reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  162 DIAG(remark_sanitize_address_insert_extra_padding_accepted, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "-fsanitize-address-field-padding applied to %0", 614, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 0)
  163 DIAG(remark_sanitize_address_insert_extra_padding_rejected, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "-fsanitize-address-field-padding ignored for %0 because it %select{is not C++|is packed|is a union|is trivially copyable|has trivial destructor|is standard layout|is in a blacklisted file|is blacklisted}1", 614, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 0)
  101 DIAG(remark_module_lock_failure, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "could not acquire lock file for module '%0': %1", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  102 DIAG(remark_module_lock_timeout, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "timed out waiting to acquire lock file for module '%0'", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
   79 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 555, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   80 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 556, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   81 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis_aliasing, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop. If the arrays will always be independent specify '#pragma clang loop vectorize(assume_safety)' before the loop or provide the '__restrict__' qualifier with the independent array arguments. Erroneous results will occur if these options are incorrectly applied!", 556, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   82 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis_fpcommute, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop or by providing the compiler option '-ffast-math'.", 556, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   83 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_missed, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 558, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   84 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_plugin, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 601, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   85 DIAG(remark_module_build, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "building module '%0' as '%1'", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   86 DIAG(remark_module_build_done, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "finished building module '%0'", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   66 DIAG(remark_module_import, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "importing module '%0'%select{| into '%3'}2 from '%1'", 449, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   61     return Class == CLASS_REMARK ? diag::Flavor::Remark
  437       !Mapping.isUser() && getBuiltinDiagClass(DiagID) != CLASS_REMARK)