reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  131   tgtok::TokKind ReturnError(const char *Loc, const Twine &Msg);


  148     return ReturnError(TokStart, "Unexpected character");
  204       return ReturnError(TokStart, "Unexpected character");
  262       return ReturnError(StrStart, "End of file in string literal");
  265       return ReturnError(StrStart, "End of line in string literal");
  290       return ReturnError(CurPtr, "escaped newlines not supported in tblgen");
  295         return ReturnError(StrStart, "End of file in string literal");
  298       return ReturnError(CurPtr, "invalid escape in string literal");
  308     return ReturnError(TokStart, "Invalid variable name");
  462         return ReturnError(TokStart, "Invalid hexadecimal number");
  467         return ReturnError(TokStart, "Invalid hexadecimal number");
  472           return ReturnError(TokStart, "Invalid hexadecimal number");
  474           return ReturnError(TokStart, "Hexadecimal number out of range");
  485         return ReturnError(CurPtr-2, "Invalid binary number");
  526   return ReturnError(CodeStart-2, "Unterminated Code Block");
  532     return ReturnError(CurPtr - 1, "Invalid \"!operator\"");
  572   return Kind != tgtok::Error ? Kind : ReturnError(Start-1, "Unknown operator");
  684       return ReturnError(TokStart, "Expected macro name after " + IfTokName);
  700       return ReturnError(CurPtr, "Only comments are supported after " +
  725       return ReturnError(TokStart, "#else without #ifdef or #ifndef");
  741       return ReturnError(CurPtr, "Only comments are supported after #else");
  758       return ReturnError(TokStart, "#endif without #ifdef");
  769       return ReturnError(CurPtr, "Only comments are supported after #endif");
  784       return ReturnError(TokStart, "Expected macro name after #define");
  791       return ReturnError(CurPtr,