reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  437 	NCURSES_SIZE_T _cury, _curx; /* current cursor position */
  440 	NCURSES_SIZE_T _maxy, _maxx; /* maximums of x and y, NOT window size */
  441 	NCURSES_SIZE_T _begy, _begx; /* screen coords of upper-left-hand corner */
  464 	NCURSES_SIZE_T _regtop;	/* top line of scrolling region */
  465 	NCURSES_SIZE_T _regbottom; /* bottom line of scrolling region */
  475 	    NCURSES_SIZE_T _pad_y,      _pad_x;
  476 	    NCURSES_SIZE_T _pad_top,    _pad_left;
  477 	    NCURSES_SIZE_T _pad_bottom, _pad_right;
  480 	NCURSES_SIZE_T _yoffset; /* real begy is _begy + _yoffset */