reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   23   {"script-lang", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, eScriptLanguagePython, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_language_enumerators), "The script language to be used for evaluating user-written scripts."},
   25   {"stop-disassembly-display", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, Debugger::eStopDisassemblyTypeNoDebugInfo, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_show_disassembly_enum_values), "Control when to display disassembly when displaying a stopped context."},
   28   {"stop-show-column", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eStopShowColumnAnsiOrCaret, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(s_stop_show_column_values), "If true, LLDB will use the column information from the debug info to mark the current position when displaying a stopped context."},
   13   {"scan-type", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, eKASLRScanNearPC, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_kaslr_kernel_scan_enum_values), "Control how many reads lldb will make while searching for a Darwin kernel on attach."},
   12   {"enable", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, eEnableJITLoaderGDBDefault, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_enable_jit_loader_gdb_enumerators), "Enable GDB's JIT compilation interface (default: enabled on all platforms except macOS)"},
   58   {"x86-disassembly-flavor", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eX86DisFlavorDefault, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_x86_dis_flavor_value_types), "The default disassembly flavor to use for x86 or x86-64 targets."},
   67   {"hex-immediate-style", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, Disassembler::eHexStyleC, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_hex_immediate_style_values), "Which style to use for printing hexadecimal disassembly values."},
   70   {"inline-breakpoint-strategy", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eInlineBreakpointsAlways, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_inline_breakpoint_enums), "The strategy to use when settings breakpoints by file and line. Breakpoint locations can end up being inlined by the compiler, so that a compile unit 'a.c' might contain an inlined function from another source file. Usually this is limited to breakpoint locations from inlined functions from header or other include files, or more accurately non-implementation source files. Sometimes code might #include implementation files and cause inlined breakpoint locations in inlined implementation files. Always checking for inlined breakpoint locations can be expensive (memory and time), so if you have a project with many headers and find that setting breakpoints is slow, then you can change this setting to headers. This setting allows you to control exactly which strategy is used when setting file and line breakpoints."},
   73   {"load-cwd-lldbinit", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eLoadCWDlldbinitWarn, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_load_cwd_lldbinit_values), "Allow LLDB to .lldbinit files from the current directory automatically."},
   74   {"load-script-from-symbol-file", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eLoadScriptFromSymFileWarn, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_load_script_from_sym_file_values), "Allow LLDB to load scripting resources embedded in symbol files when available."},
   79   {"memory-module-load-level", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eMemoryModuleLoadLevelComplete, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_memory_module_load_level_values), "Loading modules from memory can be slow as reading the symbol tables and other data can take a long time depending on your connection to the debug target. This setting helps users control how much information gets loaded when loading modules from memory.'complete' is the default value for this setting which will load all sections and symbols by reading them from memory (slowest, most accurate). 'partial' will load sections and attempt to find function bounds without downloading the symbol table (faster, still accurate, missing symbol names). 'minimal' is the fastest setting and will load section data with no symbols, but should rarely be used as stack frames in these memory regions will be inaccurate and not provide any context (fastest). "},
   84   {"prefer-dynamic-value", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eDynamicDontRunTarget, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_dynamic_value_types), "Should printed values be shown as their dynamic value."},
  141     case 1u << eTypeEnum:
  142       return eTypeEnum;
   38   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeEnum; }
  142   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeEnum)
  148   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeEnum)
  471   case eTypeEnum:
   53       case eTypeEnum:
   64       case eTypeEnum:
   77   case OptionValue::eTypeEnum: