reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


   39     T value;
   60   explicit OptionalStorage(in_place_t, Args &&... args)
   61       : value(std::forward<Args>(args)...), hasVal(true) {}
   72   T &getValue() LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION noexcept {
   76   T const &getValue() const LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION noexcept {
   81   T &&getValue() && noexcept {
   87   template <class... Args> void emplace(Args &&... args) {
   89     ::new ((void *)std::addressof(value)) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
   89     ::new ((void *)std::addressof(value)) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
  216   optional_detail::OptionalStorage<T> Storage;
  219   using value_type = T;
  224   Optional(const T &y) : Storage(optional_detail::in_place_t{}, y) {}
  227   Optional(T &&y) : Storage(optional_detail::in_place_t{}, std::move(y)) {}
  230   Optional &operator=(T &&y) {
  241   static inline Optional create(const T *y) {
  245   Optional &operator=(const T &y) {
  253   const T *getPointer() const { return &Storage.getValue(); }
  254   T *getPointer() { return &Storage.getValue(); }
  255   const T &getValue() const LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION { return Storage.getValue(); }
  256   T &getValue() LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION { return Storage.getValue(); }
  260   const T *operator->() const { return getPointer(); }
  261   T *operator->() { return getPointer(); }
  262   const T &operator*() const LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION { return getValue(); }
  263   T &operator*() LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION { return getValue(); }
  266   constexpr T getValueOr(U &&value) const LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION {
  271   T &&getValue() && { return std::move(Storage.getValue()); }
  272   T &&operator*() && { return std::move(Storage.getValue()); }
  275   T getValueOr(U &&value) && {
  129   ValueTy second;
  134   StringMapEntryStorage(size_t strLen, InitTy &&... InitVals)
  135       : StringMapEntryBase(strLen), second(std::forward<InitTy>(InitVals)...) {}
  138   const ValueTy &getValue() const { return second; }
  139   ValueTy &getValue() { return second; }
  141   void setValue(const ValueTy &V) { second = V; }
  158 class StringMapEntry final : public StringMapEntryStorage<ValueTy> {
  160   using StringMapEntryStorage<ValueTy>::StringMapEntryStorage;
  179                                 InitTy &&... InitVals) {
  192     new (NewItem) StringMapEntry(KeyLength, std::forward<InitTy>(InitVals)...);
  204   static StringMapEntry *Create(StringRef Key, InitType &&... InitVal) {
  246   using MapEntryTy = StringMapEntry<ValueTy>;
  260   StringMap(std::initializer_list<std::pair<StringRef, ValueTy>> List)
  330   using mapped_type = ValueTy;
  331   using value_type = StringMapEntry<ValueTy>;
  334   using const_iterator = StringMapConstIterator<ValueTy>;
  335   using iterator = StringMapIterator<ValueTy>;
  350   iterator_range<StringMapKeyIterator<ValueTy>> keys() const {
  369   ValueTy lookup(StringRef Key) const {
  378   ValueTy &operator[](StringRef Key) { return try_emplace(Key).first->second; }
  413   std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(std::pair<StringRef, ValueTy> KV) {
  432   std::pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(StringRef Key, ArgsTy &&... Args) {
  441     Bucket = MapEntryTy::Create(Key, Allocator, std::forward<ArgsTy>(Args)...);
  531     : public StringMapIterBase<StringMapConstIterator<ValueTy>,
  532                                const StringMapEntry<ValueTy>> {
  533   using base = StringMapIterBase<StringMapConstIterator<ValueTy>,
  534                                  const StringMapEntry<ValueTy>>;
  542   const StringMapEntry<ValueTy> &operator*() const {
  548 class StringMapIterator : public StringMapIterBase<StringMapIterator<ValueTy>,
  549                                                    StringMapEntry<ValueTy>> {
  551       StringMapIterBase<StringMapIterator<ValueTy>, StringMapEntry<ValueTy>>;
  551       StringMapIterBase<StringMapIterator<ValueTy>, StringMapEntry<ValueTy>>;
  559   StringMapEntry<ValueTy> &operator*() const {
  563   operator StringMapConstIterator<ValueTy>() const {
   30   T t;
   39 template <typename T> union SizerImpl<T> { char arr[sizeof(T)]; };
   50       llvm::detail::SizerImpl<T, Ts...>)];
   59   static const bool isRef = std::is_reference<T>::value;
   61   using wrap = std::reference_wrapper<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>;
   64   using storage_type = typename std::conditional<isRef, wrap, T>::type;
   67   using reference = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type &;
   68   using const_reference = const typename std::remove_reference<T>::type &;
   69   using pointer = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type *;
   70   using const_pointer = const typename std::remove_reference<T>::type *;
   87   ErrorOr(OtherT &&Val,
   88           typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherT, T>::value>::type
   88           typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherT, T>::value>::type
   91     new (getStorage()) storage_type(std::forward<OtherT>(Val));
  100       const ErrorOr<OtherT> &Other,
  101       typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherT, T>::value>::type * =
  101       typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherT, T>::value>::type * =
  120       ErrorOr<OtherT> &&Other,
  121       typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherT, T>::value>::type * =
  121       typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherT, T>::value>::type * =
  177   void copyConstruct(const ErrorOr<OtherT> &Other) {
  209   void moveConstruct(ErrorOr<OtherT> &&Other) {
  222   void moveAssign(ErrorOr<OtherT> &&Other) {
   67   static Status copyWithNewName(const Status &In, const Twine &NewName);
   67   static Status copyWithNewName(const Status &In, const Twine &NewName);
   68   static Status copyWithNewName(const llvm::sys::fs::file_status &In,
   87   bool equivalent(const Status &Other) const;
  106   virtual llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status() = 0;
  249   virtual llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status(const Twine &Path) = 0;
  334   llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status(const Twine &Path) override;
  374   llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status(const Twine &Path) override {
  476   llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status(const Twine &Path) override;
  592     Status S;
  597                               Status S)
  600     RedirectingDirectoryEntry(StringRef Name, Status S)
  603     Status getStatus() { return S; }
  711   ErrorOr<Status> status(const Twine &Path, Entry *E);
  724   ErrorOr<Status> status(const Twine &Path) override;
   91     T t;
  122     static auto get(F*) -> decltype(std::declval<F &>() = std::declval<const F &>(), std::true_type{});
  122     static auto get(F*) -> decltype(std::declval<F &>() = std::declval<const F &>(), std::true_type{});
  122     static auto get(F*) -> decltype(std::declval<F &>() = std::declval<const F &>(), std::true_type{});
  130     static auto get(F*) -> decltype(std::declval<F &>() = std::declval<F &&>(), std::true_type{});
  130     static auto get(F*) -> decltype(std::declval<F &>() = std::declval<F &&>(), std::true_type{});
  130     static auto get(F*) -> decltype(std::declval<F &>() = std::declval<F &&>(), std::true_type{});
  145       std::is_copy_constructible<detail::trivial_helper<T>>::value;
  147       !std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value;
  151       std::is_move_constructible<detail::trivial_helper<T>>::value;
  153       !std::is_move_constructible<T>::value;
  157       is_copy_assignable<detail::trivial_helper<T>>::value;
  159       !is_copy_assignable<T>::value;
  163       is_move_assignable<detail::trivial_helper<T>>::value;
  165       !is_move_assignable<T>::value;
  169       std::is_destructible<detail::trivial_helper<T>>::value;
  199   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> status(const Twine &Path) override {
   77 Status Status::copyWithNewName(const Status &In, const Twine &NewName) {
   77 Status Status::copyWithNewName(const Status &In, const Twine &NewName) {
   83 Status Status::copyWithNewName(const file_status &In, const Twine &NewName) {
   89 bool Status::equivalent(const Status &Other) const {
  176   Status S;
  189   ErrorOr<Status> status() override;
  202 ErrorOr<Status> RealFile::status() {
  208     S = Status::copyWithNewName(RealStatus, S.getName());
  255   ErrorOr<Status> status(const Twine &Path) override;
  287 ErrorOr<Status> RealFileSystem::status(const Twine &Path) {
  293   return Status::copyWithNewName(RealStatus, Path);
  400 ErrorOr<Status> OverlayFileSystem::status(const Twine &Path) {
  403     ErrorOr<Status> Status = (*I)->status(Path);
  548   Status Stat;
  552   InMemoryFile(Status Stat, std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Buffer)
  559   Status getStatus(const Twine &RequestedName) const {
  560     return Status::copyWithNewName(Stat, RequestedName);
  606   llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status() override {
  623   Status Stat;
  627   InMemoryDirectory(Status Stat)
  633   Status getStatus(const Twine &RequestedName) const {
  634     return Status::copyWithNewName(Stat, RequestedName);
  667 Status getNodeStatus(const InMemoryNode *Node, const Twine &RequestedName) {
  735           Status Stat(P.str(), getNextVirtualUniqueID(),
  751       Status Stat(
  862 llvm::ErrorOr<Status> InMemoryFileSystem::status(const Twine &Path) {
 1085   ErrorOr<Status> S = status(Dir, *E);
 1701 static Status getRedirectedFileStatus(const Twine &Path, bool UseExternalNames,
 1702                                       Status ExternalStatus) {
 1703   Status S = ExternalStatus;
 1705     S = Status::copyWithNewName(S, Path);
 1710 ErrorOr<Status> RedirectingFileSystem::status(const Twine &Path,
 1714     ErrorOr<Status> S = ExternalFS->status(F->getExternalContentsPath());
 1722     return Status::copyWithNewName(DE->getStatus(), Path);
 1726 ErrorOr<Status> RedirectingFileSystem::status(const Twine &Path) {
 1743   Status S;
 1746   FileWithFixedStatus(std::unique_ptr<File> InnerFile, Status S)
 1749   ErrorOr<Status> status() override { return S; }
 1787   Status S = getRedirectedFileStatus(Path, F->useExternalName(UseExternalNames),
  238   std::error_code getStatValue(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status,
  399                                         llvm::vfs::Status &Result);
   51   get(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status, bool isFile,
   59   virtual std::error_code getStat(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status,
   71   llvm::StringMap<llvm::vfs::Status, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator> StatCalls;
   74       llvm::StringMap<llvm::vfs::Status,
   80   std::error_code getStat(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status,
   54   static CachedFileSystemEntry createDirectoryEntry(llvm::vfs::Status &&Stat);
   72   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> getStatus() const {
   96   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> MaybeStat;
  152   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> status(const Twine &Path) override;
  158   llvm::vfs::Status Status;
  252   llvm::vfs::Status Status;
  361   llvm::vfs::Status Status;
  404   llvm::vfs::Status Status;
  497 FileManager::getStatValue(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status,
  514                                    llvm::vfs::Status &Result) {
  518   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> S = FS->status(FilePath.c_str());
   34 FileSystemStatCache::get(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status,
   47     llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> StatusOrErr = FS.status(Path);
   70       llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> StatusOrErr = (*OwnedFile)->status();
  102 MemorizeStatCalls::getStat(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status,
  220 template <class T> bool moveOnNoError(llvm::ErrorOr<T> Val, T &Output) {
  220 template <class T> bool moveOnNoError(llvm::ErrorOr<T> Val, T &Output) {
  448     llvm::vfs::Status Status;
  464     llvm::vfs::Status Status;
  482     llvm::vfs::Status Status;
  156     llvm::vfs::Status Status;
   25   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> Stat = (*MaybeFile)->status();
   95 CachedFileSystemEntry::createDirectoryEntry(llvm::vfs::Status &&Stat) {
  198 llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status>
  216                    llvm::vfs::Status Stat)
  219   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> status() override { return Stat; }
  233   llvm::vfs::Status Stat;
   26                                      llvm::vfs::Status S) {
   39 llvm::Optional<llvm::vfs::Status>
   49     return llvm::vfs::Status::copyWithNewName(I->getValue(), File);
   79     llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> status(const llvm::Twine &Path) override {
  102     llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> status(const llvm::Twine &Path) override {
   43   void update(const llvm::vfs::FileSystem &FS, llvm::vfs::Status S);
   46   llvm::Optional<llvm::vfs::Status> lookup(llvm::StringRef Path) const;
   66   llvm::StringMap<llvm::vfs::Status> StatCache;
   59     llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> status() override {
  915         llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> status(const Twine &Path) override {
   37   llvm::vfs::Status S("fake", llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID(123, 456),
   29   llvm::StringMap<llvm::vfs::Status, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator> StatCalls;
   41     llvm::vfs::Status Status(Path, llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID(1, INode),
   60   std::error_code getStat(StringRef Path, llvm::vfs::Status &Status,
   81   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> GetStatus(const FileSpec &file_spec) const;
   82   llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> GetStatus(const llvm::Twine &path) const;
  182     llvm::ErrorOr<llvm::vfs::Status> Status = fs.GetStatus(Entry.path());
   98 llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status>
  103 llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status> FileSystem::GetStatus(const Twine &path) const {
  113   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status = m_fs->status(path);
  124   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status = m_fs->status(path);
  146   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status = m_fs->status(path);
  169   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status = m_fs->status(path);
  198     ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status = m_fs->status(Item.path());
   24   vfs::Status S;
   25   explicit DummyFile(vfs::Status S) : S(S) {}
   26   llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status() override { return S; }
   39   std::map<std::string, vfs::Status> FilesAndDirs;
   49   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status(const Twine &Path) override {
   50     std::map<std::string, vfs::Status>::iterator I =
   87     std::map<std::string, vfs::Status> &FilesAndDirs;
   88     std::map<std::string, vfs::Status>::iterator I;
   98     DirIterImpl(std::map<std::string, vfs::Status> &FilesAndDirs,
  131   void addEntry(StringRef Path, const vfs::Status &Status) {
  136     vfs::Status S(Path, UniqueID(FSID, FileID++),
  143     vfs::Status S(Path, UniqueID(FSID, FileID++),
  150     vfs::Status S(Path, UniqueID(FSID, FileID++),
   30   vfs::Status S;
   31   explicit DummyFile(vfs::Status S) : S(S) {}
   32   llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status() override { return S; }
   45   std::map<std::string, vfs::Status> FilesAndDirs;
   46   typedef std::map<std::string, vfs::Status>::const_iterator const_iterator;
   56   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> status(const Twine &Path) override {
   93     std::map<std::string, vfs::Status> &FilesAndDirs;
   94     std::map<std::string, vfs::Status>::iterator I;
  104     DirIterImpl(std::map<std::string, vfs::Status> &FilesAndDirs,
  137   void addEntry(StringRef Path, const vfs::Status &Status) {
  151     vfs::Status S(Path, UniqueID(FSID, FileID++),
  158     vfs::Status S(Path, UniqueID(FSID, FileID++),
  165     vfs::Status S(Path, UniqueID(FSID, FileID++),
  188   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status((std::error_code()));
  221   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status2 = D->status("/foo");
  228   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status((std::error_code()));
  238   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status2((std::error_code()));
  282   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status1((std::error_code())),
  323   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status1 = Lower->status("/lower-only");
  325   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status2 = O->status("/lower-only");
  344   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status((std::error_code()));
  371   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status((std::error_code()));
 1409   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> S = O->status("//root/file1");
 1414   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> SLower = O->status("//root/foo/bar/a");
 1462   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> S = O->status("//root/XX");
 1465   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> SS = O->status("//root/xx");
 1498   ErrorOr<vfs::Status> SS = O->status("//root/xx");
 2045   llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status = FS->status("./a");
 2101   llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status = FS->status("bar/a");
 2158   llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status = FS->status("bar/a");
   46     inline _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR _Tp*
   47     __addressof(_Tp& __r) _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
   72     constexpr _Tp&&
   73     forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type& __t) noexcept
   83     constexpr _Tp&&
   84     forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&& __t) noexcept
   98     move(_Tp&& __t) noexcept
  136     inline _GLIBCXX17_CONSTEXPR _Tp*
  137     addressof(_Tp& __r) noexcept
  143     const _Tp* addressof(const _Tp&&) = delete;
  143     const _Tp* addressof(const _Tp&&) = delete;
  103       typedef _Tp					mapped_type;
  104       typedef std::pair<const _Key, _Tp>		value_type;
  101 		      is_constructible<_T2, const _U2&>>::value;
  101 		      is_constructible<_T2, const _U2&>>::value;
  108 		      is_convertible<const _U2&, _T2>>::value;
  108 		      is_convertible<const _U2&, _T2>>::value;
  129 				  is_convertible<_U2&&, _T2>>;
  129 				  is_convertible<_U2&&, _T2>>;
  134 		      is_constructible<_T2, _U2&&>,
  134 		      is_constructible<_T2, _U2&&>,
  209     : private __pair_base<_T1, _T2>
  212       typedef _T2 second_type;   /// @c second_type is the second bound type
  215       _T2 second;                /// @c second is a copy of the second object
  252       using _PCCP = _PCC<true, _T1, _T2>;
  260       constexpr pair(const _T1& __a, const _T2& __b)
  269       explicit constexpr pair(const _T1& __a, const _T2& __b)
  283 			    _T1, _T2>;
  311        constexpr pair(_U1&& __x, const _T2& __y)
  318        explicit constexpr pair(_U1&& __x, const _T2& __y)
  325        constexpr pair(const _T1& __x, _U2&& __y)
  342 	: first(std::forward<_U1>(__x)), second(std::forward<_U2>(__y)) { }
  380 		       is_copy_assignable<_T2>>::value,
  391 		       is_move_assignable<_T2>>::value,
  824     make_unique(_Args&&... __args)
  825     { return unique_ptr<_Tp>(new _Tp(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)); }
  215     : public __is_void_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  326     : public __is_integral_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  354     : public __is_floating_point_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  381     : public __is_pointer_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  567     : public __is_null_pointer_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  581     : public __or_<is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>,
  582                    is_rvalue_reference<_Tp>>::type
  588     : public __or_<is_integral<_Tp>, is_floating_point<_Tp>>::type
  588     : public __or_<is_integral<_Tp>, is_floating_point<_Tp>>::type
  601     : public __not_<__or_<is_function<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>,
  601     : public __not_<__or_<is_function<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>,
  602                           is_void<_Tp>>>::type
  611     : public __or_<is_arithmetic<_Tp>, is_enum<_Tp>, is_pointer<_Tp>,
  611     : public __or_<is_arithmetic<_Tp>, is_enum<_Tp>, is_pointer<_Tp>,
  611     : public __or_<is_arithmetic<_Tp>, is_enum<_Tp>, is_pointer<_Tp>,
  612                    is_member_pointer<_Tp>, is_null_pointer<_Tp>>::type
  612                    is_member_pointer<_Tp>, is_null_pointer<_Tp>>::type
  631     : public __is_member_pointer_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  638     : public __or_<is_object<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>>::type
  638     : public __or_<is_object<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>>::type
  762     typename add_rvalue_reference<_Tp>::type declval() noexcept;
  777     : public __and_<is_array<_Tp>, __not_<extent<_Tp>>>
  777     : public __and_<is_array<_Tp>, __not_<extent<_Tp>>>
  798       typedef decltype(__test<_Tp>(0)) type;
  811                remove_all_extents<_Tp>::type>::type
  825     : public __is_destructible_safe<_Tp>::type
  984       typedef decltype(__test<_Tp, _Arg>(0)) type;
  989     : public __and_<is_destructible<_Tp>,
  990                     __is_direct_constructible_impl<_Tp, _Arg>>
 1072 			 __is_direct_constructible_ref_cast<_Tp, _Arg>,
 1073 			 __is_direct_constructible_new_safe<_Tp, _Arg>
 1079     : public __is_direct_constructible_new<_Tp, _Arg>::type
 1119     : public __is_direct_constructible<_Tp, _Arg>
 1130     : public __is_constructible_impl<_Tp, _Args...>::type
 1142     : public is_constructible<_Tp, const _Tp&>
 1142     : public is_constructible<_Tp, const _Tp&>
 1148     : public __is_copy_constructible_impl<_Tp>
 1160     : public is_constructible<_Tp, _Tp&&>
 1160     : public is_constructible<_Tp, _Tp&&>
 1166     : public __is_move_constructible_impl<_Tp>
 1286     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, const _Tp&>
 1286     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, const _Tp&>
 1292     : public __is_copy_assignable_impl<_Tp>
 1304     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, _Tp&&>
 1304     : public is_assignable<_Tp&, _Tp&&>
 1310     : public __is_move_assignable_impl<_Tp>
 1526 	static void __test_aux(_To1);
 1538       typedef decltype(__test<_From, _To>(0)) type;
 1538       typedef decltype(__test<_From, _To>(0)) type;
 1545     : public __is_convertible_helper<_From, _To>::type
 1545     : public __is_convertible_helper<_From, _To>::type
 1554     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1563     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1574       remove_const<typename remove_volatile<_Tp>::type>::type     type;
 1629     { typedef _Tp   type; };
 1633     { typedef _Tp   type; };
 1659     { typedef _Tp&&   type; };
 1664     : public __add_rvalue_reference_helper<_Tp>
 1955     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 2171     { typedef _Iffalse type; };