reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 1676     return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Expected an identifier after {");
 1685       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Invalid rounding mode.");
 1688       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Expected - at this point");
 1692       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Expected } at this point");
 1702       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Expected } at this point");
 1706   return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "unknown token in expression");
 1760     return ErrorOperand(Start, "offset operator cannot yet handle constants");
 1876       return ErrorOperand(Start, "rip can only be used as a base register");
 1880         ErrorOperand(Start, "expected memory operand after 'ptr', "
 1884       return ErrorOperand(Start, "invalid segment register");
 1932     return ErrorOperand(Start, "16-bit addresses cannot have a scale");
 1948     return ErrorOperand(Start, ErrMsg);
 2001           return ErrorOperand(
 2005           return ErrorOperand(Loc, "%rip can only be used as a base register",
 2011           return ErrorOperand(Loc, "invalid segment register");
 2249       return ErrorOperand(BaseLoc,
 2270           return ErrorOperand(Loc, "expected absolute expression");
 2278           return ErrorOperand(
 2281           return ErrorOperand(Loc, "%rip is not allowed as an index register");
 2292               return ErrorOperand(Loc, "expected scale expression");
 2297               return ErrorOperand(Loc,
 2300               return ErrorOperand(Loc, ErrMsg);
 2320     return ErrorOperand(BaseLoc, ErrMsg);