reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   32 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_deleted_object, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 heap allocated object that has been deleted", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   33 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_inactive_union_member, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of subobject of|destruction of}0 member %1 of union with %select{active member %3|no active member}2 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   34 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_mutable, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 mutable member %1 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   35 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_null, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 dereferenced null pointer is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   36 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_past_end, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   37 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_static_temporary, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|reconstruction of|destruction of}0 temporary is not allowed in a constant expression outside the expression that created the temporary", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   38 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_uninit, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of subobject of|destruction of}0 %select{object outside its lifetime|uninitialized object}1 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   39 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_unreadable_object, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 object '%1' whose value is not known", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   40 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_unsized_array, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 element of array without known bound is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   41 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_volatile_obj, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|<ERROR>|<ERROR>|<ERROR>|<ERROR>}0 volatile %select{temporary|object %2|member %2}1 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   42 DIAG(note_constexpr_access_volatile_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|<ERROR>|<ERROR>|<ERROR>|<ERROR>}0 volatile-qualified type %1 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   43 DIAG(note_constexpr_array_index, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot refer to element %0 of %select{array of %2 element%plural{1:|:s}2|non-array object}1 in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   44 DIAG(note_constexpr_baa_insufficient_alignment, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{alignment of|offset of the aligned pointer from}0 the base pointee object (%1 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}1) is %select{less than|not a multiple of}0 the asserted %2 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   45 DIAG(note_constexpr_baa_value_insufficient_alignment, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "value of the aligned pointer (%0) is not a multiple of the asserted %1 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   46 DIAG(note_constexpr_bit_cast_indet_dest, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "indeterminate value can only initialize an object of type 'unsigned char'%select{, 'char',|}1 or 'std::byte'; %0 is invalid", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   47 DIAG(note_constexpr_bit_cast_invalid_subtype, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "invalid type %0 is a %select{member|base}1 of %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   48 DIAG(note_constexpr_bit_cast_invalid_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "bit_cast %select{from|to}0 a %select{|type with a }1%select{union|pointer|member pointer|volatile|reference}2 %select{type|member}1 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   49 DIAG(note_constexpr_bit_cast_unsupported_bitfield, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constexpr bit_cast involving bit-field is not yet supported", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   50 DIAG(note_constexpr_bit_cast_unsupported_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constexpr bit_cast involving type %0 is not yet supported", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   51 DIAG(note_constexpr_call_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in call to '%0'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   52 DIAG(note_constexpr_call_limit_exceeded, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constexpr evaluation hit maximum call limit", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   53 DIAG(note_constexpr_calls_suppressed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "(skipping %0 call%s0 in backtrace; use -fconstexpr-backtrace-limit=0 to see all)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   54 DIAG(note_constexpr_compare_virtual_mem_ptr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "comparison of pointer to virtual member function %0 has unspecified value", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   55 DIAG(note_constexpr_conditional_never_const, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "both arms of conditional operator are unable to produce a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   56 DIAG(note_constexpr_construct_complex_elem, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "construction of individual component of complex number is not yet supported in constant expressions", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   57 DIAG(note_constexpr_delete_base_nonvirt_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "delete of object with dynamic type %1 through pointer to base class type %0 with non-virtual destructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   58 DIAG(note_constexpr_delete_not_heap_alloc, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "delete of pointer '%0' that does not point to a heap-allocated object", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   59 DIAG(note_constexpr_delete_subobject, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "delete of pointer%select{ to subobject|}1 '%0' %select{|that does not point to complete object}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   60 DIAG(note_constexpr_depth_limit_exceeded, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constexpr evaluation exceeded maximum depth of %0 calls", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   61 DIAG(note_constexpr_destroy_complex_elem, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "destruction of individual component of complex number is not yet supported in constant expressions", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   62 DIAG(note_constexpr_destroy_out_of_lifetime, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "destroying object '%0' whose lifetime has already ended", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   63 DIAG(note_constexpr_double_delete, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "delete of pointer that has already been deleted", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   64 DIAG(note_constexpr_double_destroy, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "destruction of object that is already being destroyed", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   65 DIAG(note_constexpr_dynamic_alloc, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{pointer|reference}0 to %select{|subobject of }1heap-allocated object is not a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   66 DIAG(note_constexpr_dynamic_alloc_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "heap allocation performed here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   67 DIAG(note_constexpr_dynamic_cast_to_reference_failed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "reference dynamic_cast failed: %select{static type %1 of operand is a non-public base class of dynamic type %2|dynamic type %2 of operand does not have a base class of type %3|%3 is an ambiguous base class of dynamic type %2 of operand|%3 is a non-public base class of dynamic type %2 of operand}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   68 DIAG(note_constexpr_float_arithmetic, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "floating point arithmetic produces %select{an infinity|a NaN}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   69 DIAG(note_constexpr_heap_alloc_limit_exceeded, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constexpr evaluation hit maximum heap allocation limit", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   70 DIAG(note_constexpr_inherited_ctor_call_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in implicit initialization for inherited constructor of %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   71 DIAG(note_constexpr_invalid_cast, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast|cast from %1}0 is not allowed in a constant expression%select{| in C++ standards before C++2a||}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   72 DIAG(note_constexpr_invalid_downcast, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot cast object of dynamic type %0 to type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   73 DIAG(note_constexpr_invalid_function, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{non-constexpr|undefined}0 %select{function|constructor}1 %2 cannot be used in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   74 DIAG(note_constexpr_invalid_inhctor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constructor inherited from base class %0 cannot be used in a constant expression; derived class cannot be implicitly initialized", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   75 DIAG(note_constexpr_large_shift, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "shift count %0 >= width of type %1 (%2 bit%s2)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   76 DIAG(note_constexpr_lifetime_ended, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{read of|read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of|member call on|dynamic_cast of|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 %select{temporary|variable}1 whose %plural{8:storage duration|:lifetime}0 has ended", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   77 DIAG(note_constexpr_lshift_discards, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "signed left shift discards bits", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   78 DIAG(note_constexpr_lshift_of_negative, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "left shift of negative value %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   79 DIAG(note_constexpr_ltor_incomplete_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "read of incomplete type %0 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   80 DIAG(note_constexpr_ltor_non_const_int, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "read of non-const variable %0 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   81 DIAG(note_constexpr_ltor_non_constexpr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "read of non-constexpr variable %0 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   82 DIAG(note_constexpr_memcpy_incomplete_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot constant evaluate '%select{memcpy|memmove}0' between objects of incomplete type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   83 DIAG(note_constexpr_memcpy_nontrivial, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot constant evaluate '%select{memcpy|memmove}0' between objects of non-trivially-copyable type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   84 DIAG(note_constexpr_memcpy_null, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{source|destination}2 of '%select{%select{memcpy|wmemcpy}1|%select{memmove|wmemmove}1}0' is %3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   85 DIAG(note_constexpr_memcpy_overlap, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%select{memcpy|wmemcpy}0' between overlapping memory regions", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   86 DIAG(note_constexpr_memcpy_type_pun, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot constant evaluate '%select{memcpy|memmove}0' from object of type %1 to object of type %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   87 DIAG(note_constexpr_memcpy_unsupported, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%select{%select{memcpy|wmemcpy}1|%select{memmove|wmemmove}1}0' not supported: %select{size to copy (%4) is not a multiple of size of element type %3 (%5)|source is not a contiguous array of at least %4 elements of type %3|destination is not a contiguous array of at least %4 elements of type %3}2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   88 DIAG(note_constexpr_memory_leak, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "allocation performed here was not deallocated%plural{0:|: (along with %0 other memory leak%s0)}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   89 DIAG(note_constexpr_modify_const_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "modification of object of const-qualified type %0 is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   90 DIAG(note_constexpr_modify_global, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "a constant expression cannot modify an object that is visible outside that expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   91 DIAG(note_constexpr_negative_shift, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "negative shift count %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   92 DIAG(note_constexpr_new, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "dynamic memory allocation is not permitted in constant expressions until C++20", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   93 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_delete_mismatch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%plural{2:'delete' used to delete pointer to object allocated with 'std::allocator<...>::allocate'|:%select{non-array delete|array delete|'std::allocator<...>::deallocate'}0 used to delete pointer to %select{array object of type %2|non-array object of type %2|object allocated with 'new'}0}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   94 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_negative, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot allocate array; evaluated array bound %0 is negative", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   95 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_non_replaceable, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "call to %select{placement|class-specific}0 %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   96 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_not_complete_object_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot allocate memory of %select{incomplete|function}0 type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   97 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_placement, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "this placement new expression is not yet supported in constant expressions", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   98 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_too_large, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot allocate array; evaluated array bound %0 is too large", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   99 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_too_small, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot allocate array; evaluated array bound %0 is too small to hold %1 explicitly initialized elements", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  100 DIAG(note_constexpr_new_untyped, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot allocate untyped memory in a constant expression; use 'std::allocator<T>::allocate' to allocate memory of type 'T'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  101 DIAG(note_constexpr_no_return, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "control reached end of constexpr function", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  102 DIAG(note_constexpr_non_global, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{pointer|reference}0 to %select{|subobject of }1%select{temporary|%3}2 is not a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  103 DIAG(note_constexpr_nonliteral, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-literal type %0 cannot be used in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  104 DIAG(note_constexpr_null_subobject, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot %select{access base class of|access derived class of|access field of|access array element of|perform pointer arithmetic on|access real component of|access imaginary component of}0 null pointer", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  105 DIAG(note_constexpr_operator_new_bad_size, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "allocated size %0 is not a multiple of size %1 of element type %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  106 DIAG(note_constexpr_overflow, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "value %0 is outside the range of representable values of type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  107 DIAG(note_constexpr_past_end, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "dereferenced pointer past the end of %select{|subobject of }0%select{temporary|%2}1 is not a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  108 DIAG(note_constexpr_past_end_subobject, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot %select{access base class of|access derived class of|access field of|access array element of|ERROR|access real component of|access imaginary component of}0 pointer past the end of object", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  109 DIAG(note_constexpr_placement_new_wrong_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "placement new would change type of storage from %0 to %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  110 DIAG(note_constexpr_pointer_comparison_base_classes, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "comparison of addresses of subobjects of different base classes has unspecified value", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  111 DIAG(note_constexpr_pointer_comparison_base_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "comparison of address of base class subobject %0 of class %1 to field %2 has unspecified value", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  112 DIAG(note_constexpr_pointer_comparison_differing_access, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "comparison of address of fields %0 and %2 of %4 with differing access specifiers (%1 vs %3) has unspecified value", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  113 DIAG(note_constexpr_pointer_subtraction_not_same_array, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "subtracted pointers are not elements of the same array", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  114 DIAG(note_constexpr_pointer_subtraction_zero_size, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "subtraction of pointers to type %0 of zero size", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  115 DIAG(note_constexpr_polymorphic_unknown_dynamic_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{|||||virtual function called on|dynamic_cast applied to|typeid applied to|construction of|destruction of}0 object '%1' whose dynamic type is not constant", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  116 DIAG(note_constexpr_pseudo_destructor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "pseudo-destructor call is not permitted in constant expressions until C++20", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  117 DIAG(note_constexpr_pure_virtual_call, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "pure virtual function %q0 called", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  118 DIAG(note_constexpr_step_limit_exceeded, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constexpr evaluation hit maximum step limit; possible infinite loop?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  119 DIAG(note_constexpr_stmt_expr_unsupported, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "this use of statement expressions is not supported in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  120 DIAG(note_constexpr_subobject_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "subobject declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  121 DIAG(note_constexpr_temporary_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "temporary created here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  122 DIAG(note_constexpr_this, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{|implicit }0use of 'this' pointer is only allowed within the evaluation of a call to a 'constexpr' member function", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  123 DIAG(note_constexpr_typeid_polymorphic, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "typeid applied to expression of polymorphic type %0 is not allowed in a constant expression in C++ standards before C++2a", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  124 DIAG(note_constexpr_uninitialized, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{|sub}0object of type %1 is not initialized", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  125 DIAG(note_constexpr_unsized_array_indexed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "indexing of array without known bound is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  126 DIAG(note_constexpr_unsupported_destruction, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-trivial destruction of type %0 in a constant expression is not supported", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  127 DIAG(note_constexpr_unsupported_tempoarary_nontrivial_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-trivial destruction of lifetime-extended temporary with type %0 used in the result of a constant expression is not yet supported", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  128 DIAG(note_constexpr_unsupported_unsized_array, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "array-to-pointer decay of array member without known bound is not supported", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  129 DIAG(note_constexpr_use_uninit_reference, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use of reference outside its lifetime is not allowed in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  130 DIAG(note_constexpr_var_init_non_constant, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "initializer of %0 is not a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  131 DIAG(note_constexpr_virtual_base, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot construct object of type %0 with virtual base class in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  132 DIAG(note_constexpr_virtual_call, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot evaluate call to virtual function in a constant expression in C++ standards before C++2a", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  133 DIAG(note_constexpr_void_comparison, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "comparison between unequal pointers to void has unspecified result", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  134 DIAG(note_constexpr_volatile_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "volatile %select{temporary created|object declared|member declared}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  135 DIAG(note_covariant_thunk, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "covariant thunk required by %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 25)
  136 DIAG(note_expr_divide_by_zero, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "division by zero", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  137 DIAG(note_non_null_attribute_failed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  138 DIAG(note_odr_base, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class has base type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  139 DIAG(note_odr_bit_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "bit-field %0 with type %1 and length %2 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  140 DIAG(note_odr_enumerator, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "enumerator %0 with value %1 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  141 DIAG(note_odr_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "field %0 has type %1 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  142 DIAG(note_odr_field_name, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "field has name %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  143 DIAG(note_odr_friend, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "friend declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  144 DIAG(note_odr_missing_base, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no corresponding base class here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  145 DIAG(note_odr_missing_enumerator, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no corresponding enumerator here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  146 DIAG(note_odr_missing_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no corresponding field here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  147 DIAG(note_odr_missing_friend, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no corresponding friend here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  148 DIAG(note_odr_not_bit_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "field %0 is not a bit-field", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  149 DIAG(note_odr_number_of_bases, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class has %0 base %plural{1:class|:classes}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  150 DIAG(note_odr_objc_method_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{class|instance}0 method %1 also declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  151 DIAG(note_odr_objc_missing_superclass, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no corresponding superclass here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  152 DIAG(note_odr_objc_property_impl_kind, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "property %0 is implemented with %select{@synthesize|@dynamic}1 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  153 DIAG(note_odr_objc_superclass, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "inherits from superclass %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  154 DIAG(note_odr_objc_synthesize_ivar_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "property is synthesized to ivar %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  155 DIAG(note_odr_parameter_pack_non_pack, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{parameter|parameter pack}0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  156 DIAG(note_odr_tag_kind_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is a %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  157 DIAG(note_odr_template_parameter_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template parameter declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  158 DIAG(note_odr_template_parameter_list, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template parameter list also declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  159 DIAG(note_odr_value_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared here with type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  160 DIAG(note_odr_virtual_base, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{non-virtual|virtual}0 derivation here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  161 DIAG(note_unimplemented_constexpr_lambda_feature_ast, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "unimplemented constexpr lambda feature: %0 (coming soon!)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
    6 DIAG(note_add_deprecation_attr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add a deprecation attribute to the declaration to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
    7 DIAG(note_doc_block_command_previous, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous command '%select{\\|@}0%1' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
    8 DIAG(note_doc_block_command_previous_alias, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous command '%select{\\|@}0%1' (an alias of '\\%2') here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
    9 DIAG(note_doc_html_end_tag, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "end tag", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   10 DIAG(note_doc_html_tag_started_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "HTML tag started here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   11 DIAG(note_doc_param_name_suggestion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean '%0'?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   12 DIAG(note_doc_param_previous, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous documentation", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   13 DIAG(note_doc_tparam_name_suggestion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean '%0'?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   14 DIAG(note_doc_tparam_previous, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous documentation", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 27)
   10 DIAG(err_cannot_open_file, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot open file '%0': %1", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   21 DIAG(err_file_modified, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "file '%0' modified since it was first processed", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   32 DIAG(err_module_build_disabled, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module '%0' is needed but has not been provided, and implicit use of module files is disabled", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
   33 DIAG(err_module_build_shadowed_submodule, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "build a shadowed submodule '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
   34 DIAG(err_module_cycle, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cyclic dependency in module '%0': %1", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
   35 DIAG(err_module_format_unhandled, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no handler registered for module format '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   37 DIAG(err_module_not_built, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "could not build module '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
   38 DIAG(err_module_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module '%0' not found", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
   39 DIAG(err_module_prebuilt, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "error in loading module '%0' from prebuilt module path", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
   40 DIAG(err_module_shadowed, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "import of shadowed module '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
   71 DIAG(err_unsupported_bom, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 byte order mark detected in '%1', but encoding is not supported", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   82 DIAG(fatal_too_many_errors, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "too many errors emitted, stopping now", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   83 DIAG(note_also_found, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "also found", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   84 DIAG(note_decl_hiding_tag_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%1 %0 is hidden by a non-type declaration of %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
   85 DIAG(note_declared_at, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   86 DIAG(note_duplicate_case_prev, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous case defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   87 DIAG(note_forward_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "forward declaration of %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   88 DIAG(note_invalid_subexpr_in_const_expr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "subexpression not valid in a constant expression", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   89 DIAG(note_matching, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "to match this %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   90 DIAG(note_mt_message, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "[rewriter] %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   91 DIAG(note_possibility, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "one possibility", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   92 DIAG(note_pragma_entered_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "#pragma entered here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
   93 DIAG(note_previous_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous declaration is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   94 DIAG(note_previous_definition, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous definition is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   95 DIAG(note_previous_implicit_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous implicit declaration is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   96 DIAG(note_previous_use, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous use is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   97 DIAG(note_suggest_disabling_all_checkers, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use -analyzer-disable-all-checks to disable all static analyzer checkers", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   98 DIAG(note_type_being_defined, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "definition of %0 is not complete until the closing '}'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   99 DIAG(note_using, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "using", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  100 DIAG(note_valid_options, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "valid target CPU values are: %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  128 DIAG(note_drv_address_sanitizer_debug_runtime, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "AddressSanitizer doesn't support linking with debug runtime libraries yet", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  129 DIAG(note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "diagnostic msg: %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  130 DIAG(note_drv_config_file_searched_in, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "was searched for in the directory: %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  131 DIAG(note_drv_t_option_is_global, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "The last /TC or /TP option takes precedence over earlier instances", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  132 DIAG(note_drv_use_standard, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use '%0'%select{| or '%3'|, '%3', or '%4'|, '%3', '%4', or '%5'}2 for '%1' standard", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  133 DIAG(note_drv_verify_prefix_spelling, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "-verify prefixes must start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  134 DIAG(note_use_dashdash, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "Use '--' to treat subsequent arguments as filenames", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   14 DIAG(err_fe_cannot_link_module, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot link module '%0': %1", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   16 DIAG(err_fe_error_backend, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "error in backend: %0", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   24 DIAG(err_fe_invalid_code_complete_file, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot locate code-completion file %0", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   29 DIAG(err_fe_remap_missing_from_file, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "could not remap from missing file '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   30 DIAG(err_fe_remap_missing_to_file, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "could not remap file '%0' to the contents of file '%1'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   39 DIAG(err_invalid_vfs_overlay, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "invalid virtual filesystem overlay file '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   40 DIAG(err_missing_module, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no module named '%0' declared in module map file '%1'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   41 DIAG(err_missing_module_name, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "no module name provided; specify one with -fmodule-name=", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   42 DIAG(err_missing_vfs_overlay_file, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "virtual filesystem overlay file '%0' not found", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   45 DIAG(err_module_header_file_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module header file '%0' not found", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   47 DIAG(err_module_map_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module map file '%0' not found", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   48 DIAG(err_modules_embed_file_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "file '%0' specified by '-fmodules-embed-file=' not found", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 0)
   65 DIAG(note_fe_backend_frame_larger_than, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   66 DIAG(note_fe_backend_invalid_loc, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "could not determine the original source location for %0:%1:%2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   67 DIAG(note_fe_backend_plugin, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, true, 18)
   68 DIAG(note_fe_inline_asm, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 12)
   69 DIAG(note_fe_inline_asm_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "instantiated into assembly here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   70 DIAG(note_fixit_applied, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "FIX-IT applied suggested code changes", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   71 DIAG(note_fixit_failed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   72 DIAG(note_fixit_in_macro, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes in a macro", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   73 DIAG(note_fixit_unfixed_error, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "FIX-IT detected an error it cannot fix", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   74 DIAG(note_incompatible_analyzer_plugin_api, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "current API version is '%0', but plugin was compiled with version '%1'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   75 DIAG(note_module_def_undef_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "macro was %select{defined|#undef'd}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   76 DIAG(note_module_import_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module imported here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   77 DIAG(note_private_top_level_defined, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   78 DIAG(note_verify_ambiguous_marker, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "ambiguous marker '%0' is defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
  102 DIAG(warn_fixit_no_changes, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "FIX-IT detected errors it could not fix; no output will be generated", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
   88 DIAG(err_pp_error_opening_file, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "error opening file '%0': %1", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 1)
  100 DIAG(err_pp_file_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%0' file not found", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 1)
  135 DIAG(err_pp_pragma_hdrstop_not_seen, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "#pragma hdrstop not seen while attempting to use precompiled header", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 1)
  138 DIAG(err_pp_through_header_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%0' required for precompiled header not found", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 1)
  139 DIAG(err_pp_through_header_not_seen, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "#include of '%0' not seen while attempting to %select{create|use}1 precompiled header", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 1)
  215 DIAG(note_header_guard, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is defined here; did you mean %1?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  216 DIAG(note_implicit_top_level_module_import_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "submodule of top-level module '%0' implicitly imported here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  217 DIAG(note_init_list_at_beginning_of_macro_argument, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cannot use initializer list at the beginning of a macro argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  218 DIAG(note_macro_expansion_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "expansion of macro %0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  219 DIAG(note_macro_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "macro %0 defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  220 DIAG(note_mmap_add_framework_keyword, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use 'framework module' to declare module '%0'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  221 DIAG(note_mmap_lbrace_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "to match this '{'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  222 DIAG(note_mmap_lsquare_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "to match this ']'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  223 DIAG(note_mmap_prev_definition, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  224 DIAG(note_mmap_rename_top_level_private_module, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "rename '%0' to ensure it can be found by name", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  225 DIAG(note_pp_ambiguous_macro_chosen, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "expanding this definition of %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  226 DIAG(note_pp_ambiguous_macro_other, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "other definition of %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  227 DIAG(note_pp_framework_without_header, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did not find header '%0' in framework '%1' (loaded from '%2')", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  228 DIAG(note_pp_module_begin_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "entering module '%0' due to this pragma", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  229 DIAG(note_suggest_parens_for_macro, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "parentheses are required around macro argument containing braced initializer list", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
  230 DIAG(note_ucn_four_not_eight, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to use '\\u'?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 1)
   35 DIAG(err_bracket_depth_exceeded, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of %0", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 4)
  383 DIAG(note_bracket_depth, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use -fbracket-depth=N to increase maximum nesting level", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  384 DIAG(note_exception_spec_deprecated, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use '%0' instead", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  385 DIAG(note_extra_comma_message_arg, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "comma separating Objective-C messaging arguments", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  386 DIAG(note_force_empty_selector_name, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "or insert whitespace before ':' to use %0 as parameter name and have an empty entry in the selector", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  387 DIAG(note_meant_to_use_typename, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to use 'typename'?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 22)
  388 DIAG(note_misplaced_ellipsis_vararg_add_comma, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "insert ',' before '...' to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  389 DIAG(note_misplaced_ellipsis_vararg_add_ellipsis, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "place '...' %select{immediately before declared identifier|here}0 to declare a function parameter pack", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  390 DIAG(note_misplaced_ellipsis_vararg_existing_ellipsis, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "preceding '...' declares a function parameter pack", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  391 DIAG(note_missing_end_of_definition_before, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "still within definition of %q0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  392 DIAG(note_missing_selector_name, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "introduce a parameter name to make %0 part of the selector", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  393 DIAG(note_objc_container_start, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{class|protocol|category|class extension|implementation|category implementation}0 started here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  394 DIAG(note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_set_used_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously context selector set '%0' used here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  395 DIAG(note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_used_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously context trait selector '%0' used here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  396 DIAG(note_pragma_attribute_namespace_on_attribute, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "omit the namespace to add attributes to the most-recently pushed attribute group", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  397 DIAG(note_pragma_attribute_use_attribute_kw, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use the GNU '__attribute__' syntax", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
  398 DIAG(note_previous_default_assoc, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous default generic association is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 4)
 1016 DIAG(err_module_import_not_at_top_level_fatal, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "import of module '%0' appears within %1", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 13)
 1746 DIAG(err_template_recursion_depth_exceeded, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of %0", 0, SFINAE_Report, false, true, 2)
 2234 DIAG(note_access_constrained_by_path, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constrained by %select{|implicitly }1%select{private|protected}0 inheritance here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2235 DIAG(note_access_natural, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{|implicitly }1declared %select{private|protected}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2236 DIAG(note_access_protected_restricted_ctordtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "protected %select{constructor|destructor}0 can only be used to %select{construct|destroy}0 a base class subobject", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2237 DIAG(note_access_protected_restricted_noobject, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "must name member using the type of the current context %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2238 DIAG(note_access_protected_restricted_object, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "can only access this member on an object of type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2239 DIAG(note_add_std_move, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "call 'std::move' explicitly to avoid copying", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2240 DIAG(note_add_std_move_in_cxx11, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "call 'std::move' explicitly to avoid copying on older compilers", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2241 DIAG(note_add_synthesize_directive, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add a '@synthesize' directive", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2242 DIAG(note_additional_parens_for_variable_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add a pair of parentheses to declare a variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2243 DIAG(note_addrof_ovl_candidate_disabled_by_enable_if_attr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate function made ineligible by enable_if", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2244 DIAG(note_alignas_on_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared with %0 attribute here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2245 DIAG(note_allocated_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "allocated with 'new%select{[]|}0' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2246 DIAG(note_ambig_member_ref_object_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "lookup in the object type %0 refers here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2247 DIAG(note_ambig_member_ref_scope, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "lookup from the current scope refers here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2248 DIAG(note_ambiguous_candidate, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate found by name lookup is %q0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2249 DIAG(note_ambiguous_inherited_constructor_using, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "inherited from base class %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2250 DIAG(note_ambiguous_member_found, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member found by ambiguous name lookup", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2251 DIAG(note_ambiguous_type_conversion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because of ambiguity in conversion %diff{of $ to $|between types}0,1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2252 DIAG(note_anonymous_namespace, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "anonymous namespace begins here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2253 DIAG(note_arc_bridge, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use __bridge to convert directly (no change in ownership)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 7)
 2254 DIAG(note_arc_bridge_retained, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use %select{__bridge_retained|CFBridgingRetain call}1 to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 7)
 2255 DIAG(note_arc_bridge_transfer, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use %select{__bridge_transfer|CFBridgingRelease call}1 to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 7)
 2256 DIAG(note_arc_cstyle_bridge, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use __bridge with C-style cast to convert directly (no change in ownership)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 7)
 2257 DIAG(note_arc_cstyle_bridge_retained, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use __bridge_retained with C-style cast to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 7)
 2258 DIAG(note_arc_cstyle_bridge_transfer, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use __bridge_transfer with C-style cast to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 7)
 2259 DIAG(note_arc_field_with_ownership, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "field has non-trivial ownership qualification", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 10)
 2260 DIAG(note_arc_forbidden_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration uses type that is ill-formed in ARC", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 10)
 2261 DIAG(note_arc_gained_method_convention, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration in interface is not in the '%select{alloc|copy|init|new}0' family because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 5)
 2262 DIAG(note_arc_init_returns_unrelated, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "init method must return a type related to its receiver type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 10)
 2263 DIAG(note_arc_lost_method_convention, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration in interface", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 5)
 2264 DIAG(note_arc_retain_cycle_owner, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "block will be retained by %select{the captured object|an object strongly retained by the captured object}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 28)
 2265 DIAG(note_arc_weak_also_accessed_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "also accessed here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2266 DIAG(note_arc_weak_disabled, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration uses __weak, but ARC is disabled", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 10)
 2267 DIAG(note_arc_weak_no_runtime, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration uses __weak, which the current deployment target does not support", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 10)
 2268 DIAG(note_array_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "array %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2269 DIAG(note_array_init_plain_string_into_char8_t, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add 'u8' prefix to form a 'char8_t' string literal", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2270 DIAG(note_array_size_conversion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2271 DIAG(note_asm_input_duplicate_first, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constraint '%0' is already present here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 12)
 2272 DIAG(note_asm_missing_constraint_modifier, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use constraint modifier \"%0\"", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 12)
 2273 DIAG(note_assign_lhs_incomplete, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "type %0 is incomplete", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2274 DIAG(note_atomic_property_fixup_suggest, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "setter and getter must both be synthesized, or both be user defined,or the property must be nonatomic", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2275 DIAG(note_attribute, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "attribute is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2276 DIAG(note_attribute_overloadable_prev_overload, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous %select{unmarked |}0overload of function is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2277 DIAG(note_auto_readonly_iboutlet_fixup_suggest, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "property should be changed to be readwrite", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2278 DIAG(note_availability_specified_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 has been explicitly marked %select{unavailable|deleted|deprecated}1 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2279 DIAG(note_await_ready_no_bool_conversion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "return type of 'await_ready' is required to be contextually convertible to 'bool'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 14)
 2280 DIAG(note_bad_memaccess_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicitly cast the pointer to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2281 DIAG(note_base_class_specified_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "base class %0 specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2282 DIAG(note_bitfield_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "bit-field is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2283 DIAG(note_block_var_fixit_add_initialization, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to use __block %0?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2284 DIAG(note_called_by, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "called by %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2285 DIAG(note_callee_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2286 DIAG(note_callee_static_array, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "callee declares array parameter as static here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2287 DIAG(note_carries_dependency_missing_first_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration missing '[[carries_dependency]]' attribute is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2288 DIAG(note_cast_to_void, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "cast expression to void to silence warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2289 DIAG(note_cat_conform_to_noescape_prot, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{category|class extension}0 conforms to protocol %1 which defines method %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2290 DIAG(note_change_bitfield_sign, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "consider making the bitfield type %select{unsigned|signed}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2291 DIAG(note_change_calling_conv_fixit, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "consider defining %0 with the '%1' calling convention", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2292 DIAG(note_class_declared, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2293 DIAG(note_cocoa_naming_declare_family, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicitly declare getter %objcinstance0 with '%1' to return an 'unowned' object", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2294 DIAG(note_collapse_loop_count, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "parameter of the 'collapse' clause", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2295 DIAG(note_compat_assoc, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "compatible type %0 specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2296 DIAG(note_concept_specialization_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while checking the satisfaction of concept '%0' requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2297 DIAG(note_condition_assign_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "place parentheses around the assignment to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2298 DIAG(note_condition_assign_to_comparison, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparison", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2299 DIAG(note_condition_or_assign_to_comparison, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use '!=' to turn this compound assignment into an inequality comparison", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2300 DIAG(note_conflicting_attribute, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conflicting attribute is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2301 DIAG(note_conflicting_try_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conflicting %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2302 DIAG(note_constexpr_body_previous_return, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous return statement is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2303 DIAG(note_constexpr_ctor_missing_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member not initialized by constructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2304 DIAG(note_constexpr_dtor_subobject, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{data member %1|base class %2}0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2305 DIAG(note_constexpr_virtual_base_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "virtual base class declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2306 DIAG(note_constinit_missing_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add the %select{'require_constant_initialization' attribute|'constinit' specifier}0 to the initializing declaration here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2307 DIAG(note_constinit_specified_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "variable declared constinit here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2308 DIAG(note_constraint_substitution_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while substituting template arguments into constraint expression here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2309 DIAG(note_conv_function_declared_at, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "type conversion function declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2310 DIAG(note_convert_inline_to_static, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use 'static' to give inline function %0 internal linkage", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2311 DIAG(note_coroutine_promise_call_implicitly_required, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "call to %0 implicitly required by coroutine function here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 14)
 2312 DIAG(note_coroutine_promise_implicit_await_transform_required_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "call to 'await_transform' implicitly required by 'co_await' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 14)
 2313 DIAG(note_coroutine_promise_suspend_implicitly_required, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "call to '%select{initial_suspend|final_suspend}0' implicitly required by the %select{initial suspend point|final suspend point}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 14)
 2314 DIAG(note_cuda_conflicting_device_function_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conflicting __device__ function declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2315 DIAG(note_cuda_ovl_candidate_target_mismatch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: target attributes do not match", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2316 DIAG(note_cxx2a_compat_utf8_string_remove_u8, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove 'u8' prefix to avoid a change of behavior; Clang encodes unprefixed narrow string literals as UTF-8", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2317 DIAG(note_decl_unguarded_availability_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "annotate %select{%1|anonymous %1}0 with an availability attribute to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2318 DIAG(note_declaration_not_a_prototype, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "this declaration is not a prototype; add %select{'void'|parameter declarations}0 to make it %select{a prototype for a zero-parameter function|one}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2319 DIAG(note_declare_parameter_strong, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declare the parameter __strong or capture a __block __strong variable to keep values alive across autorelease pools", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 5)
 2320 DIAG(note_declared_coroutine_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "function is a coroutine due to use of '%0' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 14)
 2321 DIAG(note_declared_nonnull, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared %select{'returns_nonnull'|'nonnull'}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2322 DIAG(note_declared_required_constant_init_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "required by %select{'require_constant_initialization' attribute|'constinit' specifier}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2323 DIAG(note_deduced_template_arg_substitution_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "during template argument deduction for %select{class|variable}0 template %select{partial specialization |}1%2 %3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2324 DIAG(note_deduction_guide_access, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "deduction guide declared %0 by intervening access specifier", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2325 DIAG(note_deduction_guide_template_access, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member template declared %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2326 DIAG(note_default_arg_instantiation_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of default argument for '%0' required here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2327 DIAG(note_default_argument_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "default argument declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2328 DIAG(note_default_function_arg_instantiation_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of default function argument expression for '%0' required here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2329 DIAG(note_defined_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2330 DIAG(note_delete_conversion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conversion to pointer type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2331 DIAG(note_delete_non_virtual, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "qualify call to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2332 DIAG(note_deleted_assign_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{copy|move}0 assignment operator of %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 is of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2333 DIAG(note_deleted_copy_ctor_rvalue_reference, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "copy constructor of %0 is implicitly deleted because field %1 is of rvalue reference type %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2334 DIAG(note_deleted_copy_user_declared_move, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is implicitly deleted because %1 has a user-declared move %select{constructor|assignment operator}2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2335 DIAG(note_deleted_default_ctor_all_const, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because all %select{data members|data members of an anonymous union member}2 are const-qualified", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2336 DIAG(note_deleted_default_ctor_uninit_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3 would not be initialized", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2337 DIAG(note_deleted_dtor_no_operator_delete, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "virtual destructor requires an unambiguous, accessible 'operator delete'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2338 DIAG(note_deleted_special_member_class_subobject, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{default constructor of|copy constructor of|move constructor of|copy assignment operator of|move assignment operator of|destructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because %select{base class %3|%select{||||variant }4field %3}2 %select{has %select{no|a deleted|multiple|an inaccessible|a non-trivial}4 %select{%select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|%select{default|corresponding|default|default|default}4 constructor}0|destructor}5%select{||s||}4|is an ObjC pointer}6", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2339 DIAG(note_deleted_type_mismatch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "function is implicitly deleted because its declared type does not match the type of an implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2340 DIAG(note_dependent_function_template_spec_discard_reason, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate ignored: %select{not a function template|not a member of the enclosing namespace; did you mean to explicitly qualify the specialization?}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2341 DIAG(note_dependent_non_type_default_arg_in_partial_spec, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template parameter is used in default argument declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2342 DIAG(note_dependent_var_use, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "must qualify identifier to find this declaration in dependent base class", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2343 DIAG(note_deprecated_this_capture, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add an explicit capture of 'this' to capture '*this' by reference", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2344 DIAG(note_designated_init_mixed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "first non-designated initializer is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2345 DIAG(note_destructor_type_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "type %0 is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2346 DIAG(note_due_to_dllexported_class, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "due to %0 being dllexported%select{|; try compiling in C++11 mode}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2347 DIAG(note_duplicate_asm_operand_name, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "asm operand name \"%0\" first referenced here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 12)
 2348 DIAG(note_duplicate_element, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "element %0 also has value %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2349 DIAG(note_empty_body_on_separate_line, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "put the semicolon on a separate line to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2350 DIAG(note_empty_parens_default_ctor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove parentheses to declare a variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2351 DIAG(note_empty_parens_function_call, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "change this ',' to a ';' to call %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2352 DIAG(note_empty_parens_zero_initialize, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "replace parentheses with an initializer to declare a variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2353 DIAG(note_enters_block_captures_cxx_obj, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump enters lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2354 DIAG(note_enters_block_captures_non_trivial_c_struct, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump enters lifetime of block which captures a C struct that is non-trivial to destroy", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2355 DIAG(note_enters_block_captures_strong, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump enters lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2356 DIAG(note_enters_block_captures_weak, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump enters lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2357 DIAG(note_entity_declared_at, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2358 DIAG(note_enum_specialized_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "enum %0 was explicitly specialized here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2359 DIAG(note_equality_comparison_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2360 DIAG(note_equality_comparison_to_assign, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2361 DIAG(note_equivalent_internal_linkage_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared here%select{ in module '%1'|}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2362 DIAG(note_evaluate_comparison_first, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "place parentheses around comparison expression to evaluate it first", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2363 DIAG(note_evaluating_exception_spec_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in evaluation of exception specification for %q0 needed here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2364 DIAG(note_exits___block, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits scope of __block variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2365 DIAG(note_exits_block_captures_cxx_obj, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2366 DIAG(note_exits_block_captures_non_trivial_c_struct, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits lifetime of block which captures a C struct that is non-trivial to destroy", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2367 DIAG(note_exits_block_captures_strong, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2368 DIAG(note_exits_block_captures_weak, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2369 DIAG(note_exits_cleanup, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits scope of variable with __attribute__((cleanup))", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2370 DIAG(note_exits_cxx_catch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits catch block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2371 DIAG(note_exits_cxx_try, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits try block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2372 DIAG(note_exits_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits scope of variable with non-trivial destructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2373 DIAG(note_exits_objc_autoreleasepool, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits autoreleasepool block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2374 DIAG(note_exits_objc_catch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits @catch block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2375 DIAG(note_exits_objc_finally, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits @finally block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2376 DIAG(note_exits_objc_strong, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits scope of __strong variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2377 DIAG(note_exits_objc_synchronized, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits @synchronized block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2378 DIAG(note_exits_objc_try, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits @try block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2379 DIAG(note_exits_objc_weak, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits scope of __weak variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2380 DIAG(note_exits_seh_except, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits __except block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2381 DIAG(note_exits_seh_finally, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits __finally block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2382 DIAG(note_exits_seh_try, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits __try block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2383 DIAG(note_exits_temporary_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump exits scope of lifetime-extended temporary with non-trivial destructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2384 DIAG(note_explicit_bool_resolved_to_true, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit(bool) specifier resolved to true", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2385 DIAG(note_explicit_ctor_deduction_guide_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit %select{constructor|deduction guide}0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2386 DIAG(note_explicit_instantiation_candidate, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit instantiation candidate function %q0 template here %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2387 DIAG(note_explicit_instantiation_definition_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit instantiation definition is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2388 DIAG(note_explicit_instantiation_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit instantiation refers here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2389 DIAG(note_explicit_specialization_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit specialization declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2390 DIAG(note_explicit_template_arg_substitution_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while substituting explicitly-specified template arguments into function template %0 %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2391 DIAG(note_explicit_template_spec_does_not_need_header, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'template<>' header not required for explicitly-specialized class %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2392 DIAG(note_export, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "export block begins here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2393 DIAG(note_extern_c_begins_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "extern \"C\" language linkage specification begins here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2394 DIAG(note_extern_c_global_conflict, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared %select{in global scope|with C language linkage}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2395 DIAG(note_fallthrough_insert_semi_fixit, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you forget ';'?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2396 DIAG(note_field_designator_found, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "field designator refers here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2397 DIAG(note_final_dtor_non_final_class_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "mark %0 as '%select{final|sealed}1' to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2398 DIAG(note_final_overrider, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "final overrider of %q0 in %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2399 DIAG(note_flexible_array_member, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "initialized flexible array member %0 is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2400 DIAG(note_for_range_begin_end, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "selected '%select{begin|end}0' %select{function|template }1%2 with iterator type %3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2401 DIAG(note_for_range_invalid_iterator, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in implicit call to 'operator%select{!=|*|++}0' for iterator of type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2402 DIAG(note_for_range_member_begin_end_ignored, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member is not a candidate because range type %0 has no '%select{end|begin}1' member", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2403 DIAG(note_format_fix_specifier, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to use '%0'?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2404 DIAG(note_format_security_fixit, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "treat the string as an argument to avoid this", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2405 DIAG(note_format_string_defined, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "format string is defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2406 DIAG(note_forward_class, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "forward declaration of class here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2407 DIAG(note_forward_template_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "forward declaration of template entity is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2408 DIAG(note_found_mutex_near_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "found near match '%0'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2409 DIAG(note_from_diagnose_if, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "from 'diagnose_if' attribute on %0:", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2410 DIAG(note_function_style_cast_add_parentheses, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add enclosing parentheses to perform a function-style cast", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2411 DIAG(note_function_suggestion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean %0?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2412 DIAG(note_function_template_deduction_instantiation_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while substituting deduced template arguments into function template %0 %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2413 DIAG(note_function_template_spec_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of function template specialization %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2414 DIAG(note_function_template_spec_matched, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "function template %q0 matches specialization %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2415 DIAG(note_function_to_function_call, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "suffix with parentheses to turn this into a function call", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2416 DIAG(note_function_warning_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "prefix with the address-of operator to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2417 DIAG(note_getter_unavailable, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "or because setter is declared here, but no getter method %0 is found", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2418 DIAG(note_global_module_introducer_missing, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add 'module;' to the start of the file to introduce a global module fragment", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2419 DIAG(note_goto_ms_asm_label, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "inline assembly label %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2420 DIAG(note_guarded_by_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "Guarded_by declared here.", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2421 DIAG(note_hidden_overloaded_virtual_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "hidden overloaded virtual function %q0 declared here%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different number of parameters (%2 vs %3)|: type mismatch at %ordinal2 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}3,4|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different qualifiers (%2 vs %3)|: different exception specifications}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2422 DIAG(note_hidden_tag, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "type declaration hidden", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2423 DIAG(note_hiding_object, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration hides type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2424 DIAG(note_ice_conversion_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2425 DIAG(note_illegal_field_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "field of illegal %select{type|pointer type}0 %1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2426 DIAG(note_implementation_declared, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class implementation is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2427 DIAG(note_implemented_by_class, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "when implemented by class %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 9)
 2428 DIAG(note_implicit_delete_this_in_destructor_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while checking implicit 'delete this' for virtual destructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2429 DIAG(note_implicit_member_target_infer_collision, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 inferred target collision: call to both %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 and %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 members", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2430 DIAG(note_implicit_param_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is an implicit parameter", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2431 DIAG(note_implicitly_deleted, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicitly defaulted function was implicitly deleted here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2432 DIAG(note_in_binding_decl_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in implicit initialization of binding declaration %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2433 DIAG(note_in_class_initializer_float_type_cxx11, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add 'constexpr'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2434 DIAG(note_in_class_initializer_not_yet_parsed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "default member initializer declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2435 DIAG(note_in_declaration_of_implicit_special_member, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while declaring the implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 for %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2436 DIAG(note_in_for_range, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "when looking up '%select{begin|end}0' function for range expression of type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2437 DIAG(note_in_omitted_aggregate_initializer, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in implicit initialization of %select{array element %1 with omitted initializer|field %1 with omitted initializer|trailing array elements in runtime-sized array new}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2438 DIAG(note_in_reference_temporary_list_initializer, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in initialization of temporary of type %0 created to list-initialize this reference", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2439 DIAG(note_include_header_or_declare, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "include the header <%0> or explicitly provide a declaration for '%1'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2440 DIAG(note_incomplete_class_and_qualified_id, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conformance of forward class %0 to protocol %1 can not be confirmed", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2441 DIAG(note_indirect_goto_target, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "possible target of %select{indirect|asm}0 goto statement", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2442 DIAG(note_indirection_through_null, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "consider using __builtin_trap() or qualifying pointer with 'volatile'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2443 DIAG(note_inequality_comparison_to_or_assign, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use '|=' to turn this inequality comparison into an or-assignment", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2444 DIAG(note_init_list_narrowing_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "insert an explicit cast to silence this issue", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2445 DIAG(note_init_with_default_member_initalizer, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "initializing field %0 with default member initializer", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2446 DIAG(note_insert_break_fixit, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "insert 'break;' to avoid fall-through", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2447 DIAG(note_insert_fallthrough_fixit, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "insert '%0;' to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2448 DIAG(note_inst_declaration_hint, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add an explicit instantiation declaration to suppress this warning if %q0 is explicitly instantiated in another translation unit", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2449 DIAG(note_instantiation_contexts_suppressed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "(skipping %0 context%s0 in backtrace; use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to see all)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2450 DIAG(note_instantiation_required_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation first required here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2451 DIAG(note_it_delegates_to, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "it delegates to", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2452 DIAG(note_ivar_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "instance variable is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2453 DIAG(note_lambda_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "lambda expression begins here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2454 DIAG(note_lambda_to_block_conv, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "implicit capture of lambda object due to conversion to block pointer here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2455 DIAG(note_lifetime_extending_member_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{%select{reference|'std::initializer_list'}0 member|member with %select{reference|'std::initializer_list'}0 subobject}1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2456 DIAG(note_local_decl_close_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "local declaration nearly matches", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2457 DIAG(note_local_decl_close_param_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "type of %ordinal0 parameter of local declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2458 DIAG(note_local_var_initializer, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{via initialization of|binding reference}0 variable %select{%2 |}1here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2459 DIAG(note_lock_exclusive_and_shared, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "the other acquisition of %0 '%1' is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2460 DIAG(note_locked_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 acquired here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2461 DIAG(note_logical_instead_of_bitwise_change_operator, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use '%0' for a bitwise operation", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2462 DIAG(note_logical_instead_of_bitwise_remove_constant, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove constant to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2463 DIAG(note_logical_not_fix, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add parentheses after the '!' to evaluate the %select{comparison|bitwise operator}0 first", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2464 DIAG(note_logical_not_silence_with_parens, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add parentheses around left hand side expression to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2465 DIAG(note_loop_iteration_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{decremented|incremented}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2466 DIAG(note_main_change_return_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "change return type to 'int'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2467 DIAG(note_main_remove_noreturn, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove '_Noreturn'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2468 DIAG(note_member_declared_at, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2469 DIAG(note_member_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2470 DIAG(note_member_def_close_const_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member declaration does not match because it %select{is|is not}0 const qualified", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2471 DIAG(note_member_def_close_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member declaration nearly matches", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2472 DIAG(note_member_def_close_param_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "type of %ordinal0 parameter of member declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2473 DIAG(note_member_first_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "member %0 first declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2474 DIAG(note_member_reference_arrow_from_operator_arrow, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'->' applied to return value of the operator->() declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2475 DIAG(note_member_synthesized_at, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 for %1 first required here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2476 DIAG(note_memsize_comparison_cast_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicitly cast the argument to size_t to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2477 DIAG(note_memsize_comparison_paren, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to compare the result of %0 instead?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2478 DIAG(note_method_declared_at, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "method %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2479 DIAG(note_method_return_type_change, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "compiler has implicitly changed method %0 return type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2480 DIAG(note_method_sent_forward_class, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "method %0 is used for the forward class", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2481 DIAG(note_module_import_not_at_top_level, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 begins here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2482 DIAG(note_multiversioning_caused_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "function multiversioning caused by this declaration", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
 2483 DIAG(note_namespace_defined_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "namespace %0 defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2484 DIAG(note_neon_vector_initializer_non_portable, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "consider using vld1_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcreate_%0%1() to initialize from an integer constant", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2485 DIAG(note_neon_vector_initializer_non_portable_q, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "consider using vld1q_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcombine_%0%1(vcreate_%0%1(), vcreate_%0%1()) to initialize from integer constants", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2486 DIAG(note_next_field_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "next field declaration is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2487 DIAG(note_next_ivar_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "next %select{instance variable declaration|synthesized instance variable}0 is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2488 DIAG(note_non_deducible_parameter, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-deducible template parameter %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2489 DIAG(note_non_instantiated_member_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "not-yet-instantiated member is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2490 DIAG(note_non_literal_base_class, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is not literal because it has base class %1 of non-literal type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2491 DIAG(note_non_literal_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is not literal because it has data member %1 of %select{non-literal|volatile}3 type %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2492 DIAG(note_non_literal_incomplete, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "incomplete type %0 is not a literal type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2493 DIAG(note_non_literal_lambda, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "lambda closure types are non-literal types before C++17", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2494 DIAG(note_non_literal_no_constexpr_ctors, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is not literal because it is not an aggregate and has no constexpr constructors other than copy or move constructors", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2495 DIAG(note_non_literal_non_constexpr_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is not literal because its destructor is not constexpr", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2496 DIAG(note_non_literal_nontrivial_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is not literal because it has a non-trivial destructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2497 DIAG(note_non_literal_user_provided_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is not literal because it has a user-provided destructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2498 DIAG(note_non_literal_virtual_base, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{struct|interface|class}0 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 is not a literal type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2499 DIAG(note_non_template_in_template_id_found, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-template declaration found by name lookup", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2500 DIAG(note_non_trivial_c_union, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{%2 has subobjects that are|%3 has type %2 that is}0 non-trivial to %select{default-initialize|destruct|copy}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2501 DIAG(note_non_usual_function_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-usual %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2502 DIAG(note_nontemplate_decl_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-templated declaration is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2503 DIAG(note_nontrivial_default_arg, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because it has a default argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2504 DIAG(note_nontrivial_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "field is non-trivial to %select{copy|default-initialize}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2505 DIAG(note_nontrivial_has_virtual, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because type %0 has a virtual %select{member function|base class}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2506 DIAG(note_nontrivial_in_class_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because field %0 has an initializer", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2507 DIAG(note_nontrivial_no_copy, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because no %select{<<ERROR>>|constructor|constructor|assignment operator|assignment operator|<<ERROR>>}2 can be used to %select{<<ERROR>>|copy|move|copy|move|<<ERROR>>}2 %select{base class|field|an object}0 of type %3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2508 DIAG(note_nontrivial_no_def_ctor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has no default constructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2509 DIAG(note_nontrivial_objc_ownership, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because type %0 has a member with %select{no|no|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}1 ownership", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2510 DIAG(note_nontrivial_param_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because its parameter is %diff{of type $, not $|of the wrong type}2,3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2511 DIAG(note_nontrivial_subobject, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because the function selected to %select{construct|copy|move|copy|move|destroy}2 %select{base class|field}0 of type %1 is not trivial", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2512 DIAG(note_nontrivial_user_provided, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has a user-provided %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2513 DIAG(note_nontrivial_variadic, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "because it is a variadic function", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2514 DIAG(note_nontrivial_virtual_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "destructor for %0 is not trivial because it is virtual", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2515 DIAG(note_noreturn_missing_first_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration missing '[[noreturn]]' attribute is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2516 DIAG(note_not_found_by_two_phase_lookup, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 should be declared prior to the call site%select{| or in %2| or in an associated namespace of one of its arguments}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2517 DIAG(note_not_module_interface_add_export, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add 'export' here if this is intended to be a module interface unit", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2518 DIAG(note_nullability_fix_it, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "insert '%select{_Nonnull|_Nullable|_Null_unspecified}0' if the %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer|array parameter}1 %select{should never be null|may be null|should not declare nullability}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 21)
 2519 DIAG(note_nullability_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 21)
 2520 DIAG(note_nullability_type_specifier, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use nullability type specifier %0 to affect the innermost pointer type of %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 21)
 2521 DIAG(note_objc_circular_container_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2522 DIAG(note_objc_designated_init_marked_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "method marked as designated initializer of the class here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2523 DIAG(note_objc_literal_comparison_isequal, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use 'isEqual:' instead", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2524 DIAG(note_objc_literal_method_param, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{first|second|third}0 parameter has unexpected type %1 (should be %2)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2525 DIAG(note_objc_literal_method_return, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "method returns unexpected type %0 (should be an object type)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2526 DIAG(note_objc_needs_superclass, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add a super class to fix this problem", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2527 DIAG(note_objc_type_param_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "type parameter %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 22)
 2528 DIAG(note_objc_unsafe_perform_selector_method_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "method %0 that returns %1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2529 DIAG(note_omp_atomic_capture, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{expected assignment expression|expected compound statement|expected exactly two expression statements|expected in right hand side of the first expression}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2530 DIAG(note_omp_atomic_previous_clause, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%0' clause used here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2531 DIAG(note_omp_atomic_read_write, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in assignment operator|expected expression of scalar type|expected lvalue expression}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2532 DIAG(note_omp_atomic_update, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in binary or unary operator|expected unary decrement/increment operation|expected expression of scalar type|expected assignment expression|expected built-in binary operator|expected one of '+', '*', '-', '/', '&', '^', '%|', '<<', or '>>' built-in operations|expected in right hand side of expression}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2533 DIAG(note_omp_collapse_ordered_expr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "as specified in %select{'collapse'|'ordered'|'collapse' and 'ordered'}0 clause%select{||s}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2534 DIAG(note_omp_conversion_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2535 DIAG(note_omp_critical_hint_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{|previous }0'hint' clause with value '%1'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2536 DIAG(note_omp_critical_no_hint, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{|previous }0directive with no 'hint' clause specified", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2537 DIAG(note_omp_declare_variant_specified_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'#pragma omp declare variant' for function specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2538 DIAG(note_omp_default_dsa_none, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit data sharing attribute requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2539 DIAG(note_omp_explicit_dsa, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "defined as %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2540 DIAG(note_omp_implicit_dsa, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "implicitly determined as %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2541 DIAG(note_omp_invalid_length_on_this_ptr_mapping, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "expected length on mapping of 'this' array section expression to be '1'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2542 DIAG(note_omp_invalid_lower_bound_on_this_ptr_mapping, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "expected lower bound on mapping of 'this' array section expression to be '0' or not specified", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2543 DIAG(note_omp_invalid_subscript_on_this_ptr_map, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "expected 'this' subscript expression on map clause to be 'this[0]'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2544 DIAG(note_omp_loop_cond_requres_compatible_incr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "loop step is expected to be %select{negative|positive}0 due to this condition", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2545 DIAG(note_omp_marked_declare_variant_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "marked as 'declare variant' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2546 DIAG(note_omp_marked_device_type_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "marked as 'device_type(%0)' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2547 DIAG(note_omp_nested_statement_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{statement|directive}0 outside teams construct here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2548 DIAG(note_omp_nested_teams_construct_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "nested teams construct here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2549 DIAG(note_omp_nowait_clause_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'nowait' clause is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2550 DIAG(note_omp_ordered_param, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'ordered' clause with specified parameter", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2551 DIAG(note_omp_predetermined_dsa, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{static data member is predetermined as shared|variable with static storage duration is predetermined as shared|loop iteration variable is predetermined as private|loop iteration variable is predetermined as linear|loop iteration variable is predetermined as lastprivate|constant variable is predetermined as shared|global variable is predetermined as shared|non-shared variable in a task construct is predetermined as firstprivate|variable with automatic storage duration is predetermined as private}0%select{|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %2' directive into a parallel or another task region?}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2552 DIAG(note_omp_previous_allocator, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous allocator is specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2553 DIAG(note_omp_previous_critical_region, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous 'critical' region starts here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2554 DIAG(note_omp_previous_grainsize_num_tasks, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%0' clause is specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2555 DIAG(note_omp_previous_named_if_clause, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous clause with directive name modifier specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2556 DIAG(note_omp_previous_reduction_identifier, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously marked as task_reduction with different reduction operation", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2557 DIAG(note_omp_referenced, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously referenced here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2558 DIAG(note_omp_requires_encountered_target, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "target previously encountered here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2559 DIAG(note_omp_requires_previous_clause, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 clause previously used here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2560 DIAG(note_omp_task_predetermined_firstprivate_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "predetermined as a firstprivate in a task construct here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 11)
 2561 DIAG(note_opencl_typedef_access_qualifier, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously declared '%0' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2562 DIAG(note_operator_arrow_depth, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use -foperator-arrow-depth=N to increase 'operator->' limit", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2563 DIAG(note_operator_arrow_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'operator->' declared here produces an object of type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2564 DIAG(note_operator_arrows_suppressed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "(skipping %0 'operator->'%s0 in backtrace)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2565 DIAG(note_overridden_marked_noescape, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "parameter of overridden method is annotated with __attribute__((noescape))", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2566 DIAG(note_overridden_method, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "overridden method is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2567 DIAG(note_overridden_virtual_function, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "overridden virtual function is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2568 DIAG(note_ovl_ambiguous_oper_binary_reversed_candidate, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "ambiguity is between a regular call to this operator and a call with the argument order reversed", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2569 DIAG(note_ovl_builtin_candidate, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "built-in candidate %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2570 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %3}1%select{| has different class%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}5,6| has different number of parameters (expected %5 but has %6)| has type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}6,7| has different return type%diff{ ($ expected but has $)|}5,6| has different qualifiers (expected %5 but found %6)| has different exception specification}4", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2571 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_arity, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: requires%select{ at least| at most|}3 %4 argument%s4, but %5 %plural{1:was|:were}5 provided", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2572 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_arity_one, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %select{requires at least|allows at most single|requires single}3 argument %4, but %plural{0:no|:%5}5 arguments were provided", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2573 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_addrspace, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: address space mismatch in %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%3), parameter type must be %4", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2574 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_arc_conv, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot implicitly convert argument %diff{of type $ to $|type to parameter type}3,4 for %select{%ordinal6 argument|object argument}5 under ARC", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2575 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_base_to_derived_conv, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot %select{convert from|convert from|bind}3 %select{base class pointer|superclass|base class object of type}3 %4 to %select{derived class pointer|subclass|derived class reference}3 %5 for %ordinal6 argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2576 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_conv, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: no known conversion %diff{from $ to $|from argument type to parameter type}3,4 for %select{%ordinal6 argument|object argument}5%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}7", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2577 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_conv_incomplete, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type %diff{$ to $|to parameter type}3,4 for %select{%ordinal6 argument|object argument}5%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}7", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2578 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_cvr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %ordinal5 argument (%3) would lose %select{const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}4 qualifier%select{||s||s|s|s}4", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2579 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_cvr_this, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: 'this' argument has type %3, but method is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}4", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2580 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_deduction, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: failed template argument deduction", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2581 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_gc, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %select{%ordinal7|'this'}6 argument (%3) has %select{no|__weak|__strong}4 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__weak|__strong}5 ownership", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2582 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_list_argument, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot convert initializer list argument to %4", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2583 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_lvalue, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: expects an l-value for %select{%ordinal4 argument|object argument}3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2584 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_overload, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: no overload of %4 matching %3 for %ordinal5 argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2585 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_ownership, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %select{%ordinal7|'this'}6 argument (%3) has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}4 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}5 ownership", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2586 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_target, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: call to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}3 function from %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}4 function", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2587 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_bad_unaligned, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %ordinal5 argument (%3) would lose __unaligned qualifier", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2588 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_deduced_mismatch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: deduced type %diff{$ of %select{|element of }4%ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type $ of %select{|element of }4argument|of %select{|element of }4%ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type of %select{|element of }4argument}1,2%3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2589 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_deleted, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 has been %select{explicitly made unavailable|explicitly deleted|implicitly deleted}3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2590 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_disabled_by_enable_if, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: disabled by %0%1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2591 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_disabled_by_extension, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate unavailable as it requires OpenCL extension '%0' to be enabled", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2592 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_disabled_by_function_cond_attr, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate disabled: %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2593 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_disabled_by_requirement, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: requirement '%0' was not satisfied%1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2594 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_explicit_arg_mismatch_named, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for template parameter %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2595 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_explicit_arg_mismatch_unnamed, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for %ordinal0 template parameter", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2596 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_explicit_forbidden, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %0 ignored: cannot be explicit", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2597 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_has_pass_object_size_params, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate address cannot be taken because parameter %0 has pass_object_size attribute", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2598 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_illegal_constructor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{constructor|template}0 ignored: instantiation %select{takes|would take}0 its own class type by value", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2599 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_illegal_constructor_adrspace_mismatch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate constructor ignored: cannot be used to construct an object in address space %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2600 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_incomplete_deduction, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2601 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_incomplete_deduction_pack, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: deduced too few arguments for expanded pack %0; no argument for %ordinal1 expanded parameter in deduced argument pack %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2602 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_inconsistent_deduction, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting %select{types|values|templates}0 for parameter %1%diff{ ($ vs. $)|}2,3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2603 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_inconsistent_deduction_types, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: deduced values %diff{of conflicting types for parameter %0 (%1 of type $ vs. %3 of type $)|%1 and %3 of conflicting types for parameter %0}2,4", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2604 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_inherited_constructor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "constructor from base class %0 inherited here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2605 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_inherited_constructor_slice, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate %select{constructor|template}0 ignored: inherited constructor cannot be used to %select{copy|move}1 object", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2606 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_instantiation_depth, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: substitution exceeded maximum template instantiation depth", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2607 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_non_deduced_mismatch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: could not match %diff{$ against $|types}0,1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2608 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_non_deduced_mismatch_qualified, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: could not match %q0 against %q1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2609 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_substitution_failure, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: substitution failure%0%1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2610 DIAG(note_ovl_candidate_underqualified, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "candidate template ignored: cannot deduce a type for %0 that would make %2 equal %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2611 DIAG(note_ovl_surrogate_cand, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conversion candidate of type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2612 DIAG(note_ovl_too_many_candidates, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remaining %0 candidate%s0 omitted; pass -fshow-overloads=all to show them", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2613 DIAG(note_ownership_returns_index_mismatch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared with index %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2614 DIAG(note_parameter_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "passing argument to parameter here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2615 DIAG(note_parameter_named_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "passing argument to parameter %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2616 DIAG(note_parameter_pack_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "parameter pack %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2617 DIAG(note_parameter_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "parameter of type %0 is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2618 DIAG(note_partial_availability_specified_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 has been marked as being introduced in %1 %2 here, but the deployment target is %1 %3", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2619 DIAG(note_partial_spec_match, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "partial specialization matches %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2620 DIAG(note_partial_spec_not_more_specialized_than_primary, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2621 DIAG(note_partial_specialization_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicit specialization declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2622 DIAG(note_performs_forbidden_arc_conversion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "inline function performs a conversion which is forbidden in ARC", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 10)
 2623 DIAG(note_pointer_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "pointer %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2624 DIAG(note_possible_target_of_call, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "possible target for call", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2625 DIAG(note_pragma_attribute_applied_decl_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "when applied to this declaration", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2626 DIAG(note_pragma_attribute_region_ends_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'#pragma clang attribute push' regions ends here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2627 DIAG(note_pragma_pack_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous '#pragma pack' directive that modifies alignment is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2628 DIAG(note_pragma_pack_pop_instead_reset, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you intend to use '#pragma pack (pop)' instead of '#pragma pack()'?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2629 DIAG(note_precedence_bitwise_first, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "place parentheses around the %0 expression to evaluate it first", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2630 DIAG(note_precedence_conditional_first, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "place parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it first", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2631 DIAG(note_precedence_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "place parentheses around the '%0' expression to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2632 DIAG(note_prev_module_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous module declaration is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2633 DIAG(note_prev_module_definition, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2634 DIAG(note_prev_module_definition_from_ast_file, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module loaded from '%0'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2635 DIAG(note_prev_partial_spec_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous declaration of class template partial specialization %0 is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2636 DIAG(note_previous_access_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously declared '%1' here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2637 DIAG(note_previous_attribute, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous attribute is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2638 DIAG(note_previous_builtin_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is a builtin with type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2639 DIAG(note_previous_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2640 DIAG(note_previous_exception_handler, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "for type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2641 DIAG(note_previous_explicit_instantiation, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous explicit instantiation is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2642 DIAG(note_previous_field_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous initialization for field %0 is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2643 DIAG(note_previous_initializer, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous initialization %select{|with side effects }0is here%select{| (side effects will not occur at run time)}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2644 DIAG(note_previous_ms_inheritance, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous inheritance model specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2645 DIAG(note_previous_namespace_alias, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previously defined as an alias for %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2646 DIAG(note_previous_template_specialization, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous template specialization is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2647 DIAG(note_previous_uuid, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous uuid specified here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2648 DIAG(note_printf_c_str, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to call the %0 method?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2649 DIAG(note_prior_template_arg_substitution, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while substituting prior template arguments into %select{non-type|template}0 template parameter%1 %2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2650 DIAG(note_private_extern, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use __attribute__((visibility(\"hidden\"))) attribute instead", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2651 DIAG(note_private_module_fragment, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "private module fragment begins here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2652 DIAG(note_property_attribute, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "property %0 is declared %select{deprecated|unavailable|partial}1 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2653 DIAG(note_property_declare, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "property declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2654 DIAG(note_property_synthesize, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "property synthesized here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2655 DIAG(note_protected_by___block, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses setup of __block variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2656 DIAG(note_protected_by_cleanup, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of variable with __attribute__((cleanup))", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2657 DIAG(note_protected_by_constexpr_if, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump enters controlled statement of constexpr if", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2658 DIAG(note_protected_by_cxx_catch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of catch block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2659 DIAG(note_protected_by_cxx_try, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of try block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2660 DIAG(note_protected_by_if_available, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump enters controlled statement of if available", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2661 DIAG(note_protected_by_non_trivial_c_struct_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of variable of non-trivial C struct type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2662 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_autoreleasepool, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses auto release push of @autoreleasepool block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2663 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_catch, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of @catch block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2664 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_fast_enumeration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump enters Objective-C fast enumeration loop", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2665 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_finally, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of @finally block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2666 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_strong_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of __strong variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2667 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_synchronized, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of @synchronized block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2668 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_try, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of @try block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2669 DIAG(note_protected_by_objc_weak_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of __weak variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2670 DIAG(note_protected_by_seh_except, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of __except block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2671 DIAG(note_protected_by_seh_finally, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of __finally block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2672 DIAG(note_protected_by_seh_try, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of __try block", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2673 DIAG(note_protected_by_variable_init, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses variable initialization", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2674 DIAG(note_protected_by_variable_non_pod, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of non-POD variable", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2675 DIAG(note_protected_by_variable_nontriv_destructor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses variable with a non-trivial destructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2676 DIAG(note_protected_by_vla, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of variable length array", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2677 DIAG(note_protected_by_vla_type_alias, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of VLA type alias", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2678 DIAG(note_protected_by_vla_typedef, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "jump bypasses initialization of VLA typedef", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2679 DIAG(note_protocol_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "protocol is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2680 DIAG(note_protocol_decl_undefined, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "protocol %0 has no definition", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2681 DIAG(note_protocol_method, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "protocol method is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2682 DIAG(note_protocol_property_declare, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "it could also be property %select{of type %1|without attribute '%1'|with attribute '%1'|with getter %1|with setter %1}0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2683 DIAG(note_pure_qualified_call_kext, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "qualified call to %0::%1 is treated as a virtual call to %1 due to -fapple-kext", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2684 DIAG(note_pure_virtual_function, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "unimplemented pure virtual method %0 in %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2685 DIAG(note_raii_guard_add_name, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add a variable name to declare a %0 initialized with %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2686 DIAG(note_receiver_class_declared, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "receiver is instance of class declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2687 DIAG(note_receiver_expr_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "receiver expression is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2688 DIAG(note_receiver_is_id, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "receiver is treated with 'id' type for purpose of method lookup", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2689 DIAG(note_redefinition_include_same_file, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%0' included multiple times, additional include site here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2690 DIAG(note_redefinition_modules_same_file, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%0' included multiple times, additional include site in header from module '%1'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 13)
 2691 DIAG(note_ref_or_ptr_member_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{reference|pointer}0 member declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2692 DIAG(note_refconst_member_not_initialized, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{const|reference}0 member %1 will never be initialized", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2693 DIAG(note_reference_is_return_value, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 returns a reference", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2694 DIAG(note_reference_member, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "reference member %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2695 DIAG(note_referenced_class_template, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class template declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2696 DIAG(note_reinterpret_updowncast_use_static, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use 'static_cast' to adjust the pointer correctly while %select{upcasting|downcasting}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2697 DIAG(note_related_result_type_explicit, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{overridden|current}0 method is explicitly declared 'instancetype'%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 19)
 2698 DIAG(note_related_result_type_family, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{overridden|current}0 method is part of the '%select{|alloc|copy|init|mutableCopy|new|autorelease|dealloc|finalize|release|retain|retainCount|self}1' method family%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 19)
 2699 DIAG(note_related_result_type_inferred, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{class|instance}0 method %1 is assumed to return an instance of its receiver type (%2)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 19)
 2700 DIAG(note_related_result_type_overridden, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "overridden method returns an instance of its class type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 19)
 2701 DIAG(note_remove_abs, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove the call to '%0' since unsigned values cannot be negative", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2702 DIAG(note_remove_max_call, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove call to max function and unsigned zero argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2703 DIAG(note_remove_move, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove std::move call here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2704 DIAG(note_remove_parens_for_variable_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove parentheses to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2705 DIAG(note_replace_abs_function, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use function '%0' instead", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2706 DIAG(note_rewriting_operator_as_spaceship, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while rewriting comparison as call to 'operator<=>' declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
 2707 DIAG(note_riscv_repeated_interrupt_attribute, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "repeated RISC-V 'interrupt' attribute is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2708 DIAG(note_sentinel_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{function|method|block}0 has been explicitly marked sentinel here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2709 DIAG(note_shadow_field, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 0)
 2710 DIAG(note_silence_aligned_allocation_unavailable, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "if you supply your own aligned allocation functions, use -faligned-allocation to silence this diagnostic", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2711 DIAG(note_specialized_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "attempt to specialize declaration here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2712 DIAG(note_specialized_entity, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "explicitly specialized declaration is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2713 DIAG(note_static_for_internal_linkage, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declare 'static' if the %select{variable|function}0 is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2714 DIAG(note_string_plus_scalar_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use array indexing to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2715 DIAG(note_strlcpycat_wrong_size, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "change size argument to be the size of the destination", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2716 DIAG(note_strncat_wrong_size, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "change the argument to be the free space in the destination buffer minus the terminating null byte", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2717 DIAG(note_struct_class_suggestion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean %select{struct|interface|class}0 here?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2718 DIAG(note_suppress_ctad_maybe_unsupported, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add a deduction guide to suppress this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2719 DIAG(note_suppressed_class_declare, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class with specified objc_requires_property_definitions attribute is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2720 DIAG(note_surrounding_namespace_ends_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "surrounding namespace with visibility attribute ends here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2721 DIAG(note_surrounding_namespace_starts_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "surrounding namespace with visibility attribute starts here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2722 DIAG(note_suspicious_bzero_size_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "parenthesize the second argument to silence", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2723 DIAG(note_suspicious_sizeof_memset_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{parenthesize the third argument|cast the second argument to 'int'}0 to silence", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2724 DIAG(note_switch_conversion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2725 DIAG(note_template_arg_internal_object, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2726 DIAG(note_template_arg_refers_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "non-type template argument refers here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2727 DIAG(note_template_arg_refers_here_func, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template argument refers to function template %0, here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2728 DIAG(note_template_class_explicit_specialization_was_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class template %0 was explicitly specialized here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2729 DIAG(note_template_class_instantiation_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of template class %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2730 DIAG(note_template_class_instantiation_was_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "class template %0 was instantiated here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2731 DIAG(note_template_decl_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2732 DIAG(note_template_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{function template|class template|variable template|type alias template|template template parameter}0 %1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2733 DIAG(note_template_default_arg_checking, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "while checking a default template argument used here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2734 DIAG(note_template_enum_def_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of enumeration %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2735 DIAG(note_template_exception_spec_instantiation_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of exception specification for %0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2736 DIAG(note_template_kw_refers_to_non_template, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declared as a non-template here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2737 DIAG(note_template_member_class_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of member class %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2738 DIAG(note_template_member_function_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of member function %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2739 DIAG(note_template_nontype_parm_different_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2740 DIAG(note_template_nontype_parm_prev_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous non-type template parameter with type %0 is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2741 DIAG(note_template_nsdmi_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of default member initializer %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2742 DIAG(note_template_param_different_kind, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template parameter has a different kind in template argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2743 DIAG(note_template_param_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "template parameter is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2744 DIAG(note_template_param_list_different_arity, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template template argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2745 DIAG(note_template_param_prev_default_arg, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous default template argument defined here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2746 DIAG(note_template_parameter_pack_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2747 DIAG(note_template_parameter_pack_non_pack, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 does not match %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 in template argument", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2748 DIAG(note_template_prev_declaration, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous template %select{declaration|template parameter}0 is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2749 DIAG(note_template_recursion_depth, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use -ftemplate-depth=N to increase recursive template instantiation depth", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2750 DIAG(note_template_static_data_member_def_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of static data member %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2751 DIAG(note_template_type_alias_instantiation_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of template type alias %0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2752 DIAG(note_template_unnamed_type_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "unnamed type used in template argument was declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2753 DIAG(note_template_variable_def_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in instantiation of variable template specialization %q0 requested here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2754 DIAG(note_thread_warning_in_fun, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "Thread warning in function %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2755 DIAG(note_throw_in_dtor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{destructor|deallocator}0 has a %select{non-throwing|implicit non-throwing}1 exception specification", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2756 DIAG(note_throw_in_function, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "function declared non-throwing here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2757 DIAG(note_throw_underaligned_obj, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "required alignment of type %0 (%1 bytes) is larger than the supported alignment of C++ exception objects on this target (%2 bytes)", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2758 DIAG(note_transparent_union_first_field_size_align, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{alignment|size}0 of first field is %1 bits", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2759 DIAG(note_type_incomplete, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%0 is incomplete", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2760 DIAG(note_typecheck_assign_const, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{function %1 which returns const-qualified type %2 declared here|variable %1 declared const here|%select{non-|}1static data member %2 declared const here|member function %q1 is declared const here|%select{|nested }1data member %2 declared const here}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2761 DIAG(note_typecheck_invalid_operands_converted, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{first|second}0 operand was implicitly converted to type %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2762 DIAG(note_typecheck_member_reference_suggestion, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to use '.' instead?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2763 DIAG(note_typedef_changes_linkage, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use a tag name here to establish linkage prior to definition", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2764 DIAG(note_typename_refers_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "referenced member %0 is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2765 DIAG(note_unguarded_available_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "enclose %0 in %select{an @available|a __builtin_available}1 check to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2766 DIAG(note_uninit_fixit_remove_cond, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "remove the %select{'%1' if its condition|condition if it}0 is always %select{false|true}2", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2767 DIAG(note_uninit_in_this_constructor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "during field initialization in %select{this|the implicit default}0 constructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2768 DIAG(note_uninit_reference_member, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "uninitialized reference member is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2769 DIAG(note_uninit_var_use, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{uninitialized use occurs|variable is captured by block}0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2770 DIAG(note_unreachable_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "silence by adding parentheses to mark code as explicitly dead", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2771 DIAG(note_use_ifdef_guards, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2772 DIAG(note_use_non_reference_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use non-reference type %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2773 DIAG(note_use_reference_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use reference type %0 to prevent copying", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2774 DIAG(note_use_thread_local, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use 'thread_local' to allow this", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2775 DIAG(note_use_type_or_non_reference, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use non-reference type %0 to keep the copy or type %1 to prevent copying", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2776 DIAG(note_used_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "used here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2777 DIAG(note_used_in_initialization_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "used in initialization here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2778 DIAG(note_user_declared_ctor, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "implicit default constructor suppressed by user-declared constructor", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2779 DIAG(note_using_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{|previous }0using declaration", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2780 DIAG(note_using_decl_class_member_workaround, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "use %select{an alias declaration|a typedef declaration|a reference|a const variable|a constexpr variable}0 instead", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2781 DIAG(note_using_decl_conflict, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "conflicting declaration", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2782 DIAG(note_using_decl_target, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "target of using declaration", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2783 DIAG(note_using_value_decl_missing_typename, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "add 'typename' to treat this using declaration as a type", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2784 DIAG(note_value_initialization_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in value-initialization of type %0 here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2785 DIAG(note_var_declared_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "variable %0 is declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2786 DIAG(note_var_explicitly_captured_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "variable %0 is%select{| explicitly}1 captured here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 3)
 2787 DIAG(note_var_fixit_add_initialization, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "initialize the variable %0 to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2788 DIAG(note_var_prev_partial_spec_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "previous declaration of variable template partial specialization is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2789 DIAG(note_vbase_moved_here, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{%1 is a virtual base class of base class %2 declared here|virtual base class %1 declared here}0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2790 DIAG(note_vla_unsupported, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "variable length arrays are not supported for the current target", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2791 DIAG(note_which_delegates_to, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "which delegates to", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2792 DIAG(note_while_in_implementation, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "detected while default synthesizing properties in class implementation", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2793 DIAG(note_widen_bitfield, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "widen this field to %0 bits to store all values of %1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2794 DIAG(note_within_field_of_type, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "within field of type %0 declared here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 2795 DIAG(note_xor_used_as_pow_silence, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "replace expression with '%0' %select{|or use 'xor' instead of '^' }1to silence this warning", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
 3477 DIAG(warn_sizeof_pointer_expr_memaccess_note, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "did you mean to %select{dereference the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|remove the addressof in the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|provide an explicit length}0?", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 2)
    6 DIAG(err_fe_ast_file_modified, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "file '%0' has been modified since the AST file '%1' was built: %select{size|mtime|content}2 changed", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
    7 DIAG(err_fe_module_file_modified, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "file '%0' has been modified since the module file '%1' was built: %select{size|mtime|content}2 changed", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
    9 DIAG(err_fe_pch_file_modified, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "file '%0' has been modified since the precompiled header '%1' was built: %select{size|mtime|content}2 changed", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   11 DIAG(err_fe_pch_malformed, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "malformed or corrupted AST file: '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   12 DIAG(err_fe_pch_malformed_block, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "malformed block record in PCH file: '%0'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   14 DIAG(err_imported_module_modmap_changed, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module '%0' %select{in|imported by}4 AST file '%1' found in a different module map file (%2) than when the importing AST file was built (%3)", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   15 DIAG(err_imported_module_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module '%0' in AST file '%1' %select{(imported by AST file '%2') |}4is not defined in any loaded module map file; maybe you need to load '%3'?", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   16 DIAG(err_imported_module_relocated, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module '%0' was built in directory '%1' but now resides in directory '%2'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   18 DIAG(err_module_file_conflict, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "module '%0' is defined in both '%1' and '%2'", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   19 DIAG(err_module_file_invalid, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "file '%1' is not a valid precompiled %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   20 DIAG(err_module_file_not_found, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' not found%select{|: %3}2", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   21 DIAG(err_module_file_not_module, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "AST file '%0' was not built as a module", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   22 DIAG(err_module_file_out_of_date, CLASS_ERROR, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "%select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt%select{|: %3}2", 0, SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure, false, true, 17)
   49 DIAG(note_first_module_difference, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in first definition, possible difference is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   50 DIAG(note_imported_by_pch_module_not_found, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "consider adding '%0' to the header search path", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   51 DIAG(note_module_cache_path, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "after modifying system headers, please delete the module cache at '%0'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   52 DIAG(note_module_file_imported_by, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "imported by %select{|module '%2' in }1'%0'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   53 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_definition_data, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "but in '%0' found %select{%2 base %plural{1:class|:classes}2|%2 virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}2|%ordinal2 base class with different type %3|%ordinal2 %select{non-virtual|virtual}3 base class %4|%ordinal2 base class %3 with %select{public|protected|private|no}4 access specifier}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   54 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_different_definitions, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "definition in module '%0' is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   55 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_enum, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "but in '%0' found %select{enum that is %select{not scoped|scoped}2|enum scoped with keyword %select{struct|class}2|enum %select{without|with}2 specified type|enum with specified type %2|enum with %2 element%s2|%ordinal2 element has name %3|%ordinal2 element %3 %select{has|does not have}4 an initializer|%ordinal2 element %3 has different initializer|}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   56 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_function, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "but in '%0' found %select{different return type %2|%ordinal2 parameter with name %3|%ordinal2 parameter with type %3%select{| decayed from %5}4|%ordinal2 parameter with%select{out|}3 a default argument|%ordinal2 parameter with a different default argument|a different body}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   57 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "but in '%0' found %select{end of class|public access specifier|private access specifier|protected access specifier|static assert|field|method|type alias|typedef|data member|friend declaration|function template}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   58 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_diff, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "but in '%0' found %select{static assert with different condition|static assert with different message|static assert with %select{|no }2message|field %2|field %2 with type %3|%select{non-|}3bitfield %2|bitfield %2 with different width expression|%select{non-|}3mutable field %2|field %2 with %select{no|an}3 initializer|field %2 with a different initializer|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 is %select{not deleted|deleted}4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 is %select{not defaulted|defaulted}4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 is %select{|pure }4%select{not virtual|virtual}5|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 is %select{not static|static}4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 is %select{not volatile|volatile}4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 is %select{not const|const}4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 is %select{not inline|inline}4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 that has %4 parameter%s4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %ordinal4 parameter of type %5%select{| decayed from %7}6|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %ordinal4 parameter named %5|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %ordinal4 parameter with%select{out|}5 a default argument|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %ordinal4 parameter with a different default argument|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %select{no |}4template arguments|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %4 template argument%s4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %4 for %ordinal5 template argument|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with %select{no body|body}4|%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 with different body|%select{typedef|type alias}2 name %3|%select{typedef|type alias}2 %3 with different underlying type %4|data member with name %2|data member %2 with different type %3|data member %2 with%select{out|}3 an initializer|data member %2 with a different initializer|data member %2 %select{is constexpr|is not constexpr}3|friend %select{class|function}2|friend %2|friend function %2|function template %2 with %3 template parameter%s3|function template %2 with %ordinal3 template paramter being a %select{type|non-type|template}4 template parameter|function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter %select{with no name|named %5}4|function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter with %select{no |}4default argument|function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter with default argument %4|function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter with different type|function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter %select{not |}4being a template parameter pack|}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   59 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_unknown, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "but in '%0' found %select{||||different static assert|different field|different method|different type alias|different typedef|different data member|different friend declaration|another unexpected decl}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   60 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_no_possible_decls, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "definition has no member %0", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   61 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_possible_decl, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "declaration of %0 does not match", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   62 DIAG(note_module_odr_violation_template_parameter, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "but in '%0' found %select{unnamed template parameter %2|template parameter %2|template parameter with %select{no |}2default argument|template parameter with different default argument}1", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   63 DIAG(note_pch_rebuild_required, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "please rebuild precompiled header '%0'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   64 DIAG(note_pch_required_by, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "'%0' required by '%1'", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
   65 DIAG(note_second_module_difference, CLASS_NOTE, (unsigned)diag::Severity::Fatal, "in second definition, possible difference is here", 0, SFINAE_Suppress, false, false, 17)
  127            getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal;
  316         case diag::Severity::Fatal: llvm::errs() << "fatal"; break;
  346           (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity::Error)) &&
  355         Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal) {
  419         Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal)
  434                                diag::Severity::Fatal);
  449     if (Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal)
  174       diag::Severity::Fatal, /*IsUser=*/false, /*IsPragma=*/false);
  389   case diag::Severity::Fatal:
  425   diag::Severity Result = diag::Severity::Fatal;
  479       Result = diag::Severity::Fatal;
  483   if (Result == diag::Severity::Fatal &&
  520   case diag::Severity::Fatal:
 1196                             .Case("fatal", diag::Severity::Fatal)