reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   12   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "help", 'h', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeHelpText, "Help text for this command"},
   13   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "long-help", 'H', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeHelpText, "Long help text for this command"},
   21   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "allow-delete", 'D', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Determines whether the breakpoint can be deleted by name or when all breakpoints are deleted."},
   22   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "allow-disable", 'A', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Determines whether the breakpoint can be disabled by name or when all breakpoints are disabled."},
   23   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "allow-list", 'L', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Determines whether the breakpoint will show up in break list if not referred to explicitly."},
   31   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Specify the breakpoint by source location in this particular file."},
   32   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "Specify the breakpoint by source location at this particular line."},
   40   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "dummy-breakpoints", 'D', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Sets Dummy breakpoints - i.e. breakpoints set before a file is provided, which prime new targets."},
   41   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "one-liner", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOneLiner, "Specify a one-line breakpoint command inline. Be sure to surround it with quotes."},
   42   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "script-type", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, ScriptOptionEnum(), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Specify the language for the commands - if none is specified, the lldb command interpreter will be used."},
   43   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "stop-on-error", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Specify whether breakpoint command execution should terminate on error."},
   51   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "dummy-breakpoints", 'D', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Delete commands from Dummy breakpoints - i.e. breakpoints set before a file is provided, which prime new targets."},
   59   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "dummy-breakpoints", 'D', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Delete Dummy breakpoints - i.e. breakpoints set before a file is provided, which prime new targets."},
   60   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "force", 'f', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Delete all breakpoints without querying for confirmation."},
   68   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "dummy-breakpoints", 'D', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Act on Dummy breakpoints - i.e. breakpoints set before a file is provided, which prime new targets."},
   76   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "brief", 'b', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Give a brief description of the breakpoint (no location info)."},
   77   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "dummy-breakpoints", 'D', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "List Dummy breakpoints - i.e. breakpoints set before a file is provided, which prime new targets."},
   78   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "full", 'f', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Give a full description of the breakpoint and its locations."},
   79   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "internal", 'i', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Show debugger internal breakpoints"},
   80   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "verbose", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Explain everything we know about the breakpoint (for debugging debugger bugs)."},
   88   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "auto-continue", 'G', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "The breakpoint will auto-continue after running its commands."},
   89   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, false, "command", 'C', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCommand, "A command to run when the breakpoint is hit, can be provided more than once, the commands will get run in order left to right."},
   90   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "condition", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeExpression, "The breakpoint stops only if this condition expression evaluates to true."},
   91   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "disable", 'd', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Disable the breakpoint."},
   92   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "enable", 'e', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Enable the breakpoint."},
   93   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "ignore-count", 'i', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "Set the number of times this breakpoint is skipped before stopping."},
   94   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "one-shot", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "The breakpoint is deleted the first time it stop causes a stop."},
   95   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "queue-name", 'q', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeQueueName, "The breakpoint stops only for threads in the queue whose name is given by this argument."},
   96   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "thread-id", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeThreadID, "The breakpoint stops only for the thread whose TID matches this argument."},
   97   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "thread-index", 'x', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeThreadIndex, "The breakpoint stops only for the thread whose index matches this argument."},
   98   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "thread-name", 'T', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeThreadName, "The breakpoint stops only for the thread whose thread name matches this argument."},
  106   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "breakpoint-id", 'B', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBreakpointID, "Specify a breakpoint ID to use."},
  107   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "dummy-breakpoints", 'D', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Operate on Dummy breakpoints - i.e. breakpoints set before a file is provided, which prime new targets."},
  108   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, false, "help-string", 'H', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "A help string describing the purpose of this name."},
  109   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "name", 'N', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBreakpointName, "Specifies a breakpoint name to use."},
  117   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "breakpoint-name", 'N', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBreakpointName, "Only read in breakpoints with this name."},
  118   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, true, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "The file from which to read the breakpoints."},
  126   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Set the breakpoint at the specified address.  If the address maps uniquely toa particular binary, then the address will be converted to a \22file\22address, so that the breakpoint will track that binary+offset no matter where the binary eventually loads.  Alternately, if you also specify the module - with the -s option - then the address will be treated as a file address in that module, and resolved accordingly.  Again, this will allow lldb to track that offset on subsequent reloads.  The module need not have been loaded at the time you specify this breakpoint, and will get resolved when the module is loaded."},
  127   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6 | LLDB_OPT_SET_7 | LLDB_OPT_SET_8, false, "address-slide", 'R', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddress, "Add the specified offset to whatever address(es) the breakpoint resolves to. At present this applies the offset directly as given, and doesn't try to align it to instruction boundaries."},
  128   {LLDB_OPT_SET_9, false, "all-files", 'A', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "All files are searched for source pattern matches."},
  129   {LLDB_OPT_SET_8, true, "basename", 'b', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Set the breakpoint by function basename (C++ namespaces and arguments will beignored).  Can be repeated multiple times to make one breakpoint for multiplesymbols."},
  130   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "breakpoint-name", 'N', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBreakpointName, "Adds this to the list of names for this breakpoint."},
  131   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6 | LLDB_OPT_SET_7 | LLDB_OPT_SET_8 | LLDB_OPT_SET_9 | LLDB_OPT_SET_11, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Specifies the source file in which to set this breakpoint.  Note, by default lldb only looks for files that are #included if they use the standard include file extensions.  To set breakpoints on .c/.cpp/.m/.mm files that are #included, set target.inline-breakpoint-strategy to \22always\22."},
  132   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, true, "fullname", 'F', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeFullName, "Set the breakpoint by fully qualified function names. For C++ this means namespaces and all arguments, and for Objective-C this means a full functionprototype with class and selector.  Can be repeated multiple times to make one breakpoint for multiple names."},
  133   {LLDB_OPT_SET_7, true, "func-regex", 'r', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeRegularExpression, "Set the breakpoint by function name, evaluating a regular-expression to findthe function name(s)."},
  134   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "hardware", 'H', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Require the breakpoint to use hardware breakpoints."},
  135   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6 | LLDB_OPT_SET_7 | LLDB_OPT_SET_8, false, "language", 'L', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Specifies the Language to use when interpreting the breakpoint's expression (note: currently only implemented for setting breakpoints on identifiers). If not set the target.language setting is used."},
  136   {LLDB_OPT_SET_10, true, "language-exception", 'E', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Set the breakpoint on exceptions thrown by the specified language (without options, on throw but not catch.)"},
  137   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "Specifies the line number on which to set this breakpoint."},
  138   {LLDB_OPT_SET_6, true, "method", 'M', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeMethod, "Set the breakpoint by C++ method names.  Can be repeated multiple times tomake one breakpoint for multiple methods."},
  139   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_9, false, "move-to-nearest-code", 'm', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Move breakpoints to nearest code. If not set the target.move-to-nearest-codesetting is used."},
  140   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, true, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Set the breakpoint by function name.  Can be repeated multiple times to makeone breakpoint for multiple names"},
  141   {LLDB_OPT_SET_10, false, "on-catch", 'h', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Set the breakpoint on exception catcH."},
  142   {LLDB_OPT_SET_10, false, "on-throw", 'w', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Set the breakpoint on exception throW."},
  143   {LLDB_OPT_SET_5, true, "selector", 'S', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeSelector, "Set the breakpoint by ObjC selector name. Can be repeated multiple times tomake one breakpoint for multiple Selectors."},
  144   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6 | LLDB_OPT_SET_7 | LLDB_OPT_SET_8 | LLDB_OPT_SET_9 | LLDB_OPT_SET_11, false, "shlib", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion, eArgTypeShlibName, "Set the breakpoint only in this shared library.  Can repeat this option multiple times to specify multiple shared libraries."},
  145   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6 | LLDB_OPT_SET_7 | LLDB_OPT_SET_8, false, "skip-prologue", 'K', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "sKip the prologue if the breakpoint is at the beginning of a function. If not set the target.skip-prologue setting is used."},
  146   {LLDB_OPT_SET_9, true, "source-pattern-regexp", 'p', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeRegularExpression, "Set the breakpoint by specifying a regular expression which is matched against the source text in a source file or files specified with the -f can be specified more than once.  If no source files are specified, uses the current \22default source file\22.  If you want to match against all source files, pass the \22--all-files\22 option."},
  147   {LLDB_OPT_SET_9, false, "source-regexp-function", 'X', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "When used with '-p' limits the source regex to source contained in the namedfunctions.  Can be repeated multiple times."},
  155   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "append", 'a', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Append to saved breakpoints file if it exists."},
  156   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, true, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "The file into which to write the breakpoints."},
  164   {LLDB_OPT_SET_7, false, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Disassemble function containing this address."},
  165   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "arch", 'A', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeArchitecture, "Specify the architecture to use from cross disassembly."},
  166   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "bytes", 'b', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Show opcode bytes when disassembling."},
  167   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "context", 'C', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNumLines, "Number of context lines of source to show."},
  168   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNumLines, "Number of instructions to display."},
  169   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "end-address", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Address at which to end disassembling."},
  170   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "flavor", 'F', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeDisassemblyFlavor, "Name of the disassembly flavor you want to use. Currently the only valid options are default, and for Intel architectures, att and intel."},
  171   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, false, "frame", 'f', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Disassemble from the start of the current frame's function."},
  172   {LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "line", 'l', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Disassemble the current frame's current source line instructions ifthere is debug line table information, else disassemble around the pc."},
  173   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "mixed", 'm', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Enable mixed source and assembly display."},
  174   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Disassemble entire contents of the given function name."},
  175   {LLDB_OPT_SET_5, false, "pc", 'p', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Disassemble around the current pc."},
  176   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "plugin", 'P', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePlugin, "Name of the disassembler plugin you want to use."},
  177   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "raw", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Print raw disassembly with no symbol information."},
  178   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "start-address", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Address at which to start disassembling."},
  186   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "all-threads", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Should we run all threads if the execution doesn't complete on one thread."},
  187   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "allow-jit", 'j', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Controls whether the expression can fall back to being JITted if it'snot supported by the interpreter (defaults to true)."},
  188   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "apply-fixits", 'X', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "If true, simple fix-it hints will be automatically applied to the expression."},
  189   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "debug", 'g', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "When specified, debug the JIT code by setting a breakpoint on the first instruction and forcing breakpoints to not be ignored (-i0) and no unwinding to happen on error (-u0)."},
  190   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "description-verbosity", 'v', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, DescriptionVerbosityTypes(), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeDescriptionVerbosity, "How verbose should the output of this expression be, if the object description is asked for."},
  191   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "ignore-breakpoints", 'i', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Ignore breakpoint hits while running expressions"},
  192   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "language", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Specifies the Language to use when parsing the expression.  If not set the target.language setting is used."},
  193   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "timeout", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Timeout value (in microseconds) for running the expression."},
  194   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "top-level", 'p', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Interpret the expression as a complete translation unit, without injecting it into the local context.  Allows declaration of persistent, top-level entities without a $ prefix."},
  195   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "unwind-on-error", 'u', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Clean up program state if the expression causes a crash, or raises a signal. Note, unlike gdb hitting a breakpoint is controlled by another option (-i)."},
  203   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddress, "An address to diagnose."},
  204   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "offset", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOffset, "An optional offset.  Requires --register."},
  205   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "register", 'r', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeRegisterName, "A register to diagnose."},
  213   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "function", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Name of the function that this recognizer applies to."},
  214   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "python-class", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePythonClass, "Give the name of a Python class to use for this frame recognizer."},
  215   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "regex", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Function name and module name are actually regular expressions."},
  216   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "shlib", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion, eArgTypeShlibName, "Name of the module or shared library that this recognizer applies to."},
  224   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "relative", 'r', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOffset, "A relative frame index offset from the current frame index."},
  232   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "hide-aliases", 'a', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Hide aliases in the command list."},
  233   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "hide-user-commands", 'u', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Hide user-defined commands from the list."},
  234   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "show-hidden-commands", 'h', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Include commands prefixed with an underscore."},
  242   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "clear", 'C', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Clears the current command history."},
  243   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "How many history commands to print."},
  244   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "end-index", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Index at which to stop printing history commands."},
  245   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "start-index", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Index at which to start printing history commands (or end to mean tail mode)."},
  253   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "append", 'a', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Append to the log file instead of overwriting."},
  254   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Set the destination file to log to."},
  255   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file-function", 'F', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Prepend the names of files and function that generate the logs."},
  256   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pid-tid", 'p', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Prepend all log lines with the process and thread ID that generates the log line."},
  257   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "sequence", 's', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Prepend all log lines with an increasing integer sequence id."},
  258   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "stack", 'S', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Append a stack backtrace to each log line."},
  259   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "thread-name", 'n', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Prepend all log lines with the thread name for the thread that generates the log line."},
  260   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "threadsafe", 't', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Enable thread safe logging to avoid interweaved log lines."},
  261   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "timestamp", 'T', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Prepend all log lines with a timestamp."},
  262   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "verbose", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Enable verbose logging."},
  270   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "How many times to perform the search."},
  271   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "dump-offset", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOffset, "When dumping memory for a match, an offset from the match location to start dumping from."},
  272   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "expression", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeExpression, "Evaluate an expression to obtain a byte pattern."},
  273   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "string", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Use text to find a byte pattern."},
  281   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "binary", 'b', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "If true, memory will be saved as binary. If false, the memory is saved save as an ASCII dump that uses the format, size, count and number per line settings."},
  282   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "force", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Necessary if reading over target.max-memory-read-size bytes."},
  283   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, false, "language", 'x', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "The language of the type to view memory as."},
  284   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "num-per-line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNumberPerLine, "The number of items per line to display."},
  285   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "offset", 'E', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "How many elements of the specified type to skip before starting to display data."},
  286   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4, true, "type", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "The name of a type to view memory as."},
  294   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "infile", 'i', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Write memory using the contents of a file."},
  295   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "offset", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOffset, "Start writing bytes from an offset within the input file."},
  303   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "group-exec", 'X', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow group to execute."},
  304   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "group-read", 'R', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow group to read."},
  305   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "group-write", 'W', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow group to write."},
  306   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "permissions-string", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePermissionsString, "Give out the string value for permissions (e.g. rwxr-xr--)."},
  307   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "permissions-value", 'v', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePermissionsNumber, "Give out the numeric value for permissions (e.g. 757)"},
  308   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "user-exec", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow user to execute."},
  309   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "user-read", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow user to read."},
  310   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "user-write", 'w', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow user to write."},
  311   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "world-exec", 'e', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow world to execute."},
  312   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "world-read", 'd', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow world to read."},
  313   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "world-write", 't', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow world to write."},
  321   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "Number of bytes to read from the file."},
  322   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "offset", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeIndex, "Offset into the file at which to start reading."},
  330   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "data", 'd', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeValue, "Text to write to the file."},
  331   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "offset", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeIndex, "Offset into the file at which to start reading."},
  339   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeProcessName, "The name of the process to attach to."},
  340   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pid", 'p', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePid, "The process ID of an existing process to attach to."},
  341   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "plugin", 'P', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePlugin, "Name of the process plugin you want to use."},
  342   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "waitfor", 'w', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Wait for the process with <process-name> to launch."},
  350   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "all-users", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Show processes matching all user IDs."},
  351   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "arch", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeArchitecture, "Find processes that have a matching architecture."},
  352   {LLDB_OPT_SET_5, true, "contains", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeProcessName, "Find processes with executable basenames that contain a string."},
  353   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "egid", 'G', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, &posix_validator, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Find processes that have a matching effective group ID."},
  354   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, true, "ends-with", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeProcessName, "Find processes with executable basenames that end with a string."},
  355   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "euid", 'U', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, &posix_validator, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Find processes that have a matching effective user ID."},
  356   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "gid", 'g', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, &posix_validator, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Find processes that have a matching group ID."},
  357   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeProcessName, "Find processes with executable basenames that match a string."},
  358   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "parent", 'P', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePid, "Find processes that have a matching parent process ID."},
  359   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pid", 'p', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePid, "List the process info for a specific process ID."},
  360   {LLDB_OPT_SET_6, true, "regex", 'r', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeRegularExpression, "Find processes with executable basenames that match a regular expression."},
  361   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "show-args", 'A', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Show process arguments instead of the process executable basename."},
  362   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, true, "starts-with", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeProcessName, "Find processes with executable basenames that start with a string."},
  363   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "uid", 'u', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, &posix_validator, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Find processes that have a matching user ID."},
  364   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5 | LLDB_OPT_SET_6, false, "verbose", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Enable verbose output."},
  372   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "timeout", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeValue, "Seconds to wait for the remote host to finish running the command."},
  380   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "continue", 'c', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Immediately continue the process once attached."},
  381   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "include-existing", 'i', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Include existing processes when doing attach -w."},
  382   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeProcessName, "The name of the process to attach to."},
  383   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pid", 'p', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePid, "The process ID of an existing process to attach to."},
  384   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "plugin", 'P', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePlugin, "Name of the process plugin you want to use."},
  385   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "waitfor", 'w', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Wait for the process with <process-name> to launch."},
  393   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "plugin", 'p', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePlugin, "Name of the process plugin you want to use."},
  401   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "ignore-count", 'i', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "Ignore <N> crossings of the breakpoint (if it exists) for the currently selected thread."},
  409   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "keep-stopped", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Whether or not the process should be kept stopped on detach (if possible)."},
  417   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "notify", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Whether or not the debugger should notify the user if the signal is received."},
  418   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pass", 'p', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Whether or not the signal should be passed to the process."},
  419   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "stop", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Whether or not the process should be stopped if the signal is received."},
  427   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "install", 'i', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePath, "Install the shared library to the target. If specified without an argument then the library will installed in the current working directory."},
  435   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "help", 'h', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "The help text to display for this command."},
  436   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "syntax", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "A syntax string showing the typical usage syntax."},
  444   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "all", 'a', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Show all register sets."},
  445   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "alternate", 'A', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display register names using the alternate register name if there is one."},
  446   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "set", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeIndex, "Specify which register sets to dump by index."},
  454   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "The reproducer path. If a reproducer is replayed and no path is provided, that reproducer is dumped."},
  455   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "provider", 'p', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, ReproducerProviderType(), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "The reproducer provider to dump."},
  463   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "class", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePythonClass, "Name of the Python class to bind to this command name."},
  464   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "function", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePythonFunction, "Name of the Python function to bind to this command name."},
  465   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "help", 'h', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeHelpText, "The help text to display for this command."},
  466   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "synchronicity", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, ScriptSynchroType(), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeScriptedCommandSynchronicity, "Set the synchronicity of this command's executions with regard to LLDB event system."},
  474   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "allow-reload", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allow the script to be loaded even if it was already loaded before. This argument exists for backwards compatibility, but reloading is always allowed, whether you specify it or not."},
  482   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, true, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "The file from which to read the settings."},
  490   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "force", 'f', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Force an empty value to be accepted as the default."},
  491   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "global", 'g', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Apply the new value to the global default value."},
  499   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "append", 'a', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Append to saved settings file if it exists."},
  500   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, true, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "The file into which to write the settings."},
  508   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "silent-run", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "If true don't echo commands while executing."},
  509   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "stop-on-continue", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "If true, stop executing commands on continue."},
  510   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "stop-on-error", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "If true, stop executing commands on error."},
  518   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Lookup the address and display the source information for the corresponding file and line."},
  519   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "The number of line entries to display."},
  520   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "end-line", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "The line number at which to stop displaying lines."},
  521   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "The file from which to display source."},
  522   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "The line number at which to start the displaying lines."},
  523   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeSymbol, "The name of a function whose source to display."},
  524   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "shlib", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion, eArgTypeShlibName, "Look up the source in the given module or shared library (can be specified more than once)."},
  532   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Lookup the address and display the source information for the corresponding file and line."},
  533   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "The number of source lines to display."},
  534   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "The file from which to display source."},
  535   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "The line number at which to start the display source."},
  536   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeSymbol, "The name of a function whose source to display."},
  537   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, false, "reverse", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Reverse the listing to look backwards from the last displayed block of source."},
  538   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "shlib", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion, eArgTypeShlibName, "Look up the source file in the given shared library."},
  539   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "show-breakpoints", 'b', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Show the line table locations from the debug information that indicate valid places to set source level breakpoints."},
  547   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "no-dependents", 'd', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_dependents_enumaration), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeValue, "Whether or not to load dependents when creating a target. If the option is not specified, the value is implicitly 'default'. If the option is specified but without a value, the value is implicitly 'true'."},
  555   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "verbose", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Enable verbose dump."},
  563   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "sort", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_sort_option_enumeration), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeSortOrder, "Supply a sort order when dumping the symbol table."},
  571   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Display the image at this address."},
  572   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "arch", 'A', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the architecture when listing images."},
  573   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "basename", 'b', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the basename with optional width for the image object file."},
  574   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "directory", 'd', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the directory with optional width for the image object file."},
  575   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "fullpath", 'f', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the fullpath to the image object file."},
  576   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "global", 'g', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display the modules from the global module list, not just the current target."},
  577   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "header", 'h', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display the image base address as a load address if debugging, a file address otherwise."},
  578   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "mod-time", 'm', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the modification time with optional width of the module."},
  579   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "offset", 'o', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display the image load address offset from the base file address (the slide amount)."},
  580   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pointer", 'p', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display the module pointer."},
  581   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "ref-count", 'r', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the reference count if the module is still in the shared module cache."},
  582   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "symfile", 's', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the fullpath to the image symbol file with optional width."},
  583   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "symfile-unique", 'S', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the symbol file with optional width only if it is different from the executable object file."},
  584   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "triple", 't', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeWidth, "Display the triple when listing images."},
  585   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "uuid", 'u', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display the UUID when listing images."},
  593   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Lookup an address in one or more target modules."},
  594   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "all", 'A', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Print all matches, not just the best match, if a best match is available."},
  595   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, true, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Lookup a file by fullpath or basename in one or more target modules."},
  596   {LLDB_OPT_SET_4, true, "function", 'F', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Lookup a function by name in the debug symbols in one or more target modules."},
  597   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "Lookup a line number in a file (must be used in conjunction with --file)."},
  598   {LLDB_OPT_SET_5, true, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol, "Lookup a function or symbol by name in one or more target modules."},
  599   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5, false, "no-inlines", 'i', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Ignore inline entries (must be used in conjunction with --file or --function)."},
  600   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "offset", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOffset, "When looking up an address subtract <offset> from any addresses before doing the lookup."},
  601   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_4 | LLDB_OPT_SET_5, false, "regex", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "The <name> argument for name lookups are regular expressions."},
  602   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "symbol", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeSymbol, "Lookup a symbol by name in the symbol tables in one or more target modules."},
  603   {LLDB_OPT_SET_6, true, "type", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Lookup a type by name in the debug symbols in one or more target modules."},
  604   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "verbose", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Enable verbose lookup information."},
  612   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Show unwind instructions for a function or symbol containing an address"},
  613   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Show unwind instructions for a function or symbol name."},
  621   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "auto-continue", 'G', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "The breakpoint will auto-continue after running its commands."},
  622   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "classname", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeClassName, "Specify the class within which the stop-hook is to be run."},
  623   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "end-line", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "Set the end of the line range for which the stop-hook is to be run."},
  624   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Specify the source file within which the stop-hook is to be run."},
  625   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Set the function name within which the stop hook will be run."},
  626   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "one-liner", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOneLiner, "Add a command for the stop hook.  Can be specified more than once, and commands will be run in the order they appear."},
  627   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "queue-name", 'q', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeQueueName, "The stop hook is run only for threads in the queue whose name is given by this argument."},
  628   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "shlib", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion, eArgTypeShlibName, "Set the module within which the stop-hook is to be run."},
  629   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "start-line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "Set the start of the line range for which the stop-hook is to be run."},
  630   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "thread-id", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeThreadID, "The stop hook is run only for the thread whose TID matches this argument."},
  631   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "thread-index", 'x', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeThreadIndex, "The stop hook is run only for the thread whose index matches this argument."},
  632   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "thread-name", 'T', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeThreadName, "The stop hook is run only for the thread whose thread name matches this argument."},
  640   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "How many frames to display (-1 for all)"},
  641   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "extended", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Show the extended backtrace, if available"},
  642   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "start", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFrameIndex, "Frame in which to start the backtrace"},
  650   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "json", 'j', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display the thread info in JSON format."},
  651   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "stop-info", 's', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display the extended stop info in JSON format."},
  659   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, true, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Jumps to a specific address."},
  660   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "by", 'b', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOffset, "Jumps by a relative line offset from the current line."},
  661   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, eArgTypeFilename, "Specifies the source file to jump to."},
  662   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1 | LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "force", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Allows the PC to leave the current function."},
  663   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "line", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "Specifies the line number to jump to."},
  671   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "internal", 'i', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display internal as well as user thread plans"},
  672   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "verbose", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display more information about the thread plans"},
  680   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "from-expression", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Return from the innermost expression evaluation."},
  688   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "count", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "How many times to perform the stepping operation - currently only supported for step-inst and next-inst."},
  689   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "end-linenumber", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLineNum, "The line at which to stop stepping - defaults to the next line and only supported for step-in and step-over.  You can also pass the string 'block' to step to the end of the current block.  This is particularly use  in conjunction with --step-target to step through a complex calling sequence."},
  690   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "run-mode", 'm', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, TriRunningModes(), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeRunMode, "Determine how to run other threads while stepping the current thread."},
  691   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "step-in-avoids-no-debug", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "A boolean value that sets whether stepping into functions will step over functions with no debug information."},
  692   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "step-in-target", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFunctionName, "The name of the directly called function step in should stop at when stepping into."},
  693   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "step-out-avoids-no-debug", 'A', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "A boolean value, if true stepping out of functions will continue to step out till it hits a function with debug information."},
  694   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "step-over-regexp", 'r', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeRegularExpression, "A regular expression that definesfunction names to not to stop at when stepping in."},
  702   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "address", 'a', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Run until we reach the specified address,or leave the function - can be specified multiple times."},
  703   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "frame", 'f', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeFrameIndex, "Frame index for until operation - defaults to 0"},
  704   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "run-mode", 'm', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, DuoRunningModes(), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeRunMode, "Determine how to run otherthreads while stepping this one"},
  705   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "thread", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeThreadIndex, "Thread index for the thread for until operation"},
  713   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "enabled", 'e', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "If specified, this category will be created enabled."},
  714   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "language", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Specify the language that this category is supported for."},
  722   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "language", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Enable the category for this language."},
  730   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "language", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Enable the category for this language."},
  738   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "cascade", 'C', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "If true, cascade through typedef chains."},
  739   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "category", 'w', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Add this to the given category instead of the default one."},
  740   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "child", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeExpressionPath, "Include this expression path in the synthetic view."},
  741   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "regex", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Type names are actually regular expressions."},
  742   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-pointers", 'p', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects."},
  743   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-references", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for references-to-type objects."},
  751   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "cascade", 'C', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "If true, cascade through typedef chains."},
  752   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "category", 'w', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Add this to the given category instead of the default one."},
  753   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "regex", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Type names are actually regular expressions."},
  754   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-pointers", 'p', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects."},
  755   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-references", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for references-to-type objects."},
  756   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "type", 't', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Format variables as if they were of this type."},
  764   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "all", 'a', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Clear every category."},
  772   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "all", 'a', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Delete from every category."},
  773   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "category", 'w', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Delete from given category."},
  774   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "language", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Delete from given language's category."},
  782   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "category-regex", 'w', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Only show categories matching this filter."},
  783   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "language", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Only show the category for a specific language."},
  791   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "language", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeLanguage, "Which language's types should the search scope be"},
  792   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "show-help", 'h', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Display available help for types"},
  800   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "cascade", 'C', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "If true, cascade through typedef chains."},
  801   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "category", 'w', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Add this to the given category instead of the default one."},
  802   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "expand", 'e', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Expand aggregate data types to show children on separate lines."},
  803   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "hide-empty", 'h', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Do not expand aggregate data types with no children."},
  804   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, true, "inline-children", 'c', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "If true, inline all child values into summary string."},
  805   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "input-python", 'P', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Input Python code to use for this type manually."},
  806   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2 | LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "name", 'n', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "A name for this summary string."},
  807   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "no-value", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't show the value, just show the summary, for this type."},
  808   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "omit-names", 'O', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "If true, omit value names in the summary display."},
  809   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "python-function", 'F', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePythonFunction, "Give the name of a Python function to use for this type."},
  810   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "python-script", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePythonScript, "Give a one-liner Python script as part of the command."},
  811   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "regex", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Type names are actually regular expressions."},
  812   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-pointers", 'p', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects."},
  813   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-references", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for references-to-type objects."},
  814   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "summary-string", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeSummaryString, "Summary string used to display text and object contents."},
  822   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "cascade", 'C', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "If true, cascade through typedef chains."},
  823   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "category", 'w', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeName, "Add this to the given category instead of the default one."},
  824   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "input-python", 'P', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Type Python code to generate a class that provides synthetic children."},
  825   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "python-class", 'l', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePythonClass, "Use this Python class to produce synthetic children."},
  826   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "regex", 'x', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Type names are actually regular expressions."},
  827   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-pointers", 'p', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects."},
  828   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "skip-references", 'r', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use this format for references-to-type objects."},
  836   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "one-liner", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeOneLiner, "Specify a one-line watchpoint command inline. Be sure to surround it with quotes."},
  837   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "python-function", 'F', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypePythonFunction, "Give the name of a Python function to run as command for this watchpoint. Be sure to give a module name if appropriate."},
  838   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "script-type", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, ScriptOptionEnum(), CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Specify the language for the commands - if none is specified, the lldb command interpreter will be used."},
  839   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "stop-on-error", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeBoolean, "Specify whether watchpoint command execution should terminate on error."},
  847   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, true, "ignore-count", 'i', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeCount, "Set the number of times this watchpoint is skipped before stopping."},
  855   {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "brief", 'b', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Give a brief description of the watchpoint (no location info)."},
  856   {LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "full", 'f', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Give a full description of the watchpoint and its locations."},
  857   {LLDB_OPT_SET_3, false, "verbose", 'v', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeNone, "Explaineverything we know about the watchpoint (for debugging debugger bugs)."},
  865   {LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "condition", 'c', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, eArgTypeExpression, "The watchpoint stops only if this condition expression evaluates to true."},
   84     CommandCompletions::CommonCompletionTypes completion_type;
   38 CommandCompletions::CommonCompletionElement
   41         {eSourceFileCompletion, CommandCompletions::SourceFiles},
   42         {eDiskFileCompletion, CommandCompletions::DiskFiles},
   43         {eDiskDirectoryCompletion, CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories},
   44         {eSymbolCompletion, CommandCompletions::Symbols},
   45         {eModuleCompletion, CommandCompletions::Modules},
   46         {eSettingsNameCompletion, CommandCompletions::SettingsNames},
   47         {ePlatformPluginCompletion, CommandCompletions::PlatformPluginNames},
   48         {eArchitectureCompletion, CommandCompletions::ArchitectureNames},
   49         {eVariablePathCompletion, CommandCompletions::VariablePath},
  219     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  220         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
 1386     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
 1387         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
  457     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  458         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eVariablePathCompletion,
  161     CommandCompletions::PlatformPluginNames(GetCommandInterpreter(), request,
   43     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
   44         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
  134     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  135         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
  141       CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  142           GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
  271     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  272         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
  521     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  522         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
  609       CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  610           GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
  720       CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  721           GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
  814       CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  815           GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
  913       CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  914           GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
 1001       CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
 1002           GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
 1076       CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
 1077           GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSettingsNameCompletion,
  264     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  265         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
 1821     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
 1822         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion, request,
 1859     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
 1860         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion,
 2476     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
 2477         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
 4006             CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion, eArgTypeShlibName,
 4027     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
 4028         GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
  228     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  230         CommandCompletions::eVariablePathCompletion, request, nullptr);
  536           CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion |
  537               CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion,
  586           CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion |
  587               CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion,
  766           2, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, false));
 1024     { eArgTypeAddress, "address", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A valid address in the target program's execution space." },
 1025     { eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "address-expression", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An expression that resolves to an address." },
 1026     { eArgTypeAliasName, "alias-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of an abbreviation (alias) for a debugger command." },
 1027     { eArgTypeAliasOptions, "options-for-aliased-command", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Command options to be used as part of an alias (abbreviation) definition.  (See 'help commands alias' for more information.)" },
 1028     { eArgTypeArchitecture, "arch", CommandCompletions::eArchitectureCompletion, { arch_helper, true }, "The architecture name, e.g. i386 or x86_64." },
 1029     { eArgTypeBoolean, "boolean", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A Boolean value: 'true' or 'false'" },
 1030     { eArgTypeBreakpointID, "breakpt-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { BreakpointIDHelpTextCallback, false }, nullptr },
 1031     { eArgTypeBreakpointIDRange, "breakpt-id-list", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { BreakpointIDRangeHelpTextCallback, false }, nullptr },
 1032     { eArgTypeBreakpointName, "breakpoint-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { BreakpointNameHelpTextCallback, false }, nullptr },
 1033     { eArgTypeByteSize, "byte-size", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Number of bytes to use." },
 1034     { eArgTypeClassName, "class-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Then name of a class from the debug information in the program." },
 1035     { eArgTypeCommandName, "cmd-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A debugger command (may be multiple words), without any options or arguments." },
 1036     { eArgTypeCount, "count", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An unsigned integer." },
 1037     { eArgTypeDirectoryName, "directory", CommandCompletions::eDiskDirectoryCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A directory name." },
 1038     { eArgTypeDisassemblyFlavor, "disassembly-flavor", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A disassembly flavor recognized by your disassembly plugin.  Currently the only valid options are \"att\" and \"intel\" for Intel targets" },
 1039     { eArgTypeDescriptionVerbosity, "description-verbosity", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "How verbose the output of 'po' should be." },
 1040     { eArgTypeEndAddress, "end-address", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1041     { eArgTypeExpression, "expr", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1042     { eArgTypeExpressionPath, "expr-path", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { ExprPathHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
 1043     { eArgTypeExprFormat, "expression-format", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "[ [bool|b] | [bin] | [char|c] | [oct|o] | [dec|i|d|u] | [hex|x] | [float|f] | [cstr|s] ]" },
 1044     { eArgTypeFilename, "filename", CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a file (can include path)." },
 1045     { eArgTypeFormat, "format", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { FormatHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
 1046     { eArgTypeFrameIndex, "frame-index", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Index into a thread's list of frames." },
 1047     { eArgTypeFullName, "fullname", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1048     { eArgTypeFunctionName, "function-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a function." },
 1049     { eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol, "function-or-symbol", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a function or symbol." },
 1050     { eArgTypeGDBFormat, "gdb-format", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { GDBFormatHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
 1051     { eArgTypeHelpText, "help-text", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Text to be used as help for some other entity in LLDB" },
 1052     { eArgTypeIndex, "index", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An index into a list." },
 1053     { eArgTypeLanguage, "source-language", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { LanguageTypeHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
 1054     { eArgTypeLineNum, "linenum", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Line number in a source file." },
 1055     { eArgTypeLogCategory, "log-category", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a category within a log channel, e.g. all (try \"log list\" to see a list of all channels and their categories." },
 1056     { eArgTypeLogChannel, "log-channel", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a log channel, e.g. process.gdb-remote (try \"log list\" to see a list of all channels and their categories)." },
 1057     { eArgTypeMethod, "method", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A C++ method name." },
 1058     { eArgTypeName, "name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1059     { eArgTypeNewPathPrefix, "new-path-prefix", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1060     { eArgTypeNumLines, "num-lines", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The number of lines to use." },
 1061     { eArgTypeNumberPerLine, "number-per-line", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The number of items per line to display." },
 1062     { eArgTypeOffset, "offset", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1063     { eArgTypeOldPathPrefix, "old-path-prefix", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1064     { eArgTypeOneLiner, "one-line-command", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A command that is entered as a single line of text." },
 1065     { eArgTypePath, "path", CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Path." },
 1066     { eArgTypePermissionsNumber, "perms-numeric", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Permissions given as an octal number (e.g. 755)." },
 1067     { eArgTypePermissionsString, "perms=string", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Permissions given as a string value (e.g. rw-r-xr--)." },
 1068     { eArgTypePid, "pid", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The process ID number." },
 1069     { eArgTypePlugin, "plugin", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1070     { eArgTypeProcessName, "process-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of the process." },
 1071     { eArgTypePythonClass, "python-class", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a Python class." },
 1072     { eArgTypePythonFunction, "python-function", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a Python function." },
 1073     { eArgTypePythonScript, "python-script", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Source code written in Python." },
 1074     { eArgTypeQueueName, "queue-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of the thread queue." },
 1075     { eArgTypeRegisterName, "register-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { RegisterNameHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
 1076     { eArgTypeRegularExpression, "regular-expression", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A POSIX-compliant extended regular expression." },
 1077     { eArgTypeRunArgs, "run-args", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Arguments to be passed to the target program when it starts executing." },
 1078     { eArgTypeRunMode, "run-mode", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1079     { eArgTypeScriptedCommandSynchronicity, "script-cmd-synchronicity", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The synchronicity to use to run scripted commands with regard to LLDB event system." },
 1080     { eArgTypeScriptLang, "script-language", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The scripting language to be used for script-based commands.  Currently only Python is valid." },
 1081     { eArgTypeSearchWord, "search-word", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Any word of interest for search purposes." },
 1082     { eArgTypeSelector, "selector", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An Objective-C selector name." },
 1083     { eArgTypeSettingIndex, "setting-index", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An index into a settings variable that is an array (try 'settings list' to see all the possible settings variables and their types)." },
 1084     { eArgTypeSettingKey, "setting-key", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A key into a settings variables that is a dictionary (try 'settings list' to see all the possible settings variables and their types)." },
 1085     { eArgTypeSettingPrefix, "setting-prefix", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a settable internal debugger variable up to a dot ('.'), e.g. 'target.process.'" },
 1086     { eArgTypeSettingVariableName, "setting-variable-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a settable internal debugger variable.  Type 'settings list' to see a complete list of such variables." },
 1087     { eArgTypeShlibName, "shlib-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a shared library." },
 1088     { eArgTypeSourceFile, "source-file", CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a source file.." },
 1089     { eArgTypeSortOrder, "sort-order", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Specify a sort order when dumping lists." },
 1090     { eArgTypeStartAddress, "start-address", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1091     { eArgTypeSummaryString, "summary-string", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { SummaryStringHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
 1092     { eArgTypeSymbol, "symbol", CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Any symbol name (function name, variable, argument, etc.)" },
 1093     { eArgTypeThreadID, "thread-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Thread ID number." },
 1094     { eArgTypeThreadIndex, "thread-index", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Index into the process' list of threads." },
 1095     { eArgTypeThreadName, "thread-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The thread's name." },
 1096     { eArgTypeTypeName, "type-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A type name." },
 1097     { eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "unsigned-integer", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An unsigned integer." },
 1098     { eArgTypeUnixSignal, "unix-signal", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A valid Unix signal name or number (e.g. SIGKILL, KILL or 9)." },
 1099     { eArgTypeVarName, "variable-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a variable in your program." },
 1100     { eArgTypeValue, "value", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A value could be anything, depending on where and how it is used." },
 1101     { eArgTypeWidth, "width", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
 1102     { eArgTypeNone, "none", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "No help available for this." },
 1103     { eArgTypePlatform, "platform-name", CommandCompletions::ePlatformPluginCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of an installed platform plug-in . Type 'platform list' to see a complete list of installed platforms." },
 1104     { eArgTypeWatchpointID, "watchpt-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Watchpoint IDs are positive integers." },
 1105     { eArgTypeWatchpointIDRange, "watchpt-id-list", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "For example, '1-3' or '1 to 3'." },
 1106     { eArgTypeWatchType, "watch-type", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Specify the type for a watchpoint." },
 1107     { eArgRawInput, "raw-input", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Free-form text passed to a command without prior interpretation, allowing spaces without requiring quotes.  To pass arguments and free form text put two dashes ' -- ' between the last argument and any raw input." },
 1108     { eArgTypeCommand, "command", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An LLDB Command line command." }
   89     CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
   73   CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
   74       interpreter, CommandCompletions::eArchitectureCompletion, request,
   24       m_completion_mask(CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion),
   30       m_completion_mask(CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion),
   38       m_completion_mask(CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion),
  104   CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  775   if (completion_mask & CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion ||
  776       completion_mask & CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion) {
  808   CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
  119     CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Prefix + "foo", Results, Resolver);
  127     CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Twine(Prefix) + "b", Results, Resolver);
  159   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Twine(BaseDir) + "/fooa", Results,
  164   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Twine(BaseDir) + "/.", Results, Resolver);
  168   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Prefixes[0], Results, Resolver);
  192   CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/fooa", Results, Resolver);
  198   CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/aa", Results, Resolver);
  203   CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/", Results, Resolver);
  221   CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/foo", Results, Resolver);
  241   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~", Results, Resolver);
  245   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~/", Results, Resolver);
  252   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~/foo/", Results, Resolver);
  255   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~/foo/nes", Results, Resolver);
  261   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~Lars", Results, Resolver);
  265   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~Dave", Results, Resolver);
  269   CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~La", Results, Resolver);