reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   40 struct DenseMapPair : public std::pair<KeyT, ValueT> {
   43   KeyT &getFirst() { return std::pair<KeyT, ValueT>::first; }
   44   const KeyT &getFirst() const { return std::pair<KeyT, ValueT>::first; }
   65   using key_type = KeyT;
   69   using iterator = DenseMapIterator<KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT>;
   71       DenseMapIterator<KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT, true>;
  145   size_type count(const_arg_type_t<KeyT> Val) const {
  156   const_iterator find(const_arg_type_t<KeyT> Val) const {
  185   ValueT lookup(const_arg_type_t<KeyT> Val) const {
  272   bool erase(const KeyT &Val) {
  291   value_type& FindAndConstruct(const KeyT &Key) {
  299   ValueT &operator[](const KeyT &Key) {
  303   value_type& FindAndConstruct(KeyT &&Key) {
  311   ValueT &operator[](KeyT &&Key) {
  334     const KeyT EmptyKey = getEmptyKey(), TombstoneKey = getTombstoneKey();
  349     const KeyT EmptyKey = getEmptyKey();
  351       ::new (&B->getFirst()) KeyT(EmptyKey);
  369     const KeyT EmptyKey = getEmptyKey();
  370     const KeyT TombstoneKey = getTombstoneKey();
  392       const DenseMapBase<OtherBaseT, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT> &other) {
  414   static unsigned getHashValue(const KeyT &Val) {
  419   static unsigned getHashValue(const LookupKeyT &Val) {
  423   static const KeyT getEmptyKey() {
  429   static const KeyT getTombstoneKey() {
  437     if (shouldReverseIterate<KeyT>()) {
  515   BucketT *InsertIntoBucket(BucketT *TheBucket, KeyArg &&Key,
  525   BucketT *InsertIntoBucketWithLookup(BucketT *TheBucket, KeyT &&Key,
  535   BucketT *InsertIntoBucketImpl(const KeyT &Key, const LookupKeyT &Lookup,
  535   BucketT *InsertIntoBucketImpl(const KeyT &Key, const LookupKeyT &Lookup,
  566     const KeyT EmptyKey = getEmptyKey();
  578   bool LookupBucketFor(const LookupKeyT &Val,
  590     const KeyT EmptyKey = getEmptyKey();
  591     const KeyT TombstoneKey = getTombstoneKey();
  629   bool LookupBucketFor(const LookupKeyT &Val, BucketT *&FoundBucket) {
  684 class DenseMap : public DenseMapBase<DenseMap<KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT>,
  685                                      KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT> {
  690   using BaseT = DenseMapBase<DenseMap, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT>;
 1163   using ConstIterator = DenseMapIterator<KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, Bucket, true>;
 1186     if (shouldReverseIterate<KeyT>()) {
 1199       const DenseMapIterator<KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, Bucket, IsConstSrc> &I)
 1210     if (shouldReverseIterate<KeyT>())
 1249     const KeyT Empty = KeyInfoT::getEmptyKey();
 1250     const KeyT Tombstone = KeyInfoT::getTombstoneKey();
 1259     const KeyT Empty = KeyInfoT::getEmptyKey();
 1260     const KeyT Tombstone = KeyInfoT::getTombstoneKey();
   83   std::pair<KeyT, ValueT>       &front()       { return Vector.front(); }
   84   const std::pair<KeyT, ValueT> &front() const { return Vector.front(); }
   85   std::pair<KeyT, ValueT>       &back()        { return Vector.back(); }
   86   const std::pair<KeyT, ValueT> &back()  const { return Vector.back(); }
   98   ValueT &operator[](const KeyT &Key) {
   99     std::pair<KeyT, typename MapType::mapped_type> Pair = std::make_pair(Key, 0);
  110   ValueT lookup(const KeyT &Key) const {
  117   std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const std::pair<KeyT, ValueT> &KV) {
  129   std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(std::pair<KeyT, ValueT> &&KV) {
  142   size_type count(const KeyT &Key) const {
  147   iterator find(const KeyT &Key) {
  153   const_iterator find(const KeyT &Key) const {
  192   size_type erase(const KeyT &Key) {
   65   using type = const T &;
  248     std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> &LocalWPDTargetsMap);
  255     std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> &LocalWPDTargetsMap);
 1302   std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> LocalWPDTargetsMap;
  976   std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> LocalWPDTargetsMap;
  284   static VTableSlotSummary getEmptyKey() {
  288   static VTableSlotSummary getTombstoneKey() {
  292   static unsigned getHashValue(const VTableSlotSummary &I) {
  296   static bool isEqual(const VTableSlotSummary &LHS,
  297                       const VTableSlotSummary &RHS) {
  589   std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> &LocalWPDTargetsMap;
  591   MapVector<VTableSlotSummary, VTableSlotInfo> CallSlots;
  596       std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> &LocalWPDTargetsMap)
  605                            VTableSlotSummary &SlotSummary,
  706     std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> &LocalWPDTargetsMap) {
  713     std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> &LocalWPDTargetsMap) {
  724     for (auto &SlotSummary : T.second) {
  973                                       VTableSlotSummary &SlotSummary,
  387       using allocator_type = allocator<_Tp>;
  389       using value_type = _Tp;
  392       using pointer = _Tp*;
  395       using const_pointer = const _Tp*;
  474 	construct(allocator_type& __a, _Up* __p, _Args&&... __args)
  474 	construct(allocator_type& __a, _Up* __p, _Args&&... __args)
  486 	destroy(allocator_type& __a, _Up* __p)
  108     class allocator: public __allocator_base<_Tp>
  113       typedef _Tp*       pointer;
  114       typedef const _Tp* const_pointer;
  115       typedef _Tp&       reference;
  116       typedef const _Tp& const_reference;
  117       typedef _Tp        value_type;
  137 	allocator(const allocator<_Tp1>&) throw() { }
   46     inline _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR _Tp*
   47     __addressof(_Tp& __r) _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
   72     constexpr _Tp&&
   73     forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type& __t) noexcept
   83     constexpr _Tp&&
   84     forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&& __t) noexcept
   98     move(_Tp&& __t) noexcept
  104     : public __and_<__not_<is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Tp>>,
  105                     is_copy_constructible<_Tp>>::type { };
   74     _Construct(_T1* __p, _Args&&... __args)
   74     _Construct(_T1* __p, _Args&&... __args)
   75     { ::new(static_cast<void*>(__p)) _T1(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }
   75     { ::new(static_cast<void*>(__p)) _T1(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }
  204 	     allocator<_Tp>&)
 1224     __make_move_if_noexcept_iterator(_Tp* __i)
  181       typedef _Tp                         value_type;
  183       typedef _Tp*                        pointer;
  184       typedef _Tp&                        reference;
  100 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, const _U1&>,
  100 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, const _U1&>,
  107 	return __and_<is_convertible<const _U1&, _T1>,
  107 	return __and_<is_convertible<const _U1&, _T1>,
  114 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, _U1&&>,
  114 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, _U1&&>,
  121 	return __and_<is_convertible<_U1&&, _T1>,
  121 	return __and_<is_convertible<_U1&&, _T1>,
  128 	using __do_converts = __and_<is_convertible<const _U1&, _T1>,
  128 	using __do_converts = __and_<is_convertible<const _U1&, _T1>,
  133 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, const _U1&>,
  133 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, const _U1&>,
  142 	using __do_converts = __and_<is_convertible<_U1&&, _T1>,
  142 	using __do_converts = __and_<is_convertible<_U1&&, _T1>,
  147 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, _U1&&>,
  147 	return __and_<is_constructible<_T1, _U1&&>,
  209     : private __pair_base<_T1, _T2>
  211       typedef _T1 first_type;    /// @c first_type is the first bound type
  214       _T1 first;                 /// @c first is a copy of the first object
  252       using _PCCP = _PCC<true, _T1, _T2>;
  260       constexpr pair(const _T1& __a, const _T2& __b)
  269       explicit constexpr pair(const _T1& __a, const _T2& __b)
  283 			    _T1, _T2>;
  291         constexpr pair(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __p)
  311        constexpr pair(_U1&& __x, const _T2& __y)
  325        constexpr pair(const _T1& __x, _U2&& __y)
  332        explicit pair(const _T1& __x, _U2&& __y)
  341 	constexpr pair(_U1&& __x, _U2&& __y)
  360 	constexpr pair(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __p)
  361 	: first(std::forward<_U1>(__p.first)),
  379 		__and_<is_copy_assignable<_T1>,
  390 		__and_<is_move_assignable<_T1>,
  402       typename enable_if<__and_<is_assignable<_T1&, const _U1&>,
  402       typename enable_if<__and_<is_assignable<_T1&, const _U1&>,
  405 	operator=(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __p)
  413       typename enable_if<__and_<is_assignable<_T1&, _U1&&>,
  413       typename enable_if<__and_<is_assignable<_T1&, _U1&&>,
  416 	operator=(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __p)
  524     make_pair(_T1&& __x, _T2&& __y)
  288 			   _ForwardIterator __result, allocator<_Tp>&)
   77 	rebind<_Tp>::other _Tp_alloc_type;
  216     class vector : protected _Vector_base<_Tp, _Alloc>
  227       typedef _Vector_base<_Tp, _Alloc>			_Base;
  232       typedef _Tp					value_type;
  919       _Tp*
  923       const _Tp*
 1483 	_M_realloc_insert(iterator __position, _Args&&... __args);
  117       { typedef typename _Base_type::template rebind_alloc<_Tp> other; };
   63       typedef _Tp*       pointer;
   64       typedef const _Tp* const_pointer;
   65       typedef _Tp&       reference;
   66       typedef const _Tp& const_reference;
   67       typedef _Tp        value_type;
  111 	return static_cast<_Tp*>(::operator new(__n * sizeof(_Tp)));
  130       { return size_t(-1) / sizeof(_Tp); }
  135 	construct(_Up* __p, _Args&&... __args)
  135 	construct(_Up* __p, _Args&&... __args)
  136 	{ ::new((void *)__p) _Up(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }
  140 	destroy(_Up* __p) { __p->~_Up(); }
  215     : public __is_void_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  326     : public __is_integral_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  354     : public __is_floating_point_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  381     : public __is_pointer_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  567     : public __is_null_pointer_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  581     : public __or_<is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>,
  582                    is_rvalue_reference<_Tp>>::type
  588     : public __or_<is_integral<_Tp>, is_floating_point<_Tp>>::type
  588     : public __or_<is_integral<_Tp>, is_floating_point<_Tp>>::type
  601     : public __not_<__or_<is_function<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>,
  601     : public __not_<__or_<is_function<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>,
  602                           is_void<_Tp>>>::type
  611     : public __or_<is_arithmetic<_Tp>, is_enum<_Tp>, is_pointer<_Tp>,
  611     : public __or_<is_arithmetic<_Tp>, is_enum<_Tp>, is_pointer<_Tp>,
  611     : public __or_<is_arithmetic<_Tp>, is_enum<_Tp>, is_pointer<_Tp>,
  612                    is_member_pointer<_Tp>, is_null_pointer<_Tp>>::type
  612                    is_member_pointer<_Tp>, is_null_pointer<_Tp>>::type
  631     : public __is_member_pointer_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  638     : public __or_<is_object<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>>::type
  638     : public __or_<is_object<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>>::type
  762     typename add_rvalue_reference<_Tp>::type declval() noexcept;
  777     : public __and_<is_array<_Tp>, __not_<extent<_Tp>>>
  777     : public __and_<is_array<_Tp>, __not_<extent<_Tp>>>
  798       typedef decltype(__test<_Tp>(0)) type;
  811                remove_all_extents<_Tp>::type>::type
  825     : public __is_destructible_safe<_Tp>::type
  889       typedef decltype(__test<_Tp>(0)) type;
  894     : public __and_<__not_<is_void<_Tp>>,
  895                     __is_default_constructible_impl<_Tp>>
  915     : public __is_default_constructible_atom<_Tp>::type
  921     : public __is_default_constructible_safe<_Tp>::type
  984       typedef decltype(__test<_Tp, _Arg>(0)) type;
  989     : public __and_<is_destructible<_Tp>,
  990                     __is_direct_constructible_impl<_Tp, _Arg>>
 1072 			 __is_direct_constructible_ref_cast<_Tp, _Arg>,
 1073 			 __is_direct_constructible_new_safe<_Tp, _Arg>
 1079     : public __is_direct_constructible_new<_Tp, _Arg>::type
 1119     : public __is_direct_constructible<_Tp, _Arg>
 1130     : public __is_constructible_impl<_Tp, _Args...>::type
 1215     : public __and_<is_constructible<_Tp, _Args...>,
 1216 		    __is_nt_constructible_impl<_Tp, _Args...>>
 1246     : public is_nothrow_constructible<_Tp, _Tp&&>
 1246     : public is_nothrow_constructible<_Tp, _Tp&&>
 1252     : public __is_nothrow_move_constructible_impl<_Tp>
 1286     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, const _Tp&>
 1286     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, const _Tp&>
 1292     : public __is_copy_assignable_impl<_Tp>
 1304     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, _Tp&&>
 1304     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, _Tp&&>
 1310     : public __is_move_assignable_impl<_Tp>
 1377     static void __helper(const _Tp&);
 1380     static true_type __test(const _Tp&,
 1381                             decltype(__helper<const _Tp&>({}))* = 0);
 1390     typedef decltype(__test(declval<_Tp>())) type;
 1395       : public __is_implicitly_default_constructible_impl<_Tp>::type
 1400       : public __and_<is_default_constructible<_Tp>,
 1401                       __is_implicitly_default_constructible_safe<_Tp>>
 1526 	static void __test_aux(_To1);
 1538       typedef decltype(__test<_From, _To>(0)) type;
 1545     : public __is_convertible_helper<_From, _To>::type
 1554     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1558     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1563     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1574       remove_const<typename remove_volatile<_Tp>::type>::type     type;
 1629     { typedef _Tp   type; };
 1633     { typedef _Tp   type; };
 1659     { typedef _Tp&&   type; };
 1664     : public __add_rvalue_reference_helper<_Tp>
 1955     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 2131       typedef _Tp __type;