reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  162 DIAG(remark_sanitize_address_insert_extra_padding_accepted, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "-fsanitize-address-field-padding applied to %0", 614, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 0)
  163 DIAG(remark_sanitize_address_insert_extra_padding_rejected, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "-fsanitize-address-field-padding ignored for %0 because it %select{is not C++|is packed|is a union|is trivially copyable|has trivial destructor|is standard layout|is in a blacklisted file|is blacklisted}1", 614, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 0)
  184 DIAG(warn_padded_struct_anon_field, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%s2 to align anonymous bit-field", 551, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  185 DIAG(warn_padded_struct_field, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%s2 to align %4", 551, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  186 DIAG(warn_padded_struct_size, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "padding size of %0 with %1 %select{byte|bit}2%s1 to alignment boundary", 551, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  187 DIAG(warn_unnecessary_packed, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "packed attribute is unnecessary for %0", 550, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   15 DIAG(warn_correct_comment_command_name, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unknown command tag name '%0'; did you mean '%1'?", 203, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   16 DIAG(warn_doc_api_container_decl_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0%select{class|interface|protocol|struct|union}1' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-%select{class|interface|protocol|struct|union}2 declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   17 DIAG(warn_doc_block_command_duplicate, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "duplicated command '%select{\\|@}0%1'", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   18 DIAG(warn_doc_block_command_empty_paragraph, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "empty paragraph passed to '%select{\\|@}0%1' command", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   19 DIAG(warn_doc_container_decl_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0%select{classdesign|coclass|dependency|helper|helperclass|helps|instancesize|ownership|performance|security|superclass}1' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-container declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   20 DIAG(warn_doc_deprecated_not_sync, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "declaration is marked with '\\deprecated' command but does not have a deprecation attribute", 200, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   21 DIAG(warn_doc_function_method_decl_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0%select{function|functiongroup|method|methodgroup|callback}1' command should be used in a comment attached to %select{a function|a function|an Objective-C method|an Objective-C method|a pointer to function}2 declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   22 DIAG(warn_doc_html_end_forbidden, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "HTML end tag '%0' is forbidden", 201, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   23 DIAG(warn_doc_html_end_unbalanced, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "HTML end tag does not match any start tag", 201, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   24 DIAG(warn_doc_html_missing_end_tag, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "HTML tag '%0' requires an end tag", 201, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   25 DIAG(warn_doc_html_start_end_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "HTML start tag '%0' closed by '%1'", 201, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   26 DIAG(warn_doc_html_start_tag_expected_ident_or_greater, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>'", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   27 DIAG(warn_doc_html_start_tag_expected_quoted_string, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "expected quoted string after equals sign", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   28 DIAG(warn_doc_inline_contents_no_argument, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0%1' command does not have a valid word argument", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   29 DIAG(warn_doc_param_duplicate, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "parameter '%0' is already documented", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   30 DIAG(warn_doc_param_invalid_direction, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unrecognized parameter passing direction, valid directions are '[in]', '[out]' and '[in,out]'", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   31 DIAG(warn_doc_param_not_attached_to_a_function_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0param' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   32 DIAG(warn_doc_param_not_found, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "parameter '%0' not found in the function declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   33 DIAG(warn_doc_param_spaces_in_direction, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "whitespace is not allowed in parameter passing direction", 202, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   34 DIAG(warn_doc_returns_attached_to_a_void_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0%1' command used in a comment that is attached to a %select{function returning void|constructor|destructor|method returning void}2", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   35 DIAG(warn_doc_returns_not_attached_to_a_function_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0%1' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function or method declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   36 DIAG(warn_doc_tparam_duplicate, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "template parameter '%0' is already documented", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   37 DIAG(warn_doc_tparam_not_attached_to_a_template_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0tparam' command used in a comment that is not attached to a template declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   38 DIAG(warn_doc_tparam_not_found, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "template parameter '%0' not found in the template declaration", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   39 DIAG(warn_unknown_comment_command_name, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unknown command tag name", 203, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   40 DIAG(warn_verbatim_block_end_without_start, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%select{\\|@}0%1' command does not terminate a verbatim text block", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   73 DIAG(ext_c99_longlong, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'long long' is an extension when C99 mode is not enabled", 384, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   74 DIAG(ext_clang_diagnose_if, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'diagnose_if' is a clang extension", 269, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   75 DIAG(ext_clang_enable_if, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'enable_if' is a clang extension", 269, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   76 DIAG(ext_cxx11_longlong, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'long long' is a C++11 extension", 88, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   77 DIAG(ext_duplicate_declspec, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "duplicate '%0' declaration specifier", 206, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  101 DIAG(remark_module_lock_failure, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "could not acquire lock file for module '%0': %1", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  102 DIAG(remark_module_lock_timeout, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "timed out waiting to acquire lock file for module '%0'", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  106 DIAG(warn_cxx20_compat_consteval, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'consteval' specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 102, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  107 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_longlong, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'long long' is incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  108 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_variadic_templates, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variadic templates are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  112 DIAG(warn_method_param_declaration, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "redeclaration of method parameter %0", 208, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  118 DIAG(warn_poison_system_directories, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "include location '%0' is unsafe for cross-compilation", 570, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  172 DIAG(warn_drv_unable_to_find_directory_expected, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unable to find %0 directory, expected to be in '%1'", 366, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   79 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 555, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   80 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 556, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   81 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis_aliasing, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop. If the arrays will always be independent specify '#pragma clang loop vectorize(assume_safety)' before the loop or provide the '__restrict__' qualifier with the independent array arguments. Erroneous results will occur if these options are incorrectly applied!", 556, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   82 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis_fpcommute, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop or by providing the compiler option '-ffast-math'.", 556, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   83 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_missed, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 558, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   84 DIAG(remark_fe_backend_plugin, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0", 601, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   85 DIAG(remark_module_build, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "building module '%0' as '%1'", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   86 DIAG(remark_module_build_done, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "finished building module '%0'", 445, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  109 DIAG(warn_profile_data_misexpect, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "Potential performance regression from use of __builtin_expect(): Annotation was correct on %0 of profiled executions.", 425, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 33)
  110 DIAG(warn_profile_data_missing, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "profile data may be incomplete: of %0 function%s0, %1 %plural{1:has|:have}1 no data", 582, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 33)
  166 DIAG(ext_binary_literal, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "binary integer literals are a GNU extension", 276, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  167 DIAG(ext_binary_literal_cxx14, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "binary integer literals are a C++14 extension", 90, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  169 DIAG(ext_charize_microsoft, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "charizing operator #@ is a Microsoft extension", 398, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  170 DIAG(ext_comment_paste_microsoft, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "pasting two '/' tokens into a '//' comment is a Microsoft extension", 399, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  171 DIAG(ext_ctrl_z_eof_microsoft, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "treating Ctrl-Z as end-of-file is a Microsoft extension", 404, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  172 DIAG(ext_dollar_in_identifier, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'$' in identifier", 204, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  173 DIAG(ext_embedded_directive, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior", 214, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  175 DIAG(ext_empty_fnmacro_arg, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "empty macro arguments are a C99 feature", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  176 DIAG(ext_four_char_character_literal, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "multi-character character constant", 263, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  177 DIAG(ext_hex_constant_invalid, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "hexadecimal floating constants are a C99 feature", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  178 DIAG(ext_hex_literal_invalid, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "hexadecimal floating literals are a C++17 feature", 97, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  179 DIAG(ext_line_comment, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "// comments are not allowed in this language", 134, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  180 DIAG(ext_missing_varargs_arg, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "must specify at least one argument for '...' parameter of variadic macro", 298, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  183 DIAG(ext_multi_line_line_comment, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "multi-line // comment", 134, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  185 DIAG(ext_named_variadic_macro, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "named variadic macros are a GNU extension", 787, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  186 DIAG(ext_no_newline_eof, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "no newline at end of file", 463, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  187 DIAG(ext_nonstandard_escape, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of non-standard escape character '\\%0'", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  189 DIAG(ext_paste_comma, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "token pasting of ',' and __VA_ARGS__ is a GNU extension", 298, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  191 DIAG(ext_pp_bad_vaargs_use, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "__VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C99 variadic macro", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  193 DIAG(ext_pp_comma_expr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "comma operator in operand of #if", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  195 DIAG(ext_pp_ident_directive, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "#ident is a language extension", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  196 DIAG(ext_pp_import_directive, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "#import is a language extension", 324, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  197 DIAG(ext_pp_include_next_directive, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "#include_next is a language extension", 288, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  199 DIAG(ext_pp_line_too_big, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "C requires #line number to be less than %0, allowed as extension", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  200 DIAG(ext_pp_line_zero, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "#line directive with zero argument is a GNU extension", 297, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  202 DIAG(ext_pp_opencl_variadic_macros, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variadic macros are a Clang extension in OpenCL", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  203 DIAG(ext_pp_operator_used_as_macro_name, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "C++ operator %0 (aka %1) used as a macro name", 401, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  206 DIAG(ext_pp_warning_directive, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "#warning is a language extension", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  209 DIAG(ext_string_too_long, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "string literal of length %0 exceeds maximum length %1 that %select{C90|ISO C99|C++}2 compilers are required to support", 543, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  210 DIAG(ext_token_used, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "extension used", 376, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  214 DIAG(ext_variadic_macro, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variadic macros are a C99 feature", 787, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  233 DIAG(pp_disabled_macro_expansion, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "disabled expansion of recursive macro", 190, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  243 DIAG(pp_macro_not_used, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "macro is not used", 773, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  245 DIAG(pp_nonportable_system_path, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-portable path to file '%0'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk", 475, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  254 DIAG(warn_auto_module_import, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "treating #%select{include|import|include_next|__include_macros}0 as an import of module '%1'", 51, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  257 DIAG(warn_c99_compat_unicode_id, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{using this character in an identifier|starting an identifier with this character}0 is incompatible with C99", 120, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  258 DIAG(warn_c99_compat_unicode_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unicode literals are incompatible with C99", 120, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  260 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_binary_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "binary integer literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 111, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  261 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_digit_separator, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "digit separators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  262 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_reserved_user_defined_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "identifier after literal will be treated as a reserved user-defined literal suffix in C++11", 84, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  263 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_user_defined_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "identifier after literal will be treated as a user-defined literal suffix in C++11", 81, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  264 DIAG(warn_cxx11_keyword, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' is a keyword in C++11", 81, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  265 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_u8_character_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unicode literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  266 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_spaceship, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'<=>' operator is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  267 DIAG(warn_cxx17_hex_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "hexadecimal floating literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 109, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  269 DIAG(warn_cxx2a_keyword, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' is a keyword in C++2a", 102, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  270 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_empty_fnmacro_arg, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "empty macro arguments are incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  271 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_less_colon_colon, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'<::' is treated as digraph '<:' (aka '[') followed by ':' in C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  272 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_literal_ucn_control_character, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "universal character name referring to a control character is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  273 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_literal_ucn_escape_basic_scs, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "specifying character '%0' with a universal character name is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  274 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_no_newline_eof, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "C++98 requires newline at end of file", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  275 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_pp_line_too_big, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "#line number greater than 32767 is incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  276 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_raw_string_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "raw string literals are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  277 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_unicode_id, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "using this character in an identifier is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  278 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_unicode_literal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unicode literals are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  279 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_variadic_macro, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variadic macros are incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  280 DIAG(warn_defined_in_function_type_macro, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior", 228, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  295 DIAG(warn_no_newline_eof, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "no newline at end of file", 463, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  296 DIAG(warn_non_modular_include_in_framework_module, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "include of non-modular header inside framework module '%0': '%1'", 468, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  297 DIAG(warn_non_modular_include_in_module, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "include of non-modular header inside module '%0': '%1'", 469, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  300 DIAG(warn_pp_date_time, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "expansion of date or time macro is not reproducible", 164, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 1)
  305 DIAG(warn_pp_macro_hides_keyword, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "keyword is hidden by macro definition", 374, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  306 DIAG(warn_pp_macro_is_reserved_id, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "macro name is a reserved identifier", 606, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  308 DIAG(warn_pp_undef_identifier, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 is not defined, evaluates to 0", 719, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  320 DIAG(warn_pragma_ignored, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unknown pragma ignored", 739, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  331 DIAG(warn_quoted_include_in_framework_header, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "double-quoted include \"%0\" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead", 590, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  323 DIAG(ext_auto_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'__auto_type' is a GNU extension", 275, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  325 DIAG(ext_c11_feature, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' is a C11 extension", 119, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  326 DIAG(ext_c99_compound_literal, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "compound literals are a C99-specific feature", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  327 DIAG(ext_c99_feature, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' is a C99 extension", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  328 DIAG(ext_c99_variable_decl_in_for_loop, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable declaration in for loop is a C99-specific feature", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  329 DIAG(ext_clang_c_enum_fixed_underlying_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a Clang extension", 243, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  333 DIAG(ext_cxx11_enum_fixed_underlying_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a C++11 extension", 85, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  338 DIAG(ext_ellipsis_exception_spec, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "exception specification of '...' is a Microsoft extension", 407, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  339 DIAG(ext_empty_translation_unit, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C requires a translation unit to contain at least one declaration", 218, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  340 DIAG(ext_enumerator_list_comma_c, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C99-specific feature", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  341 DIAG(ext_enumerator_list_comma_cxx, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C++11 extension", 85, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  343 DIAG(ext_extern_template, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "extern templates are a C++11 extension", 85, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  344 DIAG(ext_extra_semi, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "extra ';' %select{outside of a function|inside a %1|inside instance variable list|after member function definition}0", 238, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  345 DIAG(ext_extra_semi_cxx11, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "extra ';' outside of a function is a C++11 extension", 86, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  350 DIAG(ext_gnu_address_of_label, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of GNU address-of-label extension", 290, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  351 DIAG(ext_gnu_array_range, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of GNU array range extension", 281, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  352 DIAG(ext_gnu_case_range, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of GNU case range extension", 277, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  353 DIAG(ext_gnu_conditional_expr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of GNU ?: conditional expression extension, omitting middle operand", 280, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  354 DIAG(ext_gnu_empty_initializer, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of GNU empty initializer extension", 282, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  355 DIAG(ext_gnu_indirect_goto, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of GNU indirect-goto extension", 290, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  358 DIAG(ext_gnu_statement_expr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of GNU statement expression extension", 292, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  359 DIAG(ext_ident_list_in_param, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "type-less parameter names in function declaration", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  365 DIAG(ext_ms_c_enum_fixed_underlying_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a Microsoft extension", 411, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  370 DIAG(ext_ns_enum_attribute, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "attributes on %select{a namespace|an enumerator}0 declaration are a C++17 extension", 97, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  371 DIAG(ext_nullability, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "type nullability specifier %0 is a Clang extension", 489, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  379 DIAG(ext_thread_before, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'__thread' before '%0'", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  407 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_decltype_auto_type_specifier, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'decltype(auto)' type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  409 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_constexpr_if, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constexpr if is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  410 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_constexpr_on_lambda, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constexpr on lambda expressions is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  411 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_fold_expression, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "pack fold expression is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  412 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_init_statement, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{if|switch}0 initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  413 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_nested_namespace_definition, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "nested namespace definition is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  414 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_ns_enum_attribute, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "attributes on %select{a namespace|an enumerator}0 declaration are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 109, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  415 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_static_assert_no_message, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "static_assert with no message is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  416 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_template_template_param_typename, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "template template parameter using 'typename' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  417 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_using_attribute_ns, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "default scope specifier for attributes is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  418 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_bitfield_member_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "default member initializer for bit-field is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  419 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_for_range_init_stmt, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "range-based for loop initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  420 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_inline_nested_namespace_definition, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "inline nested namespace definition is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  421 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_lambda_template_parameter_list, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit template parameter list for lambdas is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  422 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_multi_using_declaration, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  423 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_using_declaration_pack, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "pack expansion using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  424 DIAG(warn_cxx2a_compat_explicit_bool, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "this expression will be parsed as explicit(bool) in C++2a", 102, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  425 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_alias_declaration, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "alias declarations are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  426 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_alignas, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'alignas' is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  427 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_alignof, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "alignof expressions are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  428 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_attribute, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "C++11 attribute syntax is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  429 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_decltype, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'decltype' type specifier is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  430 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_defaulted_deleted_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{defaulted|deleted}0 function definitions are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  431 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_enum_fixed_underlying_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  432 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_enumerator_list_comma, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "commas at the end of enumerator lists are incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  433 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_extern_template, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "extern templates are incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  434 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_for_range, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "range-based for loop is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  435 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_generalized_initializer_lists, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  436 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_inline_namespace, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "inline namespaces are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  437 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_lambda, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "lambda expressions are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  438 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_literal_operator, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "literal operators are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  439 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_noexcept_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "noexcept specifications are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  440 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_noexcept_expr, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "noexcept expressions are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  441 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_nonstatic_member_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "in-class initialization of non-static data members is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  442 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_nullptr, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'nullptr' is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  443 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_override_control_keyword, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' keyword is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  444 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_ref_qualifier, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "reference qualifiers on functions are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  445 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_rvalue_reference, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "rvalue references are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  446 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_scoped_enum, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "scoped enumerations are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  447 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_static_assert, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "static_assert declarations are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  448 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_top_level_semi, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "extra ';' outside of a function is incompatible with C++98", 115, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  449 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_trailing_return_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "trailing return types are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  450 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_two_right_angle_brackets, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use '> >')", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  452 DIAG(warn_empty_init_statement, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "empty initialization statement of '%select{if|switch|range-based for}0' has no effect", 217, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  453 DIAG(warn_exception_spec_deprecated, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "dynamic exception specifications are deprecated", 179, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 29)
  456 DIAG(warn_extra_semi_after_mem_fn_def, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "extra ';' after member function definition", 238, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  465 DIAG(warn_null_statement, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "empty expression statement has no effect; remove unnecessary ';' to silence this warning", 239, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  490 DIAG(warn_pragma_extension_is_core, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "OpenCL extension %0 is core feature or supported optional core feature - ignoring", 561, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  500 DIAG(warn_pragma_omp_ignored, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unexpected '#pragma omp ...' in program", 652, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  509 DIAG(warn_semicolon_before_method_body, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "semicolon before method body is ignored", 622, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
 2012 DIAG(ext_aggregate_init_not_constant, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "initializer for aggregate is not a compile-time constant", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2013 DIAG(ext_anonymous_record_with_anonymous_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "anonymous types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are an extension", 460, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2014 DIAG(ext_anonymous_record_with_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are a Microsoft extension", 396, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2015 DIAG(ext_anonymous_struct_union_qualified, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot be '%1'", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2016 DIAG(ext_anonymous_union, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "anonymous unions are a C11 extension", 119, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2017 DIAG(ext_array_init_copy, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "initialization of an array %diff{of type $ from a compound literal of type $|from a compound literal}0,1 is a GNU extension", 279, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2019 DIAG(ext_array_size_conversion, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is a C++11 extension", 85, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2020 DIAG(ext_auto_new_list_init, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C++ standards before C++17 do not allow new expression for type %0 to use list-initialization", 97, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2023 DIAG(ext_c11_anonymous_struct, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "anonymous structs are a C11 extension", 119, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2024 DIAG(ext_c99_array_usage, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 feature", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2025 DIAG(ext_c99_flexible_array_member, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "flexible array members are a C99 feature", 122, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2027 DIAG(ext_cast_fn_obj, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2029 DIAG(ext_complex_component_init, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "complex initialization specifying real and imaginary components is an extension", 137, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2041 DIAG(ext_cxx14_attr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of the %0 attribute is a C++14 extension", 93, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2042 DIAG(ext_cxx17_attr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of the %0 attribute is a C++17 extension", 97, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2043 DIAG(ext_cxx2a_attr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of the %0 attribute is a C++2a extension", 105, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2044 DIAG(ext_cxx_designated_init, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "designated initializers are a C++20 extension", 104, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2055 DIAG(ext_designated_init, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "designated initializers are a C99 feature", 121, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2060 DIAG(ext_empty_struct_union, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "empty %select{struct|union}0 is a GNU extension", 283, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2063 DIAG(ext_enum_value_not_int, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of 'int' (%0 is too %select{small|large}1)", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2065 DIAG(ext_enumerator_too_large, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enumerator value is not representable in the underlying type %0", 406, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2072 DIAG(ext_explicit_instantiation_without_qualified_id, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "qualifier in explicit instantiation of %q0 requires a template-id (a typedef is not permitted)", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2077 DIAG(ext_expr_not_ice, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "expression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extension", 286, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2078 DIAG(ext_flexible_array_empty_aggregate_gnu, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a GNU extension", 283, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2079 DIAG(ext_flexible_array_empty_aggregate_ms, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a Microsoft extension", 412, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2080 DIAG(ext_flexible_array_in_array, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 may not be used as an array element due to flexible array member", 245, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2081 DIAG(ext_flexible_array_in_struct, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 may not be nested in a struct due to flexible array member", 245, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2082 DIAG(ext_flexible_array_init, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "flexible array initialization is a GNU extension", 284, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2083 DIAG(ext_flexible_array_union_gnu, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "flexible array member %0 in a union is a GNU extension", 285, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2084 DIAG(ext_flexible_array_union_ms, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "flexible array member %0 in a union is a Microsoft extension", 412, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2086 DIAG(ext_forward_ref_enum, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C forbids forward references to 'enum' types", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2087 DIAG(ext_forward_ref_enum_def, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "redeclaration of already-defined enum %0 is a GNU extension", 291, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2089 DIAG(ext_freestanding_complex, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "complex numbers are an extension in a freestanding C99 implementation", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2091 DIAG(ext_gnu_anonymous_struct, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "anonymous structs are a GNU extension", 273, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2092 DIAG(ext_gnu_ptr_func_arith, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 is a GNU extension", 563, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2093 DIAG(ext_gnu_subscript_void_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "subscript of a pointer to void is a GNU extension", 563, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2094 DIAG(ext_gnu_void_ptr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void is a GNU extension", 563, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2096 DIAG(ext_imaginary_constant, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "imaginary constants are a GNU extension", 287, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2102 DIAG(ext_in_class_initializer_non_constant, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extension", 286, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2113 DIAG(ext_integer_complement_complex, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C does not support '~' for complex conjugation of %0", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2114 DIAG(ext_integer_complex, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "complex integer types are a GNU extension", 278, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2115 DIAG(ext_integer_increment_complex, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C does not support '++'/'--' on complex integer type %0", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2117 DIAG(ext_internal_in_extern_inline_quiet, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "static %select{function|variable}0 %1 is used in an inline function with external linkage", 657, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2119 DIAG(ext_main_used, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C++ does not allow 'main' to be used by a program", 387, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2127 DIAG(ext_mixed_decls_code, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and code", 167, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2148 DIAG(ext_no_named_members_in_struct_union, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{struct|union}0 without named members is a GNU extension", 283, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2161 DIAG(ext_param_not_declared, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "parameter %0 was not declared, defaulting to type 'int'", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2166 DIAG(ext_pointer_to_const_ref_member_on_rvalue, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is a C++2a extension", 105, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, false, 2)
 2172 DIAG(ext_retained_language_linkage, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "friend function %0 retaining previous language linkage is an extension", 608, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2174 DIAG(ext_return_has_void_expr, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "void %select{function|method|block}1 %0 should not return void expression", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2176 DIAG(ext_rvalue_to_reference_access_ctor, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "C++98 requires an accessible copy constructor for class %2 when binding a reference to a temporary; was %select{private|protected}0", 60, SFINAE_AccessControl, false, false, 2)
 2177 DIAG(ext_rvalue_to_reference_temp_copy_no_viable, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|initializing statement expression result|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1; C++98 requires a copy constructor when binding a reference to a temporary", 60, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2178 DIAG(ext_sizeof_alignof_function_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align|__alignof}0' to a function type", 563, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2179 DIAG(ext_sizeof_alignof_void_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align|__alignof}0' to a void type", 563, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2183 DIAG(ext_static_non_static, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "redeclaring non-static %0 as static is a Microsoft extension", 418, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2186 DIAG(ext_subscript_non_lvalue, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C90 does not allow subscripting non-lvalue array", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2195 DIAG(ext_typecheck_addrof_void, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C forbids taking the address of an expression of type 'void'", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2196 DIAG(ext_typecheck_base_super, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "method parameter type %diff{$ does not match super class method parameter type $|does not match super class method parameter type}0,1", 681, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2197 DIAG(ext_typecheck_cast_nonscalar, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "C99 forbids casting nonscalar type %0 to the same type", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2198 DIAG(ext_typecheck_cast_to_union, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cast to union type is a GNU extension", 295, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2200 DIAG(ext_typecheck_comparison_of_fptr_to_void, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer (%0 and %1)", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2204 DIAG(ext_typecheck_cond_one_void, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "C99 forbids conditional expressions with only one void side", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2212 DIAG(ext_typecheck_convert_pointer_void_func, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 converts between void pointer and function pointer", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2216 DIAG(ext_typecheck_ordered_comparison_of_pointer_and_zero, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) is an extension", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2218 DIAG(ext_typecheck_zero_array_size, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "zero size arrays are an extension", 803, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2223 DIAG(ext_undefined_internal_type, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ISO C++ requires a definition in this translation unit for %select{function|variable}0 %q1 because its type does not have linkage", 724, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2231 DIAG(ext_vla, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable length arrays are a C99 feature", 794, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2232 DIAG(ext_vla_folded_to_constant, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable length array folded to constant array as an extension", 286, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2800 DIAG(warn_abstract_vbase_init_ignored, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "initializer for virtual base class %0 of abstract class %1 will never be used", 10, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2803 DIAG(warn_acquire_requires_negative_cap, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "acquiring %0 '%1' requires negative capability '%2'", 707, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2804 DIAG(warn_acquired_before, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 '%1' must be acquired before '%2'", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2805 DIAG(warn_acquired_before_after_cycle, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "Cycle in acquired_before/after dependencies, starting with '%0'", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2809 DIAG(warn_alloca, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of function %0 is discouraged; there is no way to check for failure but failure may still occur, resulting in a possibly exploitable security vulnerability", 16, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2817 DIAG(warn_arc_possible_repeated_use_of_weak, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 may be accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 and may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive", 27, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2818 DIAG(warn_arc_repeated_use_of_weak, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 is accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 but may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive", 30, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2822 DIAG(warn_arc_strong_pointer_objc_pointer, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "method parameter of type %0 with no explicit ownership", 231, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 10)
 2833 DIAG(warn_atomic_implicit_seq_cst, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit use of sequentially-consistent atomic may incur stronger memory barriers than necessary", 44, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2837 DIAG(warn_attr_on_unconsumable_class, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "consumed analysis attribute is attached to member of class '%0' which isn't marked as consumable", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2841 DIAG(warn_attribute_dll_instantiated_base_class, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "propagating dll attribute to %select{already instantiated|explicitly specialized}0 base class template without dll attribute is not supported", 754, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2872 DIAG(warn_auto_implicit_atomic_property, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "property is assumed atomic when auto-synthesizing the property", 310, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2874 DIAG(warn_auto_storage_class, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'auto' storage class specifier is redundant and incompatible with C++11", 81, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2883 DIAG(warn_bad_function_cast, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cast from function call of type %0 to non-matching type %1", 58, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2888 DIAG(warn_bitfield_too_small_for_enum, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "bit-field %0 is not wide enough to store all enumerators of %1", 63, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 2891 DIAG(warn_bitwise_op_in_bitwise_op, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' within '%1'", 66, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2903 DIAG(warn_cannot_resolve_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cannot resolve lock expression", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2906 DIAG(warn_cast_align, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cast from %0 to %1 increases required alignment from %2 to %3", 124, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2910 DIAG(warn_cast_qual, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cast from %0 to %1 drops %select{const and volatile qualifiers|const qualifier|volatile qualifier}2", 127, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2911 DIAG(warn_cast_qual2, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cast from %0 to %1 must have all intermediate pointers const qualified to be safe", 127, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2922 DIAG(warn_comma_operator, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "possible misuse of comma operator here", 133, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2924 DIAG(warn_comparison_bitwise_always, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "bitwise comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true}0", 690, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2925 DIAG(warn_comparison_bitwise_or, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "bitwise or with non-zero value always evaluates to true", 690, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2930 DIAG(warn_condition_is_idiomatic_assignment, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "using the result of an assignment as a condition without parentheses", 302, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2931 DIAG(warn_conditional_mixed_enum_types, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enumeration type mismatch in conditional expression%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1", 222, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2932 DIAG(warn_conflicting_overriding_param_modifiers, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in declaration of %0", 548, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2933 DIAG(warn_conflicting_overriding_param_types, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2", 548, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2934 DIAG(warn_conflicting_overriding_ret_type_modifiers, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in declaration of %0", 548, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2935 DIAG(warn_conflicting_overriding_ret_types, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting return type in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2", 548, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2936 DIAG(warn_conflicting_overriding_variadic, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting variadic declaration of method and its implementation", 548, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2947 DIAG(warn_ctad_maybe_unsupported, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 may not intend to support class template argument deduction", 153, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2948 DIAG(warn_ctor_parm_shadows_field, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constructor parameter %0 shadows the field %1 of %2", 629, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2949 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_body_invalid_stmt, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2950 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_body_multiple_return, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "multiple return statements in constexpr function is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2951 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_body_no_return, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constexpr function with no return statements is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2952 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_local_var, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2953 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_type_definition, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2954 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_deduced_return_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "return type deduction is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2955 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_generic_lambda, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "generic lambdas are incompatible with C++11", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2956 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_init_capture, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "initialized lambda captures are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2957 DIAG(warn_cxx11_compat_variable_template, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable templates are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14", 110, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2959 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_class_template_argument_deduction, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "class template argument deduction is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17%select{|; for compatibility, use explicit type name %1}0", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2961 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_decomp_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "decomposition declarations are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2962 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_inline_variable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "inline variables are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2963 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_star_this_lambda_capture, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "by value capture of '*this' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2964 DIAG(warn_cxx14_compat_template_nontype_parm_auto_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-type template parameters declared with %0 are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2965 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_adl_only_template_id, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of function template name with no prior function template declaration in function call with explicit template arguments is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2966 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_constexpr_body_invalid_stmt, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2967 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_constexpr_ctor_missing_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constexpr constructor that does not initialize all members is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2968 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_constexpr_function_try_block, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "function try block in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2969 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_constexpr_local_var_no_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "uninitialized variable in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2970 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_constexpr_union_ctor_no_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constexpr union constructor that does not initialize any member is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2971 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_constexpr_virtual, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "virtual constexpr functions are incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2972 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_decomp_decl_spec, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "decomposition declaration declared %plural{1:'%1'|:with '%1' specifiers}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2973 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_defaulted_comparison, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "defaulted comparison operators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2974 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_defaulted_method_type_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicitly defaulting this %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 with a type different from the implicit type is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2975 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_designated_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "designated initializers are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 107, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2976 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_equals_this_lambda_capture, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2978 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_init_capture_pack, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "initialized lambda capture packs are incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2979 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_lambda_def_ctor_assign, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{default construction|assignment}0 of lambda is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2980 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_pointer_to_const_ref_member_on_rvalue, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a", 107, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2981 DIAG(warn_cxx17_compat_unicode_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'char8_t' type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 106, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2982 DIAG(warn_cxx20_compat_constinit, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'constinit' specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20", 102, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2983 DIAG(warn_cxx2a_compat_aggregate_init_with_ctors, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "aggregate initialization of type %0 with user-declared constructors is incompatible with C++2a", 102, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2984 DIAG(warn_cxx2a_compat_utf8_string, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "type of UTF-8 string literal will change from array of const char to array of const char8_t in C++2a", 102, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2985 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_array_size_conversion, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2986 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_auto_type_specifier, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2987 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_cast_fn_obj, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98", 117, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2988 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_constexpr, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2989 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_ctor_list_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constructor call from initializer list is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2990 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_delegating_ctor, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2991 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_empty_scalar_initializer, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2992 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_enum_friend, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "befriending enumeration type %0 is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2993 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_enum_nested_name_spec, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2994 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_explicit_conversion_functions, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2995 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_friend_is_member, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2996 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_goto_into_protected_scope, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "jump from this goto statement to its label is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2997 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_indirect_goto_in_protected_scope, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "jump from this %select{indirect|asm}0 goto statement to one of its possible targets is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2998 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_initializer_list_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "initialization of initializer_list object is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2999 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_non_static_member_use, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of non-static data member %0 in an unevaluated context is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3000 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_nonclass_type_friend, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-class friend type %0 is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3001 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_nontrivial_union_or_anon_struct_member, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 with a non-trivial %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3002 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_pass_non_pod_arg_to_vararg, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "passing object of trivial but non-POD type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3003 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_reference_list_init, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "reference initialized from initializer list is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3004 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_sfinae_access_control, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Report, false, false, 2)
 3005 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_static_data_member_in_union, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "static data member %0 in union is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3006 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_switch_into_protected_scope, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "jump from switch statement to this case label is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3007 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_temp_copy, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|initializing statement expression result|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}1 of type %2 when binding a reference to a temporary would %select{invoke an inaccessible constructor|find no viable constructor|find ambiguous constructors|invoke a deleted constructor}0 in C++98", 114, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3008 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_extra_parens, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3009 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_local_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "local type %0 as template argument is incompatible with C++98", 116, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3010 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_null, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of null pointer as non-type template argument is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3011 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_object_internal, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with internal linkage is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3012 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_unnamed_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98", 118, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3013 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_template_outside_of_template, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3014 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_template_parameter_default_in_function_template, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3015 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_typename_outside_of_template, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3016 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_unelaborated_friend_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "befriending %1 without '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' keyword is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3017 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_unicode_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' type specifier is incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3018 DIAG(warn_cxx98_compat_using_decl_constructor, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "inheriting constructors are incompatible with C++98", 113, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3026 DIAG(warn_decl_shadow, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "declaration shadows a %select{local variable|variable in %2|static data member of %2|field of %2|typedef in %2|type alias in %2}1", 626, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3027 DIAG(warn_decl_shadow_uncaptured_local, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "declaration shadows a %select{local variable|variable in %2|static data member of %2|field of %2|typedef in %2|type alias in %2}1", 632, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3031 DIAG(warn_def_missing_case, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%plural{1:enumeration value %1 not explicitly handled in switch|2:enumeration values %1 and %2 not explicitly handled in switch|3:enumeration values %1, %2, and %3 not explicitly handled in switch|:%0 enumeration values not explicitly handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...}0", 687, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3032 DIAG(warn_default_atomic_custom_getter_setter, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "atomic by default property %0 has a user defined %select{getter|setter}1 (property should be marked 'atomic' if this is intended)", 157, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3038 DIAG(warn_delete_non_virtual_dtor, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{delete|destructor}0 called on non-final %1 that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor", 173, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 2)
 3043 DIAG(warn_deprecated_copy_operation, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "definition of implicit copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}1 for %0 is deprecated because it has a user-declared %select{copy %select{assignment operator|constructor}1|destructor}2", 175, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 29)
 3044 DIAG(warn_deprecated_def, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implementing deprecated %select{method|class|category}0", 180, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3048 DIAG(warn_deprecated_redundant_constexpr_static_def, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "out-of-line definition of constexpr static data member is redundant in C++17 and is deprecated", 175, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 29)
 3052 DIAG(warn_deprecated_this_capture, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is deprecated", 186, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 29)
 3058 DIAG(warn_destructor_marked_not_override_overriding, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 overrides a destructor but is not marked 'override'", 342, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3061 DIAG(warn_direct_ivar_access, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "instance variable %0 is being directly accessed", 189, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3068 DIAG(warn_double_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "acquiring %0 '%1' that is already held", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3072 DIAG(warn_duplicate_enum_values, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "element %0 has been implicitly assigned %1 which another element has been assigned", 207, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3073 DIAG(warn_duplicate_method_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "multiple declarations of method %0 found and ignored", 209, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3083 DIAG(warn_enum_constant_in_bool_context, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "converting the enum constant to a boolean", 355, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3087 DIAG(warn_exit_time_destructor, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "declaration requires an exit-time destructor", 227, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3088 DIAG(warn_expecting_lock_held_on_loop, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "expecting %0 '%1' to be held at start of each loop", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3089 DIAG(warn_expecting_locked, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "expecting %0 '%1' to be held at the end of function", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3091 DIAG(warn_explicit_instantiation_inline_0x, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline'", 81, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3092 DIAG(warn_explicit_instantiation_must_be_global_0x, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit instantiation of %0 must occur at global scope", 81, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3093 DIAG(warn_explicit_instantiation_out_of_scope_0x, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit instantiation of %0 not in a namespace enclosing %1", 81, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3094 DIAG(warn_explicit_instantiation_unqualified_wrong_namespace_0x, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit instantiation of %q0 must occur in namespace %1", 81, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3100 DIAG(warn_fallthrough_attr_unreachable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "fallthrough annotation in unreachable code", 313, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3106 DIAG(warn_floatingpoint_eq, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe", 247, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3107 DIAG(warn_for_range_begin_end_types_differ, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'begin' and 'end' returning different types (%0 and %1) is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17", 108, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3108 DIAG(warn_for_range_const_reference_copy, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "loop variable %0 %diff{has type $ but is initialized with type $| is initialized with a value of a different type}1,2 resulting in a copy", 591, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3109 DIAG(warn_for_range_copy, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "loop variable %0 of type %1 creates a copy from type %2", 591, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3110 DIAG(warn_for_range_variable_always_copy, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "loop variable %0 is always a copy because the range of type %1 does not return a reference", 591, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3113 DIAG(warn_format_argument_needs_cast_pedantic, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{values of type|enum values with underlying type}2 '%0' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to %1 instead", 256, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3116 DIAG(warn_format_conversion_argument_type_mismatch_confusion, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "format specifies type %0 but the argument has %select{type|underlying type}2 %1", 258, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3117 DIAG(warn_format_conversion_argument_type_mismatch_pedantic, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "format specifies type %0 but the argument has %select{type|underlying type}2 %1", 256, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3122 DIAG(warn_format_non_standard, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' %select{length modifier|conversion specifier}1 is not supported by ISO C", 254, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3123 DIAG(warn_format_non_standard_conversion_spec, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "using length modifier '%0' with conversion specifier '%1' is not supported by ISO C", 254, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3124 DIAG(warn_format_non_standard_positional_arg, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "positional arguments are not supported by ISO C", 254, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3125 DIAG(warn_format_nonliteral, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "format string is not a string literal", 255, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3133 DIAG(warn_fun_excludes_mutex, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "cannot call function '%1' while %0 '%2' is held", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3134 DIAG(warn_fun_requires_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "calling function %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3135 DIAG(warn_fun_requires_lock_precise, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "calling function %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 708, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3136 DIAG(warn_func_template_missing, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "instantiation of function %q0 required here, but no definition is available", 721, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3141 DIAG(warn_global_constructor, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "declaration requires a global constructor", 270, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3142 DIAG(warn_global_destructor, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "declaration requires a global destructor", 270, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3145 DIAG(warn_gnu_null_ptr_arith, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "arithmetic on a null pointer treated as a cast from integer to pointer is a GNU extension", 484, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3146 DIAG(warn_guarded_pass_by_reference, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "passing variable %1 by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 709, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3152 DIAG(warn_illegal_constant_array_size, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "size of static array must be an integer constant expression", 560, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3155 DIAG(warn_impcast_complex_scalar, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion discards imaginary component: %0 to %1", 146, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3158 DIAG(warn_impcast_double_promotion, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion increases floating-point precision: %0 to %1", 205, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3160 DIAG(warn_impcast_float_integer, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion turns floating-point number into integer: %0 to %1", 246, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3161 DIAG(warn_impcast_float_precision, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1", 316, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3162 DIAG(warn_impcast_float_result_precision, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion when assigning computation result loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1", 316, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3163 DIAG(warn_impcast_float_to_integer, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes value from %2 to %3", 248, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3164 DIAG(warn_impcast_float_to_integer_out_of_range, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion of out of range value from %0 to %1 is undefined", 248, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3165 DIAG(warn_impcast_float_to_integer_zero, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes non-zero value from %2 to %3", 249, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3168 DIAG(warn_impcast_high_order_zero_bits, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "higher order bits are zeroes after implicit conversion", 319, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3169 DIAG(warn_impcast_int_to_objc_signed_char_bool, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion from integral type %0 to 'BOOL'", 526, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3170 DIAG(warn_impcast_integer_64_32, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1", 639, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3171 DIAG(warn_impcast_integer_float_precision, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion from %0 to %1 may lose precision", 320, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3173 DIAG(warn_impcast_integer_precision, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1", 319, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3175 DIAG(warn_impcast_integer_sign, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion changes signedness: %0 to %1", 641, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3176 DIAG(warn_impcast_integer_sign_conditional, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "operand of ? changes signedness: %0 to %1", 641, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3179 DIAG(warn_impcast_nonnegative_result, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "the resulting value is always non-negative after implicit conversion", 641, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3183 DIAG(warn_impcast_string_literal_to_bool, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion turns string literal into bool: %0 to %1", 676, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3184 DIAG(warn_impcast_vector_scalar, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion turns vector to scalar: %0 to %1", 146, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3188 DIAG(warn_implicit_atomic_property, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "property is assumed atomic by default", 310, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3191 DIAG(warn_implicit_function_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit declaration of function %0", 317, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3192 DIAG(warn_implicitly_retains_self, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "block implicitly retains 'self'; explicitly mention 'self' to indicate this is intended behavior", 321, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3196 DIAG(warn_incompatible_vectors, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "incompatible vector types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2", 789, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3201 DIAG(warn_infinite_recursive_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "all paths through this function will call itself", 345, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3202 DIAG(warn_init_list_constant_narrowing, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 in C++11", 89, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3203 DIAG(warn_init_list_type_narrowing, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list in C++11", 89, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3204 DIAG(warn_init_list_variable_narrowing, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list in C++11", 89, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3206 DIAG(warn_initializer_out_of_order, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{field|base class}0 %1 will be initialized after %select{field|base}2 %3", 603, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3218 DIAG(warn_invalid_capability_name, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "invalid capability name '%0'; capability name must be 'mutex' or 'role'", 705, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3221 DIAG(warn_ivars_in_interface, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "declaration of instance variables in the interface is deprecated", 500, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3224 DIAG(warn_kern_is_method, CLASS_EXTENSION, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "kernel function %0 is a member function; this may not be accepted by nvcc", 156, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3226 DIAG(warn_left_shift_in_bool_context, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "converting the result of '<<' to a boolean; did you mean '(%0) != 0'?", 355, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3227 DIAG(warn_lock_exclusive_and_shared, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 '%1' is acquired exclusively and shared in the same scope", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3228 DIAG(warn_lock_some_predecessors, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 '%1' is not held on every path through here", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3229 DIAG(warn_logical_and_in_logical_or, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'&&' within '||'", 383, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3233 DIAG(warn_loop_state_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "state of variable '%0' must match at the entry and exit of loop", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3241 DIAG(warn_maybe_uninit_var, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable %0 may be uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1", 140, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3245 DIAG(warn_messaging_unqualified_id, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "messaging unqualified id", 504, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3253 DIAG(warn_missing_braces, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "suggest braces around initialization of subobject", 430, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3256 DIAG(warn_missing_explicit_synthesis, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "auto property synthesis is synthesizing property not explicitly synthesized", 506, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3257 DIAG(warn_missing_field_initializers, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "missing field %0 initializer", 434, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3259 DIAG(warn_missing_method_return_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "method has no return type specified; defaults to 'id'", 437, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3260 DIAG(warn_missing_prototype, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "no previous prototype for function %0", 441, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3262 DIAG(warn_missing_variable_declarations, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "no previous extern declaration for non-static variable %0", 444, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3263 DIAG(warn_mixed_sign_comparison, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "comparison of integers of different signs: %0 and %1", 640, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3264 DIAG(warn_modifying_shadowing_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "modifying constructor parameter %0 that shadows a field of %1", 630, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3266 DIAG(warn_multiple_selectors, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "several methods with selector %0 of mismatched types are found for the @selector expression", 617, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3275 DIAG(warn_no_underlying_type_specified_for_enum_bitfield, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "enums in the Microsoft ABI are signed integers by default; consider giving the enum %0 an unsigned underlying type to make this code portable", 643, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3276 DIAG(warn_no_unlock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 '%1' is still held at the end of function", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3280 DIAG(warn_non_contravariant_overriding_param_types, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2", 548, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3281 DIAG(warn_non_contravariant_param_types, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2", 394, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3282 DIAG(warn_non_covariant_overriding_ret_types, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting return type in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2", 548, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3283 DIAG(warn_non_covariant_ret_types, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "conflicting return type in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2", 394, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3286 DIAG(warn_non_virtual_dtor, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor", 471, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3289 DIAG(warn_not_a_doxygen_trailing_member_comment, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "not a Doxygen trailing comment", 199, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
 3293 DIAG(warn_not_in_enum_assignment, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "integer constant not in range of enumerated type %0", 39, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3308 DIAG(warn_nullability_lost, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implicit conversion from nullable pointer %0 to non-nullable pointer type %1", 491, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 21)
 3312 DIAG(warn_objc_cdirective_format_string, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "using %0 directive in %select{NSString|CFString}1 which is being passed as a formatting argument to the formatting %select{method|CFfunction}2", 152, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3329 DIAG(warn_objc_property_assign_on_object, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'assign' property of object type may become a dangling reference; consider using 'unsafe_unretained'", 511, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3343 DIAG(warn_old_style_cast, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "use of old-style cast", 531, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3355 DIAG(warn_omp_section_is_char, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "array section %select{lower bound|length}0 is of type 'char'", 130, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 3359 DIAG(warn_opencl_generic_address_space_arg, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "passing non-generic address space pointer to %0 may cause dynamic conversion affecting performance", 146, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3363 DIAG(warn_overaligned_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "type %0 requires %1 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees %2 bytes", 541, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3365 DIAG(warn_overloaded_virtual, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%q0 hides overloaded virtual %select{function|functions}1", 545, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3367 DIAG(warn_param_return_typestate_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "parameter '%0' not in expected state when the function returns: expected '%1', observed '%2'", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3368 DIAG(warn_param_typestate_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "argument not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1'", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3372 DIAG(warn_pass_class_arg_to_vararg, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "passing object of class type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1%select{|; did you mean to call '%3'?}2", 132, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3373 DIAG(warn_pessimizing_move_on_initialization, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "moving a temporary object prevents copy elision", 562, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3374 DIAG(warn_pessimizing_move_on_return, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision", 562, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3376 DIAG(warn_pointer_arith_null_ptr, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "performing pointer arithmetic on a null pointer has undefined behavior%select{| if the offset is nonzero}0", 484, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3378 DIAG(warn_pointer_indirection_from_incompatible_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "dereference of type %1 that was reinterpret_cast from type %0 has undefined behavior", 725, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3384 DIAG(warn_pragma_pack_non_default_at_include, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-default #pragma pack value changes the alignment of struct or union members in the included file", 575, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3417 DIAG(warn_pt_guarded_pass_by_reference, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "passing the value that %1 points to by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 709, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3418 DIAG(warn_ptr_arith_exceeds_bounds, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "the pointer incremented by %0 refers past the end of the array (that contains %1 element%s2)", 35, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3419 DIAG(warn_ptr_arith_precedes_bounds, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "the pointer decremented by %0 refers before the beginning of the array", 35, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3421 DIAG(warn_qual_return_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'%0' type qualifier%s1 on return type %plural{1:has|:have}1 no effect", 308, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3424 DIAG(warn_receiver_forward_instance, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "receiver type %0 for instance message is a forward declaration", 594, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 5)
 3430 DIAG(warn_redundant_loop_iteration, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable %0 is %select{decremented|incremented}1 both in the loop header and in the loop body", 250, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3431 DIAG(warn_redundant_move_on_return, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "redundant move in return statement", 597, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3432 DIAG(warn_redundant_parens_around_declarator, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "redundant parentheses surrounding declarator", 598, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3444 DIAG(warn_return_std_move, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "local variable %0 will be copied despite being %select{returned|thrown}1 by name", 610, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3445 DIAG(warn_return_std_move_in_cxx11, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "prior to the resolution of a defect report against ISO C++11, local variable %0 would have been copied despite being returned by name, due to its not matching the function return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2", 611, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3446 DIAG(warn_return_typestate_for_unconsumable_type, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "return state set for an unconsumable type '%0'", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3447 DIAG(warn_return_typestate_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "return value not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1'", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3453 DIAG(warn_sampler_initializer_invalid_bits, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "sampler initializer has invalid %0 bits", 653, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3460 DIAG(warn_self_assignment_builtin, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicitly assigning value of variable of type %0 to itself", 618, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3461 DIAG(warn_self_assignment_overloaded, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicitly assigning value of variable of type %0 to itself", 620, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3462 DIAG(warn_self_move, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicitly moving variable of type %0 to itself", 621, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3465 DIAG(warn_shadow_field, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{parameter|non-static data member}3 %0 %select{|of %1 }3shadows member inherited from type %2", 628, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
 3470 DIAG(warn_shift_result_sets_sign_bit, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "signed shift result (%0) sets the sign bit of the shift expression's type (%1) and becomes negative", 638, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3473 DIAG(warn_signed_bitfield_enum_conversion, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "signed bit-field %0 needs an extra bit to represent the largest positive enumerators of %1", 63, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3479 DIAG(warn_sometimes_uninit_var, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable %0 is %select{used|captured}1 uninitialized whenever %select{'%3' condition is %select{true|false}4|'%3' loop %select{is entered|exits because its condition is false}4|'%3' loop %select{condition is true|exits because its condition is false}4|switch %3 is taken|its declaration is reached|%3 is called}2", 651, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3485 DIAG(warn_strict_multiple_method_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "multiple methods named %0 found", 674, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3486 DIAG(warn_strict_prototypes, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "this %select{function declaration is not|block declaration is not|old-style function definition is not preceded by}0 a prototype", 673, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3494 DIAG(warn_struct_class_previous_tag_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%2 defined as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}0%select{| template}1 here but previously declared as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}3%select{| template}1; this is valid, but may result in linker errors under the Microsoft C++ ABI", 429, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3495 DIAG(warn_struct_class_tag_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{struct|interface|class}0%select{| template}1 %2 was previously declared as a %select{struct|interface|class}3%select{| template}1; this is valid, but may result in linker errors under the Microsoft C++ ABI", 429, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3497 DIAG(warn_subscript_is_char, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "array subscript is of type 'char'", 130, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3498 DIAG(warn_suggest_noreturn_block, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "block could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'", 439, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3499 DIAG(warn_suggest_noreturn_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{function|method}0 %1 could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'", 439, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3507 DIAG(warn_tautological_constant_compare, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "result of comparison %select{%3|%1}0 %2 %select{%1|%3}0 is always %4", 698, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3508 DIAG(warn_tautological_overlap_comparison, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "overlapping comparisons always evaluate to %select{false|true}0", 696, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3509 DIAG(warn_template_arg_negative, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-type template argument with value '%0' converted to '%1' for unsigned template parameter of type %2", 146, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3510 DIAG(warn_template_arg_too_large, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "non-type template argument value '%0' truncated to '%1' for template parameter of type %2", 146, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3518 DIAG(warn_thread_attribute_argument_not_lockable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 attribute requires arguments whose type is annotated with 'capability' attribute; type here is %1", 705, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3519 DIAG(warn_thread_attribute_decl_not_lockable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 attribute can only be applied in a context annotated with 'capability(\"mutex\")' attribute", 705, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3520 DIAG(warn_thread_attribute_decl_not_pointer, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 only applies to pointer types; type here is %1", 705, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3521 DIAG(warn_thread_attribute_ignored, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ignoring %0 attribute because its argument is invalid", 705, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3522 DIAG(warn_thread_attribute_not_on_capability_member, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 attribute without capability arguments refers to 'this', but %1 isn't annotated with 'capability' or 'scoped_lockable' attribute", 705, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3523 DIAG(warn_thread_attribute_not_on_non_static_member, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 attribute without capability arguments can only be applied to non-static methods of a class", 705, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3524 DIAG(warn_thread_safety_beta, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "Thread safety beta warning.", 706, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3525 DIAG(warn_thread_safety_verbose, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "Thread safety verbose warning.", 710, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3541 DIAG(warn_unannotated_fallthrough, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unannotated fall-through between switch labels", 313, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3542 DIAG(warn_unannotated_fallthrough_per_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unannotated fall-through between switch labels in partly-annotated function", 314, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3543 DIAG(warn_unavailable_def, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "implementing unavailable method", 180, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3545 DIAG(warn_undeclared_selector, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "undeclared selector %0", 718, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3546 DIAG(warn_undeclared_selector_with_typo, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "undeclared selector %0; did you mean %1?", 718, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3553 DIAG(warn_undefined_reinterpret_cast, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "reinterpret_cast from %0 to %1 has undefined behavior", 725, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3554 DIAG(warn_unguarded_availability, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 is only available on %1 %2 or newer", 729, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3558 DIAG(warn_unimplemented_selector, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "no method with selector %0 is implemented in this translation unit", 616, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3559 DIAG(warn_uninit_byref_blockvar_captured_by_block, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "block pointer variable %0 is %select{uninitialized|null}1 when captured by block", 735, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3562 DIAG(warn_uninit_var, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable %0 is uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1", 735, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3564 DIAG(warn_unlock_but_no_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "releasing %0 '%1' that was not held", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3565 DIAG(warn_unlock_kind_mismatch, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "releasing %0 '%1' using %select{shared|exclusive}2 access, expected %select{shared|exclusive}3 access", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3566 DIAG(warn_unneeded_internal_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{function|variable}0 %1 is not needed and will not be emitted", 743, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3567 DIAG(warn_unneeded_member_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "member function %0 is not needed and will not be emitted", 744, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3568 DIAG(warn_unneeded_static_internal_decl, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'static' function %0 declared in header file should be declared 'static inline'", 743, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3569 DIAG(warn_unreachable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "code will never be executed", 745, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3570 DIAG(warn_unreachable_break, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'break' will never be executed", 747, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3571 DIAG(warn_unreachable_default, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "default label in switch which covers all enumeration values", 150, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3572 DIAG(warn_unreachable_loop_increment, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "loop will run at most once (loop increment never executed)", 748, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3573 DIAG(warn_unreachable_return, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "'return' will never be executed", 749, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3577 DIAG(warn_unsigned_always_true_comparison, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "result of comparison of %select{%3|unsigned expression}0 %2 %select{unsigned expression|%3}0 is always %4", 701, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3578 DIAG(warn_unsigned_bitfield_assigned_signed_enum, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "assigning value of signed enum type %1 to unsigned bit-field %0; negative enumerators of enum %1 will be converted to positive values", 63, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 26)
 3579 DIAG(warn_unsigned_enum_always_true_comparison, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "result of comparison of %select{%3|unsigned enum expression}0 %2 %select{unsigned enum expression|%3}0 is always %4", 700, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3584 DIAG(warn_unused_const_variable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused variable %0", 765, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3588 DIAG(warn_unused_exception_param, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused exception parameter %0", 766, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3590 DIAG(warn_unused_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused function %0", 767, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3591 DIAG(warn_unused_label, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused label %0", 769, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3592 DIAG(warn_unused_lambda_capture, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "lambda capture %0 is not %select{used|required to be captured for this use}1", 770, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3593 DIAG(warn_unused_local_typedef, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused %select{typedef|type alias}0 %1", 771, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3594 DIAG(warn_unused_member_function, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused member function %0", 774, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3595 DIAG(warn_unused_parameter, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused parameter %0", 775, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3596 DIAG(warn_unused_private_field, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "private field %0 is not used", 776, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3597 DIAG(warn_unused_property_backing_ivar, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "ivar %0 which backs the property is not referenced in this property's accessor", 777, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3601 DIAG(warn_unused_template, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused %select{function|variable}0 template %1", 779, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3602 DIAG(warn_unused_variable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "unused variable %0", 781, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 34)
 3605 DIAG(warn_use_in_invalid_state, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "invalid invocation of method '%0' on object '%1' while it is in the '%2' state", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3606 DIAG(warn_use_of_temp_in_invalid_state, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "invalid invocation of method '%0' on a temporary object while it is in the '%1' state", 145, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3607 DIAG(warn_used_but_marked_unused, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 was marked unused but was used", 783, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3609 DIAG(warn_using_directive_in_header, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "using namespace directive in global context in header", 300, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3611 DIAG(warn_var_deref_requires_any_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{reading|writing}1 the value pointed to by %0 requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3612 DIAG(warn_var_deref_requires_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{reading|writing}3 the value pointed to by %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3613 DIAG(warn_var_deref_requires_lock_precise, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{reading|writing}3 the value pointed to by %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 708, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3615 DIAG(warn_variable_requires_any_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{reading|writing}1 variable %0 requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3616 DIAG(warn_variable_requires_lock, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{reading|writing}3 variable %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 704, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3617 DIAG(warn_variable_requires_lock_precise, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{reading|writing}3 variable %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3", 708, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3619 DIAG(warn_variables_not_in_loop_body, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable%select{s| %1|s %1 and %2|s %1, %2, and %3|s %1, %2, %3, and %4}0 used in loop condition not modified in loop body", 250, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3623 DIAG(warn_vla_used, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "variable length array used", 793, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3626 DIAG(warn_weak_template_vtable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "explicit template instantiation %0 will emit a vtable in every translation unit", 797, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3627 DIAG(warn_weak_vtable, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%0 has no out-of-line virtual method definitions; its vtable will be emitted in every translation unit", 798, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3632 DIAG(warn_zero_as_null_pointer_constant, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "zero as null pointer constant", 802, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 21)
 3633 DIAG(warn_zero_size_struct_union_compat, CLASS_WARNING, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "%select{|empty }0%select{struct|union}1 has size 0 in C, %select{size 1|non-zero size}2 in C++", 77, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
   66 DIAG(remark_module_import, CLASS_REMARK, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Ignored, "importing module '%0'%select{| into '%3'}2 from '%1'", 449, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
  279     diag::Severity ExtBehavior = diag::Severity::Ignored;
  821            diag::Severity::Ignored;
  312         case diag::Severity::Ignored: llvm::errs() << "ignored"; break;
  359       GetDefaultDiagMapping(DiagID).getSeverity() != diag::Severity::Ignored;
  381   case diag::Severity::Ignored:
  436   if (State->EnableAllWarnings && Result == diag::Severity::Ignored &&
  446     return diag::Severity::Ignored;
  454   if (Result == diag::Severity::Ignored)
  466       return diag::Severity::Ignored;
  497     return diag::Severity::Ignored;
   70     Diags.setExtensionHandlingBehavior(diag::Severity::Ignored);
  107           isPositive ? diag::Severity::Warning : diag::Severity::Ignored;
  125             Diags.setSeverityForAll(Flavor, diag::Severity::Ignored);
  207                                  : diag::Severity::Ignored;
  225                                              : diag::Severity::Ignored);
  517   case diag::Severity::Ignored:
 1193                             .Case("ignored", diag::Severity::Ignored)
 2204                                     diag::Severity::Ignored, SourceLocation());
12161                         /*Map*/ diag::Severity::Ignored, Loc);
  560       clang::diag::Severity::Ignored, SourceLocation());
  563       clang::diag::Severity::Ignored, SourceLocation());