reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 8513       str = "ASTContext: expressions, declarations, and types"; 
 8516       str = "ASTContext: identifiers";
 8519       str = "ASTContext: selectors";
 8522       str = "Code completion: cached global results";
 8525       str = "SourceManager: content cache allocator";
 8528       str = "ASTContext: side tables";
 8531       str = "SourceManager: malloc'ed memory buffers";
 8534       str = "SourceManager: mmap'ed memory buffers";
 8537       str = "ExternalASTSource: malloc'ed memory buffers";
 8540       str = "ExternalASTSource: mmap'ed memory buffers";
 8543       str = "Preprocessor: malloc'ed memory";
 8546       str = "Preprocessor: PreprocessingRecord";
 8549       str = "SourceManager: data structures and tables";
 8552       str = "Preprocessor: header search tables";
 8555   return str;