reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  889   const SmallVector &operator=(SmallVector &&RHS) {
   50   CommentInfo &operator=(CommentInfo &&Other) = default;
   92       Kind; // Kind of comment (FullComment, ParagraphComment, TextComment,
   97   SmallString<64> Text;      // Text of the comment.
   98   SmallString<16> Name;      // Name of the comment (for Verbatim and HTML).
   99   SmallString<8> Direction;  // Parameter direction (for (T)ParamCommand).
  100   SmallString<16> ParamName; // Parameter name (for (T)ParamCommand).
  101   SmallString<16> CloseName; // Closing tag name (for VerbatimBlock).
  102   bool SelfClosing = false;  // Indicates if tag is self-closing (for HTML).
  103   bool Explicit = false; // Indicates if the direction of a param is explicit
  106       AttrKeys; // List of attribute keys (for HTML).
  108       AttrValues; // List of attribute values for each key (for HTML).
  110       Args; // List of arguments to commands (for InlineCommand).
  112       Children; // List of child comments for this CommentInfo.
  461       operator=(vector&& __x) noexcept(_Alloc_traits::_S_nothrow_move())