reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   53 void Printf(const char *Fmt, ...);


  133     Printf("{");
  136     Printf("}");
  142     Printf("======= CORPUS:\n");
  197     Printf("\n\t");
  201     Printf("\n");
  284       Printf("SCORE\n");
  287       Printf("Weights\n");
   69       Printf("@%zd", GetPositionHint());
   70     Printf("%s", PrintAfter);
   88   Printf("Usage:\n");
   90   Printf("\nTo run fuzzing pass 0 or more directories.\n");
   93   Printf("\nTo run individual tests without fuzzing pass 1 or more files:\n");
   96   Printf("\nFlags: (strictly in form -flag=value)\n");
  104     Printf(" %s", D.Name);
  106       Printf(" ");
  107     Printf("\t");
  108     Printf("%d\t%s\n", D.Default, D.Description);
  110   Printf("\nFlags starting with '--' will be ignored and "
  145       Printf("INFO: libFuzzer ignores flags that start with '--'\n");
  149         Printf("WARNING: did you mean '%s' (single dash)?\n", Param + 1);
  160           Printf("Flag: %s %d\n", Name, Val);
  166           Printf("Flag: %s %u\n", Name, Val);
  171           Printf("Flag: %s %s\n", Name, Str);
  174         Printf("Flag: %s: deprecated, don't use\n", Name);
  179   Printf("\n\nWARNING: unrecognized flag '%s'; "
  218     Printf("pulse...\n");
  239     Printf("================== Job %u exited with exit code %d ============\n",
  319     Printf("ERROR: -cleanse_crash should be given one input file and"
  345       Printf("CLEANSE[%d]: Trying to replace byte %zd of %zd\n", NumAttempts,
  376     Printf("ERROR: -minimize_crash should be given one input file\n");
  386     Printf("INFO: you need to specify -runs=N or "
  447       Printf("CRASH_MIN: mismatch in dedup tokens"
  453     Printf("*********************************\n");
  465     Printf("INFO: The input is small enough, exiting\n");
  471   Printf("INFO: Done MinimizeCrashInputInternalStep, no crashes found\n");
  479     Printf("INFO: Merge requires two or more corpus dirs\n");
  556   Printf("###### Useless dictionary elements. ######\n");
  566   Printf("###### End of useless dictionary elements. ######\n");
  622     Printf("ERROR: argv[0] has been modified in LLVMFuzzerInitialize\n");
  639       Printf("Running %u workers\n", Flags.workers);
  720     Printf("INFO: Seed: %u\n", Seed);
  779     Printf("***\n"
  812       Printf("ERROR: can't analyze dict without dict and corpus provided\n");
  816       Printf("Dictionary analysis failed\n");
  819     Printf("Dictionary analysis succeeded\n");
   35     Printf("WARNING: Failed to find function \"%s\".\n", FnName);
  344       Printf("==%lu== libFuzzer: a child was interrupted; exiting\n", GetPid());
  381       Printf("INFO: fuzzed for %zd seconds, wrapping up soon\n",
  387       Printf("INFO: fuzzed for %zd iterations, wrapping up soon\n",
  404   Printf("INFO: exiting: %d time: %zds\n", ExitCode,
   53       Printf("MallocFreeTracer: START\n");
  104     Printf("MALLOC[%zd] %p %zd\n", N, ptr, size);
  117     Printf("FREE[%zd]   %p\n", N, ptr);
  127   Printf("==%d== ERROR: libFuzzer: out-of-memory (malloc(%zd))\n", GetPid(),
  129   Printf("   To change the out-of-memory limit use -rss_limit_mb=<N>\n\n");
  132   Printf("SUMMARY: libFuzzer: out-of-memory\n");
  219   Printf("INFO: signal received, trying to exit gracefully\n");
  223   Printf("==%lu== ERROR: libFuzzer: file size exceeded\n", GetPid());
  231   Printf("==%lu== ERROR: libFuzzer: deadly signal\n", GetPid());
  233   Printf("NOTE: libFuzzer has rudimentary signal handlers.\n"
  236   Printf("SUMMARY: libFuzzer: deadly signal\n");
  248   Printf("==%lu== ERROR: libFuzzer: fuzz target exited\n", GetPid());
  250   Printf("SUMMARY: libFuzzer: fuzz target exited\n");
  258   Printf("==%lu== INFO: libFuzzer: exiting as requested\n", GetPid());
  265   Printf("==%lu== libFuzzer: run interrupted; exiting\n", GetPid());
  289     Printf("AlarmCallback %zd\n", Seconds);
  294     Printf("ALARM: working on the last Unit for %zd seconds\n", Seconds);
  298     Printf("==%lu== ERROR: libFuzzer: timeout after %d seconds\n", GetPid(),
  301     Printf("SUMMARY: libFuzzer: timeout\n");
  314   Printf("   To change the out-of-memory limit use -rss_limit_mb=<N>\n\n");
  317   Printf("SUMMARY: libFuzzer: out-of-memory\n");
  327   Printf("#%zd\t%s", TotalNumberOfRuns, Where);
  329     Printf(" cov: %zd", N);
  331     Printf(" ft: %zd", N);
  336         Printf("/%zdb", N);
  338         Printf("/%zdKb", N >> 10);
  340         Printf("/%zdMb", N >> 20);
  343       Printf(" focus: %zd", FF);
  346     Printf(" lim: %zd", TmpMaxMutationLen);
  348     Printf(" units: %zd", Units);
  350   Printf(" exec/s: %zd", ExecPerSec);
  351   Printf(" rss: %zdMb", GetPeakRSSMb());
  352   Printf("%s", End);
  363   Printf("stat::number_of_executed_units: %zd\n", TotalNumberOfRuns);
  364   Printf("stat::average_exec_per_sec:     %zd\n", ExecPerSec);
  365   Printf("stat::new_units_added:          %zd\n", NumberOfNewUnitsAdded);
  366   Printf("stat::slowest_unit_time_sec:    %zd\n", TimeOfLongestUnitInSeconds);
  367   Printf("stat::peak_rss_mb:              %zd\n", GetPeakRSSMb());
  376   Printf("INFO: -max_len is not provided; "
  443     Printf("Slowest unit: %zd s:\n", TimeOfLongestUnitInSeconds);
  516   Printf("==%d== ERROR: libFuzzer: fuzz target overwrites its const input\n",
  519   Printf("SUMMARY: libFuzzer: overwrites-const-input\n");
  601     Printf("\n");
  638     Printf("INFO: libFuzzer disabled leak detection after every mutation.\n"
  651       Printf("\nINFO: a leak has been found in the initial corpus.\n\n");
  652     Printf("INFO: to ignore leaks on libFuzzer side use -detect_leaks=0.\n\n");
   33     Printf("MERGE: failed to parse the control file (unexpected error)\n");
  474   Printf("###### Recommended dictionary. ######\n");
  481   Printf("###### End of recommended dictionary. ######\n");
  489     Printf(" DE: ");
   86     Printf("\n");
   95     Printf("\n");
   98       Printf("ERROR: The size of coverage PC tables does not match the\n"
  107     Printf("INFO: %zd Extra Counters\n", NumExtraCounters);
  155       Printf("\n");
  187     Printf("\n");
  268     Printf("INFO: __sanitizer_symbolize_pc or "
  273   Printf("COVERAGE:\n");
  291     Printf("%sCOVERED_FUNC: hits: %zd", Counter ? "" : "UN", Counter);
   30     Printf("0x%x,", (unsigned)Data[i]);
   31   Printf("%s", PrintAfter);
   40     Printf("\\\\");
   42     Printf("\\\"");
   44     Printf("%c", Byte);
   46     Printf("\\x%02x", Byte);
   52   Printf("%s", PrintAfter);
  129     Printf("ParseDictionaryFile: file does not exist or is empty\n");
  199     Printf(FallbackFMT, PC);
  217     Printf("WARNING: std::thread::hardware_concurrency not well defined for "
   65     Printf("libFuzzer: sigaction failed with %d\n", errno);
   84     Printf("libFuzzer: sigaction failed with %d\n", errno);
   94     Printf("libFuzzer: setitimer failed with %d\n", errno);