reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   12   {"auto-confirm", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true all confirmation prompts will receive their default reply."},
   13   {"auto-indent", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will auto indent/outdent code. Currently only supported in the REPL (default: true)."},
   14   {"auto-one-line-summaries", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will automatically display small structs in one-liner format (default: true)."},
   16   {"escape-non-printables", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will automatically escape non-printable and escape characters when formatting strings."},
   19   {"highlight-source", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will highlight the displayed source code."},
   20   {"notify-void", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Notify the user explicitly if an expression returns void (default: false)."},
   21   {"print-decls", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will print the values of variables declared in an expression. Currently only supported in the REPL (default: true)."},
   35   {"use-color", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Whether to use Ansi color codes or not."},
   36   {"use-external-editor", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Whether to use an external editor or not."},
   45   {"enable-external-lookup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Control the use of external tools and repositories to locate symbol files. Directories listed in target.debug-file-search-paths and directory of the executable are always checked first for separate debug info files. Then depending on this setting: On macOS, Spotlight would be also used to locate a matching .dSYM bundle based on the UUID of the executable. On NetBSD, directory /usr/libdata/debug would be also searched. On platforms other than NetBSD directory /usr/lib/debug would be also searched."},
   12   {"echo-commands", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, commands will be echoed before they are evaluated."},
   13   {"echo-comment-commands", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, commands will be echoed even if they are pure comment lines."},
   14   {"expand-regex-aliases", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, regular expression alias commands will show the expanded command that will be executed. This can be used to debug new regular expression alias commands."},
   15   {"prompt-on-quit", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will prompt you before quitting if there are any live processes being debugged. If false, LLDB will quit without asking in any case."},
   16   {"space-repl-prompts", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, blank lines will be printed between between REPL submissions."},
   17   {"stop-command-source-on-error", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will stop running a 'command source' script upon encountering an error."},
   12   {"load-kexts", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Automatically loads kext images when attaching to a kernel."},
   14   {"use-libraries-svr4", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, the libraries-svr4 feature will be used to get a hold of the process's loaded modules."},
   13   {"enable-on-startup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Enable Darwin os_log collection when debugged process is launched or attached."},
   12   {"ignore-file-indexes", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Ignore indexes present in the object files and always index DWARF manually."},
   12   {"inject-local-vars", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, inject local variables explicitly into the expression text. This will fix symbol resolution when there are name collisions between ivars and local variables. But it can make expressions run much more slowly."},
   13   {"use-modern-type-lookup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, use Clang's modern type lookup infrastructure."},
   22   {"use-module-cache", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Use module cache."},
   30   {"detach-keeps-stopped", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, detach will attempt to keep the process stopped."},
   31   {"disable-memory-cache", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Disable reading and caching of memory in fixed-size units."},
   33   {"ignore-breakpoints-in-expressions", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, breakpoints will be ignored during expression evaluation."},
   36   {"stop-on-exec", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, stop when a shared library is loaded or unloaded."},
   37   {"stop-on-sharedlibrary-events", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, stop when a shared library is loaded or unloaded."},
   38   {"unwind-on-error-in-expressions", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, errors in expression evaluation will unwind the stack back to the state before the call."},
   40   {"optimization-warnings", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, warn when stopped in code that is optimized where stepping and variable availability may not behave as expected."},
   49   {"auto-apply-fixits", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Automatically apply fix-it hints to expressions."},
   50   {"auto-import-clang-modules", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Automatically load Clang modules referred to by the program."},
   51   {"breakpoints-use-platform-avoid-list", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Consult the platform module avoid list when setting non-module specific breakpoints."},
   55   {"detach-on-error", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "debugserver will detach (rather than killing) a process if it loses connection with lldb."},
   56   {"disable-aslr", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Disable Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)"},
   57   {"disable-stdio", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Disable stdin/stdout for process (e.g. for a GUI application)"},
   59   {"display-expression-in-crashlogs", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Expressions that crash will show up in crash logs if the host system supports executable specific crash log strings and this setting is set to true."},
   60   {"display-recognized-arguments", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Show recognized arguments in variable listings by default."},
   61   {"display-runtime-support-values", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will show variables that are meant to support the operation of a language's runtime support."},
   62   {"enable-synthetic-value", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Should synthetic values be used by default whenever available."},
   68   {"import-std-module", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Import the C++ std module to improve debugging STL containers."},
   69   {"inherit-env", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Inherit the environment from the process that is running LLDB."},
   80   {"move-to-nearest-code", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Move breakpoints to nearest code."},
   81   {"non-stop-mode", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Disable lock-step debugging, instead control threads independently."},
   82   {"notify-about-fixits", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Print the fixed expression text."},
   85   {"preload-symbols", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Enable loading of symbol tables before they are needed."},
   86   {"require-hardware-breakpoint", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Require all breakpoints to be hardware breakpoints."},
   88   {"save-jit-objects", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Save intermediate object files generated by the LLVM JIT"},
   89   {"skip-prologue", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Skip function prologues when setting breakpoints by name."},
   92   {"use-fast-stepping", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Use a fast stepping algorithm based on running from branch to branch rather than instruction single-stepping."},
   93   {"use-hex-immediates", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Show immediates in disassembly as hexadecimal."},
  101   {"trace-thread", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, this thread will single-step and log execution."},
  105   {"step-in-avoid-nodebug", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, step-in will not stop in functions with no debug information."},
  106   {"step-out-avoid-nodebug", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, when step-in/step-out/step-over leave the current frame, they will continue to step out till they come to a function with debug information. Passing a frame argument to step-out will override this option."},
  135     case 1u << eTypeBoolean:
  136       return eTypeBoolean;
   28   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeBoolean; }
   23   case OptionValue::eTypeBoolean:
   46   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeBoolean)
   52   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeBoolean)
  465   case eTypeBoolean:
  510   case 1u << eTypeBoolean:
   51       case eTypeBoolean:
   62       case eTypeBoolean:
   50   case OptionValue::eTypeBoolean: