reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  270     return BuildStruct(ast_ctx, type, for_expression);
  272     return BuildArray(ast_ctx, type, for_expression);
  274     return BuildUnion(ast_ctx, type, for_expression);
  276     return BuildObjCObjectPointerType(ast_ctx, type, for_expression);
  284     return ast_ctx.CharTy;
  286     return ast_ctx.IntTy;
  288     return ast_ctx.ShortTy;
  290     return ast_ctx.getIntTypeForBitwidth(32, true);
  299     return ast_ctx.LongLongTy;
  301     return ast_ctx.UnsignedCharTy;
  303     return ast_ctx.UnsignedIntTy;
  305     return ast_ctx.UnsignedShortTy;
  307     return ast_ctx.getIntTypeForBitwidth(32, false);
  310     return ast_ctx.UnsignedLongLongTy;
  312     return ast_ctx.FloatTy;
  314     return ast_ctx.DoubleTy;
  316     return ast_ctx.BoolTy;
  318     return ast_ctx.VoidTy;
  320     return ast_ctx.getPointerType(ast_ctx.CharTy);
  320     return ast_ctx.getPointerType(ast_ctx.CharTy);
  322     return ast_ctx.getObjCClassType();
  324     return ast_ctx.getObjCSelType();
  329       return ast_ctx.UnsignedIntTy; // FIXME: the spec is fairly vague here.
  334     clang::QualType target_type = BuildType(ast_ctx, type, for_expression);
  337     else if (target_type == ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy)
  338       return ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy;
  340       return ast_ctx.getConstType(target_type);
  349       return ast_ctx.VoidPtrTy;
  351       clang::QualType target_type = BuildType(ast_ctx, type, for_expression);
  354       else if (target_type == ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy)
  355         return ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy;
  357         return ast_ctx.getPointerType(target_type);
  361     return for_expression ? ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy : clang::QualType();