reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  490       Error(IDLoc, "invalid instruction packet: out of slots");
  577     return Error(IDLoc, "invalid instruction");
  579     return Error(IDLoc, "unrecognized instruction");
  585         return Error(IDLoc, "too few operands for instruction");
  592     return Error(ErrorLoc, "invalid operand for instruction");
  675     return Error(L, "Cannot evaluate subsection number");
  708         return Error(ExprLoc, "literal value out of range (256) for falign");
  712       return Error(ExprLoc, "not a valid expression for falign directive");
  757       return Error(ByteAlignmentLoc, "alignment must be a power of 2");
  771       return Error(AccessAlignmentLoc, "access alignment must be a power of 2");
  782     return Error(SizeLoc, "invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive size, can't "
  789     return Error(ByteAlignmentLoc, "invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive "
  793     return Error(Loc, "invalid symbol redefinition");
  952     Error(Loc, "Register name is not contigious");
 1307         Error(IDLoc, "trap1 can only have register r0 as operand");