reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 3976     return Error(PrevOp->getStartLoc(), "shift must be of a register");
 3995         Error(ImmLoc, "invalid immediate shift value");
 4001         Error(ImmLoc, "invalid immediate shift value");
 4011         Error(ImmLoc, "immediate shift value out of range");
 4023         Error(L, "expected immediate or register in shift operand");
 4027       Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(),
 4083       return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "']' expected");
 4220     Error(Loc, "illegal expression");
 4225     Error(Loc, "coprocessor option must be an immediate in range [0, 255]");
 4294     return Error(RegLoc, "register expected");
 4318     return Error(RegLoc, "invalid register in register list");
 4334         return Error(AfterMinusLoc, "register expected");
 4344         return Error(AfterMinusLoc, "invalid register in register list");
 4347         return Error(AfterMinusLoc, "bad range in register list");
 4367       return Error(RegLoc, "register expected");
 4395       return Error(RegLoc, "invalid register in register list");
 4405         return Error(RegLoc, "register list not in ascending order");
 4411       return Error(RegLoc, "non-contiguous register range");
 4424     return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'}' expected");
 4463       Error(Loc, "illegal expression");
 4468       Error(Loc, "lane index must be empty or an integer");
 4472       Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "']' expected");
 4481       Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "lane index out of range");
 4552     Error(S, "vector register expected");
 4564     Error(RegLoc, "register expected");
 4572       Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "vector register in range Q0-Q7 expected");
 4595         Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(),
 4603         Error(AfterMinusLoc, "register expected");
 4618         Error(AfterMinusLoc, "invalid register in register list");
 4623         Error(AfterMinusLoc, "bad range in register list");
 4633         Error(AfterMinusLoc, "mismatched lane index in register list");
 4647       Error(RegLoc, "register expected");
 4653         Error(RegLoc, "vector register in range Q0-Q7 expected");
 4668         Error(RegLoc,
 4674         Error(RegLoc, "non-contiguous register range");
 4687         Error(LaneLoc, "mismatched lane index in register list");
 4700       Error(RegLoc, "non-contiguous register range");
 4711       Error(EndLoc, "mismatched lane index in register list");
 4717     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'}' expected");
 4797       Error(Loc, "illegal expression");
 4803       Error(Loc, "constant expression expected");
 4809       Error(Loc, "immediate value out of range");
 4865       Error(Loc, "illegal expression");
 4871       Error(Loc, "constant expression expected");
 4877       Error(Loc, "immediate value out of range");
 5050     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), Op + " operand expected.");
 5057     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), Op + " operand expected.");
 5065     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'#' expected");
 5074     Error(Loc, "illegal expression");
 5079     Error(Loc, "constant expression expected");
 5084     Error(Loc, "immediate value out of range");
 5099     Error(S, "'be' or 'le' operand expected");
 5109     Error(S, "'be' or 'le' operand expected");
 5129     Error(S, "shift operator 'asr' or 'lsl' expected");
 5139     Error(S, "shift operator 'asr' or 'lsl' expected");
 5147     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'#' expected");
 5156     Error(ExLoc, "malformed shift expression");
 5161     Error(ExLoc, "shift amount must be an immediate");
 5169       Error(ExLoc, "'asr' shift amount must be in range [1,32]");
 5174       Error(ExLoc, "'asr #32' shift amount not allowed in Thumb mode");
 5181       Error(ExLoc, "'lsr' shift amount must be in range [0,31]");
 5209     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'#' expected");
 5218     Error(ExLoc, "malformed rotate expression");
 5223     Error(ExLoc, "rotate amount must be an immediate");
 5232     Error(ExLoc, "'ror' rotate amount must be 8, 16, or 24");
 5277     Error(Sx1, "malformed expression");
 5314     Error(Sx1, "expected modified immediate operand: #[0, 255], #even[0-30]");
 5319     Error(Sx1, "immediate operand must a number in the range [0, 255]");
 5337     Error(Sx2, "malformed expression");
 5350     Error(Sx2, "immediate operand must an even number in the range [0, 30]");
 5353     Error(Sx2, "constant expression expected");
 5365     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'#' expected");
 5373     Error(E, "malformed immediate expression");
 5378     Error(E, "'lsb' operand must be an immediate");
 5385     Error(E, "'lsb' operand must be in the range [0,31]");
 5392     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "too few operands");
 5398     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'#' expected");
 5406     Error(E, "malformed immediate expression");
 5411     Error(E, "'width' operand must be an immediate");
 5418     Error(E, "'width' operand must be in the range [1,32-lsb]");
 5456     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "register expected");
 5507       Error(S, "constant expression expected");
 5538     Error(Tok.getLoc(), "register expected");
 5653     return Error(BaseRegTok.getLoc(), "register expected");
 5659     return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "malformed memory operand");
 5700       return Error (E, "constant expression expected");
 5705       return Error(E,
 5716       return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "']' expected");
 5758       return Error (E, "constant expression expected");
 5769       return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "']' expected");
 5802     return Error(E, "register expected");
 5815     return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "']' expected");
 5843     return Error(Loc, "illegal shift operator");
 5859     return Error(Loc, "illegal shift operator");
 5870       return Error(HashTok.getLoc(), "'#' expected");
 5881       return Error(Loc, "shift amount must be an immediate");
 5886       return Error(Loc, "immediate shift value out of range");
 5965       Error(Loc, "encoded floating point value out of range");
 5977   Error(Loc, "invalid floating point immediate");
 6000     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "unexpected token in operand");
 6103       return Error(S, "unexpected token in operand");
 6133     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "expected prefix identifier in operand");
 6160     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "unexpected prefix in operand");
 6184     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(),
 6193     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "unexpected token after prefix");
 6786     return Error(NameLoc, "conditional execution not supported in Thumb1");
 6807         return Error(Loc, "too many conditions on IT instruction");
 6808       return Error(Loc, "too many conditions on VPT instruction");
 6814         return Error(Loc, "illegal IT block condition mask '" + ITMask + "'");
 6840     return Error(NameLoc, "instruction '" + Mnemonic +
 6846     return Error(NameLoc, "instruction '" + Mnemonic +
 6853     return Error(NameLoc, "instruction '" + Mnemonic +
 6895     return Error(NameLoc, "instruction 'cps' requires effect for M-class");
 6913       return Error(Loc, "instruction with .n (narrow) qualifier not allowed in "
 7113           return Error(Op2.getStartLoc(),
 7196     return Error(Operands[ListNo + HasWritebackToken]->getStartLoc(),
 7199     return Error(Operands[ListNo + HasWritebackToken]->getStartLoc(),
 7214     return Error(Operands[ListNo + HasWritebackToken]->getStartLoc(),
 7217     return Error(Operands[ListNo + HasWritebackToken]->getStartLoc(),
 7220     return Error(Operands[ListNo + HasWritebackToken]->getStartLoc(),
 7235       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7240       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7246         return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7249         return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7259       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7268         return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7272         return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7307       return Error(Loc, "instructions in IT block must be predicable");
 7316       return Error(CondLoc, "incorrect condition in IT block; got '" +
 7327     return Error(Loc, "predicated instructions must be in IT block");
 7340           return Error(Loc, "instruction is not predicable");
 7349     return Error(Loc, "instruction must be outside of IT block or the last instruction in an IT block");
 7355       return Error(Loc, "instruction in VPT block must be predicable");
 7363       return Error(PredLoc, "incorrect predication in VPT block; got '" +
 7372     return Error(Loc, "VPT predicated instructions must be in VPT block");
 7387       return Error(Loc, "unpredictable IT predicate sequence");
 7416       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7458       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7491       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7535       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7551       return Error(Operands[5]->getStartLoc(),
 7569       return Error(Operands[3 + HasWritebackToken]->getStartLoc(),
 7573       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7578       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7595       return Error(Operands.back()->getStartLoc(),
 7613       return Error(Operands.back()->getStartLoc(),
 7630       return Error(Operands[4]->getStartLoc(),
 7638     return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7653       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7665       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7675       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7686       return Error(Operands[4]->getStartLoc(),
 7692       return Error(Operands[4]->getStartLoc(),
 7705       return Error(Operands[4]->getStartLoc(),
 7720       return Error(Operands[4]->getStartLoc(),
 7727       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(), "branch target out of range");
 7732       return Error(Operands[op]->getStartLoc(), "branch target out of range");
 7738       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(), "branch target out of range");
 7743       return Error(Operands[Op]->getStartLoc(), "branch target out of range");
 7749       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(), "branch target out of range");
 7772       return Error(
 7784       return Error(Operands[1]->getStartLoc(), "instruction 'esb' is not "
 7788       return Error(Operands[1]->getStartLoc(), "instruction 'csdb' is not "
 7799       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7804         return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7808         return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7816       return Error(Operands[1]->getStartLoc(),
 7820       return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7830         return Error(
 7841         return Error(Operands[2]->getStartLoc(),
 7859       return Error(Operands[1]->getStartLoc(),
 7863       return Error(Operands[1]->getStartLoc(),
 7873       return Error(Operands[5]->getStartLoc(),
 7882       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7891       return Error(Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7903       return Error (Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7907       return Error (Operands[3]->getStartLoc(),
 7914       return Error (Operands[4]->getStartLoc(), "Q-registers must be the same");
 7917       return Error (Operands[5]->getStartLoc(), "Q-register indexes must be 2 and 0 or 3 and 1");
 7922       return Error (Operands[2]->getStartLoc(), "Q-registers must be the same");
 7925       return Error (Operands[3]->getStartLoc(), "Q-register indexes must be 2 and 0 or 3 and 1");
10483     return Error(IDLoc, "invalid instruction" + Suggestion,
10668     Error(L, "unexpected token in .syntax directive");
10692     return Error(L, "unexpected token in .code directive");
10695     Error(L, "invalid operand to .code directive");
10705       return Error(L, "target does not support Thumb mode");
10712       return Error(L, "target does not support ARM mode");
10736     return Error(SRegLoc,
10747     return Error(L, "unexpected input in .unreq directive.");
10788     return Error(L, "Unknown arch name");
10813       Error(TagLoc, "attribute name not recognised: " + Name);
10860       return Error(ValueExprLoc, "expected numeric constant");
10871       return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "bad string constant");
10900     return Error(L, "Unknown CPU name");
10920     return Error(FPUNameLoc, "Unknown FPU name");
10939     Error(L, ".fnstart starts before the end of previous one");
10961     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .fnend directive");
10983     Error(L, ".cantunwind can't be used with .handlerdata directive");
10988     Error(L, ".cantunwind can't be used with .personality directive");
11005     return Error(L, "unexpected input in .personality directive.");
11017     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .personality directive");
11019     Error(L, ".personality can't be used with .cantunwind directive");
11024     Error(L, ".personality must precede .handlerdata directive");
11029     Error(L, "multiple personality directives");
11049     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .personality directive");
11051     Error(L, ".handlerdata can't be used with .cantunwind directive");
11094       return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'#' expected");
11101       return Error(ExLoc, "malformed setfp offset");
11122     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .pad directive");
11124     return Error(L, ".pad must precede .handlerdata directive");
11129     return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "'#' expected");
11136     return Error(ExLoc, "malformed pad offset");
11139     return Error(ExLoc, "pad offset must be an immediate");
11155     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .save or .vsave directives");
11157     return Error(L, ".save or .vsave must precede .handlerdata directive");
11168     return Error(L, ".save expects GPR registers");
11170     return Error(L, ".vsave expects DPR registers");
11196       return Error(Loc, "width suffixes are invalid in ARM mode");
11205       return Error(Loc, "expected constant expression");
11212         return Error(Loc, "inst.n operand is too big, use inst.w instead");
11216         return Error(Loc, StringRef(Suffix ? "inst.w" : "inst") +
11226         return Error(Loc, "cannot determine Thumb instruction size, "
11238     return Error(Loc, "expected expression following directive");
11290     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .personalityindex directive");
11293     Error(L, ".personalityindex cannot be used with .cantunwind");
11298     Error(L, ".personalityindex must precede .handlerdata directive");
11303     Error(L, "multiple personality directives");
11310     return Error(IndexLoc, "index must be a constant number");
11312     return Error(IndexLoc,
11328     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .unwind_raw directives");
11330     return Error(OffsetLoc, "expected expression");
11334     return Error(OffsetLoc, "offset must be a constant");
11352       return Error(OpcodeLoc, "opcode value must be a constant");
11355       return Error(OpcodeLoc, "invalid opcode");
11363     return Error(OpcodeLoc, "expected opcode expression");
11397     return Error(L, ".fnstart must precede .movsp directives");
11399     return Error(L, "unexpected .movsp directive");
11404     return Error(SPRegLoc, "register expected");
11406     return Error(SPRegLoc, "sp and pc are not permitted in .movsp directive");
11417       return Error(OffsetLoc, "malformed offset expression");
11421       return Error(OffsetLoc, "offset must be an immediate constant");
11441     return Error(getLexer().getLoc(), "unexpected token");
11450     return Error(ArchLoc, "unknown architecture '" + Arch + "'");
11701     Error(IDLoc, "invalid instruction");
11704     Error(Messages[0].Loc, Messages[0].Message);
11708     Error(IDLoc, "invalid instruction, any one of the following would fix this:");
11756     return Error(getLexer().getLoc(), "expected architecture extension name");
11773     return Error(ExtLoc, "unknown architectural extension: " + Name);
11780       return Error(ExtLoc, "unsupported architectural extension: " + Name);
11783       return Error(ExtLoc, "architectural extension '" + Name +
11798   return Error(ExtLoc, "unknown architectural extension: " + Name);