reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  356     LLVM_DEBUG(dumpRelocationToResolve(RE, Value));
  358     const SectionEntry &Section = Sections[RE.SectionID];
  359     uint8_t *LocalAddress = Section.getAddressWithOffset(RE.Offset);
  361       static_cast<MachO::RelocationInfoType>(RE.RelType);
  367       assert(!RE.IsPCRel && "PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED not supported");
  370       if (RE.Size < 2)
  373       encodeAddend(LocalAddress, 1 << RE.Size, RelType, Value + RE.Addend);
  373       encodeAddend(LocalAddress, 1 << RE.Size, RelType, Value + RE.Addend);
  378       assert(((RE.Size == 2 && RE.IsPCRel) || (RE.Size == 3 && !RE.IsPCRel)) &&
  378       assert(((RE.Size == 2 && RE.IsPCRel) || (RE.Size == 3 && !RE.IsPCRel)) &&
  378       assert(((RE.Size == 2 && RE.IsPCRel) || (RE.Size == 3 && !RE.IsPCRel)) &&
  378       assert(((RE.Size == 2 && RE.IsPCRel) || (RE.Size == 3 && !RE.IsPCRel)) &&
  384           RE.IsPCRel ? (RE.Addend - RE.Offset) : (Value + RE.Addend);
  384           RE.IsPCRel ? (RE.Addend - RE.Offset) : (Value + RE.Addend);
  384           RE.IsPCRel ? (RE.Addend - RE.Offset) : (Value + RE.Addend);
  384           RE.IsPCRel ? (RE.Addend - RE.Offset) : (Value + RE.Addend);
  385       encodeAddend(LocalAddress, 1 << RE.Size, RelType, Result);
  390       assert(RE.IsPCRel && "not PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26 not supported");
  392       uint64_t FinalAddress = Section.getLoadAddressWithOffset(RE.Offset);
  393       int64_t PCRelVal = Value - FinalAddress + RE.Addend;
  399       assert(RE.IsPCRel && "not PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21 not supported");
  401       uint64_t FinalAddress = Section.getLoadAddressWithOffset(RE.Offset);
  403         ((Value + RE.Addend) & (-4096)) - (FinalAddress & (-4096));
  409       assert(!RE.IsPCRel && "PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF21 not supported");
  411       Value += RE.Addend;
  418       uint64_t SectionABase = Sections[RE.Sections.SectionA].getLoadAddress();
  419       uint64_t SectionBBase = Sections[RE.Sections.SectionB].getLoadAddress();
  422       Value = SectionABase - SectionBBase + RE.Addend;
  423       writeBytesUnaligned(Value, LocalAddress, 1 << RE.Size);