
   35       format_string.Printf("%%s");
   39         s->Printf(fmt.c_str(), reg_info->name);
   42         s->Printf(fmt.c_str(), reg_info->alt_name);
   51         s->Printf(fmt.c_str(), reg_info->alt_name);
   56         s->Printf(fmt.c_str(), reg_info->name);
  311   strm.Printf("    Read from Memory (address = 0x%" PRIx64 ", length = %" PRIu64
  326   strm.Printf("    Write to Memory (address = 0x%" PRIx64 ", length = %" PRIu64
  339   strm.Printf("  Read Register (%s)\n", reg_info->name);
  356   strm.Printf("    Write to Register (name = %s, value = ", reg_info->name);
  446     strm.Printf(" (reg_plus_offset = %s%+" PRId64 ")",
  452     strm.Printf(" (reg_plus_reg = %s + %s)",
  458     strm.Printf(" (base_and_imm_offset = %s%+" PRId64 ", data_reg = %s)",
  465     strm.Printf(" (base_and_reg_offset = %s + %s, data_reg = %s)",
  472     strm.Printf(" (register to register binary op: %s and %s)",
  478     strm.Printf(" (signed_offset = %+" PRId64 ")", info.signed_offset);
  482     strm.Printf(" (reg = %s)",;
  486     strm.Printf(" (unsigned_immediate = %" PRIu64 " (0x%16.16" PRIx64 "))",
  491     strm.Printf(" (signed_immediate = %+" PRId64 " (0x%16.16" PRIx64 "))",
  496     strm.Printf(" (address = 0x%" PRIx64 ")", info.address);
  500     strm.Printf(" (isa = %u, unsigned_immediate = %u (0x%8.8x))",
  506     strm.Printf(" (isa = %u, signed_immediate = %i (0x%8.8x))",
  513     strm.Printf(" (isa = %u)", info.isa);
   72   s->Printf("File and line resolver for file: \"%s\" line: %u",
  374   s.Printf("%*.*s%-20s: ", depth * 2, depth * 2, "", TypeToCString(type));
  376     s.Printf("lldb-format = %s, ", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(fmt));
  378     s.Printf("string = \"%s\"", string.c_str());
  380     s.Printf("printf_format = \"%s\"", printf_format.c_str());
  382     s.Printf("number = %" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 "), ", number, number);
  384     s.Printf("deref = true, ");
  407         s.Printf("%s", script_output.c_str());
  410         s.Printf("<error: %s>", error.AsCString());
  441       s.Printf("0x%*.*" PRIx64, addr_width, addr_width, vaddr);
  481           s.Printf("%s+%s%" PRIu64, addr_offset_padding, addr_offset_padding,
  484           s.Printf("%s-%s%" PRIu64, addr_offset_padding, addr_offset_padding,
  495             s.Printf("%s+%s%" PRIu64, addr_offset_padding, addr_offset_padding,
  498             s.Printf("%s-%s%" PRIu64, addr_offset_padding, addr_offset_padding,
  833     bitfield_name.Printf("%s:%d", target->GetTypeName().AsCString(),
  920       special_directions_stream.Printf("${%svar%s", do_deref_pointer ? "*" : "",
  927           special_directions_stream.Printf("%%%c", format_char);
  931           special_directions_stream.Printf("%%%s", format_cstr);
  937           special_directions_stream.Printf("%%%c", style_char);
 1025       s.Printf(token_format, value->GetAsInteger()->GetValue());
 1028       s.Printf("%f", value->GetAsFloat()->GetValue());
 1035         s.Printf("%zu", value->GetAsArray()->GetSize());
 1039       s.Printf("%zu",
 1159         s.Printf(format, process->GetID());
 1212         s.Printf(format, thread->GetID());
 1225         s.Printf(format, thread->GetProtocolID());
 1238         s.Printf(format, thread->GetIndexID());
 1407         s.Printf(format, frame->GetFrameIndex());
 1498         s.Printf("function{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}", sc->function->GetID());
 1501         s.Printf("symbol[%u]", sc->symbol->GetID());
 1717                   s.Printf("%s=%s", var_name, var_representation.str().c_str());
 1719                   s.Printf("%s=%s at %s", var_name,
 1723                 s.Printf("%s=<unavailable>", var_name);
 1809       s.Printf(format, sc->line_entry.line);
 1819       s.Printf(format, sc->line_entry.column);
 1846             s.Printf("-> ");
 1851       s.Printf("   ");
 1866       s.Printf("\"%s\"", parent->children[i].name);
 1914             error_strm.Printf("'%s' can't be specified on its own, you must "
 1947     error_strm.Printf(
 1951     error_strm.Printf("invalid member '%s' in '%s'. Valid members are: ",
  168     prompt_stream.Printf(": [Y/n] ");
  170     prompt_stream.Printf(": [y/N] ");
  356         m_output_sp->Printf("%s", prompt);
  523           m_output_sp->Printf("%u%s",
 3294       key_description.Printf("%10s - %s", CursesKeyToCString(key->ch),
 3571           thread_menu_title.Printf("Thread %u", thread_sp->GetIndexID());
 3574             thread_menu_title.Printf(" %s", thread_name);
 3578               thread_menu_title.Printf(" %s", queue_name);
 3859           m_title.Printf(
 3863             m_title.Printf("`%s", func_name.GetCString());
 4182             strm.Printf("%-8s %-25s ; %s", mnemonic, operands, comment);
 4184             strm.Printf("%-8s %s", mnemonic, operands);
 4186             strm.Printf("%s", mnemonic);
  379     s->Printf(", demangled = %s", demangled[0] ? demangled : "<error>");
  386   s->Printf("%*p: Mangled mangled = ", static_cast<int>(sizeof(void *) * 2),
  389   s->Printf(", demangled = ");
  306           s.Printf("0x%16.16" PRIx64, header_addr);
  401   s->Printf(", Module{%p}", static_cast<void *>(this));
 1066       s->Printf("(%s) ", m_arch.GetArchitectureName());
 1081     s->Printf("(%s)", object_name);
 1199   s->Printf("Module %s%s%s%s\n", m_file.GetPath().c_str(),
 1499                 feedback_stream->Printf(
   31     s->Printf("0x%2.2x", m_data.inst8);
   34     s->Printf("0x%4.4x", m_data.inst16);
   38     s->Printf("0x%8.8x", m_data.inst32);
   42     s->Printf("0x%16.16" PRIx64, m_data.inst64);
   49       s->Printf("%2.2x", m_data.inst.bytes[i]);
   58     s->Printf("%*s", min_byte_width - bytes_written_so_far, "");
  598     s->Printf(", module = ");
  603     s->Printf(", modules(%" PRIu64 ") = ", (uint64_t)num_modules);
  827     s->Printf(", module = ");
  832     s->Printf(", modules(%" PRIu64 ") = ", static_cast<uint64_t>(num_modules));
  307   s->Printf("0x%8.8" PRIx64 " %-16s ", GetID(), GetTypeAsCString());
  312     s->Printf("%39s", "");
  327   s->Printf("%c %c%c%c  0x%8.8" PRIx64 " 0x%8.8" PRIx64 " 0x%8.8x ",
  357       s->Printf("%s.", name);
  595     s->Printf("SectID     Type             %s Address                          "
  193       s->Printf("%s%2.2s %-4u\t", prefix,
  210         s->Printf("    \t");
  215         s->Printf("^\n");
  109   strm->Printf(", value_type = %s, context = %p, context_type = %s",
  409         sstr.Printf("0x%*.*llx", addr_nibble_size, addr_nibble_size,
 1034           s.Printf("%c", *data.PeekData(offset, 1));
 1066           s.Printf("%c", *data.PeekData(offset, 1));
 1442       strm.Printf("%" PRIu64 "", (uint64_t)GetNumChildren());
 1465           strm.Printf("%s @ %s", GetTypeName().AsCString(),
 1478           s.Printf("<%s>", m_error.AsCString());
 2075         s.Printf("((%s)0x%" PRIx64 ")", GetTypeName().AsCString("void"),
 2082           s.Printf("(*( (%s *)0x%" PRIx64 "))", GetTypeName().AsCString("void"),
 2090       s.Printf("((%s)%s)", GetTypeName().AsCString("void"),
  362   s.Printf("$%s",;
   52     stream.Printf("(%s)", sstr.GetData());
  185     sstring.Printf("%s:%d", type_name.AsCString(), valobj.GetBitfieldBitSize());
  275     stream.Printf("%s", dump_options.GetPrefixToken());
  277     stream.Printf("%c", dump_options.GetQuote());
  366           stream.Printf("%c", *(printable_bytes + c));
  369         stream.Printf("%c", *utf8_data_ptr);
  375     stream.Printf("%c", dump_options.GetQuote());
  377     stream.Printf("%s", dump_options.GetSuffixToken());
  379     stream.Printf("...");
  453     options.GetStream()->Printf("%s%c", prefix_token, quote);
  455     options.GetStream()->Printf("%c", quote);
  490         options.GetStream()->Printf("%c", *(printable_bytes + c));
  493       options.GetStream()->Printf("%c", *data);
  501     options.GetStream()->Printf("%c%s", quote, suffix_token);
  503     options.GetStream()->Printf("%c", quote);
  506     options.GetStream()->Printf("...");
  575     options.GetStream()->Printf("unable to read data");
  580   stream.Printf("%s (%s", GetName(), (IsEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
  582   lang_stream.Printf(", applicable for language(s): ");
  588     lang_stream.Printf("%s%s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(lang),
  127   sstr.Printf("%s%s%s%s", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(GetFormat()),
  200   sstr.Printf("as type %s%s%s%s", m_enum_type.AsCString("<invalid type>"),
  104   sstr.Printf("`%s`%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", m_format_str.c_str(),
  135   sstr.Printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)",
  184   sstr.Printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n  ", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)",
   76   sstr.Printf("%s%s%s {\n", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)",
   81     sstr.Printf("    %s\n", GetExpressionPathAtIndex(i));
   84   sstr.Printf("}");
   90   sstr.Printf("%s%s%s %s", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)",
  211   sstr.Printf("%s%s%s Python class %s", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)",
   48   sstr.Printf("%s%s%s%s", m_description.c_str(),
  220     m_stream->Printf("%s: ", m_valobj->GetLocationAsCString());
  267       typeName.Printf("%s", type_name_str.c_str());
  281     varName.Printf("%s", name_cstr);
  313       m_stream->Printf("(%s) ", typeName.GetData());
  315       m_stream->Printf("%s =", varName.GetData());
  317       m_stream->Printf(" =");
  405         m_stream->Printf(" <could not resolve type>");
  410       m_stream->Printf(" <%s>\n", m_error.c_str());
  426           m_stream->Printf(" %s", m_value.c_str());
  432         m_stream->Printf(" %s", m_summary.c_str());
  447         m_stream->Printf(" ");
  457             m_stream->Printf("%s", object_desc);
  459             m_stream->Printf("%s\n", object_desc);
  805     m_stream->Printf("! ");
  822   m_stream->Printf(" ! validation error: %s", m_validation.second.c_str());
  207     idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  286         s.Printf("%s", child_value);
  289         s.Printf(", %s", child_value);
 1061         new_value.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)i);
 2648         new_value.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)i);
 2726   s.Printf("%s ", DW_OP_value_to_name(opcode));
 2735     s.Printf("%" PRIu64 " %" PRIi64, uint, sint);
 2740     s.Printf("%" PRIu64 " ", uint);
 2744     s.Printf("UNKNOWN OP %u", opcode);
 2847     s.Printf("UNKNOWN ONE-OPERAND OPCODE, #%u", opcode);
 2854     s.Printf("%+" PRIi64, sint);
 2858     s.Printf("%+" PRIi64, sint);
 2862     s.Printf("%+" PRIi64, sint);
 2866     s.Printf("%+" PRIi64, sint);
 2870     s.Printf("%+" PRIi64, sint);
 2874     s.Printf("0x%2.2" PRIx64, uint);
 2878     s.Printf("0x%4.4" PRIx64, uint);
 2882     s.Printf("0x%8.8" PRIx64, uint);
 2886     s.Printf("0x%16.16" PRIx64, uint);
 2890     s.Printf("0x%" PRIx64, uint);
  137     ss.Printf("%s", PrintValue(value).c_str());
  144       ss.Printf(" 0x%llx", (unsigned long long)addr);
  401         ss.Printf("%02hhx - ", buf.GetBytes()[i]);
  403         ss.Printf("%02hhx ", buf.GetBytes()[i]);
  341     dump_stream.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 ": EntityPersistentVariable (%s)\n",
  346       dump_stream.Printf("Pointer:\n");
  353         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
  363       dump_stream.Printf("Target:\n");
  370         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
  378           dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
  677     dump_stream.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 ": EntityVariable\n", load_addr);
  684       dump_stream.Printf("Pointer:\n");
  691         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
  708       dump_stream.Printf("Points to process memory:\n");
  710       dump_stream.Printf("Temporary allocation:\n");
  714       dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be be found>\n");
  722         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
  951     dump_stream.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 ": EntityResultVariable\n", load_addr);
  958       dump_stream.Printf("Pointer:\n");
  965         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
  982       dump_stream.Printf("Points to process memory:\n");
  984       dump_stream.Printf("Temporary allocation:\n");
  988       dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be be found>\n");
  996         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
 1121     dump_stream.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 ": EntitySymbol (%s)\n", load_addr,
 1125       dump_stream.Printf("Pointer:\n");
 1132         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
 1296     dump_stream.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 ": EntityRegister (%s)\n", load_addr,
 1300       dump_stream.Printf("Value:\n");
 1307         dump_stream.Printf("  <could not be read>\n");
  100   error_sp->Printf("REPL requires a running target process.\n");
  338             error_sp->Printf("%s\n", error.AsCString());
  345               error_sp->Printf(ANSI_ESCAPE1(ANSI_FG_COLOR_RED));
  346               error_sp->Printf(ANSI_ESCAPE1(ANSI_CTRL_BOLD));
  348             error_sp->Printf("Execution interrupted. ");
  350               error_sp->Printf(ANSI_ESCAPE1(ANSI_CTRL_NORMAL));
  351             error_sp->Printf("Enter code to recover and continue.\nEnter LLDB "
  359               error_sp->Printf(ANSI_ESCAPE1(ANSI_FG_COLOR_RED));
  360               error_sp->Printf(ANSI_ESCAPE1(ANSI_CTRL_BOLD));
  362             output_sp->Printf("Execution stopped at breakpoint.  ");
  364               error_sp->Printf(ANSI_ESCAPE1(ANSI_CTRL_NORMAL));
  365             output_sp->Printf("Enter LLDB commands to investigate (type help "
  377             error_sp->Printf("error: timeout\n");
  379               error_sp->Printf("error: %s\n", error.AsCString());
  383             error_sp->Printf("error: could not fetch result -- %s\n",
  388             error_sp->Printf("error: stopped for debug -- %s\n",
  414               error_sp->Printf("error: couldn't open %s: %s\n",
  426           output_sp->Printf("\n");
  434       error_sp->Printf(
  300     prompt_stream.Printf(
   75     stream.Printf("close fd %d", m_fd);
   78     stream.Printf("duplicate fd %d to %d", m_fd, m_arg);
   84     stream.Printf("open fd %d with '%s', OFLAGS = 0x%x", m_fd,
  310           shell_command.Printf(" /usr/bin/arch -arch %s",
  329           shell_command.Printf("%s", argv[0]);
  336           shell_command.Printf(" %s", arg);
   98       translation_and_help.Printf(
  143   help_string.Printf("'%*s", (int)command_name.size(),;
  146     help_string.Printf("'");
  157       help_string.Printf(" %s", value.c_str());
  159       help_string.Printf(" %s", opt.c_str());
  161         help_string.Printf(" %s", value.c_str());
  166   help_string.Printf("'");
  106       stream.Printf("%4" PRIu64 ": %s\n", (uint64_t)counter, hist_item.c_str());
  392     defaultshell.Printf("--shell=%s --",
 1388   result_str.Printf("%s", alias_cmd_obj->GetCommandName().str().c_str());
 1402       result_str.Printf(" %s", value.c_str());
 1406     result_str.Printf(" %s", option.c_str());
 1411       result_str.Printf(" ");
 1414       result_str.Printf("%s", value.c_str());
 1428       result_str.Printf("%s", cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index));
 2530   prefix_stream.Printf("  %-*s %*s ", (int)max_word_len,,
 2544   text_strm.Printf("%-*s ", (int)max_word_len,;
 2701     stream.Printf("\n... Interrupted.\n");
 2739       io_handler.GetOutputStreamFileSP()->Printf(
 2974         revised_command_line.Printf("%s", alias_result.c_str());
 2983           revised_command_line.Printf("%s", cmd_name.str().c_str());
 2986           revised_command_line.Printf("%s", next_word.c_str());
 2999           revised_command_line.Printf("%s", sub_cmd_name.str().c_str());
 3004             revised_command_line.Printf(" %c%s%s%c", quote_char,
 3008             revised_command_line.Printf(" %s%s", next_word.c_str(),
 3014           revised_command_line.Printf(" %c%s%s%c", quote_char,
 3018           revised_command_line.Printf(" %s%s", next_word.c_str(),
 3028         error_msg.Printf("Ambiguous command '%s'. Possible matches:\n",
 3032           error_msg.Printf("\t%s\n", matches.GetStringAtIndex(i));
 3080                 revised_command_line.Printf(" %s", gdb_format_option.c_str());
 3108     revised_command_line.Printf(" %s", scratch_command.c_str());
  376   name_str.Printf("<%s>", entry->arg_name);
  436       str.Printf(" ");
  448         str.Printf("<%s> <%s>", first_name, second_name);
  451         str.Printf("[<%s> <%s>]", first_name, second_name);
  454         str.Printf("<%s> <%s> [<%s> <%s> [...]]", first_name, second_name,
  458         str.Printf("[<%s> <%s> [<%s> <%s> [...]]]", first_name, second_name,
  462         str.Printf("<%s_1> <%s_1> ... <%s_n> <%s_n>", first_name, second_name,
  466         str.Printf("[<%s_1> <%s_1> ... <%s_n> <%s_n>]", first_name, second_name,
  484           names.Printf(" | ");
  485         names.Printf("%s", GetArgumentName(arg_entry[j].arg_type));
  491         str.Printf("<%s>", name_str.c_str());
  494         str.Printf("<%s> [<%s> [...]]", name_str.c_str(), name_str.c_str());
  497         str.Printf("[<%s> [<%s> [...]]]", name_str.c_str(), name_str.c_str());
  500         str.Printf("[<%s>]", name_str.c_str());
  503         str.Printf("<%s_1> .. <%s_n>", name_str.c_str(), name_str.c_str());
  669       sstr.Printf("'%c' or ", format_char);
  671     sstr.Printf("\"%s\"", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(f));
 1016     g_archs_help.Printf("These are the supported architecture names:\n");
   53         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", new_command.c_str());
   71     strm.Printf("%s\"%s\"",
   98       error_strm.Printf(
  103           error_strm.Printf("'%c' or ", format_char);
  105         error_strm.Printf("\"%s\"", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(f));
   23     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   23       strm.Printf("(%s of %ss)", GetTypeAsCString(),
   26       strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   32       strm.Printf(" =%s", (m_values.size() > 0 && !one_line) ? "\n" : "");
   38         strm.Printf("[%u]: ", i);
   23     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   22     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   25       strm.Printf("(%s of %ss)", GetTypeAsCString(),
   28       strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   89     strm.Printf("%s=", pos->first.GetCString());
  320     strm.Printf("%s=", pos->first.GetCString());
   28     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   39     strm.Printf("%" PRIu64, (uint64_t)m_current_value);
   62       error_strm.Printf("invalid enumeration value '%s'", value.str().c_str());
   65         error_strm.Printf(", valid values are: %s",
   68           error_strm.Printf(", %s",
   44     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   22     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   27       strm.Printf(" =%s",
   34         strm.Printf("[%u]: ", i);
   21     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   56     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   23     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   51       error_strm.Printf("invalid language type '%s', ", value.str().c_str());
   52       error_strm.Printf("valid values are:\n");
   55         error_strm.Printf("    %s\n",
   31     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   34       strm.Printf(" =%s", (m_path_mappings.GetSize() > 0) ? "\n" : "");
   19     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   25       strm.Printf("%s", regex_text.str().c_str());
   23     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   29     strm.Printf("%" PRIi64, m_current_value);
   22     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   32           strm.Printf("%s", expanded_escape_value.c_str());
   34           strm.Printf("\"%s\"", expanded_escape_value.c_str());
   37           strm.Printf("%s", m_current_value.c_str());
   39           strm.Printf("\"%s\"", m_current_value.c_str());
   30     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
   34     strm.Printf("%" PRIu64, m_current_value);
   22     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
  371     strm.Printf("-%c", opt_def.short_option);
  373     strm.Printf("--%s", opt_def.long_option);
  378     strm.Printf(" <%s>", CommandObject::GetArgumentName(opt_def.argument_type));
  382     strm.Printf("%s[<%s>]", show_short_option ? "" : "=",
  433         strm.Printf("\n");
  520           strm.Printf(" --");
  537   strm.Printf("\n\n");
  579       arg_name_str.Printf("<%s>", CommandObject::GetArgumentName(arg_type));
  599         strm.Printf("Values: ");
  603             strm.Printf("%s", enum_value.string_value);
  607             strm.Printf(" | %s", enum_value.string_value);
 1033     option_str.Printf("-%c", val);
  280       strm.Printf("'%s' variables:\n\n", qualified_name.GetData());
 1689     s.Printf("ABISysV_x86_64::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
 1696       s.Printf(", arg%d = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<int>(i + 1), args[i]);
 1692     s.Printf("ABISysV_arm64::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
 1699       s.Printf(", arg%d = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<int>(i + 1), args[i]);
  572     s.Printf("ABISysV_mips::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
  579       s.Printf(", arg%zd = 0x%" PRIx64, i + 1, args[i]);
  569     s.Printf("ABISysV_mips64::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
  576       s.Printf(", arg%zd = 0x%" PRIx64, i + 1, args[i]);
  234     s.Printf("ABISysV_ppc::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
  241       s.Printf(", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1),
   85     s.Printf("ABISysV_ppc64::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
   92       s.Printf(", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1),
  215     s.Printf("ABISysV_s390x::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
  222       s.Printf(", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1),
  266     s.Printf("ABISysV_x86_64::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
  273       s.Printf(", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1),
 1108     s.Printf("ABIWindows_x86_64::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
 1115       s.Printf(", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1),
  335             mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%2.2x", uval8);
  341             mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%4.4x", uval16);
  347             mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%8.8x", uval32);
  353             mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%16.16" PRIx64, uval64);
  364               mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%2.2x", bytes[0]);
  366                 mnemonic_strm.Printf(" 0x%2.2x", bytes[i]);
  854       ss.Printf("[%s] expands to %zu operands:\n", operands_string,
  777     s.Printf("Kernel UUID: %s\n", m_uuid.GetAsString().c_str());
  778     s.Printf("Load Address: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", m_load_address);
  840         s.Printf("WARNING: Unable to locate kernel binary on the debugger "
  937         s.Printf("Kernel slid 0x%" PRIx64 " in memory.\n",
  942       s.Printf("Loaded kernel file %s\n",
 1107             s.Printf("WARNING: Unable to read kext summary header, got "
 1122               s.Printf("WARNING: Unable to read kext summary header, got "
 1139             s.Printf("WARNING: Unable to read kext summary header, got "
 1246       s.Printf("Loading %d kext modules and unloading %d kext modules ",
 1250       s.Printf("Loading %d kext modules ", number_of_new_kexts_being_added);
 1252       s.Printf("Unloading %d kext modules ", number_of_old_kexts_being_removed);
 1300             s.Printf(".");
 1302             s.Printf("-");
 1324           s.Printf(".");
 1336     s.Printf(" done.\n");
 1338       s.Printf("Failed to load %d of %d kexts:\n",
 1352         s.Printf(" %-*s %s\n", longest_name, ku.first.c_str(), uuid.c_str());
  297     process->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetAsyncErrorStream()->Printf(
  394     process->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetAsyncErrorStream()->Printf(
 1203     ss.Printf("%s", decl_name.getAsString().c_str());
 1205     ss.Printf("%s", decl_name.getAsString().c_str());
 1211       ss.Printf("%s:", r.str().c_str());
 1236     ms.Printf("-[%s %s]", interface_name.c_str(), selector_name.AsCString());
 1249     ms.Printf("+[%s %s]", interface_name.c_str(), selector_name.AsCString());
  144         stream.Printf("#define %s\n", entry.GetMacroString().AsCString());
  150         stream.Printf("#undef %s\n", entry.GetMacroString().AsCString());
  292     stream.Printf("using $__lldb_local_vars::%s;\n", var_name.AsCString());
  404     wrap_stream.Printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", module_macros.c_str(),
  427       wrap_stream.Printf("%s"
  438       wrap_stream.Printf("%s"
  450         wrap_stream.Printf(
  465         wrap_stream.Printf(
  242         error_stream.Printf("error: No module map file in %s\n",
  261     error_stream.Printf("error: Header search couldn't locate module %s\n",
  293     error_stream.Printf("error: Couldn't load top-level module %s\n",
  304       error_stream.Printf("error: Couldn't load submodule %s\n",
  848       exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().GetDebugger().GetAsyncOutputStream()->Printf(
   86     message.Printf("Attempted to dereference an invalid pointer.");
   90     message.Printf("Attempted to dereference an invalid ObjC Object or send it "
  323     m_error_stream.Printf("Error [IRForTarget]: Size of result type '%s' "
  438       m_error_stream.Printf("Error [IRForTarget]: Rewriting an Objective-C "
  541    m_error_stream.Printf("error [IRForTarget internal]: Couldn't replace an "
  571         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: An Objective-C "
  580         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: An Objective-C "
  593         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: An Objective-C "
  615         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: The struct for an "
  627         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: An Objective-C "
  640         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: An Objective-C "
  661         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Unhandled"
  671         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: An Objective-C "
  742         m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Found a "
  906       m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Couldn't change a "
 1057       m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Couldn't change a "
 1157           m_error_stream.Printf("Error [IRForTarget]: Names starting with $0, "
 1171       m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Couldn't rewrite "
 1321       m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Couldn't rewrite "
 1452         m_error_stream.Printf("Error [IRForTarget]: Couldn't resolve the class "
 1459         m_error_stream.Printf("Error [IRForTarget]: Couldn't resolve the class "
 1557           error_stream.Printf("error [IRForTarget internal]: Unhandled "
 1624         error_stream.Printf(
 1639         error_stream.Printf(
 1677     m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Wrapper takes no "
 1689       m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Wrapper takes only "
 1701       m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Wrapper takes only "
 1719       m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Wrapper takes only "
 1743     m_error_stream.Printf("Internal error [IRForTarget]: Couldn't find the "
 1754     m_error_stream.Printf(
 1768       m_error_stream.Printf(
14392     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation: Missing test data.\n");
14405     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation: Error reading opcode from test file.\n");
14421     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation:  Invalid arch.\n");
14431     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation:  Failed to find 'before' state.\n");
14437     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation:  Failed loading 'before' state.\n");
14444     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation:  Failed to find 'after' state.\n");
14450     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation: Failed loading 'after' state.\n");
14462     out_stream->Printf("TestEmulation:  EvaluateInstruction() failed.\n");
14468     out_stream->Printf(
  328     sstr.Printf("r%d", i);
  346     sstr.Printf("s%d", i);
  141     process_sp->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetAsyncOutputStream()->Printf(
  269       stream_sp->Printf("AddressSanitizer report breakpoint hit. Use 'thread "
  332     process_sp->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetAsyncOutputStream()->Printf(
  867     s.Printf("ThreadSanitizer report breakpoint hit. Use 'thread "
  147     target.GetDebugger().GetAsyncOutputStream()->Printf(
  196   s.Printf("%s", child_value);
   53     stream.Printf("Summary Unavailable");
   78     stream.Printf("Summary Unavailable");
  103     stream.Printf("Summary Unavailable");
  150     stream.Printf("size for wchar_t is not valid");
  168     stream.Printf("%s ", value.c_str());
  194     stream.Printf("%s ", value.c_str());
  220     stream.Printf("%s ", value.c_str());
  275     stream.Printf("size for wchar_t is not valid");
   52   stream.Printf(" Has Value=%s ",;
   81     stream.Printf(" __f_ = %" PRIu64, callable_info.member__f_pointer_value);
   85     stream.Printf(
   91     stream.Printf(
   97     stream.Printf(" Function = %s ",
  121     stream.Printf("nullptr");
  136       stream.Printf("ptr = 0x%" PRIx64, ptr_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(0));
  140     stream.Printf(" strong=%" PRIu64, 1 + count_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(0));
  143     stream.Printf(" weak=%" PRIu64, 1 + weakcount_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(0));
  459     stream.Printf("0x%016" PRIx64 " ", value);
  555     stream.Printf("L\"\"");
  609     stream.Printf("size for wchar_t is not valid");
  627     stream.Printf("\"\"");
   78       stream.Printf("%s", summary.c_str());
   80   name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  408   name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  410   name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  148   stream.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  136     stream.Printf(" No Value");
  162   stream.Printf(" Active Type = %s ", template_type.GetTypeName().GetCString());
  113   name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  224   name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  265         stream.Printf("Summary Unavailable");
  335         stream.Printf("size for wchar_t is not valid");
  408     stream.Printf("nullptr");
  424   stream.Printf("ptr = 0x%" PRIx64, ptr_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(0));
   79           name.Printf("[%zd]", m_members.size());
  157     stream.Printf("nullptr");
  159     stream.Printf("0x%" PRIx64, ptr_value);
   40   stream.Printf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s", tm_date->tm_year + 1900,
  105   stream.Printf("%s\"%u value%s\"%s", prefix.c_str(), count,
  178     stream.Printf("%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c ", (bit7 ? '1' : '0'), (bit6 ? '1' : '0'),
  195       stream.Printf("%c", bit7 ? '1' : '0');
  199       stream.Printf("%c", bit6 ? '1' : '0');
  203       stream.Printf("%c", bit5 ? '1' : '0');
  207       stream.Printf("%c", bit4 ? '1' : '0');
  211       stream.Printf("%c", bit3 ? '1' : '0');
  215       stream.Printf("%c", bit2 ? '1' : '0');
  219       stream.Printf("%c", bit1 ? '1' : '0');
  223       stream.Printf("%c", bit0 ? '1' : '0');
  292   stream.Printf("%s\"%u item%s\"%s", prefix.c_str(), count,
   79       stream.Printf("%s", summary_stream.GetData());
  124       stream.Printf("%s", summary_stream.GetData());
  169       stream.Printf("%s", summary_stream.GetData());
  214       stream.Printf("mach port: %u",
  290   stream.Printf("%" PRIu64 " index%s", count, (count == 1 ? "" : "es"));
  307   stream.Printf("%s%hhd%s", prefix.c_str(), value, suffix.c_str());
  323   stream.Printf("%s%hd%s", prefix.c_str(), value, suffix.c_str());
  339   stream.Printf("%s%d%s", prefix.c_str(), value, suffix.c_str());
  355   stream.Printf("%s%" PRId64 "%s", prefix.c_str(), value, suffix.c_str());
  393   stream.Printf("%s%f%s", prefix.c_str(), value, suffix.c_str());
  409   stream.Printf("%s%g%s", prefix.c_str(), value, suffix.c_str());
  641     stream.Printf("NaN");
  646     stream.Printf("0");
  656     stream.Printf("-");
  658   stream.Printf("%" PRIu64 " x 10^%" PRIi8, mantissa, exponent);
  842     stream.Printf("0001-12-30 00:00:00 +0000");
  865   stream.Printf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s", tm_date->tm_year + 1900,
  897   stream.Printf("%s", class_name.AsCString("<unknown class>"));
  987   stream.Printf("%s%" PRIu64 " byte%s%s", (needs_at ? "@\"" : ""), value,
 1012     stream.Printf("NO");
 1015     stream.Printf("YES");
 1018     stream.Printf("%u", value);
 1086   stream.Printf("%s", valobj_sp->GetSummaryAsCString());
   64     stream.Printf("indefinite");
   69     stream.Printf("+oo");
   74     stream.Printf("-oo");
   85     stream.Printf("%" PRId64 " seconds", value);
   88     stream.Printf("%" PRId64 " half seconds", value);
   91     stream.Printf("%" PRId64 " third%sof a second", value,
   95     stream.Printf("%" PRId64 " %" PRId32 "th%sof a second", value, timescale,
  454   stream.Printf("%s%" PRIu64 " %s%s%s", prefix.c_str(), value, "element",
  500   idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  715   idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  428   stream.Printf("%s%" PRIu64 " %s%s%s", prefix.c_str(), value, "key/value pair",
  635     idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  879     idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
 1037     idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
   81     stream.Printf("domain: nil - code: %" PRIu64, code);
  100     stream.Printf("domain: %s - code: %" PRIu64, domain_str_summary.GetData(),
  104     stream.Printf("domain: nil - code: %" PRIu64, code);
  112     stream.Printf("name: %s - reason: %s", name_str_summary.GetData(),
  200         idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  293   stream.Printf("%s%" PRIu64 " %s%s%s", prefix.c_str(), value, "element",
  490     idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  657     idx_name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
  145     stream.Printf("class name = %s", class_name_cs.GetCString());
  367     stream.Printf("%s", prefix.c_str());
  368     stream.Printf("\"%s\"", (const char *)&data_bits);
  369     stream.Printf("%s", suffix.c_str());
  392   stream.Printf("%s", prefix.c_str());
  393   stream.Printf("\"%s\"", &bytes[0]);
  394   stream.Printf("%s", suffix.c_str());
  212       strm.Printf("[%s %s]", GetClassName().GetCString(),
  246     strm.Printf("+%s", objc_method.GetFullName().GetCString());
  250     strm.Printf("-%s", objc_method.GetFullName().GetCString());
  255       strm.Printf("+%s", name_sans_category.GetCString());
  259       strm.Printf("-%s", name_sans_category.GetCString());
  109       strm.Printf("Value doesn't point to an ObjC object.\n");
  157       strm.Printf("Could not get function runner to call print for debugger "
  180     strm.Printf("Error evaluating Print Object function: %d.\n", results);
  615           std_out.Printf("isa = 0x%" PRIx64, iterator->first);
  616           std_out.Printf(" name = %s", class_name);
  617           std_out.Printf(" instance size = %" PRIu64,
  619           std_out.Printf(" num ivars = %" PRIuPTR,
  622             std_out.Printf(" superclass = %s",
  625           std_out.Printf("\n");
  629               std_out.Printf(
  639                   std_out.Printf("  instance method name = %s type = %s\n",
  644                   std_out.Printf("  class method name = %s type = %s\n", name,
  653           std_out.Printf("isa = 0x%" PRIx64 " has no associated class.\n",
  727             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(
  734             result.GetOutputStream().Printf("0x%" PRIx64 " is not tagged.\n",
  420   s.Printf("Header addr: 0x%" PRIx64 " Code start: 0x%" PRIx64
  426     s.Printf("Code start: 0x%" PRIx64 " Flags: %d\n",
  707       process_sp->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetErrorStream().Printf(
   37     buffer.Printf("%c", type.Next());
   44     buffer.Printf("%c", type.Next());
  139         elem_name.Printf("__unnamed_%u", count);
   90     s->Printf("Step through ObjC trampoline");
   92     s->Printf("Stepping to implementation of ObjC method - obj: 0x%llx, isa: "
 1509     strm.Printf("", res_name.c_str());
 2433     strm.Printf("Error: File %s does not exist", path);
 2439     strm.Printf("Error: File %s does not have readable permissions", path);
 2452     strm.Printf("Error: File %s does not contain enough data for header", path);
 2461     strm.Printf("Error: File doesn't contain identifier for an RS allocation "
 2479     strm.Printf("Warning: Mismatched Element sizes - file %" PRIu32
 2490     strm.Printf("Warning: File has unknown allocation type");
 2514     strm.Printf(
 2530     strm.Printf("Warning: Mismatched allocation sizes - file 0x%" PRIx64
 2543     strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't write data to allocation %s", err.AsCString());
 2548   strm.Printf("Contents of file '%s' read into allocation %" PRIu32, path,
 2659     strm.Printf("Error: Failed to open '%s' for writing: %s", path,
 2668     strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't read allocation data into buffer");
 2694     strm.Printf("Error: '%s' when writing to file '%s'", err.AsCString(), path);
 2703     strm.Printf("Internal Error: Couldn't allocate %" PRIu64
 2719     strm.Printf("Error: '%s' when writing to file '%s'", err.AsCString(), path);
 2731     strm.Printf("Error: '%s' when writing to file '%s'", err.AsCString(), path);
 2736   strm.Printf("Allocation written to file '%s'", path);
 2845     s->Printf("WARNING: The debug info emitted by the slang frontend "
 3071     strm.Printf("Runtime Library discovered.");
 3075     strm.Printf("Runtime Driver discovered.");
 3079     strm.Printf("CPU Reference Implementation discovered.");
 3084     strm.Printf("Runtime functions hooked:");
 3091     strm.Printf("Runtime is not hooked.");
 3097   strm.Printf("Inferred RenderScript Contexts:");
 3118     strm.Printf("Context 0x%" PRIx64 ": %" PRIu64 " script instances",
 3126   strm.Printf("RenderScript Kernels:");
 3130     strm.Printf("Resource '%s':", module->m_resname.c_str());
 3160     strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't find allocation with id matching %" PRIu32,
 3189       strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't JIT allocation details");
 3220     strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't read allocation data");
 3231       strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't calculate allocation row stride");
 3265   strm.Printf("Data (X, Y, Z):");
 3275         strm.Printf("\n(%" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ") = ", x, y, z);
 3329       strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't evaluate details for allocation %" PRIu32
 3337     strm.Printf("All allocations successfully recomputed");
 3348   strm.Printf("RenderScript Allocations:");
 3359       strm.Printf("Error: Couldn't evaluate details for allocation %" PRIu32,
 3365     strm.Printf("%" PRIu32 ":", alloc->id);
 3371       strm.Printf("unknown\n");
 3373       strm.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 "\n", *alloc->context.get());
 3377       strm.Printf("unknown\n");
 3379       strm.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 "\n", *alloc->address.get());
 3383       strm.Printf("unknown\n");
 3385       strm.Printf("0x%" PRIx64 "\n", *alloc->data_ptr.get());
 3389       strm.Printf("unknown\n");
 3391       strm.Printf("(%" PRId32 ", %" PRId32 ", %" PRId32 ")\n",
 3398       strm.Printf("unknown\n");
 3404         strm.Printf("%s\n", alloc->element.type_name.AsCString());
 3416           strm.Printf("invalid type\n");
 3418           strm.Printf(
 3427       strm.Printf("unknown\n");
 3431         strm.Printf("invalid kind\n");
 3433         strm.Printf(
 3702   messages.Printf("Conditional kernel breakpoint on coordinate " FMT_COORD,
 3809   strm.Printf("RenderScript Modules:");
 3902   strm.Printf("Globals: %" PRIu64, static_cast<uint64_t>(m_globals.size()));
 3911   strm.Printf("Kernels: %" PRIu64, static_cast<uint64_t>(m_kernels.size()));
 3920   strm.Printf("Pragmas: %" PRIu64, static_cast<uint64_t>(m_pragmas.size()));
 3925     strm.Printf("%s: %s", key_val.first.c_str(), key_val.second.c_str());
 3931   strm.Printf("Reductions: %" PRIu64,
 3950       strm.Printf(" - ");
 3953       strm.Printf(" - Unknown Type");
 3956     strm.Printf(" - variable identified, but not found in binary");
 3960       strm.Printf(" (symbol exists) ");
 3977   stream.Printf("accumulator: %s", m_accum_name.AsCString());
 3980   stream.Printf("initializer: %s", m_init_name.AsCString());
 3983   stream.Printf("combiner: %s", m_comb_name.AsCString());
 3986   stream.Printf("outconverter: %s", m_outc_name.AsCString());
 4159           err_str.Printf("unknown kernel type name %s", name.str().c_str());
 4404       stream.Printf("Coordinate: " FMT_COORD, coord.x, coord.y, coord.z);
 4408       stream.Printf("Error: Coordinate could not be found.");
 4594         result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Results written to '%s'",
   63       strm->Printf("RenderScript kernel breakpoint for '%s'",
  113       strm->Printf("RenderScript reduce breakpoint for '%s'",
  258       strm->Printf("RenderScript ScriptGroup breakpoint for '%s'",
  111     stream.Printf("%" PRIu64 " script %s", uint64_t(groups.size()),
  120         stream.Printf("%s", g->m_name.AsCString());
  126           stream.Printf(". %s", k.m_name.AsCString());
  170   expr.Printf(memory_history_asan_command_format, address, address);
  185     process_sp->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetAsyncOutputStream()->Printf(
  398   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
  402   s->Printf("ObjectContainerBSDArchive, num_archs = %" PRIu64
  411     s->Printf("arch[%u] = %s\n", i, arch.GetArchitectureName());
  415     s->Printf("object[%u] = %s\n", i, GetObjectNameAtIndex(i));
  126   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
  130   s->Printf("ObjectContainerUniversalMachO, num_archs = %zu, num_objects = %zu",
  138     s->Printf("arch[%u] = %s\n", i, arch.GetArchitectureName());
  142     s->Printf("object[%u] = %s\n", i, GetObjectNameAtIndex(i));
  311   s->Printf("[%3u] 0x%16.16" PRIx64 " 0x%16.16" PRIx64
 2934   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(this));
 2965   s->Printf("e_ident[EI_MAG0   ] = 0x%2.2x\n", header.e_ident[EI_MAG0]);
 2966   s->Printf("e_ident[EI_MAG1   ] = 0x%2.2x '%c'\n", header.e_ident[EI_MAG1],
 2968   s->Printf("e_ident[EI_MAG2   ] = 0x%2.2x '%c'\n", header.e_ident[EI_MAG2],
 2970   s->Printf("e_ident[EI_MAG3   ] = 0x%2.2x '%c'\n", header.e_ident[EI_MAG3],
 2973   s->Printf("e_ident[EI_CLASS  ] = 0x%2.2x\n", header.e_ident[EI_CLASS]);
 2974   s->Printf("e_ident[EI_DATA   ] = 0x%2.2x ", header.e_ident[EI_DATA]);
 2976   s->Printf("\ne_ident[EI_VERSION] = 0x%2.2x\n", header.e_ident[EI_VERSION]);
 2977   s->Printf("e_ident[EI_PAD    ] = 0x%2.2x\n", header.e_ident[EI_PAD]);
 2979   s->Printf("e_type      = 0x%4.4x ", header.e_type);
 2981   s->Printf("\ne_machine   = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_machine);
 2982   s->Printf("e_version   = 0x%8.8x\n", header.e_version);
 2983   s->Printf("e_entry     = 0x%8.8" PRIx64 "\n", header.e_entry);
 2984   s->Printf("e_phoff     = 0x%8.8" PRIx64 "\n", header.e_phoff);
 2985   s->Printf("e_shoff     = 0x%8.8" PRIx64 "\n", header.e_shoff);
 2986   s->Printf("e_flags     = 0x%8.8x\n", header.e_flags);
 2987   s->Printf("e_ehsize    = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_ehsize);
 2988   s->Printf("e_phentsize = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_phentsize);
 2989   s->Printf("e_phnum     = 0x%8.8x\n", header.e_phnum);
 2990   s->Printf("e_shentsize = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_shentsize);
 2991   s->Printf("e_shnum     = 0x%8.8x\n", header.e_shnum);
 2992   s->Printf("e_shstrndx  = 0x%8.8x\n", header.e_shstrndx);
 3046   s->Printf(" %8.8" PRIx64 " %8.8" PRIx64 " %8.8" PRIx64, ph.p_offset,
 3048   s->Printf(" %8.8" PRIx64 " %8.8" PRIx64 " %8.8x (", ph.p_filesz, ph.p_memsz,
 3052   s->Printf(") %8.8" PRIx64, ph.p_align);
 3062     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_NULL, kStrWidth);
 3063     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_LOAD, kStrWidth);
 3064     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_DYNAMIC, kStrWidth);
 3065     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_INTERP, kStrWidth);
 3066     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_NOTE, kStrWidth);
 3067     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_SHLIB, kStrWidth);
 3068     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_PHDR, kStrWidth);
 3069     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_TLS, kStrWidth);
 3070     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, PT_GNU_EH_FRAME, kStrWidth);
 3072     s->Printf("0x%8.8x%*s", p_type, kStrWidth - 10, "");
 3113   s->Printf("%8.8x ", sh.sh_name);
 3115   s->Printf(" %8.8" PRIx64 " (", sh.sh_flags);
 3117   s->Printf(") %8.8" PRIx64 " %8.8" PRIx64 " %8.8" PRIx64, sh.sh_addr,
 3119   s->Printf(" %8.8x %8.8x", sh.sh_link, sh.sh_info);
 3120   s->Printf(" %8.8" PRIx64 " %8.8" PRIx64, sh.sh_addralign, sh.sh_entsize);
 3130     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_NULL, kStrWidth);
 3131     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_PROGBITS, kStrWidth);
 3132     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_SYMTAB, kStrWidth);
 3133     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_STRTAB, kStrWidth);
 3134     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_RELA, kStrWidth);
 3135     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_HASH, kStrWidth);
 3136     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_DYNAMIC, kStrWidth);
 3137     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_NOTE, kStrWidth);
 3138     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_NOBITS, kStrWidth);
 3139     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_REL, kStrWidth);
 3140     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_SHLIB, kStrWidth);
 3141     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_DYNSYM, kStrWidth);
 3142     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_LOPROC, kStrWidth);
 3143     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_HIPROC, kStrWidth);
 3144     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_LOUSER, kStrWidth);
 3145     CASE_AND_STREAM(s, SHT_HIUSER, kStrWidth);
 3147     s->Printf("0x%8.8x%*s", sh_type, kStrWidth - 10, "");
 3182     s->Printf("[%2u] ", idx);
 3197       s->Printf("   %s\n", spec.GetFilename().GetCString());
  153     s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(this));
 4709     s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(this));
 4724         s->Printf("[%d]", i);
 1040     s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(this));
 1077   s->Printf("  e_magic    = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_magic);
 1078   s->Printf("  e_cblp     = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_cblp);
 1079   s->Printf("  e_cp       = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_cp);
 1080   s->Printf("  e_crlc     = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_crlc);
 1081   s->Printf("  e_cparhdr  = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_cparhdr);
 1082   s->Printf("  e_minalloc = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_minalloc);
 1083   s->Printf("  e_maxalloc = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_maxalloc);
 1084   s->Printf("  e_ss       = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_ss);
 1085   s->Printf("  e_sp       = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_sp);
 1086   s->Printf("  e_csum     = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_csum);
 1087   s->Printf("  e_ip       = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_ip);
 1088   s->Printf("  e_cs       = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_cs);
 1089   s->Printf("  e_lfarlc   = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_lfarlc);
 1090   s->Printf("  e_ovno     = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_ovno);
 1091   s->Printf("  e_res[4]   = { 0x%4.4x, 0x%4.4x, 0x%4.4x, 0x%4.4x }\n",
 1093   s->Printf("  e_oemid    = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_oemid);
 1094   s->Printf("  e_oeminfo  = 0x%4.4x\n", header.e_oeminfo);
 1095   s->Printf("  e_res2[10] = { 0x%4.4x, 0x%4.4x, 0x%4.4x, 0x%4.4x, 0x%4.4x, "
 1101   s->Printf("  e_lfanew   = 0x%8.8x\n", header.e_lfanew);
 1109   s->Printf("  machine = 0x%4.4x\n", header.machine);
 1110   s->Printf("  nsects  = 0x%4.4x\n", header.nsects);
 1111   s->Printf("  modtime = 0x%8.8x\n", header.modtime);
 1112   s->Printf("  symoff  = 0x%8.8x\n", header.symoff);
 1113   s->Printf("  nsyms   = 0x%8.8x\n", header.nsyms);
 1114   s->Printf("  hdrsize = 0x%4.4x\n", header.hdrsize);
 1123   s->Printf("  magic                   = 0x%4.4x\n", header.magic);
 1124   s->Printf("  major_linker_version    = 0x%2.2x\n",
 1126   s->Printf("  minor_linker_version    = 0x%2.2x\n",
 1128   s->Printf("  code_size               = 0x%8.8x\n", header.code_size);
 1129   s->Printf("  data_size               = 0x%8.8x\n", header.data_size);
 1130   s->Printf("  bss_size                = 0x%8.8x\n", header.bss_size);
 1131   s->Printf("  entry                   = 0x%8.8x\n", header.entry);
 1132   s->Printf("  code_offset             = 0x%8.8x\n", header.code_offset);
 1133   s->Printf("  data_offset             = 0x%8.8x\n", header.data_offset);
 1134   s->Printf("  image_base              = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "\n",
 1136   s->Printf("  sect_alignment          = 0x%8.8x\n", header.sect_alignment);
 1137   s->Printf("  file_alignment          = 0x%8.8x\n", header.file_alignment);
 1138   s->Printf("  major_os_system_version = 0x%4.4x\n",
 1140   s->Printf("  minor_os_system_version = 0x%4.4x\n",
 1142   s->Printf("  major_image_version     = 0x%4.4x\n",
 1144   s->Printf("  minor_image_version     = 0x%4.4x\n",
 1146   s->Printf("  major_subsystem_version = 0x%4.4x\n",
 1148   s->Printf("  minor_subsystem_version = 0x%4.4x\n",
 1150   s->Printf("  reserved1               = 0x%8.8x\n", header.reserved1);
 1151   s->Printf("  image_size              = 0x%8.8x\n", header.image_size);
 1152   s->Printf("  header_size             = 0x%8.8x\n", header.header_size);
 1153   s->Printf("  checksum                = 0x%8.8x\n", header.checksum);
 1154   s->Printf("  subsystem               = 0x%4.4x\n", header.subsystem);
 1155   s->Printf("  dll_flags               = 0x%4.4x\n", header.dll_flags);
 1156   s->Printf("  stack_reserve_size      = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "\n",
 1158   s->Printf("  stack_commit_size       = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "\n",
 1160   s->Printf("  heap_reserve_size       = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "\n",
 1162   s->Printf("  heap_commit_size        = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "\n",
 1164   s->Printf("  loader_flags            = 0x%8.8x\n", header.loader_flags);
 1165   s->Printf("  num_data_dir_entries    = 0x%8.8x\n",
 1169     s->Printf("  data_dirs[%2u] vmaddr = 0x%8.8x, vmsize = 0x%8.8x\n", i,
 1179   s->Printf("%-16s 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%4.4x "
 1200     s->Printf("[%2u] ", idx);
 1214       s->Printf("  %s\n", spec.GetFilename().GetCString());
  367   adb_command.Printf("shell:%s", command);
  331     command.Printf("rm -rf %s", s->c_str());
  344   command.Printf("oatdump --symbolize=%s --output=%s",
  207     strm.Printf("    Kernel: %s\n", un.sysname);
  208     strm.Printf("   Release: %s\n", un.release);
  209     strm.Printf("   Version: %s\n", un.version);
  212     strm.Printf("    Kernel: %s\n", un.sysname);
  213     strm.Printf("   Release: %s\n", un.release);
  214     strm.Printf("   Version: %s\n", un.version);
  118               path_string.Printf("%s/../Python/",
  121               original_path_string.Printf(
  140                     feedback_stream->Printf(
  151                     feedback_stream->Printf(
 1472         native_sdk_name.Printf("MacOSX%u.%u.sdk", version.getMajor(),
 1586   stream.Printf("lib%s.dylib", basename.GetCString());
  207           sdk_path.Printf("%sDeveloper/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/"
   55     strm.Printf("  SDK Path: \"%s\"\n", sdk_directory);
   62     strm.Printf(" SDK Roots: [%2u] \"%s\"\n", i,
  181     strm.Printf("    Kernel: %s\n", un.sysname);
  182     strm.Printf("   Release: %s\n", un.release);
  183     strm.Printf("   Version: %s\n", un.version);
  186     strm.Printf("    Kernel: %s\n", un.sysname);
  187     strm.Printf("   Release: %s\n", un.release);
  188     strm.Printf("   Version: %s\n", un.version);
  221     command.Printf("%d", uid);
  223     command.Printf(":%d", gid);
  224   command.Printf("%s", path);
  249     command.Printf("cp %s %s", src_path.c_str(), dst_path.c_str());
  271           command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s", GetRSyncOpts(), src_path.c_str(),
  274           command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s%s", GetRSyncOpts(), src_path.c_str(),
  277         command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s:%s", GetRSyncOpts(), src_path.c_str(),
  315     cp_command.Printf("cp %s %s", src_path.c_str(), dst_path.c_str());
  327           command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s", GetRSyncOpts(), src_path.c_str(),
  330           command.Printf("rsync %s %s%s %s", GetRSyncOpts(), GetRSyncPrefix(),
  333         command.Printf("rsync %s %s:%s %s", GetRSyncOpts(),
  414       stream.Printf(", options: ");
  416         stream.Printf("'%s' ", GetRSyncOpts());
  417       stream.Printf(", prefix: ");
  419         stream.Printf("'%s' ", GetRSyncPrefix());
  421         stream.Printf("ignore remote-hostname ");
  427       stream.Printf(", options: '%s' ", GetSSHOpts());
  430     stream.Printf("cache dir: %s", GetLocalCacheDirectory());
 1019   expr.Printf("dlclose((void *)0x%" PRIx64 ")", image_addr);
 1061   stream.Printf("", basename.GetCString());
  422   stream.Printf("%s.dll", basename.GetCString());
  809   result.Printf("%s://%s", scheme, hostname);
  811     result.Printf(":%u", port);
  133     s.Printf("[%x]", *ptr);
  691   s.Printf("%p: DynamicRegisterInfo contains %" PRIu64 " registers:\n",
  694     s.Printf("[%3" PRIu64 "] name = %-10s", (uint64_t)i, m_regs[i].name);
  695     s.Printf(", size = %2u, offset = %4u, encoding = %u, format = %-10s",
  699       s.Printf(", process plugin = %3u",
  702       s.Printf(", dwarf = %3u", m_regs[i].kinds[eRegisterKindDWARF]);
  704       s.Printf(", ehframe = %3u", m_regs[i].kinds[eRegisterKindEHFrame]);
  706       s.Printf(", generic = %3u", m_regs[i].kinds[eRegisterKindGeneric]);
  708       s.Printf(", alt-name = %s", m_regs[i].alt_name);
  710       s.Printf(", value_regs = [ ");
  712         s.Printf("%s ", m_regs[m_regs[i].value_regs[j]].name);
  714       s.Printf("]");
  717       s.Printf(", invalidate_regs = [ ");
  720         s.Printf("%s ", m_regs[m_regs[i].invalidate_regs[j]].name);
  722       s.Printf("]");
  728   s.Printf("%p: DynamicRegisterInfo contains %" PRIu64 " register sets:\n",
  731     s.Printf("set[%" PRIu64 "] name = %s, regs = [", (uint64_t)i,
  734       s.Printf("%s ", m_regs[m_sets[i].registers[idx]].name);
  736     s.Printf("]\n");
  273     strm.Printf("EXC_??? (%" PRIu64 ")", m_value);
  277       strm.Printf(" (%s=%s", code_label, code_desc);
  279       strm.Printf(" (%s=%" PRIu64, code_label, m_exc_code);
  284       strm.Printf(", %s=%s", subcode_label, subcode_desc);
  286       strm.Printf(", %s=0x%" PRIx64, subcode_label, m_exc_subcode);
  163         strm.Printf("<%4" PRIu64 "> send packet: %.*s", (uint64_t)bytes_written,
  169           strm.Printf("\\x%2.2x", *p);
  171         strm.Printf("%*s", (int)3, p);
  774             strm.Printf("<%4" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 "> read packet: %c",
  778             strm.Printf("<%4" PRIu64 "> read packet: %c",
  787               strm.Printf("%2.2x", escapee);
  789               strm.Printf("%2.2x", (uint8_t)ch);
  793           strm.Printf("%c%c%c", m_bytes[total_length - 3],
 1010       fd_arg.Printf("--fd=%i", pass_comm_fd);
  532     payload.Printf(";thread:%4.4" PRIx64 ";", tid);
  800       packet.Printf("%i,%i,", arg_len * 2, (int)i);
  868       packet.Printf("QEnvironment:%s", name_equal_value);
  887     packet.Printf("QLaunchArch:%s", arch);
  905     packet.Printf("QSetProcessEvent:%s", data);
 2185         packet.Printf("pid:%" PRIu64 ";",
 2188         packet.Printf("parent_pid:%" PRIu64 ";",
 2191         packet.Printf("uid:%u;", match_info.GetProcessInfo().GetUserID());
 2193         packet.Printf("gid:%u;", match_info.GetProcessInfo().GetGroupID());
 2195         packet.Printf("euid:%u;",
 2198         packet.Printf("egid:%u;",
 2200       packet.Printf("all_users:%u;", match_info.GetMatchAllUsers() ? 1 : 0);
 2308   packet.Printf("qSpeedTest:response_size:%i;data:", recv_size);
 2315       packet.Printf("%*.*s;", bytes_left, bytes_left,
 2345       strm.Printf("{ \"packet_speeds\" : {\n    \"num_packets\" : %u,\n    "
 2349       strm.Printf("Testing sending %u packets of various sizes:\n",
 2402       strm.Printf("\n    ]\n  },\n  \"download_speed\" : {\n    \"byte_size\" "
 2406       strm.Printf("Testing receiving %2.1fMB of data using varying receive "
 2454       strm.Printf("\n    ]\n  }\n}\n");
 2463   packet.Printf("qSpeedTest:response_size:%i;data:", recv_size);
 2470       packet.Printf("%*.*s;", bytes_left, bytes_left,
 2497       stream.Printf("host:%s;", hostname.c_str());
 2501       stream.Printf("host:*;");
 2567   stream.Printf("qKillSpawnedProcess:%" PRId64, pid);
 2942   stream.Printf("vFile:close:%i", (int)fd);
 3010   stream.Printf("vFile:pread:%i,%" PRId64 ",%" PRId64, (int)fd, dst_len,
 3044   stream.Printf("vFile:pwrite:%i,%" PRId64 ",", (int)fd, offset);
 3206   payload.Printf("p%x", reg);
 3238   payload.Printf("P%x=", reg_num);
 3297   payload.Printf("QRestoreRegisterState:%u", save_id);
 3317   packet.Printf("QSyncThreadState:%4.4" PRIx64 ";", tid);
 3896                 packet.Printf("%" PRIx64, symbol_load_addr);
   75     strm.Printf("history[%u] ", entry.packet_idx);
  107     packet.Printf("E%2.2x;", static_cast<uint8_t>(error.GetError()));
  191   response.Printf(";ptrsize:%u;", host_arch.GetAddressByteSize());
  238     response.Printf("watchpoint_exceptions_received:before;");
  240     response.Printf("watchpoint_exceptions_received:after;");
  311     response.Printf("default_packet_timeout:%u;", g_default_packet_timeout_sec);
  492           response.Printf("%*.*s;", bytes_left, bytes_left,
  536         response.Printf("%i", descriptor);
  538           response.Printf(",%i", save_errno);
  563   response.Printf("%i", err);
  565     response.Printf(",%i", save_errno);
  580         response.Printf("F-1:%i", EINVAL);
  590       response.Printf("%zi", bytes_read);
  592         response.Printf(",%i", save_errno);
  623         response.Printf("%zi", bytes_written);
  625           response.Printf(",%i", save_errno);
  627         response.Printf("-1,%i", EINVAL);
  669     response.Printf("F%u", mode);
  671       response.Printf(",%i", (int)Status(ec).GetError());
  711   response.Printf("F%u,%u", error.GetError(), error.GetError());
  723   response.Printf("F%u,%u", error.GetError(), error.GetError());
  805     response.Printf("F%u", error.GetError());
  825     response.Printf("F%u", error.GetError());
  840   response.Printf("PacketSize=%x", max_packet_size);
 1182   response.Printf(
 1211   response.Printf("pid:%" PRIx64 ";parent-pid:%" PRIx64
 1255     response.Printf("ostype:%s;", ostype.c_str());
 1275       response.Printf("elf_abi:%s;", abi.c_str());
 1276     response.Printf("ptrsize:%d;", proc_arch.GetAddressByteSize());
  616   response.Printf("thread:%" PRIx64 ";", tid);
  652       response.Printf("%" PRIx64, listed_thread->GetID());
  744           response.Printf("%.02x:", *reg_num_p);
  762     response.Printf("reason:%s;", reason_str);
 1092   response.Printf("%" PRIx64, uid);
 1294   response.Printf("QC%" PRIx64, thread->GetID());
 1479   response.Printf("vCont;c;C;s;S");
 1699   response.Printf("bitsize:%" PRIu32 ";offset:%" PRIu32 ";",
 1773     response.Printf("ehframe:%" PRIu32 ";",
 1777     response.Printf("dwarf:%" PRIu32 ";",
 1831       response.Printf("%" PRIx32, *reg_num);
 1843       response.Printf("%" PRIx32, *reg_num);
 1886     response.Printf("%" PRIx64, thread->GetID());
 2489     response.Printf("start:%" PRIx64 ";size:%" PRIx64 ";",
 2777     response.Printf("<library-list-svr4 version=\"1.0\">");
 2779       response.Printf("<library name=\"%s\" ",
 2781       response.Printf("lm=\"0x%" PRIx64 "\" ", library.link_map);
 2782       response.Printf("l_addr=\"0x%" PRIx64 "\" ", library.base_addr);
 2783       response.Printf("l_ld=\"0x%" PRIx64 "\" />", library.ld_addr);
 2785     response.Printf("</library-list-svr4>");
 2910   response.Printf("%" PRIu32, save_id);
 3120     response.Printf("num:0;");
 3122     response.Printf("num:%d;", hw_debug_cap->second);
  199   response.Printf("pid:%" PRIu64 ";port:%u;", debugserver_pid,
  372   response.Printf("QC%" PRIx64, pid);
  464       stream_sp->Printf("ERROR: target description file %s failed to parse.\n",
 1321               continue_packet.Printf(";c:%4.4" PRIx64, *t_pos);
 1332               continue_packet.Printf(";C%2.2x:%4.4" PRIx64, s_pos->second,
 1344               continue_packet.Printf(";s:%4.4" PRIx64, *t_pos);
 1355               continue_packet.Printf(";S%2.2x:%4.4" PRIx64, s_pos->second,
 1417             continue_packet.Printf("C%2.2x", continue_signo);
 1460             continue_packet.Printf("S%2.2x", step_signo);
 1466           continue_packet.Printf("S%2.2x", m_continue_S_tids.front().second);
 2324         ostr.Printf("%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu32, wp_addr, wp_index);
 2864   packet.Printf("vFlashErase:%" PRIx64 ",%" PRIx64, range.GetRangeBase(),
 2950     packet.Printf("vFlashWrite:%" PRIx64 ":", addr);
 2953     packet.Printf("M%" PRIx64 ",%" PRIx64 ":", addr, (uint64_t)size);
 5294         output_strm.Printf("  packet: %s\n", packet_cstr);
 5304           output_strm.Printf("response: %s\n", response.GetStringRef().data());
 5347       output_strm.Printf("  packet: %s\n", packet.GetData());
 5353         output_strm.Printf("response: %s\n", response.GetStringRef().data());
  773       s.Printf("RVA        SIZE       TYPE       StreamType\n");
  774       s.Printf("---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------\n");
  776         s.Printf(
  781       s.Printf("\n");
  789         s.Printf("%s:\n%s\n\n",,;
  798         s.Printf("%s:\n",;
  803         s.Printf("\n\n");
  837         s.Printf("Facebook Build ID:\n");
  838         s.Printf("%u\n", build_id);
  839         s.Printf("\n");
  448   run_string.Printf("%s = dict()", m_dictionary_name.c_str());
  454   run_string.Printf(
  462   run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'from six.moves import reload_module')",
  471   run_string.Printf(
  477   run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'import lldb.embedded_interpreter; from "
  484   run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'lldb.debugger_unique_id = %" PRIu64
  568           error_sp->Printf("Warning: No command attached to breakpoint.\n");
  590         error_sp->Printf("Warning: No command attached to breakpoint.\n");
  695     run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'lldb.debugger_unique_id = %" PRIu64,
  697     run_string.Printf(
  708     run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'lldb.debugger_unique_id = %" PRIu64,
  710     run_string.Printf(
  820     sstr.Printf("%s_%d", base_name_wanted, functions_counter++);
  822     sstr.Printf("%s_%p", base_name_wanted, name_token);
 1386     sstr.Printf("       %s", input.GetStringAtIndex(i));
 1425   sstr.Printf("def %s (valobj, internal_dict):",
 1449   sstr.Printf("def %s (debugger, args, result, internal_dict):",
 1480   sstr.Printf("class %s:", auto_generated_class_name.c_str());
 1488     sstr.Printf("     %s", user_input.GetStringAtIndex(i));
 2149     sstr.Printf("def %s (frame, bp_loc, extra_args, internal_dict):",
 2152     sstr.Printf("def %s (frame, bp_loc, internal_dict):",
 2175   sstr.Printf("def %s (frame, wp, internal_dict):",
 2743       command_stream.Printf("if not (sys.path.__contains__('%s')):\n    "
 2772     command_stream.Printf("sys.modules.__contains__('%s')", basename.c_str());
 2787     command_stream.Printf("sys.getrefcount(%s)", basename.c_str());
 2804         command_stream.Printf("import %s ; reload_module(%s)", basename.c_str(),
 2807         command_stream.Printf("reload_module(%s)", basename.c_str());
 2809       command_stream.Printf("import %s", basename.c_str());
 2829       command_stream.Printf("%s", basename.c_str());
 2856   command_stream.Printf("keyword.iskeyword('%s')", word);
 2995     str_stream.Printf(
  459         run_string.Printf("run_python_interpreter (%s)",
  269     stream.Printf("%s %s regex %s", GetMatchAccepts() ? "accept" : "reject",
  321     stream.Printf("%s %s match %s", GetMatchAccepts() ? "accept" : "reject",
  762     stream.Printf("darwin-log source settings specify to exclude "
  884       stream.Printf("Availability: %s\n",
  889       stream.Printf("Enabled: %s\n", enabled ? "true" : "false");
  919         stream.Printf("%02d: ", rule_number);
  928     stream.Printf("no-match behavior: %s\n",
 1673   stream.Printf("%02" PRIu64 ":%02" PRIu64 ":%02" PRIu64 ".%09" PRIu64, hours,
 1848       error_stream_sp->Printf("failed to configure DarwinLog "
 1881       error_stream_sp->Printf("failed to configure DarwinLog "
 2299     log_strm.Printf("DIEStack[%" PRIu64 "]:\n", (uint64_t)n);
 2304       log_strm.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "] 0x%8.8x: %s name='%s'\n", (uint64_t)i,
 2614             ss.Printf("set%c%s:", toupper(prop_name[0]), &prop_name[1]);
   21   s->Printf("0x%8.8x: Compile Unit: length = 0x%8.8x, version = 0x%4.4x, "
  409     s.Printf("\n0x%8.8x: ", m_offset);
  412       s.Printf("error: DWARF has been modified\n");
  417         s.Printf(" [%u] %c\n", abbrCode, abbrevDecl->HasChildren() ? '*' : ' ');
  440         s.Printf("Abbreviation code note found in 'debug_abbrev' class for "
  444       s.Printf("NULL\n");
  460   s.Printf("            ");
  464     s.Printf("[%s", DW_FORM_value_to_name(form_value.Form()));
  472       s.Printf(" [%s]", DW_FORM_value_to_name(form_value.Form()));
  485     s.Printf("0x%8.8" PRIx64, form_value.Unsigned());
  365         s.Printf("<0x%" PRIx64 "> ", uvalue);
  368         s.Printf("<0x%2.2x> ", (uint8_t)uvalue);
  371         s.Printf("<0x%4.4x> ", (uint16_t)uvalue);
  374         s.Printf("<0x%8.8x> ", (uint32_t)uvalue);
  385           s.Printf("%2.2x ", *data_ptr);
  442     s.Printf("DW_FORM(0x%4.4x)", m_form);
  449     s.Printf("{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}", uvalue + m_unit->GetOffset());
   18   s->Printf("0x%8.8x: Type Unit: length = 0x%8.8x, version = 0x%4.4x, "
  460   s.Printf("\nFunction basenames:\n");
  462   s.Printf("\nFunction fullnames:\n");
  464   s.Printf("\nFunction methods:\n");
  466   s.Printf("\nFunction selectors:\n");
  468   s.Printf("\nObjective-C class selectors:\n");
  470   s.Printf("\nGlobals and statics:\n");
  472   s.Printf("\nTypes:\n");
  474   s.Printf("\nNamespaces:\n");
  516           error.Printf("unsupported DW_FORM value%s:",
  519             error.Printf(" %#x", form);
  268       strm.Printf("Resulting unwind rows for [0x%" PRIx64 " - 0x%" PRIx64 "):",
  368     strm.Printf(
  482     strm.Printf("UnwindAssemblyInstEmulation::ReadRegister  (name = \"%s\") => "
  508     strm.Printf(
   44     s->Printf(", range%s = ", num_ranges > 1 ? "s" : "");
   68   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
   73     s->Printf(", parent = {0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}", parent_block->GetID());
  155   s->Printf(", Block{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}", GetID());
 9109         s->Printf("\n%*s", depth + DEPTH_INCREMENT, "");
 9131             s->Printf("(%s:%u) ", field_type_name.c_str(),
 9134             s->Printf("(%s) ", field_type_name.c_str());
 9137         s->Printf("%s = ", field->getNameAsString().c_str());
 9163         s->Printf("\n%*s}", depth, "");
 9181           s->Printf("%s", enum_pos->getNameAsString().c_str());
 9187       s->Printf("%" PRIi64, enum_value);
 9232         s->Printf("\n%*s[%u] ", depth + DEPTH_INCREMENT, "", element_idx);
 9260         s->Printf("\n%*s}", depth, "");
 9427       s->Printf("%" PRIi64, enum_svalue);
 9429       s->Printf("%" PRIu64, enum_uvalue);
 9458     s->Printf("0x%" PRIx64, remaining_value);
   82     s->Printf("uid=0x%" PRIx64, uid);
   87     s->Printf("isa_ptr=0x%" PRIx64, isa_ptr);
   92     s->Printf("obj_ptr_name=\"%s\" ", obj_ptr_name);
   96     s->Printf("is_dynamic_cxx=%i ", m_is_dynamic_cxx);
   58   s->Printf(", CompileUnit{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}", GetID());
   91   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
   22       s->Printf(":%u", m_line);
   29       s->Printf(", line = %u", m_line);
   50       s->Printf(":%u", m_line);
   57     s->Printf(" line %u", m_line);
  342   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
  349     s->Printf(", type = %p", static_cast<void *>(m_type));
  351     s->Printf(", type_uid = 0x%8.8" PRIx64, m_type_uid);
  415   s->Printf(", Function{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}", GetID());
   62     s->Printf("%u", line);
   65       s->Printf("%u", column);
   86     s->Printf(", line = %u", line);
   88     s->Printf(", column = %u", column);
  123       s->Printf(":%u", line);
  125         s->Printf(":%u", column);
  642   ss.Printf("___lldb_unnamed_symbol%u$$%s", ++m_synthetic_symbol_idx,
  180   s->Printf("id = {0x%8.8x}", m_uid);
  196       s->Printf(", value = 0x%16.16" PRIx64,
  200       s->Printf(", sibling = %5" PRIu64,
  203       s->Printf(", value = 0x%16.16" PRIx64,
  208     s->Printf(", name=\"%s\"", demangled.AsCString());
  210     s->Printf(", mangled=\"%s\"", m_mangled.GetMangledName().AsCString());
  214   s->Printf("[%5u] %6u %c%c%c %-15s ", index, GetID(), m_is_debug ? 'D' : ' ',
  225       s->Printf("%*s", 18, "");
  231       s->Printf("%*s", 18, "");
  235     s->Printf(format, GetByteSize(), m_flags, name.AsCString(""));
  237     s->Printf(
  244       s->Printf(" -> %s`%s\n", (const char *)shlib, reexport_name.GetCString());
  246       s->Printf(" -> %s\n", reexport_name.GetCString());
  254     s->Printf(format, m_addr_range.GetBaseAddress().GetOffset(), GetByteSize(),
  409   s->Printf("Symbol{0x%8.8x}", GetID());
  103       s->Printf("<");
  122         s->Printf("+%" PRIu64 ">", function_offset);
  125         s->Printf(" + %" PRIu64, function_offset);
  134       s->Printf(
  143           s->Printf(" + %" PRIu64, inlined_function_offset);
  169       s->Printf("<");
  184         s->Printf("+%" PRIu64 ">", symbol_offset);
  187         s->Printf(" + %" PRIu64, symbol_offset);
  204       s->Printf(", arch = \"%s\"",
  265     s->Printf("id = {0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}, ", variable->GetID());
  292     s->Printf("name = \"%s\"\n", variable->GetName().GetCString());
  880       ss.Printf("Multiple external symbols found for '%s'\n", name.AsCString());
  891       ss.Printf("Multiple internal symbols found for '%s'\n", name.AsCString());
 1135     s->Printf("Nothing specified.\n");
 1142       s->Printf("Module: %s\n", path_str);
 1144       s->Printf("Module: %s\n", m_module_spec.c_str());
 1150     s->Printf("File: %s", path_str);
 1152       s->Printf(" from line %" PRIu64 "", (uint64_t)m_start_line);
 1154         s->Printf("to line %" PRIu64 "", (uint64_t)m_end_line);
 1156         s->Printf("to end");
 1158       s->Printf(" from start to line %" PRIu64 "", (uint64_t)m_end_line);
 1160     s->Printf(".\n");
 1165     s->Printf("From line %" PRIu64 "", (uint64_t)m_start_line);
 1167       s->Printf("to line %" PRIu64 "", (uint64_t)m_end_line);
 1169       s->Printf("to end");
 1170     s->Printf(".\n");
 1172     s->Printf("From start to line %" PRIu64 ".\n", (uint64_t)m_end_line);
 1177     s->Printf("Function: %s.\n", m_function_spec.c_str());
 1182     s->Printf("Class name: %s.\n", m_class_name.c_str());
   84     s->Printf("Symtab, file = %s%s%s%s, num_symbols = %" PRIu64,
   89     s->Printf("Symtab, num_symbols = %" PRIu64 "", (uint64_t)m_symbols.size());
  153   s->Printf("Symtab %" PRIu64 " symbol indexes (%" PRIu64 " symbols total):\n",
  192     s->Printf(", byte-size = %" PRIu64, m_byte_size);
  201     s->Printf(", type_uid = 0x%8.8" PRIx64, m_encoding_uid);
  237   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(this));
  244     s->Printf(", size = %" PRIu64, m_byte_size);
  315         s->Printf("Type{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "} ", GetID());
 1027       strm.Printf("Dynamic:\n");
 1029       strm.Printf("\nStatic:\n");
 1059     stream.Printf("constructor for %s",
 1063     stream.Printf("destructor for %s",
 1067     stream.Printf("instance method %s of type %s", m_name.AsCString(),
 1071     stream.Printf("static method %s of type %s", m_name.AsCString(),
  120     s.Printf("CFA%+d", m_location.offset);
  130     s.Printf("AFA%+d", m_location.offset);
  140       s.Printf("=%s", other_reg_info->name);
  142       s.Printf("=reg(%u)", m_location.reg_num);
  165     s.Printf("reg(%u)", reg_num);
  197     s.Printf("%+3d", m_value.reg.offset);
  213     s.Printf("RaSearch@SP%+d", m_value.ra_search_offset);
  228     s.Printf("0x%16.16" PRIx64 ": CFA=", base_addr + GetOffset());
  230     s.Printf("%4" PRId64 ": CFA=", GetOffset());
  235     s.Printf(" AFA=");
  239   s.Printf(" => ");
  492     s.Printf("This UnwindPlan originally sourced from %s\n",
  503       s.Printf("LSDA address 0x%" PRIx64
  508   s.Printf("This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: ");
  511     s.Printf("yes.\n");
  514     s.Printf("no.\n");
  517     s.Printf("not specified.\n");
  520   s.Printf("This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: ");
  523     s.Printf("yes.\n");
  526     s.Printf("no.\n");
  529     s.Printf("not specified.\n");
  543     s.Printf("row[%u]: ", (uint32_t)std::distance(begin, pos));
  168     s.Printf("[%u] 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "\n", (unsigned)std::distance(begin, pos),
  105   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
  229     s.Printf("%s%s%s", prefix, language_names[i].name, suffix);
  460   s.Printf("Exception breakpoint (catch: %s throw: %s)",
  141       s->Printf(" using: ");
  144       s->Printf(" the correct runtime exception handler will be determined "
  129       s->Printf("[%d] \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", index,
  134       s->Printf("%s -> %s", m_pairs[pair_index].first.GetCString(),
  403   strm.Printf("  Platform: %s\n", GetPluginName().GetCString());
  408       strm.Printf("    Triple: ");
  419       strm.Printf(" (%s)", s.c_str());
  425     strm.Printf("    Kernel: %s\n", s.c_str());
  428     strm.Printf("  Hostname: %s\n", GetHostname());
  432       strm.Printf("  Hostname: %s\n", GetHostname());
  433     strm.Printf(" Connected: %s\n", is_connected ? "yes" : "no");
  437     strm.Printf("WorkingDir: %s\n", GetWorkingDirectory().GetCString());
  445     strm.Printf("Platform-specific connection: %s\n", specific_info.c_str());
  812       stream->Printf("Process %" PRIu64 " %s\n", process_sp->GetID(),
  844             stream->Printf("Process %" PRIu64 " stopped and restarted: %s\n",
  848             stream->Printf("Process %" PRIu64
  856               stream->Printf("\t%s\n", reason ? reason : "<UNKNOWN REASON>");
  967               stream->Printf(" accessed 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", crashing_address);
  974             stream->Printf("Target %d: (", target_idx);
  976             stream->Printf("Target <unknown index>: (");
  978           stream->Printf(") stopped.\n");
 1652         GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetErrorStream().Printf(
 1691             GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetErrorStream().Printf(
 4055     s->Printf(" process = %p (pid = %" PRIu64 "), ",
 4060   s->Printf("state = %s", StateAsCString(GetState()));
 5273             ts.Printf("<%u threads> ", num_threads);
 5279                 ts.Printf("<?> ");
 5283               ts.Printf("<0x%4.4" PRIx64 " ", thread->GetID());
 5288                 ts.Printf("[ip 0x%" PRIx64 "] ", register_context->GetPC());
 5290                 ts.Printf("[ip unknown] ");
 5300               ts.Printf(">");
 5436       strm.Printf("Process %" PRIu64 " exited with status = %i (0x%8.8x) %s\n",
 5441         strm.Printf("Connected to remote target.\n");
 5443         strm.Printf("Process %" PRIu64 " %s\n", GetID(), StateAsCString(state));
 5446     strm.Printf("Process %" PRIu64 " is running.\n", GetID());
  160     s.Printf("StopID = %u:\n", pos->first);
  254     s.Printf("addr = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ", section = %p: ", pos->first,
 1829     strm->Printf("frame #%u: ", m_frame_index);
 1832   strm->Printf("0x%0*" PRIx64 " ",
  628     s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(frame));
  633       s->Printf("frame #%u", (uint32_t)std::distance(begin, pos));
   18   s->Printf("StackID (pc = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ", cfa = 0x%16.16" PRIx64
   26       s->Printf(" (Block {0x%8.8" PRIx64 "})", sc.block->GetID());
   28       s->Printf(" (Symbol{0x%8.8x})", sc.symbol->GetID());
  207           strm.Printf("breakpoint ");
  220                   strm.Printf("internal %s breakpoint(%d).", kind, m_break_id);
  222                   strm.Printf("internal breakpoint(%d).", m_break_id);
  224                 strm.Printf("breakpoint %d.", m_break_id);
  228                 strm.Printf("one-shot breakpoint %d", m_break_id);
  230                 strm.Printf("breakpoint %d which has been deleted.",
  234             strm.Printf("breakpoint site %" PRIi64
  238             strm.Printf("breakpoint site %" PRIi64
  365             process->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetAsyncOutputStream()->Printf(
  440                 error_sp->Printf("Stopped due to an error evaluating condition "
  444                 error_sp->Printf(": \"%s\"", bp_loc_sp->GetConditionText());
  633       strm.Printf("watchpoint %" PRIi64, m_value);
  828             error_sp->Printf(
  831             error_sp->Printf(": \"%s\"", wp_sp->GetConditionText());
  939         strm.Printf(
  969           strm.Printf("signal %s", signal_name);
  971           strm.Printf("signal %" PRIi64, m_value);
 1359       target->GetDebugger().GetErrorStream().Printf(
 1366     target->GetDebugger().GetErrorStream().Printf("%s\n",
 3184   s->Printf("Hook: %" PRIu64 "\n", GetID());
  242             error_strm.Printf(
  253             error_strm.Printf(
 1510   s->Printf("Element %d: ", elem_idx);
 1539       s->Printf("thread #%u: tid = 0x%4.4" PRIx64 "\n", GetIndexID(), GetID());
 1542       s->Printf("No active thread plans\n");
 1549   s->Printf("thread #%u: tid = 0x%4.4" PRIx64 ":\n", GetIndexID(), GetID());
 1552   s->Printf("Active plan stack:\n");
 1558     s->Printf("Completed Plan Stack:\n");
 1565     s->Printf("Discarded Plan Stack:\n");
 1772     sstr.Printf("%s:%i appears multiple times in this function, selecting the "
 1910     strm.Printf("%c ", is_selected ? '*' : ' ');
 1953   strm.Printf("\n");
 1960       strm.Printf("\n");
 1967         strm.Printf("\n");
 1998         strm.Printf("\n");
 2012         strm.Printf("\n");
 2016         strm.Printf("  %zu trace messages:\n", msg_count);
   49   s->Printf("Base thread plan.");
   59     m_constructor_errors.Printf(
   69     m_constructor_errors.Printf(
   85     m_constructor_errors.Printf("Setting up ThreadPlanCallFunction, failed to "
  217     s->Printf("Function call thread plan");
  220     s->Printf("Thread plan to call 0x%" PRIx64,
   50     s->Printf("Function call thread plan using ABI instead of JIT");
   53     s->Printf("Thread plan to call 0x%" PRIx64 " using ABI instead of JIT",
   49   s->Printf("Running until completion of current function, then making "
   51     s->Printf("User Expression thread plan");
   49       error->Printf("Error constructing Python ThreadPlan: %s",
  184   s->Printf("Python thread plan implemented by class %s.",
   92       s->Printf("run to address with no addresses given.");
   95       s->Printf("run to address: ");
   97       s->Printf("run to addresses: ");
  101       s->Printf(" ");
  105       s->Printf("run to address with no addresses given.");
  108       s->Printf("Run to address: ");
  110       s->Printf("Run to addresses: ");
  115         s->Printf("\n");
  120       s->Printf(" using breakpoint: %d - ", m_break_ids[i]);
  126         s->Printf("but the breakpoint has been deleted.");
  134       error->Printf("Could not set hardware breakpoint(s)");
  145         error->Printf("Could not set breakpoint for address: ");
  147         error->Printf("\n");
  112     s->Printf(" failed (%s)", m_status.AsCString());
  116     s->Printf("step in");
  121   s->Printf("Stepping in");
  124     s->Printf(" through line ");
  131     s->Printf(" targeting %s", m_step_into_target.AsCString());
  134     s->Printf(" using ranges:");
   56     s->Printf(" failed (%s)", m_status.AsCString());
   61       s->Printf("instruction step over");
   63       s->Printf("instruction step into");
   67     s->Printf("Stepping one instruction past ");
   70       s->Printf(" which has no symbol");
   73       s->Printf(" stepping over calls");
   75       s->Printf(" stepping into calls");
  186     s->Printf("step out");
  189       s->Printf("Stepping out to inlined frame so we can walk through it.");
  191       s->Printf("Stepping out by stepping through inlined function.");
  193       s->Printf("Stepping out from ");
  199         s->Printf("address 0x%" PRIx64 "", (uint64_t)m_step_from_insn);
  206       s->Printf(" returning to frame at ");
  211         s->Printf("address 0x%" PRIx64 "", (uint64_t)m_return_addr);
  215         s->Printf(" using breakpoint site %d", m_return_bp_id);
  219   s->Printf("\n");
  221     s->Printf("Stepped out past: ");
   43   s->Printf("Single stepping past breakpoint site %" PRIu64 " at 0x%" PRIx64,
   50     s->Printf(" failed (%s)", m_status.AsCString());
   54     s->Printf("step over");
   59   s->Printf("Stepping over");
   62     s->Printf(" line ");
   68     s->Printf(" using ranges: ");
  401               s.Printf(
   95       s->Printf(" %" PRIu64 ": ", uint64_t(i));
  119     s->Printf("Step through");
  124       s->Printf(" with backstop breakpoint ID: %d at address: ",
  102     s->Printf("step until");
  104       s->Printf(" - stepped out");
  107       s->Printf("Stepping from address 0x%" PRIx64 " until we reach 0x%" PRIx64
  114       s->Printf("Stepping from address 0x%" PRIx64 " until we reach one of:",
  117         s->Printf("\n\t0x%" PRIx64 " (bp: %d)", (uint64_t)(*pos).first,
  121     s->Printf(" stepped out address is 0x%" PRIx64 ".",
   63     stream->Printf("\n");
  201         stream->Printf(
  143         s->Printf("tid: 0x%" PRIx64 " ", GetTID());
  146         s->Printf("index: %d ", GetIndex());
  150         s->Printf("thread name: \"%s\" ", name);
  154         s->Printf("queue name: \"%s\" ", queue_name);
 1465   s.Printf("%s-%s-%s", arch_str.empty() ? "*" : arch_str.str().c_str(),
 1470     s.Printf("-%s", environ_str.str().c_str());
  269   s->Printf("%*p: ConstString, string = %s%s%s, length = %" PRIu64,
  997         sstr.Printf("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ":",
 1003       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " %2.2x", GetU8(&offset));
 1007       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " %c", isprint(ch) ? ch : ' ');
 1010       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " %4.4x", GetU16(&offset));
 1013       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " %8.8x", GetU32(&offset));
 1016       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " %16.16" PRIx64, GetU64(&offset));
 1019       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " 0x%" PRIx64, GetAddress(&offset));
 1022       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " 0x%" PRIx64, GetULEB128(&offset));
 1025       sstr.Printf(format ? format : " %" PRId64, GetSLEB128(&offset));
   58       s->Printf("%p Event: broadcaster = %p (%s), type = 0x%8.8x (%s), data = ",
   64       s->Printf("%p Event: broadcaster = %p (%s), type = 0x%8.8x, data = ",
   69     s->Printf("%p Event: broadcaster = NULL, type = 0x%8.8x, data = ",
   77     s->Printf("<NULL>");
   67   strm.Printf("tid=0x%4.4" PRIx64 " <%4u> %s packet: %s\n", tid,
  114     s.Printf("    pid = %" PRIu64 "\n", m_pid);
  117     s.Printf(" parent = %" PRIu64 "\n", m_parent_pid);
  120     s.Printf("   name = %s\n", m_executable.GetFilename().GetCString());
  130         s.Printf(" arg[%u] = %s\n", i, arg);
  132         s.Printf("arg[%u] = %s\n", i, arg);
  139     s.Printf("   arch = ");
  171     s.Printf("PID    PARENT USER       GROUP      EFF USER   EFF GROUP  TRIPLE "
  178     s.Printf("PID    PARENT USER       TRIPLE                         %s\n",
  188     s.Printf("%-6" PRIu64 " %-6" PRIu64 " ", m_pid, m_parent_pid);
  221       s.Printf("%-30s ", arch_strm.GetData());
  226       s.Printf("%-30s ", arch_strm.GetData());
  239     s->Printf("(%s) ", GetTypeAsCString());
  265     s->Printf("%s", string.c_str());
   42 void Stream::Offset(uint32_t uval, const char *format) { Printf(format, uval); }
   49     return Printf("0x%" PRIi64, sval);
   57     return Printf("0x%" PRIx64, uval);
   74   Printf(format, cstr);
   87   Printf("%s0x%0*" PRIx64 "%s", prefix, addr_size * 2, addr, suffix);
  132   return Printf("%*.*s%s", m_indent_level, m_indent_level, "", s ? s : "");
  136   return Printf("%*.*s%s", m_indent_level, m_indent_level, "",
  148   Printf("%s", s);
  159   Printf("0x%.*tx", static_cast<int>(sizeof(const void *)) * 2, (ptrdiff_t)p);
  189   Printf("%i", static_cast<int>(sval));
  195   Printf("%i", static_cast<int>(sval));
  201   Printf("%i", static_cast<int>(sval));
  207   Printf("%" PRIi64, sval);
  232     strm.Printf("Begin %s:\n", name);
  235     strm.Printf("%s\n", s.c_str());
  238     strm.Printf("End %s.\n", name);
  147     s->Printf("%.9f sec (total: %.3fs; child: %.3fs; count: %" PRIu64
   18   strm.Printf("{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "}", uid.GetID());
   72   strm.Printf("[%s]:0", listen_remote_ip.c_str());