reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 2208     if ((t1 = s_alloc(4 * buf_size)) == NULL) return 0;
 2209     t2 = t1 + buf_size;
 2211     ZERO(t1, 4 * buf_size);
 2216     carry = s_uadd(da, a_top, t1, bot_size, at_size);      /* t1 = a1 + a0 */
 2217     t1[bot_size] = carry;
 2222     (void) s_kmul(t1, t2, t3, bot_size + 1, bot_size + 1); /* t3 = t1 * t2 */
 2227     ZERO(t1, buf_size);
 2229     (void) s_kmul(da, db, t1, bot_size, bot_size);     /* t1 = a0 * b0 */
 2233     s_usub(t3, t1, t3, buf_size + 2, buf_size);
 2237     COPY(t1, dc, buf_size);
 2246     s_free(t1); /* note t2 and t3 are just internal pointers to t1 */