reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 2471     Out << "<null operand!>";
 2475     TypePrinter.print(Operand->getType(), Out);
 2476     Out << ' ';
 2478   WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, Operand, &TypePrinter, &Machine, TheModule);
 2491     Out << " syncscope(\"";
 2492     printEscapedString(SSNs[SSID], Out);
 2493     Out << "\")";
 2506   Out << " " << toIRString(Ordering);
 2517   Out << " " << toIRString(SuccessOrdering);
 2518   Out << " " << toIRString(FailureOrdering);
 2524     Out << "<null operand!>";
 2529   TypePrinter.print(Operand->getType(), Out);
 2532     Out << ' ' << Attrs.getAsString();
 2533   Out << ' ';
 2535   WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, Operand, &TypePrinter, &Machine, TheModule);
 2542   Out << " [ ";
 2549       Out << ", ";
 2552     Out << '"';
 2553     printEscapedString(BU.getTagName(), Out);
 2554     Out << '"';
 2556     Out << '(';
 2561         Out << ", ";
 2564       TypePrinter.print(Input->getType(), Out);
 2565       Out << " ";
 2566       WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, Input, &TypePrinter, &Machine, TheModule);
 2569     Out << ')';
 2572   Out << " ]";
 2585     Out << "; ModuleID = '" << M->getModuleIdentifier() << "'\n";
 2588     Out << "source_filename = \"";
 2589     printEscapedString(M->getSourceFileName(), Out);
 2590     Out << "\"\n";
 2595     Out << "target datalayout = \"" << DL << "\"\n";
 2597     Out << "target triple = \"" << M->getTargetTriple() << "\"\n";
 2600     Out << '\n';
 2610       Out << "module asm \"";
 2611       printEscapedString(Front, Out);
 2612       Out << "\"\n";
 2620     Out << '\n';
 2624       Out << '\n';
 2628   if (!M->global_empty()) Out << '\n';
 2630     printGlobal(&GV); Out << '\n';
 2634   if (!M->alias_empty()) Out << "\n";
 2639   if (!M->ifunc_empty()) Out << "\n";
 2653     Out << '\n';
 2658   if (!M->named_metadata_empty()) Out << '\n';
 2665     Out << '\n';
 2674   Out << "\n";
 2691     Out << "^" << i++ << " = module: (";
 2692     Out << "path: \"";
 2693     printEscapedString(ModPair.first, Out);
 2694     Out << "\", hash: (";
 2697       Out << FS << Hash;
 2698     Out << "))\n";
 2719     Out << "^" << Machine.getTypeIdSlot(TidIter->second.first)
 2722     Out << ") ; guid = " << TidIter->first << "\n";
 2728     Out << "^" << Machine.getGUIDSlot(GUID)
 2731     Out << ") ; guid = " << GUID << "\n";
 2780   Out << "typeTestRes: (kind: " << getTTResKindName(TTRes.TheKind)
 2786     Out << ", alignLog2: " << TTRes.AlignLog2;
 2788     Out << ", sizeM1: " << TTRes.SizeM1;
 2791     Out << ", bitMask: " << (unsigned)TTRes.BitMask;
 2793     Out << ", inlineBits: " << TTRes.InlineBits;
 2795   Out << ")";
 2799   Out << ", summary: (";
 2802     Out << ", wpdResolutions: (";
 2805       Out << FS;
 2806       Out << "(offset: " << WPDRes.first << ", ";
 2808       Out << ")";
 2810     Out << ")";
 2812   Out << ")";
 2817   Out << ", summary: (";
 2820     Out << FS;
 2821     Out << "(offset: " << P.AddressPointOffset << ", ";
 2822     Out << "^" << Machine.getGUIDSlot(P.VTableVI.getGUID());
 2823     Out << ")";
 2825   Out << ")";
 2829   Out << "args: (";
 2832     Out << FS;
 2833     Out << arg;
 2835   Out << ")";
 2839   Out << "wpdRes: (kind: ";
 2840   Out << getWholeProgDevirtResKindName(WPDRes.TheKind);
 2843     Out << ", singleImplName: \"" << WPDRes.SingleImplName << "\"";
 2846     Out << ", resByArg: (";
 2849       Out << FS;
 2851       Out << ", byArg: (kind: ";
 2852       Out << getWholeProgDevirtResByArgKindName(ResByArg.second.TheKind);
 2857         Out << ", info: " << ResByArg.second.Info;
 2862         Out << ", byte: " << ResByArg.second.Byte
 2865       Out << ")";
 2867     Out << ")";
 2869   Out << ")";
 2885   Out << ", aliasee: ";
 2890     Out << "^" << Machine.getGUIDSlot(SummaryToGUIDMap[&AS->getAliasee()]);
 2892     Out << "null";
 2896   Out << ", varFlags: (readonly: " << GS->VarFlags.MaybeReadOnly << ", "
 2901     Out << ", vTableFuncs: (";
 2904       Out << FS;
 2905       Out << "(virtFunc: ^" << Machine.getGUIDSlot(P.FuncVI.getGUID())
 2907       Out << ")";
 2909     Out << ")";
 2951   Out << ", insts: " << FS->instCount();
 2956     Out << ", funcFlags: (";
 2957     Out << "readNone: " << FFlags.ReadNone;
 2958     Out << ", readOnly: " << FFlags.ReadOnly;
 2959     Out << ", noRecurse: " << FFlags.NoRecurse;
 2960     Out << ", returnDoesNotAlias: " << FFlags.ReturnDoesNotAlias;
 2961     Out << ", noInline: " << FFlags.NoInline;
 2962     Out << ")";
 2965     Out << ", calls: (";
 2968       Out << IFS;
 2969       Out << "(callee: ^" << Machine.getGUIDSlot(Call.first.getGUID());
 2971         Out << ", hotness: " << getHotnessName(Call.second.getHotness());
 2973         Out << ", relbf: " << Call.second.RelBlockFreq;
 2974       Out << ")";
 2976     Out << ")";
 2985   Out << ", typeIdInfo: (";
 2988     Out << TIDFS;
 2989     Out << "typeTests: (";
 2994         Out << FS;
 2995         Out << GUID;
 3000         Out << FS;
 3003         Out << "^" << Slot;
 3006     Out << ")";
 3009     Out << TIDFS;
 3013     Out << TIDFS;
 3017     Out << TIDFS;
 3022     Out << TIDFS;
 3026   Out << ")";
 3032     Out << "vFuncId: (";
 3033     Out << "guid: " << VFId.GUID;
 3034     Out << ", offset: " << VFId.Offset;
 3035     Out << ")";
 3041     Out << FS;
 3042     Out << "vFuncId: (";
 3045     Out << "^" << Slot;
 3046     Out << ", offset: " << VFId.Offset;
 3047     Out << ")";
 3053   Out << Tag << ": (";
 3056     Out << FS;
 3059   Out << ")";
 3064   Out << Tag << ": (";
 3067     Out << FS;
 3068     Out << "(";
 3071       Out << ", ";
 3074     Out << ")";
 3076   Out << ")";
 3082   Out << getSummaryKindName(Summary.getSummaryKind()) << ": ";
 3083   Out << "(module: ^" << Machine.getModulePathSlot(Summary.modulePath())
 3085   Out << "linkage: " << getLinkageName(LT);
 3086   Out << ", notEligibleToImport: " << GVFlags.NotEligibleToImport;
 3087   Out << ", live: " << GVFlags.Live;
 3088   Out << ", dsoLocal: " << GVFlags.DSOLocal;
 3089   Out << ", canAutoHide: " << GVFlags.CanAutoHide;
 3090   Out << ")";
 3101     Out << ", refs: (";
 3104       Out << FS;
 3106         Out << "readonly ";
 3108         Out << "writeonly ";
 3109       Out << "^" << Machine.getGUIDSlot(Ref.getGUID());
 3111     Out << ")";
 3114   Out << ")";
 3118   Out << "^" << Slot << " = gv: (";
 3120     Out << "name: \"" << << "\"";
 3122     Out << "guid: " << VI.getGUID();
 3124     Out << ", summaries: (";
 3127       Out << FS;
 3130     Out << ")";
 3132   Out << ")";
 3134     Out << " ; guid = " << VI.getGUID();
 3135   Out << "\n";
 3160   Out << '!';
 3161   printMetadataIdentifier(NMD->getName(), Out);
 3162   Out << " = !{";
 3165       Out << ", ";
 3171       writeDIExpression(Out, Expr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
 3177       Out << "<badref>";
 3179       Out << '!' << Slot;
 3181   Out << "}\n";
 3264     Out << "; Materializable\n";
 3266   WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, GV, &TypePrinter, &Machine, GV->getParent());
 3267   Out << " = ";
 3270     Out << "external ";
 3272   Out << getLinkageNameWithSpace(GV->getLinkage());
 3273   PrintDSOLocation(*GV, Out);
 3274   PrintVisibility(GV->getVisibility(), Out);
 3275   PrintDLLStorageClass(GV->getDLLStorageClass(), Out);
 3276   PrintThreadLocalModel(GV->getThreadLocalMode(), Out);
 3279       Out << UA << ' ';
 3282     Out << "addrspace(" << AddressSpace << ") ";
 3283   if (GV->isExternallyInitialized()) Out << "externally_initialized ";
 3284   Out << (GV->isConstant() ? "constant " : "global ");
 3285   TypePrinter.print(GV->getValueType(), Out);
 3288     Out << ' ';
 3293     Out << ", section \"";
 3294     printEscapedString(GV->getSection(), Out);
 3295     Out << '"';
 3298     Out << ", partition \"";
 3299     printEscapedString(GV->getPartition(), Out);
 3300     Out << '"';
 3303   maybePrintComdat(Out, *GV);
 3305     Out << ", align " << GV->getAlignment();
 3313     Out << " #" << Machine.getAttributeGroupSlot(Attrs);
 3320     Out << "; Materializable\n";
 3322   WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, GIS, &TypePrinter, &Machine, GIS->getParent());
 3323   Out << " = ";
 3325   Out << getLinkageNameWithSpace(GIS->getLinkage());
 3326   PrintDSOLocation(*GIS, Out);
 3327   PrintVisibility(GIS->getVisibility(), Out);
 3328   PrintDLLStorageClass(GIS->getDLLStorageClass(), Out);
 3329   PrintThreadLocalModel(GIS->getThreadLocalMode(), Out);
 3332       Out << UA << ' ';
 3335     Out << "alias ";
 3337     Out << "ifunc ";
 3341   TypePrinter.print(GIS->getValueType(), Out);
 3343   Out << ", ";
 3348     TypePrinter.print(GIS->getType(), Out);
 3349     Out << " <<NULL ALIASEE>>";
 3355     Out << ", partition \"";
 3356     printEscapedString(GIS->getPartition(), Out);
 3357     Out << '"';
 3361   Out << '\n';
 3365   C->print(Out);
 3372   Out << '\n';
 3377     Out << '%' << I << " = type ";
 3381     TypePrinter.printStructBody(NumberedTypes[I], Out);
 3382     Out << '\n';
 3387     PrintLLVMName(Out, NamedTypes[I]->getName(), LocalPrefix);
 3388     Out << " = type ";
 3392     TypePrinter.printStructBody(NamedTypes[I], Out);
 3393     Out << '\n';
 3400   Out << '\n';
 3402   if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitFunctionAnnot(F, Out);
 3405     Out << "; Materializable\n";
 3420       Out << "; Function Attrs: " << AttrStr << '\n';
 3426     Out << "declare";
 3430     Out << ' ';
 3432     Out << "define ";
 3434   Out << getLinkageNameWithSpace(F->getLinkage());
 3435   PrintDSOLocation(*F, Out);
 3436   PrintVisibility(F->getVisibility(), Out);
 3437   PrintDLLStorageClass(F->getDLLStorageClass(), Out);
 3441     PrintCallingConv(F->getCallingConv(), Out);
 3442     Out << " ";
 3447     Out << Attrs.getAsString(AttributeList::ReturnIndex) << ' ';
 3448   TypePrinter.print(F->getReturnType(), Out);
 3449   Out << ' ';
 3450   WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, F, &TypePrinter, &Machine, F->getParent());
 3451   Out << '(';
 3459         Out << ", ";
 3461       TypePrinter.print(FT->getParamType(I), Out);
 3465         Out << ' ' << ArgAttrs.getAsString();
 3472         Out << ", ";
 3479     if (FT->getNumParams()) Out << ", ";
 3480     Out << "...";  // Output varargs portion of signature!
 3482   Out << ')';
 3485     Out << ' ' << UA;
 3492     Out << " addrspace(" << F->getAddressSpace() << ")";
 3494     Out << " #" << Machine.getAttributeGroupSlot(Attrs.getFnAttributes());
 3496     Out << " section \"";
 3497     printEscapedString(F->getSection(), Out);
 3498     Out << '"';
 3501     Out << " partition \"";
 3502     printEscapedString(F->getPartition(), Out);
 3503     Out << '"';
 3505   maybePrintComdat(Out, *F);
 3507     Out << " align " << F->getAlignment();
 3509     Out << " gc \"" << F->getGC() << '"';
 3511     Out << " prefix ";
 3515     Out << " prologue ";
 3519     Out << " personality ";
 3524     Out << '\n';
 3530     Out << " {";
 3538     Out << "}\n";
 3548   TypePrinter.print(Arg->getType(), Out);
 3552     Out << ' ' << Attrs.getAsString();
 3556     Out << ' ';
 3557     PrintLLVMName(Out, Arg);
 3561     Out << " %" << Slot;
 3569     Out << "\n";
 3570     PrintLLVMName(Out, BB->getName(), LabelPrefix);
 3571     Out << ':';
 3573     Out << "\n";
 3576       Out << Slot << ":";
 3578       Out << "<badref>:";
 3582     Out.PadToColumn(50);
 3583     Out << "; Error: Block without parent!";
 3586     Out.PadToColumn(50);
 3587     Out << ";";
 3591       Out << " No predecessors!";
 3593       Out << " preds = ";
 3596         Out << ", ";
 3602   Out << "\n";
 3604   if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitBasicBlockStartAnnot(BB, Out);
 3611   if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitBasicBlockEndAnnot(BB, Out);
 3617   Out << '\n';
 3623   Out << " ; (";
 3625   Out << ", ";
 3627   Out << ")";
 3637     AnnotationWriter->printInfoComment(V, Out);
 3659   if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitInstructionAnnot(&I, Out);
 3662   Out << "  ";
 3666     PrintLLVMName(Out, &I);
 3667     Out << " = ";
 3672       Out << "<badref> = ";
 3674       Out << '%' << SlotNum << " = ";
 3679       Out << "musttail ";
 3681       Out << "tail ";
 3683       Out << "notail ";
 3687   Out << I.getOpcodeName();
 3692     Out << " atomic";
 3695     Out << " weak";
 3702     Out << " volatile";
 3705   WriteOptimizationInfo(Out, &I);
 3709     Out << ' ' << CmpInst::getPredicateName(CI->getPredicate());
 3713     Out << ' ' << AtomicRMWInst::getOperationName(RMWI->getOperation());
 3721     Out << ' ';
 3723     Out << ", ";
 3725     Out << ", ";
 3731     Out << ' ';
 3733     Out << ", ";
 3735     Out << " [";
 3737       Out << "\n    ";
 3739       Out << ", ";
 3742     Out << "\n  ]";
 3745     Out << ' ';
 3747     Out << ", [";
 3751         Out << ", ";
 3754     Out << ']';
 3756     Out << ' ';
 3757     TypePrinter.print(I.getType(), Out);
 3758     Out << ' ';
 3761       if (op) Out << ", ";
 3762       Out << "[ ";
 3763       writeOperand(PN->getIncomingValue(op), false); Out << ", ";
 3764       writeOperand(PN->getIncomingBlock(op), false); Out << " ]";
 3767     Out << ' ';
 3770       Out << ", " << *i;
 3772     Out << ' ';
 3773     writeOperand(I.getOperand(0), true); Out << ", ";
 3776       Out << ", " << *i;
 3778     Out << ' ';
 3779     TypePrinter.print(I.getType(), Out);
 3781       Out << '\n';
 3784       Out << "          cleanup";
 3787       if (i != 0 || LPI->isCleanup()) Out << "\n";
 3789         Out << "          catch ";
 3791         Out << "          filter ";
 3796     Out << " within ";
 3798     Out << " [";
 3802         Out << ", ";
 3806     Out << "] unwind ";
 3810       Out << "to caller";
 3812     Out << " within ";
 3814     Out << " [";
 3818         Out << ", ";
 3821     Out << ']';
 3823     Out << " void";
 3825     Out << " from ";
 3828     Out << " to ";
 3831     Out << " from ";
 3834     Out << " unwind ";
 3838       Out << "to caller";
 3842       Out << " ";
 3843       PrintCallingConv(CI->getCallingConv(), Out);
 3852       Out << ' ' << PAL.getAsString(AttributeList::ReturnIndex);
 3855     maybePrintCallAddrSpace(Operand, &I, Out);
 3861     Out << ' ';
 3862     TypePrinter.print(FTy->isVarArg() ? FTy : RetTy, Out);
 3863     Out << ' ';
 3865     Out << '(';
 3868         Out << ", ";
 3877       Out << ", ...";
 3879     Out << ')';
 3881       Out << " #" << Machine.getAttributeGroupSlot(PAL.getFnAttributes());
 3892       Out << " ";
 3893       PrintCallingConv(II->getCallingConv(), Out);
 3897       Out << ' ' << PAL.getAsString(AttributeList::ReturnIndex);
 3900     maybePrintCallAddrSpace(Operand, &I, Out);
 3906     Out << ' ';
 3907     TypePrinter.print(FTy->isVarArg() ? FTy : RetTy, Out);
 3908     Out << ' ';
 3910     Out << '(';
 3913         Out << ", ";
 3917     Out << ')';
 3919       Out << " #" << Machine.getAttributeGroupSlot(PAL.getFnAttributes());
 3923     Out << "\n          to ";
 3925     Out << " unwind ";
 3935       Out << " ";
 3936       PrintCallingConv(CBI->getCallingConv(), Out);
 3940       Out << ' ' << PAL.getAsString(AttributeList::ReturnIndex);
 3946     Out << ' ';
 3947     TypePrinter.print(FTy->isVarArg() ? FTy : RetTy, Out);
 3948     Out << ' ';
 3950     Out << '(';
 3953         Out << ", ";
 3957     Out << ')';
 3959       Out << " #" << Machine.getAttributeGroupSlot(PAL.getFnAttributes());
 3963     Out << "\n          to ";
 3965     Out << " [";
 3968         Out << ", ";
 3971     Out << ']';
 3973     Out << ' ';
 3975       Out << "inalloca ";
 3977       Out << "swifterror ";
 3978     TypePrinter.print(AI->getAllocatedType(), Out);
 3986       Out << ", ";
 3990       Out << ", align " << AI->getAlignment();
 3995       Out << ", addrspace(" << AddrSpace << ')';
 3999       Out << ' ';
 4002     Out << " to ";
 4003     TypePrinter.print(I.getType(), Out);
 4006       Out << ' ';
 4009     Out << ", ";
 4010     TypePrinter.print(I.getType(), Out);
 4013       Out << ' ';
 4014       TypePrinter.print(GEP->getSourceElementType(), Out);
 4015       Out << ',';
 4017       Out << ' ';
 4018       TypePrinter.print(LI->getType(), Out);
 4019       Out << ',';
 4045       Out << ' ';
 4046       TypePrinter.print(TheType, Out);
 4049     Out << ' ';
 4051       if (i) Out << ", ";
 4061       Out << ", align " << LI->getAlignment();
 4066       Out << ", align " << SI->getAlignment();
 4097     Out << Separator;
 4099       Out << "!";
 4100       printMetadataIdentifier(MDNames[Kind], Out);
 4102       Out << "!<unknown kind #" << Kind << ">";
 4103     Out << ' ';
 4104     WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, I.second, &TypePrinter, &Machine, TheModule);
 4109   Out << '!' << Slot << " = ";
 4111   Out << "\n";
 4127   WriteMDNodeBodyInternal(Out, Node, &TypePrinter, &Machine, TheModule);
 4139     Out << "attributes #" << I.second << " = { "
 4146     Out << "  ";
 4148   Out << "uselistorder";
 4151     Out << "_bb ";
 4153     Out << ", ";
 4156     Out << " ";
 4159   Out << ", { ";
 4162   Out << Order.Shuffle[0];
 4164     Out << ", " << Order.Shuffle[I];
 4165   Out << " }\n";
 4175   Out << "\n; uselistorder directives\n";