reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  796   os << "\n<tr><td class=\"num\"></td><td class=\"line\"><div id=\"";
  799     os << "Note" << num;
  801     os << "EndPath";
  803     os << "Path" << num;
  805   os << "\" class=\"msg";
  807     os << " msg" << Kind;
  808   os << "\" style=\"margin-left:" << PosNo << "ex";
  855       os << "; max-width:" << em << "em";
  858     os << "; max-width:100em";
  860   os << "\">";
  863     os << "<table class=\"msgT\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";
  864     os << "<div class=\"PathIndex";
  865     if (Kind) os << " PathIndex" << Kind;
  866     os << "\">" << num << "</div>";
  869       os << "</td><td><div class=\"PathNav\"><a href=\"#Path"
  876     os << "</td><td>";
  880     os << "Within the expansion of the macro '";
  895         os << MacroName[i];
  898     os << "':\n";
  901       os << "</td>";
  903         os << "<td><div class=\"PathNav\"><a href=\"#";
  905           os << "EndPath";
  907           os << "Path" << (num + 1);
  908         os << "\" title=\"Next event ("
  913       os << "</tr></table>";
  917     ProcessMacroPiece(os, *MP, 0);
  920     os << html::EscapeText(P.getString());
  923       os << "</td>";
  925         os << "<td><div class=\"PathNav\"><a href=\"#";
  927           os << "EndPath";
  929           os << "Path" << (num + 1);
  930         os << "\" title=\"Next event ("
  935       os << "</tr></table>";
  939   os << "</div></td></tr>";
  946   R.InsertTextBefore(Loc, os.str());