reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   81 	states st;		/* current states */
   82 	states fresh;		/* states for a fresh start */
   83 	states tmp;		/* temporary */
   84 	states empty;		/* empty set of states */
   95 static states step(struct re_guts *, sopno, sopno, states, int, states);
   95 static states step(struct re_guts *, sopno, sopno, states, int, states);
   95 static states step(struct re_guts *, sopno, sopno, states, int, states);
  686 	states st = m->st;
  687 	states fresh = m->fresh;
  688 	states tmp = m->tmp;
  771 	states st = m->st;
  772 	states empty = m->empty;
  773 	states tmp = m->tmp;
  848 static states
  852     states bef,			/* states reachable before */
  854     states aft)			/* states already known reachable after */