reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 1686   if (Op->SubOpIdx == -1 && Operands[Idx].MINumOperands > 1) {
 1692       StringRef Token = Op->Token; // save this in case Op gets moved
 1699       Op = &II->AsmOperands[AsmOpIdx]; // update the pointer in case it moved
 1700       Op->SubOpIdx = 0;
 1705   Op->Class = getOperandClass(Operands[Idx], Op->SubOpIdx);
 1705   Op->Class = getOperandClass(Operands[Idx], Op->SubOpIdx);
 1706   Op->OrigSrcOpName = OperandName;
 1724     Op->SubOpIdx = Idx.second;
 1727   Op->SrcOpName = OperandName;