reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   11     OS << " " << SA->getNumSGPR();
   15     OS << " " << SA->getNumVGPR();
   21       OS << " IRQ";
   24       OS << " FIQ";
   27       OS << " SWI";
   30       OS << " ABORT";
   33       OS << " UNDEF";
   36       OS << " Generic";
   43       OS << " " << Val;
   47     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
   51     OS << " " << SA->getAddressSpace();
   55     OS << " \"" << SA->getAliasee() << "\"";
   59     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
   65     OS << " " << SA->getParamIndex().getSourceIndex();
   69     OS << " " << SA->getElemSizeParam().getSourceIndex();
   71       OS << " " << SA->getNumElemsParam().getSourceIndex();
   74     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
   78     OS << " \"" << SA->getAnnotation() << "\"";
   82     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
   84       OS << " " << SA->getArgumentKind()->getName();
   85     OS << " " << SA->getArgumentIdx().getSourceIndex();
   86     OS << " " << SA->getTypeTagIdx().getSourceIndex();
   87     if (SA->getIsPointer()) OS << " IsPointer";
   92       OS << " " << SA->getBuiltinName()->getName();
   96     OS << " \"" << SA->getLabel() << "\"";
   97     if (SA->getIsLiteralLabel()) OS << " IsLiteralLabel";
  101     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  106       OS << " " << SA->getPlatform()->getName();
  107     OS << " " << SA->getIntroduced();
  108     OS << " " << SA->getDeprecated();
  109     OS << " " << SA->getObsoleted();
  110     if (SA->getUnavailable()) OS << " Unavailable";
  111     OS << " \"" << SA->getMessage() << "\"";
  112     if (SA->getStrict()) OS << " Strict";
  113     OS << " \"" << SA->getReplacement() << "\"";
  114     OS << " " << SA->getPriority();
  120       OS << " ByRef";
  127       OS << " " << Val;
  132       OS << " " << Val;
  139       OS << " Unknown";
  142       OS << " Consumed";
  145       OS << " Unconsumed";
  153       OS << " " << Val;
  157     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  158     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  162     OS << " ";
  167     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  170     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  174     OS << " " << SA->getPriority();
  180       OS << " Unknown";
  183       OS << " Consumed";
  186       OS << " Unconsumed";
  192     OS << " \"" << SA->getMessage() << "\"";
  193     OS << " \"" << SA->getReplacement() << "\"";
  197     OS << " " << SA->getPriority();
  201     OS << " \"" << SA->getMessage() << "\"";
  204       OS << " DT_Error";
  207       OS << " DT_Warning";
  210     if (SA->getArgDependent()) OS << " ArgDependent";
  211     OS << " ";
  216     OS << " \"" << SA->getMessage() << "\"";
  222       OS << " Closed";
  225       OS << " Open";
  231     OS << " \"" << SA->getLanguage() << "\"";
  232     OS << " \"" << SA->getDefinedIn() << "\"";
  233     if (SA->getGeneratedDeclaration()) OS << " GeneratedDeclaration";
  236     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  241       OS << " " << SA->getType()->getName();
  242     OS << " " << SA->getFormatIdx();
  243     OS << " " << SA->getFirstArg();
  247     OS << " " << SA->getFormatIdx().getSourceIndex();
  251     if (SA->getInterfaceLoc())    OS << " " << SA->getInterface().getAsString();
  255     OS << " \"" << SA->getResolver() << "\"";
  259     OS << " " << SA->getPriority();
  263     OS << " \"" << SA->getSection() << "\"";
  267     OS << " " << SA->getVersion();
  271     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  274       OS << " Vectorize";
  277       OS << " VectorizeWidth";
  280       OS << " Interleave";
  283       OS << " InterleaveCount";
  286       OS << " Unroll";
  289       OS << " UnrollCount";
  292       OS << " UnrollAndJam";
  295       OS << " UnrollAndJamCount";
  298       OS << " PipelineDisabled";
  301       OS << " PipelineInitiationInterval";
  304       OS << " Distribute";
  307       OS << " VectorizePredicate";
  312       OS << " Enable";
  315       OS << " Disable";
  318       OS << " Numeric";
  321       OS << " AssumeSafety";
  324       OS << " Full";
  330     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  331     if (SA->getBestCase()) OS << " BestCase";
  335     OS << " " << SA->getNumber();
  339     OS << " " << SA->getVdm();
  343     OS << " " << SA->getAlignment();
  347     OS << " " << SA->getVectorWidth();
  353       OS << " sw0";
  356       OS << " sw1";
  359       OS << " hw0";
  362       OS << " hw1";
  365       OS << " hw2";
  368       OS << " hw3";
  371       OS << " hw4";
  374       OS << " hw5";
  377       OS << " eic";
  382     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  385     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  390       OS << " " << SA->getMode()->getName();
  395       OS << " " << Val;
  400       OS << " " << Val.getSourceIndex();
  406       OS << " OMPDefaultMemAlloc";
  409       OS << " OMPLargeCapMemAlloc";
  412       OS << " OMPConstMemAlloc";
  415       OS << " OMPHighBWMemAlloc";
  418       OS << " OMPLowLatMemAlloc";
  421       OS << " OMPCGroupMemAlloc";
  424       OS << " OMPPTeamMemAlloc";
  427       OS << " OMPThreadMemAlloc";
  430       OS << " OMPUserDefinedMemAlloc";
  436     OS << " " << SA->getCaptureKind();
  442       OS << " BS_Undefined";
  445       OS << " BS_Inbranch";
  448       OS << " BS_Notinbranch";
  452       OS << " " << Val;
  458       OS << " MT_To";
  461       OS << " MT_Link";
  466       OS << " DT_Host";
  469       OS << " DT_NoHost";
  472       OS << " DT_Any";
  480       OS << " CtxSetUnknown";
  483       OS << " CtxSetImplementation";
  488       OS << " ScoreUnknown";
  491       OS << " ScoreSpecified";
  496       OS << " CtxUnknown";
  499       OS << " CtxVendor";
  503       OS << " " << Val;
  508       OS << " " << SA->getBridgedType()->getName();
  513       OS << " " << SA->getBridgedType()->getName();
  518       OS << " " << SA->getRelatedClass()->getName();
  520       OS << " " << SA->getClassMethod()->getName();
  522       OS << " " << SA->getInstanceMethod()->getName();
  527       OS << " " << SA->getKind()->getName();
  533       OS << " OMF_None";
  536       OS << " OMF_alloc";
  539       OS << " OMF_copy";
  542       OS << " OMF_init";
  545       OS << " OMF_mutableCopy";
  548       OS << " OMF_new";
  555       OS << " " << SA->getKind()->getName();
  559     OS << " \"" << SA->getMetadataName() << "\"";
  562     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  566     OS << " " << SA->getSubGroupSize();
  570     OS << " " << SA->getUnrollHint();
  574     if (SA->getDerefTypeLoc())    OS << " " << SA->getDerefType().getAsString();
  578     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  580       OS << " " << SA->getModule()->getName();
  582       OS << " " << Val.getSourceIndex();
  588       OS << " Unknown";
  591       OS << " Consumed";
  594       OS << " Unconsumed";
  600     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  601     OS << " " << SA->getType();
  607       OS << " AAPCS";
  610       OS << " AAPCS_VFP";
  616     if (SA->getDerefTypeLoc())    OS << " " << SA->getDerefType().getAsString();
  620     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  624     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  628     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  632     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  636     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  642       OS << " user";
  645       OS << " supervisor";
  648       OS << " machine";
  654     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  658     OS << " " << SA->getXDim();
  659     OS << " " << SA->getYDim();
  660     OS << " " << SA->getZDim();
  664     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  667     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  673       OS << " Unknown";
  676       OS << " Consumed";
  679       OS << " Unconsumed";
  685     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  686     OS << " \"" << SA->getName() << "\"";
  690     OS << " " << SA->getSentinel();
  691     OS << " " << SA->getNullPos();
  697       OS << " Unknown";
  700       OS << " Consumed";
  703       OS << " Unconsumed";
  710       OS << " " << Val;
  714     OS << " \"" << SA->getModel() << "\"";
  718     OS << " \"" << SA->getFeaturesStr() << "\"";
  724       OS << " Consumed";
  727       OS << " Unconsumed";
  733     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  738       OS << " " << SA->getArgumentKind()->getName();
  739     OS << " " << SA->getMatchingCType().getAsString();
  740     if (SA->getLayoutCompatible()) OS << " LayoutCompatible";
  741     if (SA->getMustBeNull()) OS << " MustBeNull";
  747       OS << " Default";
  750       OS << " Hidden";
  753       OS << " Protected";
  759     OS << " \"" << SA->getMessage() << "\"";
  762       OS << " IR_None";
  765       OS << " IR_ARCForbiddenType";
  768       OS << " IR_ForbiddenWeak";
  771       OS << " IR_ARCForbiddenConversion";
  774       OS << " IR_ARCInitReturnsUnrelated";
  777       OS << " IR_ARCFieldWithOwnership";
  782     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  786     OS << " \"" << SA->getGuid() << "\"";
  790     OS << " " << SA->getTypeHint().getAsString();
  796       OS << " Default";
  799       OS << " Hidden";
  802       OS << " Protected";
  808     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  809     OS << " \"" << SA->getMessage() << "\"";
  813     OS << " \"" << SA->getAliasee() << "\"";
  817     OS << " \"" << SA->getImportModule() << "\"";
  821     OS << " \"" << SA->getImportName() << "\"";
  825     OS << " " << SA->getXDim();
  826     OS << " " << SA->getYDim();
  827     OS << " " << SA->getZDim();
  830     OS << " " << A->getSpelling();
  834     OS << " " << SA->getArgumentCount();
   60     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, NullColor);
   61     OS << "<<<NULL>>>";
   66     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, CommentColor);
   67     OS << C->getCommentKindName();
   78     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, AttrColor);
   87     OS << "Attr";
   92     OS << " Inherited";
   94     OS << " Implicit";
  101   OS << "TemplateArgument";
  113     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, NullColor);
  114     OS << "<<<NULL>>>";
  118     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, StmtColor);
  119     OS << Node->getStmtClassName();
  125     OS << " openmp_structured_block";
  131       ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ValueKindColor);
  136         OS << " lvalue";
  139         OS << " xvalue";
  145       ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ObjectKindColor);
  150         OS << " bitfield";
  153         OS << " objcproperty";
  156         OS << " objcsubscript";
  159         OS << " vectorcomponent";
  170     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, NullColor);
  171     OS << "<<<NULL>>>";
  176       ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, TypeColor);
  177       OS << "LocInfo Type";
  184     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, TypeColor);
  185     OS << T->getTypeClassName() << "Type";
  188   OS << " ";
  194     OS << " sugar";
  197     OS << " dependent";
  199     OS << " instantiation_dependent";
  202     OS << " variably_modified";
  204     OS << " contains_unexpanded_pack";
  206     OS << " imported";
  212   OS << "QualType";
  214   OS << " ";
  216   OS << " " << T.split().Quals.getAsString();
  221     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, NullColor);
  222     OS << "<<<NULL>>>";
  227     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
  228     OS << D->getDeclKindName() << "Decl";
  232     OS << " parent " << cast<Decl>(D->getDeclContext());
  233   dumpPreviousDecl(OS, D);
  235   OS << ' ';
  238     OS << " imported";
  240     OS << " in " << M->getFullModuleName();
  244       AddChild([=] { OS << "also in " << M->getFullModuleName(); });
  247       OS << " hidden";
  249     OS << " implicit";
  252     OS << " used";
  254     OS << " referenced";
  257     OS << " invalid";
  260       OS << " constexpr";
  262       OS << " consteval";
  270         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, UndeserializedColor);
  271         OS << " <undeserialized declarations>";
  280   OS << "CXXCtorInitializer";
  282     OS << ' ';
  294   OS << "capture";
  296     OS << " byref";
  298     OS << " nested";
  300     OS << ' ';
  307     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, NullColor);
  308     OS << "<<<NULL>>> OMPClause";
  312     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, AttrColor);
  314     OS << "OMP" << ClauseName.substr(/*Start=*/0, /*N=*/1).upper()
  320     OS << " <implicit>";
  326     OS << "case ";
  329     OS << "default";
  333     OS << " selected";
  337   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, AddressColor);
  338   OS << ' ' << Ptr;
  345   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, LocationColor);
  353     OS << "<invalid sloc>";
  358     OS << PLoc.getFilename() << ':' << PLoc.getLine() << ':'
  363     OS << "line" << ':' << PLoc.getLine() << ':' << PLoc.getColumn();
  366     OS << "col" << ':' << PLoc.getColumn();
  375   OS << " <";
  378     OS << ", ";
  381   OS << ">";
  387   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, TypeColor);
  390   OS << "'" << QualType::getAsString(T_split, PrintPolicy) << "'";
  396       OS << ":'" << QualType::getAsString(D_split, PrintPolicy) << "'";
  401   OS << ' ';
  407     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, NullColor);
  408     OS << "<<<NULL>>>";
  413     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
  414     OS << D->getDeclKindName();
  419     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclNameColor);
  420     OS << " '" << ND->getDeclName() << '\'';
  429     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclNameColor);
  430     OS << ' ' << ND->getNameAsString();
  439     OS << "public";
  442     OS << "protected";
  445     OS << "private";
  456       OS << Label << ' ';
  473   OS << " Text=\"" << C->getText() << "\"";
  478   OS << " Name=\"" << getCommandName(C->getCommandID()) << "\"";
  481     OS << " RenderNormal";
  484     OS << " RenderBold";
  487     OS << " RenderMonospaced";
  490     OS << " RenderEmphasized";
  495     OS << " Arg[" << i << "]=\"" << C->getArgText(i) << "\"";
  500   OS << " Name=\"" << C->getTagName() << "\"";
  502     OS << " Attrs: ";
  505       OS << " \"" << Attr.Name << "=\"" << Attr.Value << "\"";
  509     OS << " SelfClosing";
  514   OS << " Name=\"" << C->getTagName() << "\"";
  519   OS << " Name=\"" << getCommandName(C->getCommandID()) << "\"";
  521     OS << " Arg[" << i << "]=\"" << C->getArgText(i) << "\"";
  526   OS << " "
  530     OS << " explicitly";
  532     OS << " implicitly";
  536       OS << " Param=\"" << C->getParamName(FC) << "\"";
  538       OS << " Param=\"" << C->getParamNameAsWritten() << "\"";
  542     OS << " ParamIndex=" << C->getParamIndex();
  549       OS << " Param=\"" << C->getParamName(FC) << "\"";
  551       OS << " Param=\"" << C->getParamNameAsWritten() << "\"";
  555     OS << " Position=<";
  557       OS << C->getIndex(i);
  559         OS << ", ";
  561     OS << ">";
  567   OS << " Name=\"" << getCommandName(C->getCommandID())
  576   OS << " Text=\"" << C->getText() << "\"";
  581   OS << " Text=\"" << C->getText() << "\"";
  585   OS << " null";
  589   OS << " type";
  595   OS << " decl";
  600   OS << " nullptr";
  604   OS << " integral " << TA.getAsIntegral();
  608   OS << " template ";
  609   TA.getAsTemplate().dump(OS);
  614   OS << " template expansion ";
  615   TA.getAsTemplateOrTemplatePattern().dump(OS);
  619   OS << " expr";
  623   OS << " pack";
  653     OS << " has_init";
  655     OS << " has_var";
  657     OS << " has_else";
  662     OS << " has_init";
  664     OS << " has_var";
  669     OS << " has_var";
  673   OS << " '" << Node->getName() << "'";
  677   OS << " '" << Node->getLabel()->getName() << "'";
  683     OS << " gnu_range";
  688     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ValueColor);
  689     OS << " ";
  690     Node->getAPValueResult().dump(OS);
  696     OS << " adl";
  700   OS << " <";
  702     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, CastColor);
  703     OS << Node->getCastKindName();
  705   dumpBasePath(OS, Node);
  706   OS << ">";
  712     OS << " part_of_explicit_cast";
  716   OS << " ";
  719     OS << " (";
  721     OS << ")";
  725   case NOUR_Unevaluated: OS << " non_odr_use_unevaluated"; break;
  726   case NOUR_Constant: OS << " non_odr_use_constant"; break;
  727   case NOUR_Discarded: OS << " non_odr_use_discarded"; break;
  733   OS << " (";
  735     OS << "no ";
  736   OS << "ADL) = '" << Node->getName() << '\'';
  741     OS << " empty";
  748     ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
  749     OS << " " << Node->getDecl()->getDeclKindName() << "Decl";
  751   OS << "='" << *Node->getDecl() << "'";
  754     OS << " isFreeIvar";
  758   OS << " " << PredefinedExpr::getIdentKindName(Node->getIdentKind());
  762   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ValueColor);
  763   OS << " " << Node->getValue();
  768   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ValueColor);
  769   OS << " " << Node->getValue().toString(10, isSigned);
  773   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ValueColor);
  774   OS << " " << Node->getValueAsString(/*Radix=*/10);
  778   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ValueColor);
  779   OS << " " << Node->getValueAsApproximateDouble();
  783   ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, ValueColor);
  784   OS << " ";
  785   Str->outputString(OS);
  790     OS << " field ";
  797     OS << " result_dependent";
  801   OS << " " << (Node->isPostfix() ? "postfix" : "prefix") << " '"
  804     OS << " cannot overflow";
  811     OS << " sizeof";
  814     OS << " alignof";
  817     OS << " vec_step";
  820     OS << " __builtin_omp_required_simd_align";
  823     OS << " __alignof";
  831   OS << " " << (Node->isArrow() ? "->" : ".") << *Node->getMemberDecl();
  835   case NOUR_Unevaluated: OS << " non_odr_use_unevaluated"; break;
  836   case NOUR_Constant: OS << " non_odr_use_constant"; break;
  837   case NOUR_Discarded: OS << " non_odr_use_discarded"; break;
  843   OS << " " << Node->getAccessor().getNameStart();
  847   OS << " '" << BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Node->getOpcode()) << "'";
  852   OS << " '" << BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Node->getOpcode())
  855   OS << " ComputeResultTy=";
  860   OS << " " << Node->getLabel()->getName();
  865   OS << " " << Node->getCastName() << "<"
  868   dumpBasePath(OS, Node);
  869   OS << ">";
  873   OS << " " << (Node->getValue() ? "true" : "false");
  878     OS << " implicit";
  879   OS << " this";
  884   OS << " functional cast to " << Node->getTypeAsWritten().getAsString() << " <"
  892     OS << " list";
  899     OS << " elidable";
  901     OS << " list";
  903     OS << " std::initializer_list";
  905     OS << " zeroing";
  910   OS << " (CXXTemporary";
  912   OS << ")";
  917     OS << " global";
  919     OS << " array";
  921     OS << ' ';
  930     OS << " global";
  932     OS << " array";
  934     OS << ' ';
  942     OS << " extended by ";
  959   OS << " " << (Node->isArrow() ? "->" : ".") << Node->getMember();
  963   OS << " selector=";
  964   Node->getSelector().print(OS);
  970     OS << " class=";
  975     OS << " super (instance)";
  979     OS << " super (class)";
  986     OS << " selector=";
  987     BoxingMethod->getSelector().print(OS);
  993     OS << " catch all";
 1001   OS << " ";
 1002   Node->getSelector().print(OS);
 1006   OS << ' ' << *Node->getProtocol();
 1011     OS << " Kind=MethodRef Getter=\"";
 1013       Node->getImplicitPropertyGetter()->getSelector().print(OS);
 1015       OS << "(null)";
 1017     OS << "\" Setter=\"";
 1019       Setter->getSelector().print(OS);
 1021       OS << "(null)";
 1022     OS << "\"";
 1024     OS << " Kind=PropertyRef Property=\"" << *Node->getExplicitProperty()
 1029     OS << " super";
 1031   OS << " Messaging=";
 1033     OS << "Getter&Setter";
 1035     OS << "Getter";
 1037     OS << "Setter";
 1043     OS << " Kind=ArraySubscript GetterForArray=\"";
 1045     OS << " Kind=DictionarySubscript GetterForDictionary=\"";
 1047     Node->getAtIndexMethodDecl()->getSelector().print(OS);
 1049     OS << "(null)";
 1052     OS << "\" SetterForArray=\"";
 1054     OS << "\" SetterForDictionary=\"";
 1056     Node->setAtIndexMethodDecl()->getSelector().print(OS);
 1058     OS << "(null)";
 1062   OS << " " << (Node->getValue() ? "__objc_yes" : "__objc_no");
 1067     OS << " written as lvalue reference";
 1075     OS << " static";
 1078     OS << " *";
 1081   OS << " " << T->getIndexTypeQualifiers().getAsString();
 1085   OS << " " << T->getSize();
 1090   OS << " ";
 1098   OS << " ";
 1104   OS << " ";
 1113     OS << " altivec";
 1116     OS << " altivec pixel";
 1119     OS << " altivec bool";
 1122     OS << " neon";
 1125     OS << " neon poly";
 1128   OS << " " << T->getNumElements();
 1134     OS << " noreturn";
 1136     OS << " produces_result";
 1138     OS << " regparm " << EI.getRegParm();
 1139   OS << " " << FunctionType::getNameForCallConv(EI.getCC());
 1145     OS << " trailing_return";
 1147     OS << " const";
 1149     OS << " volatile";
 1151     OS << " restrict";
 1153     OS << " variadic";
 1158     OS << " &";
 1161     OS << " &&";
 1180     OS << " underlying_type";
 1190   OS << " depth " << T->getDepth() << " index " << T->getIndex();
 1192     OS << " pack";
 1198     OS << " decltype(auto)";
 1200     OS << " undeduced";
 1206     OS << " alias";
 1207   OS << " ";
 1208   T->getTemplateName().dump(OS);
 1222     OS << " expansions " << *N;
 1231     OS << " __module_private__";
 1237       OS << " class";
 1239       OS << " struct";
 1243     OS << " __module_private__";
 1249   OS << ' ' << D->getKindName();
 1252     OS << " __module_private__";
 1254     OS << " definition";
 1276     OS << ' ' << VarDecl::getStorageClassSpecifierString(SC);
 1278     OS << " inline";
 1280     OS << " virtual";
 1282     OS << " __module_private__";
 1285     OS << " pure";
 1287     OS << " default";
 1289       OS << "_delete";
 1292     OS << " delete";
 1294     OS << " trivial";
 1302       OS << " noexcept-unevaluated " << EPI.ExceptionSpec.SourceDecl;
 1305       OS << " noexcept-uninstantiated " << EPI.ExceptionSpec.SourceTemplate;
 1314         OS << D << " " << D->getParent()->getName()
 1321         OS << "Overrides: [ ";
 1325           OS << ", ";
 1328         OS << " ]";
 1338     OS << " <<<NULL params x " << D->getNumParams() << ">>>";
 1345     OS << " mutable";
 1347     OS << " __module_private__";
 1355     OS << ' ' << VarDecl::getStorageClassSpecifierString(SC);
 1360     OS << " tls";
 1363     OS << " tls_dynamic";
 1367     OS << " __module_private__";
 1369     OS << " nrvo";
 1371     OS << " inline";
 1373     OS << " constexpr";
 1377       OS << " cinit";
 1380       OS << " callinit";
 1383       OS << " listinit";
 1388     OS << " destroyed";
 1390     OS << " pack";
 1400     OS << " nothrow";
 1404   OS << ' ' << D->getImportedModule()->getFullModuleName();
 1412   OS << ' ';
 1417     OS << "compiler";
 1420     OS << "exestr";
 1423     OS << "lib";
 1426     OS << "linker";
 1429     OS << "user";
 1434     OS << " \"" << Arg << "\"";
 1439   OS << " \"" << D->getName() << "\" \"" << D->getValue() << "\"";
 1445     OS << " openmp_standalone_directive";
 1452   OS << " combiner";
 1455     OS << " initializer";
 1459       OS << " omp_priv = ";
 1462       OS << " omp_priv ()";
 1474         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, NullColor);
 1475         OS << "<<<NULL>>> OMPClause";
 1479         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, AttrColor);
 1481         OS << "OMP" << ClauseName.substr(/*Start=*/0, /*N=*/1).upper()
 1498     OS << " inline";
 1504   OS << ' ';
 1530       ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
 1531       OS << "DefinitionData";
 1536     FLAG(isParsingBaseSpecifiers, parsing_base_specifiers);
 1538     FLAG(isGenericLambda, generic);
 1539     FLAG(isLambda, lambda);
 1541     FLAG(isAnonymousStructOrUnion, is_anonymous);
 1542     FLAG(canPassInRegisters, pass_in_registers);
 1543     FLAG(isEmpty, empty);
 1544     FLAG(isAggregate, aggregate);
 1545     FLAG(isStandardLayout, standard_layout);
 1546     FLAG(isTriviallyCopyable, trivially_copyable);
 1547     FLAG(isPOD, pod);
 1548     FLAG(isTrivial, trivial);
 1549     FLAG(isPolymorphic, polymorphic);
 1550     FLAG(isAbstract, abstract);
 1551     FLAG(isLiteral, literal);
 1553     FLAG(hasUserDeclaredConstructor, has_user_declared_ctor);
 1554     FLAG(hasConstexprNonCopyMoveConstructor, has_constexpr_non_copy_move_ctor);
 1555     FLAG(hasMutableFields, has_mutable_fields);
 1556     FLAG(hasVariantMembers, has_variant_members);
 1557     FLAG(allowConstDefaultInit, can_const_default_init);
 1561         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
 1562         OS << "DefaultConstructor";
 1564       FLAG(hasDefaultConstructor, exists);
 1565       FLAG(hasTrivialDefaultConstructor, trivial);
 1566       FLAG(hasNonTrivialDefaultConstructor, non_trivial);
 1567       FLAG(hasUserProvidedDefaultConstructor, user_provided);
 1568       FLAG(hasConstexprDefaultConstructor, constexpr);
 1569       FLAG(needsImplicitDefaultConstructor, needs_implicit);
 1570       FLAG(defaultedDefaultConstructorIsConstexpr, defaulted_is_constexpr);
 1575         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
 1576         OS << "CopyConstructor";
 1578       FLAG(hasSimpleCopyConstructor, simple);
 1579       FLAG(hasTrivialCopyConstructor, trivial);
 1580       FLAG(hasNonTrivialCopyConstructor, non_trivial);
 1581       FLAG(hasUserDeclaredCopyConstructor, user_declared);
 1582       FLAG(hasCopyConstructorWithConstParam, has_const_param);
 1583       FLAG(needsImplicitCopyConstructor, needs_implicit);
 1584       FLAG(needsOverloadResolutionForCopyConstructor,
 1587         FLAG(defaultedCopyConstructorIsDeleted, defaulted_is_deleted);
 1588       FLAG(implicitCopyConstructorHasConstParam, implicit_has_const_param);
 1593         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
 1594         OS << "MoveConstructor";
 1596       FLAG(hasMoveConstructor, exists);
 1597       FLAG(hasSimpleMoveConstructor, simple);
 1598       FLAG(hasTrivialMoveConstructor, trivial);
 1599       FLAG(hasNonTrivialMoveConstructor, non_trivial);
 1600       FLAG(hasUserDeclaredMoveConstructor, user_declared);
 1601       FLAG(needsImplicitMoveConstructor, needs_implicit);
 1602       FLAG(needsOverloadResolutionForMoveConstructor,
 1605         FLAG(defaultedMoveConstructorIsDeleted, defaulted_is_deleted);
 1610         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
 1611         OS << "CopyAssignment";
 1613       FLAG(hasTrivialCopyAssignment, trivial);
 1614       FLAG(hasNonTrivialCopyAssignment, non_trivial);
 1615       FLAG(hasCopyAssignmentWithConstParam, has_const_param);
 1616       FLAG(hasUserDeclaredCopyAssignment, user_declared);
 1617       FLAG(needsImplicitCopyAssignment, needs_implicit);
 1618       FLAG(needsOverloadResolutionForCopyAssignment, needs_overload_resolution);
 1619       FLAG(implicitCopyAssignmentHasConstParam, implicit_has_const_param);
 1624         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
 1625         OS << "MoveAssignment";
 1627       FLAG(hasMoveAssignment, exists);
 1628       FLAG(hasSimpleMoveAssignment, simple);
 1629       FLAG(hasTrivialMoveAssignment, trivial);
 1630       FLAG(hasNonTrivialMoveAssignment, non_trivial);
 1631       FLAG(hasUserDeclaredMoveAssignment, user_declared);
 1632       FLAG(needsImplicitMoveAssignment, needs_implicit);
 1633       FLAG(needsOverloadResolutionForMoveAssignment, needs_overload_resolution);
 1638         ColorScope Color(OS, ShowColors, DeclKindNameColor);
 1639         OS << "Destructor";
 1641       FLAG(hasSimpleDestructor, simple);
 1642       FLAG(hasIrrelevantDestructor, irrelevant);
 1643       FLAG(hasTrivialDestructor, trivial);
 1644       FLAG(hasNonTrivialDestructor, non_trivial);
 1645       FLAG(hasUserDeclaredDestructor, user_declared);
 1646       FLAG(hasConstexprDestructor, constexpr);
 1647       FLAG(needsImplicitDestructor, needs_implicit);
 1648       FLAG(needsOverloadResolutionForDestructor, needs_overload_resolution);
 1650         FLAG(defaultedDestructorIsDeleted, defaulted_is_deleted);
 1657         OS << "virtual ";
 1661         OS << "...";
 1684     OS << " typename";
 1686     OS << " class";
 1687   OS << " depth " << D->getDepth() << " index " << D->getIndex();
 1689     OS << " ...";
 1696   OS << " depth " << D->getDepth() << " index " << D->getIndex();
 1698     OS << " ...";
 1704   OS << " depth " << D->getDepth() << " index " << D->getIndex();
 1706     OS << " ...";
 1711   OS << ' ';
 1713     D->getQualifier()->print(OS, D->getASTContext().getPrintingPolicy());
 1714   OS << D->getNameAsString();
 1719   OS << ' ';
 1721     D->getQualifier()->print(OS, D->getASTContext().getPrintingPolicy());
 1722   OS << D->getNameAsString();
 1727   OS << ' ';
 1729     D->getQualifier()->print(OS, D->getASTContext().getPrintingPolicy());
 1730   OS << D->getNameAsString();
 1735   OS << ' ';
 1742     OS << " virtual";
 1745     OS << "target ";
 1750     OS << "nominated ";
 1752     OS << ' ';
 1757     OS << "constructed ";
 1759     OS << ' ';
 1767     OS << " C";
 1770     OS << " C++";
 1773     OS << " C++11";
 1776     OS << " C++14";
 1782   OS << ' ';
 1795     OS << " synthesize";
 1799     OS << " none";
 1802     OS << " private";
 1805     OS << " protected";
 1808     OS << " public";
 1811     OS << " package";
 1818     OS << " -";
 1820     OS << " +";
 1825     OS << " variadic";
 1835     OS << " covariant";
 1839     OS << " contravariant";
 1844     OS << " bounded";
 1896     OS << " required";
 1898     OS << " optional";
 1903       OS << " readonly";
 1905       OS << " assign";
 1907       OS << " readwrite";
 1909       OS << " retain";
 1911       OS << " copy";
 1913       OS << " nonatomic";
 1915       OS << " atomic";
 1917       OS << " weak";
 1919       OS << " strong";
 1921       OS << " unsafe_unretained";
 1923       OS << " class";
 1934     OS << " synthesize";
 1936     OS << " dynamic";
 1943     OS << " variadic";
 1946     OS << " captures_this";