reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions

Derived Classes

   18 class OptionValueArch : public OptionValue {
   18 class OptionValueArray : public OptionValue {
   16 class OptionValueBoolean : public OptionValue {
   16 class OptionValueChar : public OptionValue {
   18 class OptionValueDictionary : public OptionValue {
   22 class OptionValueEnumeration : public OptionValue {
   19 class OptionValueFileSpec : public OptionValue {
   19 class OptionValueFileSpecList : public OptionValue {
   16 class OptionValueFormat : public OptionValue {
   17 class OptionValueFormatEntity : public OptionValue {
   18 class OptionValueLanguage : public OptionValue {
   17 class OptionValuePathMappings : public OptionValue {
   22 class OptionValueProperties
   17 class OptionValueRegex : public OptionValue {
   17 class OptionValueSInt64 : public OptionValue {
   20 class OptionValueString : public OptionValue {
   17 class OptionValueUInt64 : public OptionValue {
   17 class OptionValueUUID : public OptionValue {


  143 class OptionValue;


   12   {"auto-confirm", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true all confirmation prompts will receive their default reply."},
   13   {"auto-indent", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will auto indent/outdent code. Currently only supported in the REPL (default: true)."},
   14   {"auto-one-line-summaries", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will automatically display small structs in one-liner format (default: true)."},
   15   {"disassembly-format", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0, "{${function.initial-function}{${module.file.basename}`}{${}}:\\n}{${function.changed}\\n{${module.file.basename}`}{${}}:\\n}{${current-pc-arrow} }${addr-file-or-load}{ <${function.concrete-only-addr-offset-no-padding}>}: ", {}, "The default disassembly format string to use when disassembling instruction sequences."},
   16   {"escape-non-printables", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will automatically escape non-printable and escape characters when formatting strings."},
   17   {"frame-format", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0, "frame #${frame.index}: ${ansi.fg.yellow}${frame.pc}${ansi.normal}{ ${module.file.basename}{`${}{${}${function.pc-offset}}}}{ at ${ansi.fg.cyan}${line.file.basename}${ansi.normal}:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.number}${ansi.normal}{:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.column}${ansi.normal}}}{${} [opt]}{${} [artificial]}\\n", {}, "The default frame format string to use when displaying stack frame information for threads."},
   18   {"frame-format-unique", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0, "frame #${frame.index}: ${ansi.fg.yellow}${frame.pc}${ansi.normal}{ ${module.file.basename}{`${}{${}${function.pc-offset}}}}{ at ${ansi.fg.cyan}${line.file.basename}${ansi.normal}:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.number}${ansi.normal}{:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.column}${ansi.normal}}}{${} [opt]}{${} [artificial]}\\n", {}, "The default frame format string to use when displaying stack frameinformation for threads from thread backtrace unique."},
   19   {"highlight-source", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will highlight the displayed source code."},
   20   {"notify-void", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Notify the user explicitly if an expression returns void (default: false)."},
   21   {"print-decls", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will print the values of variables declared in an expression. Currently only supported in the REPL (default: true)."},
   22   {"prompt", OptionValue::eTypeString, true, OptionValueString::eOptionEncodeCharacterEscapeSequences, "(lldb) ", {}, "The debugger command line prompt displayed for the user."},
   23   {"script-lang", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, eScriptLanguagePython, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_language_enumerators), "The script language to be used for evaluating user-written scripts."},
   24   {"stop-disassembly-count", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, true, 4, nullptr, {}, "The number of disassembly lines to show when displaying a stopped context."},
   25   {"stop-disassembly-display", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, Debugger::eStopDisassemblyTypeNoDebugInfo, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_show_disassembly_enum_values), "Control when to display disassembly when displaying a stopped context."},
   26   {"stop-line-count-after", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, true, 3, nullptr, {}, "The number of sources lines to display that come after the current source line when displaying a stopped context."},
   27   {"stop-line-count-before", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, true, 3, nullptr, {}, "The number of sources lines to display that come before the current source line when displaying a stopped context."},
   28   {"stop-show-column", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eStopShowColumnAnsiOrCaret, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(s_stop_show_column_values), "If true, LLDB will use the column information from the debug info to mark the current position when displaying a stopped context."},
   29   {"stop-show-column-ansi-prefix", OptionValue::eTypeString, true, 0, "${ansi.underline}", {}, "When displaying the column marker in a color-enabled (i.e. ANSI) terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format at the immediately before the column to be marked."},
   30   {"stop-show-column-ansi-suffix", OptionValue::eTypeString, true, 0, "${ansi.normal}", {}, "When displaying the column marker in a color-enabled (i.e. ANSI) terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately after the column to be marked."},
   31   {"tab-size", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, true, 4, nullptr, {}, "The tab size to use when indenting code in multi-line input mode (default: 4)."},
   32   {"term-width", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, true, 80, nullptr, {}, "The maximum number of columns to use for displaying text."},
   33   {"thread-format", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0, "thread #${thread.index}: tid = ${}{, ${frame.pc}}{ ${module.file.basename}{`${}{${}${function.pc-offset}}}}{ at ${ansi.fg.cyan}${line.file.basename}${ansi.normal}:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.number}${ansi.normal}{:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.column}${ansi.normal}}}{, name = ${}'${}'${ansi.normal}}{, queue = ${}'${thread.queue}'${ansi.normal}}{, activity = ${}'${}'${ansi.normal}}{, ${} messages}{, stop reason = ${}${thread.stop-reason}${ansi.normal}}{\\nReturn value: ${thread.return-value}}{\\nCompleted expression: ${thread.completed-expression}}\\n", {}, "The default thread format string to use when displaying thread information."},
   34   {"thread-stop-format", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0, "thread #${thread.index}{, name = '${}'}{, queue = ${}'${thread.queue}'${ansi.normal}}{, activity = ${}'${}'${ansi.normal}}{, ${} messages}{, stop reason = ${}${thread.stop-reason}${ansi.normal}}{\\nReturn value: ${thread.return-value}}{\\nCompleted expression: ${thread.completed-expression}}\\n", {}, "The default thread format  string to use when displaying thread information as part of the stop display."},
   35   {"use-color", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Whether to use Ansi color codes or not."},
   36   {"use-external-editor", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Whether to use an external editor or not."},
   44   {"clang-modules-cache-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, true, 0, "", {}, "The path to the clang modules cache directory (-fmodules-cache-path)."},
   45   {"enable-external-lookup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Control the use of external tools and repositories to locate symbol files. Directories listed in target.debug-file-search-paths and directory of the executable are always checked first for separate debug info files. Then depending on this setting: On macOS, Spotlight would be also used to locate a matching .dSYM bundle based on the UUID of the executable. On NetBSD, directory /usr/libdata/debug would be also searched. On platforms other than NetBSD directory /usr/lib/debug would be also searched."},
   12   {"echo-commands", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, commands will be echoed before they are evaluated."},
   13   {"echo-comment-commands", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, commands will be echoed even if they are pure comment lines."},
   14   {"expand-regex-aliases", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, regular expression alias commands will show the expanded command that will be executed. This can be used to debug new regular expression alias commands."},
   15   {"prompt-on-quit", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will prompt you before quitting if there are any live processes being debugged. If false, LLDB will quit without asking in any case."},
   16   {"space-repl-prompts", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, blank lines will be printed between between REPL submissions."},
   17   {"stop-command-source-on-error", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will stop running a 'command source' script upon encountering an error."},
   12   {"load-kexts", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Automatically loads kext images when attaching to a kernel."},
   13   {"scan-type", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, eKASLRScanNearPC, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_kaslr_kernel_scan_enum_values), "Control how many reads lldb will make while searching for a Darwin kernel on attach."},
   12   {"enable", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, eEnableJITLoaderGDBDefault, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_enable_jit_loader_gdb_enumerators), "Enable GDB's JIT compilation interface (default: enabled on all platforms except macOS)"},
   12   {"packet-timeout", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, true, 5, nullptr, {}, "Specify the default packet timeout in seconds."},
   13   {"target-definition-file", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, true, 0, "", {}, "The file that provides the description for remote target registers."},
   14   {"use-libraries-svr4", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, the libraries-svr4 feature will be used to get a hold of the process's loaded modules."},
   12   {"auto-enable-options", OptionValue::eTypeString, true, 0, "", {}, "Specify the options to 'plugin structured-data darwin-log enable' that should be applied when automatically enabling logging on startup/attach."},
   13   {"enable-on-startup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Enable Darwin os_log collection when debugged process is launched or attached."},
   12   {"ignore-file-indexes", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Ignore indexes present in the object files and always index DWARF manually."},
   13   {"comp-dir-symlink-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, true, 0, "", {}, "If the DW_AT_comp_dir matches any of these paths the symbolic links will be resolved at DWARF parse time."},
   12   {"inject-local-vars", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, inject local variables explicitly into the expression text. This will fix symbol resolution when there are name collisions between ivars and local variables. But it can make expressions run much more slowly."},
   13   {"use-modern-type-lookup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, use Clang's modern type lookup infrastructure."},
   21   {"module-cache-directory", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, true, 0, "", {}, "Root directory for cached modules."},
   22   {"use-module-cache", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Use module cache."},
   30   {"detach-keeps-stopped", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, detach will attempt to keep the process stopped."},
   31   {"disable-memory-cache", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Disable reading and caching of memory in fixed-size units."},
   32   {"extra-startup-command", OptionValue::eTypeArray, false, 16, nullptr, {}, "A list containing extra commands understood by the particular process plugin used.  For instance, to turn on debugserver logging set this to 'QSetLogging:bitmask=LOG_DEFAULT;'"},
   33   {"ignore-breakpoints-in-expressions", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, breakpoints will be ignored during expression evaluation."},
   34   {"memory-cache-line-size", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, false, 512, nullptr, {}, "The memory cache line size"},
   35   {"python-os-plugin-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "A path to a python OS plug-in module file that contains a OperatingSystemPlugIn class."},
   36   {"stop-on-exec", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, stop when a shared library is loaded or unloaded."},
   37   {"stop-on-sharedlibrary-events", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, stop when a shared library is loaded or unloaded."},
   38   {"unwind-on-error-in-expressions", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, errors in expression evaluation will unwind the stack back to the state before the call."},
   39   {"utility-expression-timeout", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, false, 15, nullptr, {}, "The time in seconds to wait for LLDB-internal utility expressions."},
   40   {"optimization-warnings", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, warn when stopped in code that is optimized where stepping and variable availability may not behave as expected."},
   48   {"arg0", OptionValue::eTypeString, false, 0, "", {}, "The first argument passed to the program in the argument array which can be different from the executable itself."},
   49   {"auto-apply-fixits", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Automatically apply fix-it hints to expressions."},
   50   {"auto-import-clang-modules", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Automatically load Clang modules referred to by the program."},
   51   {"breakpoints-use-platform-avoid-list", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Consult the platform module avoid list when setting non-module specific breakpoints."},
   52   {"clang-module-search-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, false, 0, "", {}, "List of directories to be searched when locating modules for Clang."},
   53   {"debug-file-search-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, false, 0, "", {}, "List of directories to be searched when locating debug symbol files. See also symbols.enable-external-lookup."},
   54   {"default-arch", OptionValue::eTypeArch, true, 0, "", {}, "Default architecture to choose, when there's a choice."},
   55   {"detach-on-error", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "debugserver will detach (rather than killing) a process if it loses connection with lldb."},
   56   {"disable-aslr", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Disable Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)"},
   57   {"disable-stdio", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Disable stdin/stdout for process (e.g. for a GUI application)"},
   58   {"x86-disassembly-flavor", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eX86DisFlavorDefault, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_x86_dis_flavor_value_types), "The default disassembly flavor to use for x86 or x86-64 targets."},
   59   {"display-expression-in-crashlogs", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Expressions that crash will show up in crash logs if the host system supports executable specific crash log strings and this setting is set to true."},
   60   {"display-recognized-arguments", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Show recognized arguments in variable listings by default."},
   61   {"display-runtime-support-values", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will show variables that are meant to support the operation of a language's runtime support."},
   62   {"enable-synthetic-value", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Should synthetic values be used by default whenever available."},
   63   {"env-vars", OptionValue::eTypeDictionary, false, 16, nullptr, {}, "A list of all the environment variables to be passed to the executable's environment, and their values."},
   64   {"error-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, "", {}, "The file/path to be used by the executable program for writing its standard error."},
   65   {"exec-search-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, false, 0, "", {}, "Executable search paths to use when locating executable files whose paths don't match the local file system."},
   66   {"expr-prefix", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, "", {}, "Path to a file containing expressions to be prepended to all expressions."},
   67   {"hex-immediate-style", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, Disassembler::eHexStyleC, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_hex_immediate_style_values), "Which style to use for printing hexadecimal disassembly values."},
   68   {"import-std-module", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Import the C++ std module to improve debugging STL containers."},
   69   {"inherit-env", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Inherit the environment from the process that is running LLDB."},
   70   {"inline-breakpoint-strategy", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eInlineBreakpointsAlways, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_inline_breakpoint_enums), "The strategy to use when settings breakpoints by file and line. Breakpoint locations can end up being inlined by the compiler, so that a compile unit 'a.c' might contain an inlined function from another source file. Usually this is limited to breakpoint locations from inlined functions from header or other include files, or more accurately non-implementation source files. Sometimes code might #include implementation files and cause inlined breakpoint locations in inlined implementation files. Always checking for inlined breakpoint locations can be expensive (memory and time), so if you have a project with many headers and find that setting breakpoints is slow, then you can change this setting to headers. This setting allows you to control exactly which strategy is used when setting file and line breakpoints."},
   71   {"input-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, "", {}, "The file/path to be used by the executable program for reading its standard input."},
   72   {"language", OptionValue::eTypeLanguage, false, eLanguageTypeUnknown, nullptr, {}, "The language to use when interpreting expressions entered in commands."},
   73   {"load-cwd-lldbinit", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eLoadCWDlldbinitWarn, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_load_cwd_lldbinit_values), "Allow LLDB to .lldbinit files from the current directory automatically."},
   74   {"load-script-from-symbol-file", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eLoadScriptFromSymFileWarn, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_load_script_from_sym_file_values), "Allow LLDB to load scripting resources embedded in symbol files when available."},
   75   {"max-children-count", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, false, 256, nullptr, {}, "Maximum number of children to expand in any level of depth."},
   76   {"max-memory-read-size", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, false, 1024, nullptr, {}, "Maximum number of bytes that 'memory read' will fetch before --force must be specified."},
   77   {"max-string-summary-length", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, false, 1024, nullptr, {}, "Maximum number of characters to show when using %s in summary strings."},
   78   {"max-zero-padding-in-float-format", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, false, 6, nullptr, {}, "The maximum number of zeroes to insert when displaying a very small float before falling back to scientific notation."},
   79   {"memory-module-load-level", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eMemoryModuleLoadLevelComplete, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_memory_module_load_level_values), "Loading modules from memory can be slow as reading the symbol tables and other data can take a long time depending on your connection to the debug target. This setting helps users control how much information gets loaded when loading modules from memory.'complete' is the default value for this setting which will load all sections and symbols by reading them from memory (slowest, most accurate). 'partial' will load sections and attempt to find function bounds without downloading the symbol table (faster, still accurate, missing symbol names). 'minimal' is the fastest setting and will load section data with no symbols, but should rarely be used as stack frames in these memory regions will be inaccurate and not provide any context (fastest). "},
   80   {"move-to-nearest-code", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Move breakpoints to nearest code."},
   81   {"non-stop-mode", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Disable lock-step debugging, instead control threads independently."},
   82   {"notify-about-fixits", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Print the fixed expression text."},
   83   {"output-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, "", {}, "The file/path to be used by the executable program for writing its standard output."},
   84   {"prefer-dynamic-value", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eDynamicDontRunTarget, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_dynamic_value_types), "Should printed values be shown as their dynamic value."},
   85   {"preload-symbols", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Enable loading of symbol tables before they are needed."},
   86   {"require-hardware-breakpoint", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Require all breakpoints to be hardware breakpoints."},
   87   {"run-args", OptionValue::eTypeArgs, false, 0, "", {}, "A list containing all the arguments to be passed to the executable when it is run. Note that this does NOT include the argv[0] which is in target.arg0."},
   88   {"save-jit-objects", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Save intermediate object files generated by the LLVM JIT"},
   89   {"skip-prologue", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Skip function prologues when setting breakpoints by name."},
   90   {"source-map", OptionValue::eTypePathMap, false, 0, "", {}, "Source path remappings are used to track the change of location between a source file when built, and where it exists on the current system.  It consists of an array of duples, the first element of each duple is some part (starting at the root) of the path to the file when it was built, and the second is where the remainder of the original build hierarchy is rooted on the local system.  Each element of the array is checked in order and the first one that results in a match wins."},
   91   {"trap-handler-names", OptionValue::eTypeArray, true, 16, nullptr, {}, "A list of trap handler function names, e.g. a common Unix user process one is _sigtramp."},
   92   {"use-fast-stepping", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Use a fast stepping algorithm based on running from branch to branch rather than instruction single-stepping."},
   93   {"use-hex-immediates", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 1, nullptr, {}, "Show immediates in disassembly as hexadecimal."},
  101   {"trace-thread", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, this thread will single-step and log execution."},
  102   {"max-backtrace-depth", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, false, 300000, nullptr, {}, "Maximum number of frames to backtrace."},
  103   {"step-avoid-libraries", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, true, 0, "", {}, "A list of libraries that source stepping won't stop in."},
  104   {"step-avoid-regexp", OptionValue::eTypeRegex, true, 0, "^std::", {}, "A regular expression defining functions step-in won't stop in."},
  105   {"step-in-avoid-nodebug", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "If true, step-in will not stop in functions with no debug information."},
  106   {"step-out-avoid-nodebug", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "If true, when step-in/step-out/step-over leave the current frame, they will continue to step out till they come to a function with debug information. Passing a frame argument to step-out will override this option."},
  162                                 OptionValue::Type data_type);
   64   OptionValue(const OptionValue &rhs)
  122   static uint32_t ConvertTypeToMask(OptionValue::Type type) {
  126   static OptionValue::Type ConvertTypeMaskToType(uint32_t type_mask) {
   18 class OptionValueArch : public OptionValue {
   38   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeArch; }
   20             OptionValue::ConvertTypeToMask(OptionValue::eTypeString)) {}
   20             OptionValue::ConvertTypeToMask(OptionValue::eTypeString)) {}
   18 class OptionValueArray : public OptionValue {
   27   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeArray; }
   16 class OptionValueBoolean : public OptionValue {
   28   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeBoolean; }
   16 class OptionValueChar : public OptionValue {
   29   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeChar; }
   18 class OptionValueDictionary : public OptionValue {
   29   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeDictionary; }
   22 class OptionValueEnumeration : public OptionValue {
   38   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeEnum; }
   19 class OptionValueFileSpec : public OptionValue {
   32   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeFileSpec; }
   19 class OptionValueFileSpecList : public OptionValue {
   30   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeFileSpecList; }
   16 class OptionValueFormat : public OptionValue {
   29   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeFormat; }
   17 class OptionValueFormatEntity : public OptionValue {
   25   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeFormatEntity; }
   18 class OptionValueLanguage : public OptionValue {
   32   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeLanguage; }
   17 class OptionValuePathMappings : public OptionValue {
   26   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypePathMap; }
   23     : public OptionValue,
   17 class OptionValueRegex : public OptionValue {
   26   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeRegex; }
   17 class OptionValueSInt64 : public OptionValue {
   41   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeSInt64; }
   20 class OptionValueString : public OptionValue {
   76   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeString; }
   17 class OptionValueUInt64 : public OptionValue {
   38   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeUInt64; }
   17 class OptionValueUUID : public OptionValue {
   27   OptionValue::Type GetType() const override { return eTypeUUID; }
   26   OptionValue::Type type;
   89                                          OptionValue *option_value);
  215                                        OptionValue *);
  217                                           OptionValue *);
  219                                           OptionValue *);
  221                                              OptionValue *);
  223                                             OptionValue *);
  225                                              OptionValue *);
  227                                             OptionValue *);
  229                                                 OptionValue *);
  231                                               OptionValue *);
  233                                                OptionValue *);
  366 typedef std::shared_ptr<lldb_private::OptionValue> OptionValueSP;
  367 typedef std::weak_ptr<lldb_private::OptionValue> OptionValueWP;
   86                                            OptionValue *option_value);
 1274       value_sp->DumpValue(&exe_ctx, value_strm, OptionValue::eDumpOptionValue);
  305       properties_sp->DumpValue(nullptr, strm, OptionValue::eDumpOptionName);
  231           set_indexes(OptionValue::ConvertTypeToMask(OptionValue::eTypeUInt64)),
  231           set_indexes(OptionValue::ConvertTypeToMask(OptionValue::eTypeUInt64)),
  284             OptionValue::eDumpGroupValue));
  294                                           OptionValue::eDumpGroupValue);
  398                                           OptionValue::eDumpGroupExport);
  404           &clean_ctx, out_file, arg.ref(), OptionValue::eDumpGroupExport));
  362       if (value_sp && value_sp->GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeRegex) {
  777                                      OptionValue::Type data_type) {
  817       case OptionValue::eTypeUInt64:
  841   OptionValue::Type data_type = OptionValue::eTypeInvalid;
  841   OptionValue::Type data_type = OptionValue::eTypeInvalid;
  912         data_type = OptionValue::eTypeInvalid;
  929           data_type = OptionValue::eTypeUInt64;
   23   case OptionValue::eTypeBoolean:
   25   case OptionValue::eTypeSInt64:
   27   case OptionValue::eTypeUInt64:
   46   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeBoolean)
   52   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeBoolean)
   58   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeChar)
   64   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeChar)
   70   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec)
   76   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec)
   82   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList)
   88   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList)
   94   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeArch)
  100   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeArch)
  106   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeArray)
  112   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeArray)
  118   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeArgs)
  124   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeArgs)
  130   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeDictionary)
  136   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeDictionary)
  142   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeEnum)
  148   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeEnum)
  154   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFormat)
  160   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFormat)
  166   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeLanguage)
  172   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeLanguage)
  178   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity)
  184   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity)
  190   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypePathMap)
  196   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypePathMap)
  202   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeProperties)
  208   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeProperties)
  214   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeRegex)
  220   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeRegex)
  226   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeSInt64)
  232   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeSInt64)
  238   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeString)
  244   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeString)
  250   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeUInt64)
  256   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeUInt64)
  262   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeUUID)
  268   if (GetType() == OptionValue::eTypeUUID)
   41       OptionValue *option_value = pos->second.get();
  286     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  305     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  324     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  335     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  357     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  368     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  380     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  392     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  403     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  415     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  427     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  438     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  449     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  460     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  472     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  483     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  502     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  513     OptionValue *value = property->GetValue().get();
  558       OptionValue *option_value = property->GetValue().get();
   27   case OptionValue::eTypeInvalid:
   28   case OptionValue::eTypeProperties:
   30   case OptionValue::eTypeArch:
   38   case OptionValue::eTypeArgs:
   43   case OptionValue::eTypeArray:
   46         std::make_shared<OptionValueArray>(OptionValue::ConvertTypeToMask(
   50   case OptionValue::eTypeBoolean:
   64   case OptionValue::eTypeChar: {
   70   case OptionValue::eTypeDictionary:
   73         std::make_shared<OptionValueDictionary>(OptionValue::ConvertTypeToMask(
   77   case OptionValue::eTypeEnum:
  102   case OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec: {
  113   case OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList:
  119   case OptionValue::eTypeFormat:
  135   case OptionValue::eTypeLanguage:
  151   case OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity:
  158   case OptionValue::eTypePathMap:
  165   case OptionValue::eTypeRegex:
  173   case OptionValue::eTypeSInt64:
  184   case OptionValue::eTypeUInt64:
  195   case OptionValue::eTypeUUID:
  206   case OptionValue::eTypeString:
  239     const bool dump_desc = dump_mask & OptionValue::eDumpOptionDescription;
  240     const bool dump_cmd = dump_mask & OptionValue::eDumpOptionCommand;
  245       if ((dump_mask & OptionValue::eDumpOptionName) && m_name) {
  247         if (dump_mask & ~OptionValue::eDumpOptionName)
  256       if (transparent && (dump_mask == (OptionValue::eDumpOptionName |
  257                                         OptionValue::eDumpOptionDescription)))
14404       (value_sp->GetType() != OptionValue::eTypeUInt64)) {
14430       (value_sp->GetType() != OptionValue::eTypeDictionary)) {
14443       (value_sp->GetType() != OptionValue::eTypeDictionary)) {
  147                                                    OptionValue *option_value) {
 4000                                                 OptionValue *) {
 4007                                                    OptionValue *) {
 4016                                                    OptionValue *) {
 4023                                                      OptionValue *) {
 4031                                                       OptionValue *) {
 4039                                                      OptionValue *) {
 4047     void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) {
 4057     void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) {
 4067     void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) {
   93     class shared_ptr : public __shared_ptr<_Tp>
  107       using element_type = typename __shared_ptr<_Tp>::element_type;
  236 	shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r) noexcept
  253 	shared_ptr(shared_ptr<_Yp>&& __r) noexcept
  299 	_Assignable<const shared_ptr<_Yp>&>
  300 	operator=(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r) noexcept
  324 	_Assignable<shared_ptr<_Yp>>
  325 	operator=(shared_ptr<_Yp>&& __r) noexcept
  352       shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<_Tp>& __r, std::nothrow_t)
  520     class weak_ptr : public __weak_ptr<_Tp>
  537 	weak_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r) noexcept
  556 	_Assignable<const weak_ptr<_Yp>&>
  557 	operator=(const weak_ptr<_Yp>& __r) noexcept
  564 	_Assignable<const shared_ptr<_Yp>&>
  565 	operator=(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r) noexcept
  575 	_Assignable<weak_ptr<_Yp>>
  576 	operator=(weak_ptr<_Yp>&& __r) noexcept
  582       shared_ptr<_Tp>
  882     : is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::type
  882     : is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::type
  946     : is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::type
  956       using element_type = _Tp;
 1035     : public __shared_ptr_access<_Tp, _Lp>
 1038       using element_type = typename remove_extent<_Tp>::type;
 1126 	__shared_ptr(const __shared_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>& __r) noexcept
 1138 	__shared_ptr(__shared_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>&& __r) noexcept
 1192 	_Assignable<_Yp>
 1193 	operator=(const __shared_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>& __r) noexcept
 1218 	_Assignable<_Yp>
 1219 	operator=(__shared_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>&& __r) noexcept
 1272       swap(__shared_ptr<_Tp, _Lp>& __other) noexcept
 1344       __shared_ptr(const __weak_ptr<_Tp, _Lp>& __r, std::nothrow_t)
 1601       using element_type = typename remove_extent<_Tp>::type;
 1626 	__weak_ptr(const __weak_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>& __r) noexcept
 1631 	__weak_ptr(const __shared_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>& __r) noexcept
 1640 	__weak_ptr(__weak_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>&& __r) noexcept
 1648 	_Assignable<_Yp>
 1649 	operator=(const __weak_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>& __r) noexcept
 1657 	_Assignable<_Yp>
 1658 	operator=(const __shared_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>& __r) noexcept
 1675 	_Assignable<_Yp>
 1676 	operator=(__weak_ptr<_Yp, _Lp>&& __r) noexcept
 1684       __shared_ptr<_Tp, _Lp>
 1720       _M_assign(_Tp* __ptr, const __shared_count<_Lp>& __refcount) noexcept
  215     : public __is_void_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
 1554     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1563     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1574       remove_const<typename remove_volatile<_Tp>::type>::type     type;
 1942     { typedef _Tp     type; };